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Nursing: Department of Nursing Clinical Reflection Form __ : Significant clinical experienceToday I attended to a Chinese patient who was on fluid restriction of two thousand milliliters per day. The patient was also bed bound and I assisted him in turning on bed. I fed the patient and helped him urinate and defecate since he is incumbent and cannot feed on his own efforts. I crushed the food and all the solid medicine for the patient since he could only feed on liquid food. I monitored his fluid intake very keenly.
I also ensured the patient is re positioned after each and every two hours. I barely talked used sign language to communicate to the patient.ReflectionFrom the experience with the Chinese patient, I learnt how to communicate with a non-English speaker patient by use of sign language. I also learnt how to keenly monitor how he swallowed the fluid foods and put great care to turn the patient after every two hours. I also learnt more in listening to the lungs sounds very keenly. My friendliness to the patients never failed me.
It made the patient feel at home and feel comfortable on my arms.I think I did great job by ensuring that the patient was comfortable all the times. I also did much by ensuring that the patient never dirtied himself with his excretes since he was unable to handle himself. Throughout the nursing period I ensured close contact with the patient.Summary Today as I attended to the Chinese patient I felt I was very effective and caring to my patient. I went extra mile since the patient was dependent.
I felt the pain as the patient swallowed the meals in great trouble. It was sad to see the patient being turned on bed every time. I felt the pain though proved much confident and never indicated any sign of fear. However, on the other hand, I felt I had the weakness in using the sign language. Communication was the great challenge of mine since I couldn’t interpret some of the signs by the patient.Goals My goal for the next clinical day is to improve on my understanding of the sign language between me and the patient who cannot understand English.
Another significant goal is to improve on my skills and abilities in the field.ReferenceLynn, P. B. (2010). Taylors handbook of clinical nursing skills. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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