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Effective Team Performance - Essay Example

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"Effective Team Performance" paper understands the importance of effective team and performance management. Understanding various roles of individuals as presented in tasks done together is essential in maintaining good working relationships. The paper analyses how a team is formed…
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Effective Team Performance
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Effective Team Performance Introduction The main purpose of this assignment is to understand the importance of effective team and performance management. Understanding various roles of individuals as presented in tasks done together is essential in maintaining good working relationships. This assignment will analyse how a team is formed and how roles are allocated to every individual. It will provide information on the extent of responsibility that comes with tasks allocated considering what activity is to be done together (World Neighbohs, 2001, pp.22-24). A theoretical framework of team formation model will be used to help understand features and effectiveness of team performance. This assignment will help an individual apply accurate concepts learnt about teamwork and involve them in handling various issues that will arise in the field when teamwork will be required. The assignment involves a reflection analysis of experiences received during a team work activity (Christopher, 2001, pp.23-35). Our space ship just crash-landed on the moon and been destroyed leaving us with a few items for use. We are required to locate a mother ship 200 miles away. Among the items left, we are expected to select items that will be of critical importance to us and work together as a team to reach the mother ship. The purpose of this assignment is to give a reflective analysis of how through effective team performance and cooperation we were able to achieve our mission (Hackman, 1987, pp.45-46). How it will be approached Every member of a team needs to understand the prevailing situation and mission of the team. Defining and appreciating the situation will be necessary to determine key areas to be undertaken. Definition of tasks and expectations from every member needs to be analysed before actual allocation of existing tasks to members (World Neighbohs, 2001, pp.22-24). The process of team formation will be analysed using team development model and feelings of the process of team development will be examined. What was experienced when working with team members through allocation of tasks and general agreement will also be identified (Jerald & Robert, 1997, pp.2-16). Teamwork and performance management concepts will be applied to give a detailed understanding of problems experienced during activity process and how they could be avoided. Since it is teamwork then there are certain activities that were done well and they will also be looked into (Steiner, 1972, pp.8-12). Recommendations will be provided on how to act to such activities the other time members of the team finds itself in that position. A conclusion is provided about alternative ways of action, what was learnt and there relevance to future activities. A theoretical framework of reflective analysis is also discussed which will be used in this assignment (Maxwell, 2009, pp.34-37). Theoretical model for reflection Several theoretical models for reflection exist but this assignment will base its analysis on Gibbs model of reflection which was developed in 1988. The model is divided into six stages which include: description, personal feelings, evaluation in terms of good and bad, analysis of situation, conclusion and action plan (Brown & Don, 1996, pp.77-79). Description part gives the details of what happened. It involves understanding the context in which the activity takes place and reason for undertaking it. Evaluation will involve what good or bad was achieved or felt from the experience. Analysis considers aspect of sense that can be made of the situation. Conclusion involves examining of alternative actions that could have been undertaken to perform the task. Action plan has the details of measures that can be undertaken in case such a problem arises again (Christopher, 2001, pp.23-35). Key issues It was important to understand the situation in which the whole crew was in. what was required was that key issues be identified and outlined to enable assigning of roles to different individuals. Crash-landing of the space ship left a problem in that we had to combine our efforts and skills together to be able to locate the mother ship. The main issue at hand was how to allocate the available resources effectively and use them until the moment we get to the mother ship. Determining capability and skills of every individual was required to understand how each individual can incorporate their skills into team activities with much ease of performance (Macmillan, 2001, pp.44-46). Task and its requirements Ensuring that the items are well used according to estimation of the extent towards which they are to last in comparison with the distance to be undertaken. Every available item should be given the right time to be used in a way that benefits all members of the team. This task therefore is assigned with the understanding that whenever an item is used then it must serve completely and efficiently the section allocated to it (Werner, 2009, pp.93-95). Ensuring that the right direction towards the mother ship is achieved is another task presented in this activity. If members are unable to locate mother ship within reasonable time then the mission will be jeopardized. This task is to all members to ensure that whatever activity they get involved in they should be in a position to reach the mother ship on time. It required proper planning of use of items in our position to sustain us (Brown & Don, 1996, pp.77-79). Analysing available information and making right decisions is a task that should be done at every stage in problem solving. Every member of the team has different