They are “staining directly for the bacterium”[1], “detection of bacterial genes or DNA in Urine”[2], and “Growing the bacteria in laboratory cultures test”[3]. Articles, books and reports say that the doctors, mostly prefer to do culture tests than the other techniques in order to detect the presence of the bacteria. The etiology says that the gram negative bacterium is the route cause of this disease. The gram negative bacterium do not retain the “crystal violet dye”[4], as a result they become pathogenic and give way to severe infections.
Neisseria Gonorrhorea is also a type of gram negative bacterial infection and fully pathogenic in its characteristics. the United States 75% of all reported cases of gonorrhea are found in younger persons aged 15-29 years. The highest rate of infection are usually found in 15-19 year are in women and 20-24 year old men”[5] This is due to the fact that women, generally give way to this infection during the time of pregnancy and thus it affects the child and hence there is more number of people affected by this diseases than those who are infected by sexually transmission.
Parts of North America have more gonorrhea cases than other parts comparatively. It is a Gram Negative occurs 0.6 to 1.0 um in diameter, usually seen in pairs with adjacent flattered sides.[a]. These bacterium are often seen in intracellular in polymorph nuclear leukocytes[neutrophils] of the gonorrhea pustular exudates [b]. It possesses a typical gram negative outer membrane composed of protein, phospholipids and liopolysacharide [ LPS][c]. Apart from this it is found out to be delicate organism, inclined to temperature variations such as dry weather, Ultra Violet light rays and other environmental changes also.
This nature of these bacteria paves the way for the increase in infections among the human beings. The mode of transmission occurs through two main and major factors. They are either through sexual
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