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Drugs And Society - Assignment Example

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When one talks of smokeless tobacco, one refers to another means of obtaining the chemical present in cigarettes that is nicotine without the usual combustion involved in cigarette smoking. It comes in different forms but the mode of intake is always chewing the tobacco in…
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Drugs And Society
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The use of smokeless tobacco has been in existence in many parts of the world. In the United States, this habit was common among baseball players who used it for numerous reasons including making spitballs to facilitate their game. This was later on banned and even the baseball players left the habit to start smoking. Again, they heard of the odds of smoking and fled back to chewing tobacco, only to realize later that this was still harmful as well. A point of important concern is therefore to come up with a solution to this situation of dilemma.

As has been stated, the use of smokeless tobacco was prompted by an attempt to solve the problems that smoking caused to the health of the user. Actually, one fifth of the deaths in the United States are related cigarette smoking. Smoking causes lung cancer, mouth cancer, cancer of the bladder and many other forms of cancer that inclusively contribute about three out of ten deaths related to cancer. The severe ness of the resulting cancer will depend on factors like the number of cigarettes smoked daily, the frequency and the time smoking started in the person’s life (Hanson, Venturell & Fleckenstein, 2006 p338).

Smoking also has a negative effect to the circulatory system, which can be seen as high or low blood pressure and low or high pulse rate that can affect other body systems. Women smokers are not spared either as this interferes with their reproductive systems and can cause barrenness, stillbirths, or miscarriages that eventually affect their social life. Cigarette smokers also find problems in their respiratory systems especially if they already have other infections like pneumonia. Smoking also has some mild effects like yellow teeth, eye problems, and even premature aging.

On the other hand, the use of smokeless tobacco has some dangers that it pose on the health of the users

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