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A Contribution of Women to the Economy of the United Arab Emirates - Essay Example

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This paper, A Contribution of Women to the Economy of the United Arab Emirates, declares that women were restricted to the role of taking care of homes in different nations and economies around the world. The inputs of women as contributors to national economies emerged with the independence of the US…
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A Contribution of Women to the Economy of the United Arab Emirates
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 Contents BACKGROUND 3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6 RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY 8 RESEARCH APPROACHES 9 RESEARCH APPROACHES 10 OPERATIONALISATION OF THE RESEARCH 11 DATA COLLECTION 12 Sampling 12 Phase 1: Survey 13 Phase 2: Ethnographic Study 14 Phase 3: Case Study 14 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 15 THEORISATION 16 Bibliography 18 BACKGROUND From the beginning of time, most societies have viewed women as the less dominant sex and due to the nature of women as the primary bearers of children, women have been playing leading roles in domestic affairs since inception[Pur12]. This is because women are seen as the gender that is worthy of protection. Typically, a woman is under the protection of her father until she reaches a matured age and marries. This causes her to be transferred to her husband, who has traditionally been seen as the protector of his wife. In line with this, many women have been seen as the custodians and caretakers of home. Women were restricted to the role of taking care of homes in different nations and economies around the world. However, the inputs of women as contributors to national economies emerged with the independence of the United States and the Industrial Revolution of Britain[Gut13]. This is because after the independence of the United States, there was the need for the American people to work to build their nation’s economy to attain total economic liberation. Hence, women were introduced into the labour force and they were permitted to work. In Britain, the period after the loss of the North American colonies and the Napoleonic Wars caused the nation to put its entire industrial apparatus to optimal use, hence women were allowed to take up roles outside the home[Pur12]. Towards the late 19th Century, nations that were emerging as modern nations came to value the importance of the integration of women into the workforce. However, most of these nations hesitated in granting women any role in the conventional workforce of the economy. However in the first half of the 20th Century, Japan and Russia sought to provide free and liberal processes that enabled women to contribute to their nations’ development, first through their contributions to the various war efforts and then through the playing of secondary roles in the workforce[Mac11]. Eventually, after the Second World War, the United Nations was formed and one of its fundamental elements was to protect human rights and promote the equality and fair treatment of all persons in all circumstances. This caused many nations to gain independence and these nations sought to provide equal rights and equal treatments to women in the workforce. In spite of these situations, women in some parts of the world, particularly the Arab world remained confined to the home due to time-honoured traditions and religious practices. However, some relatively liberal nations emerged in the Arab world that gave women some limited role in the workforce. This includes the United Arab Emirates which honoured a secular constitution but continued to promote a fairly traditional social system. AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH The fundamental aim of the research is to measure the contribution of the female labour force to the United Arab Emirates’ Economy. This is to examine the position of women in the UAE and how women have utilised their roles to contribute to national development and national processes. In order to attain this end, the following objectives are explored: 1. A critical review of the actual areas and aspects of the Emirati economy that women are allowed to participate within; 2. An analysis of the training systems of the United Arab Emirates and how women are prepared for the Emirati workforce; 3. An evaluation of the quantitative contributions made by women to the various sectors of the UAE economy; 4. An analysis of the qualitative contributions made by Emirati women to the country’s economy. The essence of this research is to conduct an empirical study into the various elements and aspects of the role of Emirati women in contributing to the national development of the Emirati economy. This implies that there is the need to conduct different analysis and different reviews of the Emirati economy in order to decipher the actual role and the actual impact of the position of women in helping to contribute directly to the economy of the country. In order to do this, there is the need to critically evaluate and analyse the Emirati economy and identify the things women in active population groups do. This involve amongst other things, an examination of what women do from dawn to dusk and how this influences and impacts on the Emirati economy. To this end, the research will try to identify what women actually do and how their actions contribute o their nation’s economy. The next aspect of the research will try to investigate the system through which female labour is nurtured in the United Arab Emirates. To this end, there will be a critical review of the formal and informal training systems that exists for girls in the country. This will provide an insight into how girls are trained and nurtured to be integrated into the country’s workforce. From there, there could be a definition of an informal and formal sector within which women work. This will provide an insight into what women actually do and how they branch into what they do for the nation and for the economy. From there, the informal sector and the informal section of the female contribution can be deduced through various qualitative analysis and evaluations to identify the direct and indirect impacts of the female contribution to the nation’s economic growth over the past five years. This will provide an insight into the various things women do to support the country to attain its GDP and from there, the research can formulate a theory on the impact of women’s contribution to the country’s economy. After the qualitative analysis is done, there will be a quantitative analysis of the contributions made by women towards the country’s economy. This will include the identification of the positions women have in the economy and how they contribute to the country’s economy and upkeep. This will be done through the identification of the roles of women in the various economies of the country and what contribution the economy makes to the overall macroeconomic posture of the Emirates. