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Owing to my prioritizing a change of career from somebody else’s employee to being a self-employed individual with knowledge in coveralled, an MBA degree will equip me with the necessary skills to run the business stress-free. This is especially true considering the opportunity to acquire general business and management knowledge that can come in handy in almost any industry. I will also get the opportunity to specialize in a certain area of expertise in business, for example, account, Icing, marketing, human resource management, or finance (Peterson 334). Specializing in a particular area will hone my skills in that field upon graduation, irrespective of my undergraduate degree or hitherto work experience.
In addition, because I am interested in taking over a leadership role in running my own business, my acquisition of an MBA degree will make it easier for me to assume and retain effective leadership roles. This is especially true considering that an MBA course incorporates leadership studies, business strategies, and general management concepts that are applicable to virtually any leadership position in an organization.
The burning ambition in learning business I have can be traced to my strong belief that the most financially successful persons on the planet are in business. However, their success does not just come on a silver platter; they must have enjoyed the subject in one way or another; felt like they could expand their knowledge and skills, and transferred the theories learned in class into a real business environment to achieve the highest turnaround for their businesses. This makes education, and an MBA for that matter, a worthy goal to pursue a successful career in business, especially in the current challenging world of business.