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Evidence for Practice Innovation. Evidence-Based Nursing - Essay Example

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The major aim of integrating evidence into practice is to ensure that the nurses in practice deliver healthcare that is scientific. It will also ensure that the healthcare services offered are cost effective. EBPN is based on obtaining solid research findings, deducing them, and integrating those that are applicable in the nursing practice. …
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Evidence for Practice Innovation. Evidence-Based Nursing
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? Evidence for Practice Innovation Introduction Practice innovation is based on the idea of evidence based nursing practice. Evidence based practice in nursing, EBPN, is used to gauge the quality of services offered by an individual nurse, during practice. It is done by obtaining research findings that are concrete and executing them in the nursing practice. It makes use of some concepts of the ancient evidence based medicine. This has recently been started to incorporate evidence in nursing practice1. The major aim of integrating evidence into practice is to ensure that the nurses in practice deliver healthcare that is scientific. It will also ensure that the healthcare services offered are cost effective. EBPN is based on obtaining solid research findings, deducing them, and integrating those that are applicable in the nursing practice. For one to comply with the necessities of magnet designation, a nurse in practice is compelled to understand the idea of evidence based practice.  Due to the fact that evidence in nursing practice is a recent idea, it has not been embraced by many nurses. In fact only about 15% of the nurses in practice work within the requirements of evidence based practice. This small percentage is quite devastating since this concept has been well explained and its significance documented2. This figure also shows the negative attitude that is present among the nurses towards the concept in question. Due to this negative attitude they have not embraced the concept thus derailing its success. It is also human that people become resistant to changes that occur in their field of work, especially if the change is as demanding as in the case of carrying out researches as in this case of evidence based practice. Many decisions that are made in bid to improve the quality of health care services offered always leaves out EBPN showing some bias towards the idea. This calls for the nurse leaders to take the initiative to find a way through which they can facilitate the diffusion of the concept of evidence among the nurses. These leaders will have to innovate an easier way to facilitate the nursing workforce to adopt this excellent concept of evidence based nursing practice. This thus forms the platform for the discussion of this topic on evidence based practice innovation amongst the nursing workforce. In this essay the issues to be discussed include the following. First, is the reason as to why the subject was chosen for discussion, second is to formulate a focus question. The essay also requires the writer to plan and carry out a structured search in order to find relevant evidence that will answer the focused question. Synthesis, appraisal and evaluation of differing types of evidence will be discussed and so will be the relevance of this topic to practice development.    Rationale for the choice of the subject Evidence for practice innovation being the topic of the discussion was chosen for various reasons. To begin with, there is a great necessity to innovate the concept of evidence for practice so as to make it easy for the nursing workforce to embrace the idea of evidence in practice. This is because the idea of evidence is very beneficial in the nursing profession and it will ensure that the services offered by the nursing workforce are scientific. Being one of the people in favor for the evidence based nurse practice; the writer is obliged to facilitate its innovation so as to eradicate the negative attitude many nurses have towards it3. Many nurses that are in practice face a huge challenge in translating research evidence into their practice. For this reason many of them recent the idea of using EBPN in their practice. If this idea was innovated making the interpretation process easy, many of these nurses would embrace the idea with lots of ease. Innovation would also be a wise move to ensure that there is adequate time for clinical attention to the patient. Time has always been a challenge for the nurses due to the increasing demand in health care services. Another reason why the writer would like to address the issue is due to the challenge that exists in the type of information available, the amount too being included. It is argued that the type and amount is inadequate for clear understanding of the concept of evidence based nursing practice. This challenge should be greatly looked into and solved to ensure that there is clear and proper understanding of the concept that is in question. Another challenge that comes along with EBPN that necessitates innovation is the methods used to infer the findings from researches. There is a necessity to improve the accuracy of systems used to infer the findings of the research to patient situations.  These systems used have to be innovated in such a manner that will enhance accuracy of the conclusions made.  