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is a structured enquiry into a given phenomenon and it involves the use of conventional and logical methods and tools for the analysis of data to present a valid conclusion[Kot12]. This implies that research is about the use of various approaches and methods widely accepted in the field of academia to analyse data and try to provide a valid conclusion on the fundamental research questions. Research involves defining fundamental questions and trying to deduce measurable variables which are used to conduct an enquiry and a structured study into the research[Sin10]. Research is therefore done by operationalising the various variables of the research and study in order to measure one variable against another in order to observe them and come up with a conclusion on the matter. In this study, there is therefore the need to operationalise the research in order to identify the role of women as one variable and the Emirati economy as another variable. Thus, this research will try to match the contribution of women and the status of the Emirati economy within a stated and definite time period. This procedure will enable the research to become a blackbox within which data can be collected, evaluated and thoroughly reviewed to come up with conclusions on how these two variables interact with each other. Figure 1: Research Onion The figure above provides a framework within which research is designed and conducted. This is a comprehensive presentation of the various stages and the processes that a responsible researcher will analyse and evaluate the variables of a given research in order to come up with conventional conclusions that can be presented in the field of management or the social sciences. RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY Research methodology is structured in terms of defining the broad framework or the research philosophy that is going to form the framework or fundamental method and approach through which the research and study can be conducted[Tas10]. This is the main tone or the main direction that the entire research processes follow and this enables the researcher to analyse and evaluate the variables and components of the research and the study[Pri13]. Therefore the research philosophy defines the broad and overall approach and the collection of methods that will be put together to conduct an enquiry into a given matter or situation. This research will be done through a positivist approach to the study of the impact of women on the Emirati economy. “Positivism assumes that nature is orderly and knowable via the scientific method and that all phenomenon have natural causes”[Kin12]. This means that positivism tries to use a logical approach to analyse and review the main elements and aspects of a given phenomenon through a logical approach and a logical manner. Therefore positivism is about the use of a very complicated and technical approach and method to analyse and review ideas and concepts as and how they occur and exist in the real-life. Positivism is seen to be in contrast with metaphysics which is about the presentation of information through emotions and sensitivity to morals and other abstract and unseen ideas and concepts[Cro11]. This implies that positivism is about the use of various proven and empirical elements and structures to analyse and review ideas and concepts in order to come up with conclusions on the ideas and concepts. Other authorities view positivism as a scientific verification of facts in order to present conclusions on a given matter or subject[Col12]. This implies that positivism revolves around the need to use various methods to analyse review and critical deduce conclusions from a set of facts that are identified. Therefore, in order to conduct this study, there will be the use of empirical and scientific methods to review and analyse data and facts in order to draw conclusions on the actual contribution and inputs that women make to the Emirati economy. RESEARCH APPROACHES Positivism is often done by examining a given phenomenon and how that phenomenon exists in the natural environment or situation[McG11]. This is because positivism is interested in defining what exists or what is, rather than what ought to be. Hence, there is the need for a given approach or procedure to be put together to conduct such an enquiry or study. There are two main approaches that are popularly used in research - they include deductive research and inductive research. Deductive research is a theory-based research and it is conducted by putting forward a hypothesis[Babch]. Research done through deductive research involves a qualitative approach towards observing the existence of a given phenomenon or idea[Babch]. A hypothesis is a tentative statement that a researcher makes at the beginning of a given study and this is tested through deductive reasoning to identify its truthfulness or falsity[Bla13]. Therefore in the conduct of a given research, a theory is put forward and the testing is done to identify whether the hypothesis holds true or is false[Col11]. Inductive research on the other hand, is somewhat different from deductive research. In inductive research, “the researcher observes and event, makes and empirical generalization about the activity and constructs a theory based on them”[Dan13]. Inductive research explores a given idea or situation and tries to find a primary postulation and a primary position on a given topic or idea[Fik13]. Therefore, inductive research is the application of core concepts and theories to a given situation and concept to a specific situation in order to come up with conclusions based on actual observations and findings in the research. This