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Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical analysis is often used to analyze a given text or source. It is used mostly in analyzing advertisement and some genre of literature. This may be in writing or in a mode of communication aimed at a particular audience. The language, tone and figurative object used are also analyzed (University Writing Center Web). This paper seeks to discuss rhetorical analysis on advertisement. Advertisement is usually found in television and radios. They are usually used to communicate particular ideas or events.
Advertisement use myriad techniques to convince the viewers. The emaciated child from the horn of Africa on United Nation High Commission for Refugees is no exception is a good example of rhetorically driven advert. The advert is articulately structured to appeal to the audience for financial support. It is aimed at ensuring people contribute towards alleviation of poverty in the horn of Africa. The image of emaciated child is meant to have a certain appeal to the audience. The argument used is empathetic.
The image used has a strong urge to the audience. The image shows of situation in the horn of Africa. It appeals to the audience to contribute whatever they have to save children who are usually vulnerable to drought situation. This image manages to convince the whole world on food situation in horn of Africa. The image used captures the audience interest and they are prompted to read the text. The strategy used is affective as seen from the contribution of various nations. In conclusion, rhetorical analysis when used on advertisement can help in identifying the strategy used by the author.
Works CitedUniversity Writing Center. “Rhetorical Analysis.” Writingcenter. Web 10 April 2012. Rhetorical Analysis on LiteratureRhetorical analysis is profoundly used in literature. It is generally used to analyze the author intention to a particular audience. Mostly the content is used to teach a particular group of audience on particular values in a certain society. In order to understand the intention of a particular author it is good to have a detailed account of the information used in the story line.
This paper seeks to discuss use of rhetorical analysis in literature.An example is children literature. Children literature is aimed at teaching and persuading them on particular issues such as basics of life. Most of the children literatures are environmentally focused. The real authors of children’s books are highly valued in the society and have higher level of ethics. The author is expected to provide a moral and ethical story line and the content is supposed to invoke a positive mentality.
Generally, animals are used in the story line to teach children about their surrounding. The use of these images persuades them to learn and understanding of the cultural values. There is heavy utilization of logos by authors (Bell et al 107-115).Authors in children literature provides some scenario to enable children think and imagine effectively. Pathos is generally used to provide some entertainment while parent or teacher needed can provide explanation. In conclusion, it is clear that just going through a particular text or source is not enough.
It is good to have a finer analysis to be able to know the real intention of the author. At the same time, one can be able to decipher the intended meaning of that text to the target audience through rhetorical analysisWorks CitedBell, Elizabeth et al. “From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture.” New York: Indiana University Press, 1995. Print .
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