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What is English - Essay Example

This is one language which is spoken in nearly every part of the world – from Alaska to Fiji, Venezuela to North Korea in one form or the other. The basic premise remains the same. It is the form of…
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What is English
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Thus the usage needs to be understood in the proper contexts so that people could be made aware of the benefits of the English language. The theory that applies to the students who are taught English when they are studying at the UK universities and colleges is that this language will help them develop immensely in the future and their coming times would be secured financially since they can easily get hired by any organization in different nooks and corners of the world. This is a pretty significant aspect which must be comprehended within the global settings.

(Clark, 1996) English language might not help the locals within their regional settings but on a national and/or an international front, the usage is of utmost significance. People must look to get well-acquainted with English because it would make them stand head and shoulders with those who are not properly trained and who cannot speak the English language fluently enough. It is for their own betterment that they are asked to study the English language and no one else apart could be judged as the winner.

I perceive the issue of English language as holding quote a lot of ground in related debates of understanding and learning. The students need to make an effort to learn and understand this global language which is being followed and revered by nearly everyone. There should be no hiccups in the learning of the English language and students must make dedicated efforts to acquire the basics related with it. English looks to provide benefits to everyone and there is no doubt to this ideology which has built up over a period of centuries.

The reasons that could be provided in support of the English language are that the students can easily get admitted to the top colleges and universities within the US and UK if they are good at English and thus give themselves a chance to outshine within the best educational universities and

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