In addition, there is also the problem of discovery of knowledge and how to interpret the findings. Just as stated earlier on, there is the need of a proper method that will be understood by everyone in practice while they are deducing findings from research work. Another problem arises in the relation of the findings to the nursing practice. Many of the nurses find it difficult to relate the discoveries with the daily occurrences in hospitals. It has been found out that many of them do not relate the findings with a patient’s situation thus making it difficult to give the professional health care as expected of them. Failure to address these issues will result in the failure to achieve the intended intention of the evidence based nursing practice. Another challenge that faces evidence based practice that necessitates its innovation includes the opposition even from some leaders in the nursing department. Some leaders have not embraced the concept due to the fact that they are for the feeling that the idea is not so good for the operations carried out during nursing practice. This is partly for the reasons discussed above and others to be discussed in this section. This shows that for all the leaders to be contented with the idea, a lot has to be done in the innovation of the idea to fit them in. Moreover, the idea of evidence that is based on research is of great importance due to the fact that it will assist in the management of research knowledge that is evolving frequently, with this it will reduce the number of quacks present in the pretext of being real doctors. It is also known that EBPN facilitates the incorporation of the expectations of patients who require a thorough prove of their health conditions. Evidence based practice also forms the foundation of educating the student nurses4. With no doubt, it also gives a life time lesson that one will not easily forget since there is research and evidence involved in the scientific conclusions that are made. Due to the fact that there is involvement of the nurse in the research and obtaining of results, the nurse will understand the concept being investigated better than if it was just said theoretically. All these reasons given above, that is both the challenges and benefits of EBPN form the basis of the choice of the topic chosen by the writer. The writer thus proposes the innovation of the idea of evidence based practice in nursing so as to eradicate the challenges mentioned. If there are inadequate staff in a nursing practice, it will be inconveniencing to close a whole practices to ensure that the nurses attend workshops for training on evidence based practice. Time also is a challenge due to inadequate nurses that deal with a large number of patients. Solving this challenge would mean adequate funds being provided for workshops and a larger workforce employed to increase the number of nurses attending these workshops5. This will enhance development in the field of nursing by educating more nurses on the necessity of EBPN thus increasing the probability of achieving good quality healthcare services. Another benefit of the innovation of evidence-based practice is there will be a great workforce that will have the knowledge on how the concept of evidence based practice works. The workforce will easily manage to interpret the findings from research work; it will also be easy for the nurses to relate the findings with situations in their working environments. This implies that the goal of evidence based practice will be at a higher probability of being achieved and this will, therefore, enhance the development of the nursing practice. The innovation of EBPN will also lead to the revision of the systems of inferring the results obtained from research. This will make it easier for the nurses in practice to compare theoretical information to real information obtained from the data from the research. There will also be the provision of more material that is simplified, which will assist the nurses to carry out individual learning. Many nurses will therefore embrace the idea of EBPN and in the long run there will be quality services provided and satisfaction among the clients. Finally this will further facilitate development in the medical department. Introduction of EBPN in education curriculums from the beginning of nursing courses will ensure that the young nurses that go into practice are well equipped with the concept of evidence based practice. This will help them to practice this idea for long hence equipping them appropriately for practice. This will increase the workforce that has embraced the idea in question. Another issue is that this workforce will easily influence the rest that have a negative attitude towards the idea of EBPN to embrace the concept with no difficulty. In the long run there will be facilitated development in the nursing practice. Generally, the innovation of evidence based nursing practice will result in the appraisal of the idea, causing many practicing nurses to embraces the idea. This will be of great importance to the process of development in nursing practice. This is because EBPN will facilitate satisfaction of patients’ expectations and choices and will also result in the provision of quality services, just as discussed earlier. It will also be easier for the nurses in practice to carry out their duties since the idea will be simplified in a better way that they can easily understand and incorporate it in their practice. This is a development in nursing practice in itself. Is practice innovation an inevitable feature of a health culture preoccupied with evidence- based practice? Innovation in practice can be attributed to the encouragement f professionals to utilize their acquired knowledge and skills to creatively generate and develop new ways of working, drawing on technologies, systems, theories and associated stakeholders to enhance and evaluate practice6. It has become very important to improve patient’s safety and quality health care, which does not depend on isolation. It involves doing things differently or doing different things to achieve large gains in performance. It has been a myth that most innovations come from laboratories, policy makers, or senior leaders and whether public or private come from staff working within the hospitals. It is important to understand that there are three ingredients of the discipline of innovation. They