skills and technical know-how therefore all information necessary for this activity need to be revealed. Most important information required will be screened and be incorporated in activity process. It will also involve updating of members on every successful stage completed (Steiner, 1972, pp.8-12). Ensuring that individuals develop the right behaviours and conduct themselves in a way that will ensure security for all individuals until the mission is achieved. Keeping members together and ensuring that no one goes beyond the limit required and assumed to be safe is a task for every individual in the team (Macmillan, 2001, pp.44-46). Team development Since we were only a few members and the problem presented was unexpected it was essential that we come up together to work for a common goal. All my crews were busy trying to find which position in the group they would fit it. Allocation of the roles was also difficult since everybody was thinking of what needs to be done and trying to find what he can do best without overlapping. Everyone was sizing the other to see what will eventually happen (Richard, 1991, pp.56-76). After we formed up we began to understand the importance of teamwork in the situation prevailing around us. Every crew started viewing himself as a member of a team and decisions were no more to be done on personal basis. After a proper review of our skills we chose a team leader though it was challenging (Adeleke, 2008, 12-20). We started outlining what we were going to do and what needs to be done. Problems arose in this stage on who to undertake the available roles since several differences surfaced since skills were not matching the roles. There was loss of focus on performance and tasks. I could understand why its termed as the storming stage due to the hardships and chaos involved with it (Werner, 2009, pp.93-95). As every member understands what is expected they start coming together and working in a team. Processes are developed on how we are going to achieve our objectives. Rules are also established on how members will operate and coordinate with one another by outlining who does what and how. I can see a sense of togetherness as every member provides as best as he can. When social cohesion is complete my attention and focus is greatly directed towards the task assigned to me and ensuring that I keep team relationships. We are all combine in our performances to be able to provide synergy. We strived to attain the performing position where relationships established enabled measuring of our success stage by stage (Maxwell, 2009, pp.34-37). About the process of team development Team development process is a step by step process that involves combined efforts of every individual. During this process I felt that every individual was dedicated and focused towards meeting one goal. Team cohesion was well established and supported by good communication because of the available team relationship. I felt that understanding the objective of forming a team including key areas and roles of every individual which were important. It was a good idea that we came up together and allocated ourselves roles that we could do well in and allowed rotating of the roles. The relationships created and the good communication process involved was an effective way in team development and it enabled as develop the aspect of togetherness in all sections of activities were undertook (Richard, 1991, pp.56-76). Individual roles To ensure that no member makes mistakes in his role we keep rotating our roles. The team leader ensures that we focus on the objective and mission of our activity. Guiding of the team relationships is done by the team leader and ensuring that every decision reached upon by the members is implemented. The record keeper ensures that he confirms the decisions made and roles assigned to every individual (Adeleke, 2008, 12-20). Any information of concern he circulates it around to other members. He informs the members extend of achievement and kind of items out of use. The progress chaser role is assigned to me and I am responsible for that the team keeps the schedule and that they meet the deadlines as per every section of the activity. I therefore monitor progress, and check performance of every member as per what was assigned to him (Adeleke, 2008, 12-20). What was experienced? Good communication process was developed and fostered. It ensured that every aspect of the activity was well outlined. As awareness of the situation was made every individual tried to provide the best he can and ensure that what was not well passed out was confirmed and rectified (Thompson, 2000, pp.89-95). Proper and good team relationships between the crews were established after details of work and rules were established. When members had the knowledge that their success depended on every contribution they make together there was need to create relationship[s that will enable proper performance (Zand, 1972, p.17). Effectiveness of teamwork was well brought out since when objectives were set and decisions well made every member ensured that his role gave the best as expected by the plans made by all members (Lencioni, 1998, pp.102-109). The items we had were also well allocated to the areas they were highly required to ensure success of the program. Understandings of activity enable the members focus well on what they were doing. When an activity is well understood wastage of time is reduced and everything is done according to plan. There is richness in ideas for decision making process since every member generates his ideas and decision is made basing on the general agreement of the team members. Problems experienced Communication problems were as a result of poor communications skills possessed by the crew. This affected how information was conveyed between each member. At times vital information was completely ignored. This could have been avoided by ensuring that members understand the importance of good communication process in teamwork (Lencioni, 1998, pp.102-109). Lack of enough resources to work out the tasks as required was a major problem since the items we were left with