research will be conducted through inductive research and it will utilise various ideas and concepts relating to women’s contribution to the workforce in different nations and communities to the Emirati situation. This will be done by analysing and reviewing various theories and concepts about what women do and how they do it in different parts of the world and trying to use this to deduce the main trends and processes in Emirates. This will be done by using statistical methods and approaches that explains the concepts and ideas of GDP and work contributions and trying to apply it to the women of the United Arab Emirates. Through this, there will be the presentation of conclusions on the concept of women and what they do for the UAE in quantitative terms instead of in general terms. This will offer specific solutions and ideas and concepts to what women actually do and what they bring to the Emirati nation and economy. RESEARCH APPROACHES This is the approach through which the field work will be done in order to gather data, analyse it and provide answers to the fundamental research question and its implications. There are various approaches that could potentially be employed to conduct this research. Experimentation and surveys are not very applicable to this research. Experimentation has no place because it is difficult to create an experimental situation to study what women do and this might not be appropriate to the study and the research. However, there could be the conduct of some kind of a survey in order to provide an insight to the issues that need to be investigated. Ethnographies involve going to the society to study a given phenomenon[Sin10]. It could be employed in studying the field work because it enables the researcher to understand what women actually do in the field. However, for most of the study, the main approach will be done through a case study. “A case study is an empirical enquiry which investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundary between phenomenon and context is not clear... ”[Luc13], and this implies that case studies examine issues. These issues are examined through the gathering of important and significant matters and factors that are relevant to the study. In order to conduct this research appropriately, the research will be a mix of qualitative and quantitative research. This will involve the mix of three main strategies: surveys, ethnographies and a case study. This will provide all the necessary information and feedback that we need to examine what women have contributed to the Emirati economy over the past years. OPERATIONALISATION OF THE RESEARCH A proper research is conducted through the examination of two variables, the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable in research is the primary variable whose variation does not depend on the other variable[Pol10]. Thus, the independent variable influences the other variables, but it is not influenced[Faw12]. The dependent variable changes with the flexing of the independent variable[Rub13]. In other words, it is dependent on another in the research and the study. In this study, the women’s contribution to the Emirati women to their country’s economy is the independent variable. This is the variable that we are studying on its own. And the dependent variable is the Qatari economy and the nation. Thus, we are interested in how much women contribute to the nation’s economy and how the economy is influenced in totality because of the contribution and inputs of women to the economy. DATA COLLECTION Data collection will be done in connection to the strategy that will be employed in the study. This involves the various approaches and methods that will be used by the study in order to identify the main contributions and inputs that were made by women in building and enhancing the economy. This research’s data collection will be conducted in three main phases in order to aid the data collection, and analysis and interpretation process. The following phases of the study will be conducted: 1. Phase 1: Survey of the Training of Girls into the Work Force; 2. Phase 2: Ethnographic research of the contributions of women to the Emirati economy; 3. Phase 3: A quantitative review and analysis of the actual contribution made by women to the Emirati economy. Sampling However, the concept of cut-offs is very important and relevant to research projects like these. This is because the researcher, a Master’s degree student cannot possibly study every contribution made by every single woman in the Emirati economy. This means that the concept of sampling needs to be integrated into the study. Sampling is employed where a researcher cannot study 100% of the total population of interest hence the researcher takes a small section of the total population that is fairly representative of the economy and the people within it[Ohl12]. Therefore in order to invoke the concept of cut-offs, the research will be conducted with data that goes back from the year 2008 to 2013. This will involve an evaluation of a five-year period that will represent the actual work and the actual contribution that was made by the women over a sustained period that reflects contemporary trends. Also, the period is chosen because data will be readily available. In cases where data for 2014, the current year is analysed, there is bound to be a general lack of information covering the current year and this will cause the research to be delayed in one way or the other. Phase 1: Survey The survey will take the number of girls who get education in the Emirates and how many are not given the right to undertake formal education. The research process will commence by surveying attendance in 10 schools and 5 institutions of higher learning. 