can be assumed extremely simple because they involve focus on mission, definition of significant results and doing of rigorous assessment. Over the years, different institutions have opened up on the difficulties they experience in trying to employ the discipline of innovation. The difficulties are due to various reasons, which include the fact that employees are unreliable and uncommitted. Innovations can only take place if the people involved in the institutions are aware of all the happenings taking place around them. They must be able to associate with the four different types of people that are commonly at their service. These four groups are differentiated using their age and include traditionalists, baby boomers, generation X, and the millennial. Generally, the innovation of evidence based nursing practice will result in the appraisal of the idea, causing many practicing nurses to embraces the idea. This will be of great importance to the process of development in nursing practice. This is because EBPN will facilitate satisfaction of patients’ expectations and choices and will also result in the provision of quality services, just as discussed earlier7. It will also be easier for the nurses in practice to carry out their duties since the idea will be simplified in a better way that they can easily understand and incorporate it in their practice. This is a development in nursing practice in itself. Every one of them is always after identifying themselves as those with the best skill in the field of nursing since innovation is all about skill. In meetings held in the hospitals, it is important to give information on the various ways evidence based practice has improved the patient’s outcome. For example, a nurse is faced with a situation where she is supposed to attend to a patient with pressure ulcers. The hospital cannot offer this treatment at the required time, which forces the nurse to find different methods that can help the patient. She places packets of sugar in the pressure ulcer and later painted the same area with an antacid to improve wound healing. According to theory, heat can be used to minimize infection so she places a heat lamp over the pressure ulcer to prevent infection and aid in the healing. It might be amazing to use the heat because a moist wound promotes healing rather than a dry one8. However, it is essential to note that sometimes the pressure ulcers improved in spite of the interventions but evidence to support the interventions are not available. Compared with regularly used dressings for wounds, honey is a better treatment in mild to moderate superficial and burns. Honey has been used for a long time to heal wounds, and recent reports have tried to find the reasons behind its effect. Continued practice of this method resulted in to an innovation hence describing Evidence based practice as the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values9. There are different models that can be used to ensure that there is transformation to move evidence into practice and thereby improve care and patient outcomes. The prominent model is the ace star model that uses a five-point star to illustrate the five major stages of knowledge transformation. These stages include knowledge discovery, evidence synthesis, translation into practice recommendations, implementation into practice and, evaluation. For this reason, the health care environment and that of new evidence based practices have rapidly changed. This has continually improved because there has been development of evidence reports and technology assessments in the health care sector. Evidence based practice explores the empiric way of knowing, focusing on methods of critically appraising and applying available data and research to understand and inform clinical decision. It provides a way of providing answers to various questions about how to provide outstanding patient’s care10. It is essential to ensure that everyone understands the importance of combining the best available evidence with clinical decision, and emphasizes a fundamental role for patient centered care. It is a vision that nurses in the twenty first century seek out evidence and apply it in their everyday practice. Evidence based practice can be described as doing the right things right. This means that it is not only doing things more efficiently and to the best standard possible, but also ensuring that which is done is done right resulting to less harm results. The key point is that if nurses can get it right about evidence-based practice, it will help to improve people’s experiences of illness and healthcare, and good establishment nursing practice. During a nurses’ career, it is evident that using research commonly referred to as evidence is an important part the job. It is essential that one generate their own evidence instead of following people’s idea. If they have any inquiry that they would like to investigate, the best way to begin is to talk to people who are interested in the same idea and to those whom you know can help you. It is significant that one knows how to use research properly. Confirmation is only functional if it is done well. One of the best ways to learn how to examine investigate is to focus periodical clubs where a paper is examined in detail to determine how well the research has been done and if it really tells you what is effective. See if your health facility has one of these meetings and go along. If not, you must read about it, and there are some good books, which tell you how to analyze a research project. It is ironical that despite the acceptance of evidence-based practice, there is an increased rate of hospital-acquired infections. It has been discovered that there are no clear aspects of nursing practice for health, whether in the community, home, or hospital, should be safe from the concept of evidence. Many people have problems accepting the problems related in this issue because the reality is still