could not fully support our activities fully. Since it was a crash-landing this problem could not be avoided. The only thing that was to be done was to ensure that the items were well allocated to their current functions according to order of importance and performance (Pritchett, 1992, pp.87-89). Lack of proper cooperation among members due to confusion in tasks and lack of experience in such activities was a major stumbling block. Mismatch of skills and roles slowed down the teamwork. This could only be avoided by encouraging members to look out for one another and understand that without appropriate coordination achieving of the objective would be difficult (Hackman, 1987, pp.45-46). Lack of appropriate skills in handling the available tasks by members slowed down the activity. When rotating of the roles was done it even worsened the situation. This problem could be avoided by ensuring that every member of crew learns practical knowledge that can be used in such activities (Stanton, 2008, pp.92-97). Activities that were well done Team members were provided with feedback regarding their performance at every stage hence encouraging them to perform better and correct areas that were falling out of objectives. Everyone was working for the common goal and there were reduced complaints (Zand, 1972, p.17). Team members encouraged one another and gave one another a chance to demonstrate his skills. Role overlaps were avoided through good communication and members were made aware of how their role fits into the big picture. Everyone also balanced individual needs for autonomy with the benefits of mutual interdependency (Pritchett, 1992, pp.87-89). How to act next time Team performance requires cooperation which should flow immediately the activity is assigned. Since it involve completing the activity within specified time then team members should organize themselves fast enough. Forming up of the team and assigning of the roles to individuals earlier ensures that the objectives set are met. Team spirit should be created and maintained throughout including supporting and motivating other weak members throughout the activity process. From the experienced received from this activity my crew decided that every member will have an opportunity to develop himself next time through choosing what they are best at and ensuring that role rotation was well observed (Werner, 2009, pp.93-95). Conclusion Lessons from participation in the tasks My team members and I learnt that team work requires several issues. They range from understanding the objectives of activity towards allocating the resources efficiently throughout the activity. We learnt that team performance can only be increased if every member worked in togetherness and addressed the benefit of everyone and not personal needs. Also motivation and support is required while the activities are being performed. We learnt that role rotation helped in understanding the nature and needs of every stage and how they pull up together to perform one single task. Also learnt is that, teamwork requires leadership to enable controlling and directing the performance towards the right goal as set by the team (Stanton, 2008, pp.92-97). Teamwork importance Teamwork prepares individual for tasks that might present themselves in future. Understanding the requirements of every role gives an individual vast experience and when certain problems arise requiring the role that was undertaken during team activity to be applied it will be ease to accomplish the task. It also improves the intellectual capacity of an individual from all information provided by members and learning from their skills when tackling their roles hence one will have appropriate knowledge required. Teamwork is important because it fosters good relationships among workmates hence enabling the work to be productive (Tseng, 2008, pp.23-26). List of References Adeleke, A. A., 2008. Appraising team management as a strategy to motivate change and business performance. Study of Tower Aluminum (Nig) Plc. Unpublished BSc thesis submitted to the Department of Business Administration, University of Ado-Ekit Brown D., & Don, H., 1996. An experimental approach to organization development. 5th edition, USA, Prentice Hall, 77-79 Christopher, M., 2001. Teamwork Is An Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility. California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 23-35 Hackman, J. R., 1987. The design of work teams in J. W. Lorsch (Ed), Handbook of organizational behaviour. Upper saddle river, NY, Prentice Hall, 45-46 Jerald, C., & Robert, B., 1997. Managing Behaviour in an organization. Upper saddle river, Prentice Hall, 2-16 Lencioni, P., 1998. The five temptations of a CEO: a leadership Fable. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass publishers, 102-109 Macmillan, P., 2001. The Performance Factor: Unlocking the Secrets of Teamwork. USA: B & H Publishers, 44-46 Maxwell, J., 2009. Teamwork 101: what Every Leader Needs to Know. Nashville: Thomas Nelson publishers, 34-37 Pritchett, P., 1992. Teamwork the team member handbook: 16 steps to building a high-performance team. USA: Pritchett Publishers, 87-89 Richard, L. D., 1991. Managing teams work in organization, 2nd edition, USA, the Dryden Press, 56-76 Stanton, N., 2008. Modeling Command and Control: Event Analysis of Systematic Teamwork. England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 92-97 Steiner, I., 1972. Group process and productivity, New York, Academy Press. 8-12 Thompson, L., 2000. Making the team: a guide for managers. Northwestern, Prentice Hall Inc. Tseng, H., 2008. The Relationship between Trust and Satisfaction and Performance among the Virtual Teams with Different Development Processes. Ann Arbor: ProQuest LLC, 23-26 Werner, J., 2009. Human Resource Development. USA: Cengage Learning, Inc. World Neighbohs, 2001. Building Organizational capacity for Integrated Reproductive Health Programme. World Neighbors in Action 28(1), 22-24 Zand, D., 1972. Trust and managerial problem solving, J. Admin. Sci. Cornell Univ. 2: p.17 Read More
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