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Personal journey - Essay Example

That I believe is a rare combination which helps me to attain success in my endeavours. My friends and peers often consider me as a curious as well as passionate…
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Personal journey
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I showed my interest and enthusiasm throughout the training period. The academy identified my hard work and awarded academic excellence, a number of times. I was highly motivated when the University honoured me as the Best Graduate of the year. I was keen and on the lookout so that I do not miss any opportunity to learn or exhibit my talents. I took part in an extracurricular scientific research project in the university. I enjoyed sharing my experiences and thoughts with my fellow students and tried my best to help them bring out their talents and follow a successful direction.

The team I worked with shared my enthusiasm and impressed by my drive to motivate others to express their talents, the team chose me as the leader for the project. The project was a grand success and our team won bagged the award as the 2nd Outstanding Research Project of the year. Apart from academics, I actively took part in sports activities. I joined the University swimming team and captained the team that competed in inter – universities swim contests. As a person who has always loved challenges and determination, I always strive to overcome any obstacles and persist to accomplish the goal.

After I qualified as a professional nutritionist in Macau, I was offered a 4 – year PhD scholarship from the University of Hong Kong, which I consider as an achievement. For my postgraduate research, I chose to study and conduct research on behavioural health. I was more inclined towards promoting positive health behaviours, as I had developed a high level of interest in the connection between mind and body and the importance of prevention of diseases. I took up metabolic syndrome as the entry point for my research, as it is a common and socially legitimate condition that requires proactive actions.

Although metabolic syndrome is a biological disorder, its aetiology is multidimensional. I studied the effect of cultural

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