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Theory, Research and Practice - Essay Example

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Severe wounds represent a significant burden to individuals, health care and the U.S healthcare system, estimated to affect almost 5.7 Million patients. Wound healing undergoes through four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling (Res J., 2010). A study by…
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Theory, Research and Practice
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Wound Care Severe wounds represent a significant burden to individuals, health care and the U.S healthcare system, estimated to affect almost 5.7 Million patients. Wound healing undergoes through four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling (Res J., 2010). A study by the Florida hospitals involved a female patient with a medical history of IHSS and required replacement surgery. While undergoing therapy, she sustained deep ulcerations of the lower legs. Upon examining and measuring the wound, it was evident that it was covered with a black eschar.

In 2009, the patient experienced placement of primatrix and grafting. Wound care has evolved over the years, with expansive knowledge and research advancement in treatment and wound healing has been noticeable. Doctors and nurses have been able to assess wounds more accurately, identify related problems and issues sooner, outline interventions and reduce morbidity. To update one on the current evidence based wound management, the resources focus on patient assessment suffering from chronic wounds, wound care optimization with effective wound bed preparation and the selection of appropriate wound dressing.

Developing an elaborate plan of care depends on undertaking an extensive evaluation of the patient and the wound. Nurses ought to determine if the wound is severe or acute and the cause of the wound. Nurses may also result in examining the patient’s medical history if they fail to determine the cause of the wound. Wound assessment should be conducted properly as it significantly influences the care and healing process. The wound is supposed to be carefully, and proper assessment conducted to develop a care procedure.

Assessing severe wounds can be cumbersome and challenging as some wounds have irregular shapes that change often, a note to add is that if the patient is attended to by different nurses, they may harbor different opinions about the wound and its shape. Wound dressing plays a vital role in supporting moist wound healing and maintenance of a moist wound bed. Wound dressing depends on various factors such as; shape of the wound, wound, frequency of wound dress and the presence or absence of pain and issues such as itching (Upton, Penn, Richardson & Rippon, 2014).

Evidence-based research has been well described using different nursing theories and conceptual framework of nurses. Conceptual framework deals with concepts that that are assembled due to their relevance to a common issue (Cherry & Jacob, 2013). They serve as a springboard for the hypothesis test. Conceptual models in nursing are built on four central concepts; person, environment, health and nursing also known as the system-oriented conceptual framework. It was developed by King, Imogene (Parker & Smith, 2010).

Nursing theories such as the general theory of self-care by Orem have great application. Orem identified three nursing systems; wholly compensatory, partially compensatory and support-educative. Such theories are on the framework of self-care whereby the practice of activities that people initiates and perform on their own behalf in maintenance of their well-being. Such concepts are used to generate theories that support evidence-based research. Wound care focuses on assessment, care and dressing of wounds.

As much as the nurses are involved, the individual is liable for the care of the wound (self-care).ReferenceCherry B., & Jacob S., (2013), Contemporary Nursing, Issues, Trends, & Management. Elsevier Health SciencesParker M., & Smith M., (2010), Nursing theories & Nursing practice. F.A DavisRes J., (2010), Factors affecting wound healing. ArticleUpton D., Penn F., Richardson C., & Rippon M., (2014), Psychological management of wound pruritus. Journal of Wound Carehttps://www.floridahospital.

com/memorial-medical-center/wound-care-hyperbaric- medicine/wound-care-case-studies

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