not clear. Most spheres of health related interventions and health care do not have enough evidence to what is right. For this reason, it is prioritized by generating evidence required and that which takes time if done properly. It is essential to include reflective practice in all the dealings of the evidence-based practices. This is because it is important that ethos of good professional practice reflect on the taken for granted assumptions that underpin everyday practice11. Although this is a good plan, it has been faced by many challenges. The most prominent challenge for nursing practice is to develop and draw on the well-focused evidence base. This assists in relating specific clinical treatments to improve the quality of clinical procedures. This challenge can be solved if only people are patient enough since it takes a lot of time and resources. This is because in the twenty first century life long learning is easily accepted rather than busy professionals who are in need of knowledge. As discussed above the range of setting and people with which nurses’ work, the concept of EBP is particularly challenging for medical officers, especially the nurses. This is because nurses need to draw on a wide range of evidence bases, from beyond the medical sciences to social sciences. EBN has increased in importance as healthcare professionals and the public have become aware of system flaws leading to decreased health care quality and increased costs. According to reports n various countries, each year many patients suffer from adverse events caused by medical errors where a certain percentage die because of the results. Comparing these deaths with those caused by motor vehicles, it is evident that Evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP) is the gesture of the outlook. progressively more, EBNP is being recognized as a solution to worth and superiority in treatment services12. Incorporating proof into applications is required to bring precisely good patient’s concern. In addition, knowing about the significance of substantiation is vital for gathering the brilliance necessities of attraction description. In spite of the rising recognition of EBNP and its recognized important reimbursement, the writing demonstrates that only 15% of the nursing labor force constantly practices within an EBNP framework. If EBNP espousal is to augment in the occupation, it will necessitate the vigorous hard work of nurse leaders to chase an insistent modernism transmission policy. The reason of this policy is to discuss the nurse leader's function in facilitating EBNP in nursing by academic structure beached in modernism transmission theory. The piece of writing develops four areas of spotlight in the form of dissimilar policies. Foremost, the workings of modernism diffusion theory are discussed. Next, a relevant experiential evaluation of the EBNP acceptance writing is accessible. Third, strategies for applying modernism transmission theory to smooth the progress of EBNP implementation as proposed. finally, the commentary ends with a management entitle to accomplishment. Relevance of innovation to practice development As discussed above, there is the need for innovation of the idea of evidence based practice among the nurses. This process has to be relevant to the nursing practice development. The nursing practice is developing time after time and therefore any measures taken in this field should ensure that this development is enhanced other than derailed. The innovation of EBPN is amongst these measures in the field of nursing that have to be evaluated so as not to derail the process of development13. Innovation is based on the challenges that face EBPN. This is because they form the background for innovation since the innovations to be made are in bid to solve these challenges, so as to enhance the functionality of EBPN in nursing practice. To begin with, the implementation of EBPN should be innovated so as to put into place education curriculums that will be consistent. This is due to the fact that the implementation of this idea is faced by the challenge of inconsistency in the education curriculums. Inconsistence in this case is brought about by inadequate funds that are required to carry out, and complete the researches, and also to hold workshops. Many times research activity may be left uncompleted due to this problem. This will definitely lead to a gap in the study work been done. Another reason for this challenge is time and staff. If there are inadequate staff in a nursing practice, it will be inconveniencing to close a whole practices to ensure that the nurses attend workshops for training on evidence based practice. Time also is a challenge due to inadequate nurses that deal with a large number of patients. Solving this challenge would mean adequate funds being provided for workshops and a larger workforce employed so as to increase the number of nurses attending these workshops. This will enhance development in the field of nursing by educating more nurses on the necessity of EBPN thus increasing the probability of achieving good quality healthcare services14. Another benefit of the innovation of evidence based practice is there will be a great workforce that will have the knowledge on how the concept of evidence based practice works. The workforce will easily manage to interpret the findings from research work; it will also be easy for the nurses to relate the findings with situations in their working environments. This implies that the goal of evidence based practice will be at a higher probability of being achieved and this will, therefore, enhance the development of the nursing practice. The innovation of EBPN will also lead to the revision of the systems of inferring the results obtained from research. This will make it easier for the nurses in practice to compare theoretical information to real information obtained from the data from the research. There will also be the