50% of the surveys will be conducted in Dubai, the Emirate that contributes the highest GDP, the rest will be spread according to the contribution each Emirate makes to the overall economy of the UAE. In the schools/institutions, the respondents will be chosen from the top teaching staff or administration and they will be required to provide details of the statistics of women in courses and programs which will include amongst others: 1. Social Sciences; 2. Nutritional and Culinary Programmes; 3. Physical Sciences; 4. Biological Sciences; 5. Visual Arts; 6. Others The percentages of girls taking these courses will be deduced and analysed. This will provide an insight into the kind of preparations that is given to girls in the United Arab Emirates. The research findings will be compiled and presented for further investigation which will be done through the ethnographic research. The period of study will be the 5-year period under review. Phase 2: Ethnographic Study The ethnographic study will be done through the analysis of the main elements and aspects of the Emirati society. This will be done by conducting a study of the various roles normally taken by women in the main cities, towns and rural communities of the United Arab Emirates. This will involve identifying what women do from sunrise to sunset in the UAE. This will show the main processes and main trends in the country and from there, the main sectors that women are involved in will be analysed and reviewed for further study. Phase 3: Case Study Based on the ethnographic study and the survey, the research will identify the main economic activities that women are likely to end up in. The fundamental and primary sectors that the vast majority of women are indulged in (80% of the women) will be deduced and studied through various processes and various systems. This will involve identifying the worth of women in these top sectors. From there, the worth of the contributions of women in the UAE will be evaluated and analysed appropriately. This will culminate in the identification of the main processes and the main contributions that women make to the economy. This will be done through estimates for the informal sector and the formal sector and through this, a reasonable and logical conclusion can be formulated about how well women contribute to the Emirati economy and society. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The findings for each of the three phases will be interpreted and evaluated. For the first phase, the identification of the main processes and the main kind of training that is given to girls and women in the United Arab Emirates. This will be done by examining the largest number of training slots that is given to women in the various sectors of the Emirati economy. The process will involve the identification of the statistical majority of sectors and units that the economy focuses on. This will be done through the identification of the priorities of the state and the priorities of the society. From this, the research can figure out the main processes and the main activities that women are traditionally being encouraged to work within. The second phase, ethnographic research will be conducted by examining the position and situation of women. This will be done by evaluating and analysing what women do in the country and how they do it. This will involve the analysis and evaluation of the different processes and the different things that women put their hands to. This will give a fair view of the formal and informal sectors that women work within. The informal sectors will involve an overview of what women do in their homes and in jobs that are not documented. This will involve economic activities that might not be documented and the main processes and activities that women do in order to contribute to life in their homes or earn some kind of earning. Also, the statistics of women in the formal and documented work force will also be evaluated and estimated. The research will then proceed to examine and evaluate the worth of the contributions made by women. This will be done by figuring out the actual worth of contributions and the worth of the effort put into the day-to-day enhancement of the economy. Various economics models will be deduced and presented for this estimation process and situation. The next stage of the study will involve the evaluation of the formal GDP position and the formal GDP estimations and there will be the use of various models to examine and evaluate the actual contribution of women in the formal sector. To this end, there will be an estimation of the volume of women in the formal sector and the actual worth of their contribution in terms of percentages and actual contributions that are made by these women to the Emirati economy. THEORISATION Since this research is inductive, the core findings will form a fundamental and primary theory that explains the actual contribution of women to the Emirati economy and the Emirati society. This is done through the presentation of the summary of the core findings and these findings will be generalised and presented in a way and manner that is representative of the entire UAE and the nation. This will involve three main statements and three main assertions that will correspond to the three different stages of the actual field work. The first theory will relate to the main training process and the likely sectors the society is prone to train women to work within. This will provide an explanation to the fundamental research question about the positioning of women in the Emirati society. The second theory will involve the findings on the ethnographic study. This will involve the identification of the core theory of the main economic activities that women are actually involved in at the United Arab Emirates. This will show the main processes and procedures that women go through in order to get training. Finally, the third theory will involve the explanation of the contribution of women in the formal sector and the informal sector. For the informal sector, the estimations of the contributions made in the study will be used to present a worth of women’s contribution to the Emirati society. For the formal sector, the statistical worth of women’s contributions will be presented and used to formulate a theory about women’s contribution to the nation’s economy. Bibliography Pur12: , (Purvis, 2012), Gut13: , (Gutkind, 2013), Mac11: , (Macnaughtan, 2011), Kot12: , (Kothari, 2012), Sin10: , (Singh, 2010), Tas10: , (Tashakkori & Teddie, 2010), Pri13: , (Pring, 2013), Kin12: , (Kincheloe, 2012, p. 12), Cro11: , (Crotty, 2011), Col12: , (Colwell & Richardson, 2012), McG11: , (McGuinness, 2011), Babch: , (Babie, The Practice of Social Research), Bla13: , (Blackson, 2013), Col11: , (Collins, 2011), Dan13: , (Dantzker, 2013, p. 8), Fik13: , (Fikfak, Adam, & Garz, 2013), Luc13: , (Luckner, Weindhart, & Stosser, 2013, p. 41), Pol10: , (Polit & Beck, 2010), Faw12: , (Fawcett & Garity, 2012), Rub13: , (Rubin & Babie, 2013), Ohl12: , (Ohly, 2012), Read More
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