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About digital marketing but the title is not set yet - Thesis Example

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About digital marketing but the title is not set yet
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It has come with its advantages for businesses that can adapt early. Firms which could not cope with the changing rules of the digital world would necessarily tend to lose their competitiveness. Digital Marketing is a constantly developing area with a need for Digital Marketing Strategies. Established organizations have their conventional marketing plans and strategies which comprise the status quo, but the attention of a large segment of target audiences have gravitated towards digital mediums such as the web, mobile and digitally social world which connects both.

In a high speed changing area, developing strategies is not easy. Day by day new advertisement and sales channels emerge and ongoing marketing strategies may not adapt to the new technologies, mediums and behaviors. The strategies to be set must be flexible to enable any new developments, and the new mediums and technologies must be adapted to the current strategies. As a result of the inflexible marketing strategies which refuse to accommodate the changing mediums and technologies, new companies emerge daily that can better compete with the established traditional firms.

The dissertation will address the problem of the integration of digital marketing strategies in the overall marketing strategy of business organizations and the difficulties attendant thereto. The need for integrating digital technology into marketing processes is in response to new customer demand patterns that are influenced by the new media. (2) Describe the hard elements (structure, strategy and systems) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their respective digital marketing capability.

Describe the processes required to adapt the business to its new capability. (3) Describe the soft elements (staff, style and skills) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their

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