Devil Got My Woman by Skip and Rock Awhile by Goree Essay - 1.
Devil Got My Woman by Skip and Rock Awhile by Goree Essay - 1.
“Devil got My Woman” significantly influenced the folk music movement; due to the appropriate and superior mixing techniques (Scot 31). “Rock Awhile” utilized the electric guitar overdriven mixing technique. This ensured musical success, and hence a strong contender for "first rock and roll record" (Robert 21). The two songs also reflect the lyrics. The lyrics of “Devil Got My Woman” are humorous and repetitive. For example; the illustrations of how he took the woman that he loved from his best friend.
The lyrics of “Rock Awhile” are strong and intense. This illustrates the over-driven musical technique. “Devil Got My woman” features vocals, piano, and guitar. “Rock Awhile” features saxophones, bass, drums, guitar, piano, and trumpet. The feel of the two songs also differ. “Devil Got My Woman” illustrates the feel of the folk music movement, which was flourishing then. Skip James sung the song, and other country blues, with enhanced intensity.
“Rock Awhile” illustrated an over-driven electric guitar approach, with a rougher edge. “Devil Got My Woman” was the last record of Skip James. He died in 1969 (Scott 12). “Rock Awhile” was not financially successful, when compared to later rock and roll music records. The five last live performances of Goree Carter was in 1970. He died in 1990 in Houston (Robert 15).
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