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Comparison of McCandless and Prophet Muhammad - Essay Example

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The paper "Comparison of McCandless and Prophet Muhammad" discusses that Krauker put down an article on the matter. This article triggered a chain of information that helped to compile the book. Krakauer was able to meet and interview many people that had seen McCandless…
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Comparison of McCandless and Prophet Muhammad
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Task Comparison of McCandless and Prophet Muhammad The Story of McCandless as narrated by Jon Krauker reflects a personal journey which justifications may never be known. In the summer of 1990, adventurer Christopher Johnson McCandless left for an unknown destination. He had donated all his savings, spent his cash and deserted his car to re-invent a new life for himself. In 1992, his decayed body was located in the Alaskan mountains in August of 1992. The novel Into the Wild by Jon Kraukauer depicts McClandess’ adventurous journey and experiences in the wilderness (Krakauer 1). The experiences, motivations and journey of McCandless compare largely with the experiences of the Prophet Muhammad in his early life. Discussion McClandess had acquired a normal childhood and had graduated from college. After graduating, he took a personal journey by roaming through the wilderness areas of Alaska. He abandoned his car in the Mojave Desert, destroyed the license plates, threw away his maps, and burned his money. He later named himself Alexander Supertramp. With that, he liberated himself to indulge in nature freely with unfiltered experiences (Krakauer 12). John Krauker reconstructs a clear prism through which he brings together the unsettling facts of Christopher McClandess’ life. He asserts that an inner obsession and youthful desires propelled McClandess to undertake that journey. By digging deeply, Krauker unravels the wider riddles that the life of McCandless depicts. He integrates the reflective pull of the American jungle on the reader’s imagination. He integrates the fascination of the high-risk activities in the wilderness performed by young people (Krakauer 14). McCandless had grown in the affluent neighbourhood of Washington, D. C. He had graduated with an honours degree from Emory University. His ultimate desire was to undertake an Alaskan odyssey in the wild for a whole summer. He was probably harrowing with the desire to make an extraordinary step in his life. McCandless surprised the world by leaving a nearly perfect life in search of a fantasy. Interestingly, he had left a full trail of travails documents, photos and diaries. In his diaries, he depicts a journey of a hunger experience driven by a kind of immortal grandeur. He mused in the emptiness of the material world. He had planned to attend law school in the future (Krakauer 19). He traversed the country using meagre means. In few times he sought employment and in few times refused help from strangers. He can be defined as an idealist whose life was cut down before he could realise its full benefits. He had made an impact on nearly all the people he had met along his journey. His journey was hastily prepared and ill informed. He did not have a rifle, an axe, a compass, or a map. This was an arrogant decision because the environment that he was going to face was harsh and dangerous. The life of Prophet Muhammad closely relates to the experiences of McCandles. Mohammad grew up in a society that was blemished by violence, hunger and warfare. However, he had received a normal upbringing even following the loss of his parents at a young age (Donner 36). His father passed before he was born, while the mother passed when he was six years old. His influential uncle Quraysh adopted him and gave him an ideal family life. However, he did not study in a formal school. His story reflects a personal journey that is relatable to many people’s life experiences (Donner 11). Just like McCandles, the young Mohammed had longed for the desire for more knowledge. In his middle life, he would retreat to the Arabian wilderness to meditate. It is in his passion for meditation that he met Angel Gabriel who gave him religious tenets that formed the basis of the Islam religion. As he was meditating in the caves of Mount Hira, a revelation that transformed his life and the entire society struck him. He began to recite religious words through what is believed to be the power of God. The scholars evaluated the messages and accepted them as credible due to their depth and richness of information (Donner 22). Like McCandles, Prophet Muhammad detested the materialist lifestyle infringing the society. According to McCandless’s mother, his son detested the material world and saw it as shameful and evil (Krakauer 19). Prophet Muhammad saw the increasing number of poor persons and the vigour with which materialism was overhauling the society. These concerns were the probable inspirations that interconnected Mohammad to the spiritual revelations. McCandless burned his money, abandoned his car and literally walked out of his affluent lifestyle. It is not clear if he planned to come back into the material world after the excursion. Both men had witnessed practices of deprivation, immorality, unfairness and corruption imposed on the local people by those in authority. Mohammad’s messages preached peace, charity and the worship of one God. Like McCandles, his desire was to see an equitable society that is free of prejudice and selfishness. His teachings questioned the Meccan lifestyles on the economic and moral grounds. McCandless began his journey in the Alaskan wastelands at the age of 24. In comparison, Mohammad began his journey at late 30s. Both men went to search for solitude and a venue for deeper contemplation. McCandless journey took only two years. Compared to the Alaskan wilderness, the Arabian Peninsula where Mohammad thrived experienced harsh climatic conditions. The Arabian wilderness was a barren and uninhabited region with weather extremes of hot days and cold nights. There is little vegetation and the residents shifted with the sand dunes. The Alaska Peninsula is cold and lifeless. It is nearly impossible to survive in both locations without outside contact. Both men were socially privileged. McCandless was raised in a good family that afforded him good education. He even had a car at his age. Prophet Muhammad was raised in wealth because a wealthy uncle who inspired him in business raised him. He later married a wealth woman, Khadija. Due to the time luxuries realised by wealth, a free mind and youthfulness, they had the time to wonder away in meditation. Prophet Muhammad died in 632 at the mature age of 63. Unfortunately, McCandless did not live to tell his story; he succumbed to probable starvation or mould poisoning from the wild diet of berries and potatoes. The sensational reports that followed McCandless’ fatal end dismissed his journey as one driven by naivety and pretence. It is claimed that he had a death wish and that was the reason that compelled him to undertake his risky path. Krauker reveals McClandess’ adamant pilgrimage out of the fogginess and peril of the misunderstandings and sensational conclusions. Critics of Prophet Mohammad assert that idleness, excess time and youthfulness compelled him to visit the Arabian deserts in search for self-awareness and knowledge. Conclusion Krauker heard the story of a young man who had been found dead inside a motor vehicle. Following the information, Krauker put down an article on the matter. This article triggered a chain of information that helped to compile the book. Krakauer was able to meet and interview many people that had seen McCandless. Scholars who accepted his assertions as valid wrote the edicts of Prophet Muhammad. He had been illiterate, thus it was not possible for him to write down his works. If McCandless had survived, he would have lived to tell a wonderful story to the world. However, his short sightedness led to his death. However, it is not clear if he died having accomplished all his desires. Works Cited Donner, Fred M. G. Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam. Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Print. Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Everest Disaster. London: Pan Books, 2011. Print. (Donner 11) (Donner 22) (Donner 36) Read More
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