provision of more material that is simplified, which will assist the nurses to carry out individual learning15. Many nurses will therefore embrace the idea of EBPN and in the long run there will be quality services provided and satisfaction among the clients. Finally this will further facilitate development in the medical department. Introduction of EBPN in education curriculums from the beginning of nursing courses will ensure that the young nurses that go into practice are well equipped with the concept of evidence based practice. This will help them to practice this idea for long hence equipping them appropriately for practice. This will increase the workforce that has embraced the idea in question. Another issue is that this workforce will easily influence the rest that have a negative attitude towards the idea of EBPN to embrace the concept with no difficulty. In the long run there will be facilitated development in the nursing practice. Generally, the innovation of evidence based nursing practice will result in the appraisal of the idea, causing many practicing nurses to embraces the idea. This will be of great importance to the process of development in nursing practice. This is because EBPN will facilitate satisfaction of patients’ expectations and choices and will also result in the provision of quality services, just as discussed earlier. It will also be easier for the nurses in practice to carry out their duties since the idea will be simplified in a better way that they can easily understand and incorporate it in their practice. This is a development in nursing practice in itself16. Summary of selected works The three study materials selected for summary involve the use of honey in the treatment of wounds. The three materials include the following. First is the 2009’s Cochrane collaboration Honey as topical treatment for wounds by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Second is the 2008’s Gethin G, Cowman S. Manuka honey vs. Hydrogel - a prospective, open label, multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare desloughing efficacy and healing outcomes in venous ulcers, by Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 pages 466-474. The final material is the 2009 Robson. V, Dodd S, and Thomas, S. Standardized antibacterial honey (Medihoney) with a standard therapy in wound care: randomized clinical trial, by Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(3) pages 565-575. These three study materials try to explain the use of honey in the treatment of wounds. They all conclude that honey can be used to improve the healing of superficial wounds by applying the honey on the ulcer, better than other conventional drugs used in dressings. The wounds that can be treated in this case include the acute wounds such as burns. The materials also consider the role of honey in the healing of chronic wounds such as those by diabetes, for instance leg ulcers whose healing cannot be significantly facilitated by honey till after twelve weeks. Other chronic wounds are infected surgical wounds, venous ulcers amongst others. In the comparison of the effect of manuka honey on venous ulcer compared to the use of standard hydrogel, it was concluded that the manuka honey had an increasing desloughing effect on venous ulcer, facilitated healing, and there was a reduction in the infection on the wound17. The standard hydrogel therapy had lower facilitation of healing, less desloughing, and lower reduction of infections to the wound. The manuka honey thus has a healing significance on wounds just as expected18. The study materials also show that honey can play an antibacterial role. With this characteristic, it is able to reduce the possibility of infection thus facilitating healing of the wounds. In conclusion, the idea of evidence-based practice is a brilliant idea that should be embraced by nurses that are in practice. It is therefore necessary that important innovations be made on this idea to ensure that a larger workforce appreciates the role it is meant to play. It will in the end facilitate the development of nursing practice. References A, D. (1998). Evidence-Based Nursing . A Guide to Clinical Practice , 23. CM, D. (2010). Introducing evidence into nursing practice: using the IOWA model. British Journal of Nursing , 661-664. Cover, F. (2000). Excellence in practice. Chicago: Future Strategies Inc. Fischer, L. (1997). Excellence in Practice. Chicago: Future Strategies Inc. G, A. (2003). Systematic Reviews to Support Evidence- Based Medicine. London: The Royal Society of Medicine Press. Heinrich, K. T. (2003). Nursing Education. Washington: Springer Publishing Company. J, B.-S. (2010). Learning how to undertake a systematic review. Nursing Standard , 45-56. J, B.-S. (2010). Learning how to undertake a systematic review: part1. Nursing Standard , 47-55. J, P. (2008). The burden of chronic wounds in the UK. Nursing Times , 44-47. J.V, C. (2006). The evidence-based practice manual for nurses. Wasington: Churchill Livingstone. K, F. (1998). Asking Answerable Questions. Evidence-Based Nursing , 36-37. K, G. (2000). The research process in nursing. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. K, P. (2006). Nursing Research. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Kleijnen J. (2003). Five Steps to conducting a systematic review. Journal of the royal society of medicine , 118-121. Nursing and Midwifery Council. (2008). Retrieved 01 08, 2012, from The Code:Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. : midwives/The-code/the -code-in-ful O, A. (2002). Making Sense of Critical Appraisa. New York: Hodder Arnold . S, R. W. (1997). Evidence based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. New York: ChurchillLivingstone. V, R. (2009). Standardized antibacterial honey (Medihoney) with a standard therapy in wound care. New York: iuniverse. Innovation Health and Wealth website Read More
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