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My nursing metaparadigm is focused on holistic approach of healing that incorporates physical, mental and social perspectives of individuals that influence their overall well being. Nursing is intrinsically linked to goal based healthcare delivered to sick persons. My concept of nursing is hugely facilitating for nursing goals. Through empowered decision making, helps deliver good medical care. At the same time, it also promotes development of special nurse-client relationship based on trust and sharing of information and knowledge so that it can be applied for effective recovery.
In the changing socio-cultural environment and holistic nursing takes into consideration the wider implication of the environment within which the patient lives. I believe that nursing needs to go beyond the precinct of medical intervention to include external environment that influence patient’s welfare and decision making. My definition of nursing metaparadigm is closely aligned to the nursing theory of ‘The Stability Model of Change’. The theory primarily relies on the fact that change is consistent and people tend to adapt to changes to maintain equilibrium with the changing environment for improved healthcare and well being.
In this instance, Jean watson’s Human Science and Human Care theory becomes highly relevant. It insists that major aim of nursing is to help individuals to gain harmony within mind, body and soul (case study, p140). Thus, caretive factors become facilitators of healing process. For example, when a cancer patient is encouraged to be happy and enjoy his present, he is more like to get well and challenge death. Thus, environmental factors that are aided and abetted by positive attitude considerably bring harmony of mind, body and soul.
(words: 269)Reference case study as provided
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