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The 4 Es and 4 Cs of IMC and the Synergistic Benefits of Integration - Essay Example

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"The 4 E’s and 4 C’s of IMC and the Synergistic Benefits of Integration" paper discusses the integration of the 4C’s and the 4E’s within Integrated Marketing Communications. The 4C’s of communication proposes that IMC should have consistency, coherence, continuity, and be complementary…
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The 4 E’s and 4 C’s of IMC and the Synergistic Benefits of Integration The global marketplace has now become and increasingly complex arena for competitors within the rapidly changing international environment. New companies are being formed on daily basis from small business, medium sized to internet based operations, to expansion of global conglomerates emerging from mergers and major takeovers. The cluttered market conditions have become sophisticated and firms are trying harder to be heard and noticed. In an attempt to do this, they are speaking clearly about the nature of their operations and the accrued benefits associated with utilizing their goods and services. However, with lots of choices including the media’s bombardment of potential customers with the right messages, this is having no effect to the potential (Figen, 2006). An effective Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) which will unify multi-channels, synchronize communication and group together the three aspects of communications; advertisement, public relations and marketing towards relating intimately with the customers, is the only solution viable for firms to reap the benefits of marketing. This is made possible by the use of both online and offline marketing channel with complementary media to ensure consistency in the delivery of message. Sometimes even with an effective Integrated Marketing Communications program, firms need have a competitive advantage over other similar firms in the industry and should therefore include the 4E’s and the 4C’s on Integrated Marketing communications to create the synergistic benefits of integration. Broderick and Pickton (2005 28) rightfully state that “Integration is not easy to achieve but when it is achieved, the 4 E’s and 4 C’s of IMC create the synergistic benefits of integration” in this respect. The following suggestions will discuss the integration of the 4C’s and the 4E’s within IMC. The 4C’s of communication propose that integrated marketing communications should have consistency, coherence, continuity and be complementary while the 4E’s propose integrated marketing communications should be economical, efficient, enhancing and effective (Figen 34). The 4E’s of Integrated Marketing Communication i. Economical Being economical involves using minimum resources, time and strategies necessary for effective consideration and most importantly, being cautious with money to avoid overspending. To ensure profitability for any firm, Integrated Marketing Communication should be economical. Costs incurred in running integrated marketing communication should not exceed or level with the expected returns. To avoid economical difficulties, a firm should therefore consider economic demographic variables which are of importance in the economy. A firm should also be considerate of technological variables which are now changing at warp speed. New products, processes and markets for previously unimaginable product sprout up and demand for new products can force a firm into obsolescence if the firm does not keep up. The firm should also put into consideration political legal variables such as regulations, taxes, reporting requirements and myriad other issues that could raise the expenditure of the firm. All these factors and other factors that affect the finances of a business an the outcome of the Integrated marketing communication should be put into consideration to enable a firm come up with an economical Integrated Communication system that will result to profits expected (Wood & Beamish, 2006). ii. Efficient Efficiency involves skillfully avoiding wasting effort, money and time hence maximizing the integration communication program use in order to increase the ration of output to that of the input. To properly assist a firm to be profitable in its market operations, Integrated Market Communication should be efficient. Successful integrated marketing communication is dependent on a combination of options referred to as promotional mix. These options include sales promotion, public relations, advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and also internet which has now become a powerful tool for reaching important audience. The role of each particular element however, is dependent on how efficiently in terms of effort, cost and time a company employs a pull or push strategy. A push strategy relies on a consumer demand rather than personal selling for a specific product to travel from a manufacturer to end user while a push strategy emphasize on personal selling to push products through the channels. A firm should decide on the best strategy in terms of cost, effort, time and the overall effect and returns for the benefit of the firm (Wood & Beamish 52). iii. Enhancing This involves finding ways to make integrated marketing communication better and attractive hence intensifying its important values. This can be done by coordinating the multiplicity of products and firms messages being issued and used by consumers and other stakeholders. Organizations should therefore view customers as partners in a relationship which is ongoing but not as targets. Customers and prospects encounter the organization’s brand through different hosts of sources whereby they create contact ideas of the brand and the company. By knowing this, organizations and firms should tailor messages through media that are likely to reach these segments at times when the segments are likely to be receptive thus intensifying the value of integrated marketing communication (Wood & Beamish 47). iv. Effective Effectiveness of an Integrated Communication system involves the ability of the system to produce the intended result or have a striking effect. This can be made possible by carrying out an extensive research on internal processes including product lines, competition, information systems, distribution channels, sales compensation, marketing plans, expected marketing costs and budget expenses. This will give an organization an objective platform to implement an integrated marketing communication system that will be result oriented. An organization should also carry a customer analysis based on estimated annual purchases, projected annual growth, market size, socioeconomics and demographics of customers, customer buying motivations, and information customers base their purchases on and their purchasing practices. This will enable an organization come up with an integrated marketing communication that is better and attractive hence intensifying its important value. The integrated marketing communication process should also involve teamwork whereby individual can be assigned different activities to enable activities run concurrently, meet deadlines and produce the expected results (Jones 52). The 4C’s of Integrated Marketing Communication (ICM) i. Consistency A consistent integrated marketing communication system is dependable as it holds things together, retains its shape and does not violate the integrity on which it is built on. This is made possible by adhering to mart objectives which are measurable, time bound, specific, relevant and achievable. There should be a plan with expected activities which should be adhered to enable marketing activities run smoothly, completing each activity in turn to avoid overrunning of activities which could result to inconsistency. The organization should further focus on each service or product category and for each, determine the target population, places for deliver, pricing, changes on the key features, put it on a table, handle and complete each product in turn. Every activity and its timeframe should be put down and met to make the integrated market communication dependable. To make the IMC strategy dependable, all members of the marketing team should me informed about the implementation progress so that they can be able to revise the plan for consistency as new issues, opportunities and ideas emerge (Jones 52). ii. Coherence A good ICM system or program should be clear and understandable so as deliver the message and have the right effect to the targeted prospects or customers according to Dahlén (32). This is made possible by creating coherent marketing strategies that will arouse the desire for the product or service in a consumer or prospect and mitigate him or her to purchase it. This can be made possible by having a definite planning and execution of the conception process which is evident in pricing, promotion tactics and distribution of ideas to create exchanges that satisfy the customer’s doubts and persuade a consumer to buy that particular product or brand. To do this, a firm should clearly understand the dislikes and likes of a consumer and know the kind of information that will convince the consumers to purchase their products. Some firms can use fictional characters, experts such as nurses and celebrities to make the product’s message clear and understandable or specific statements like health claims that state the accrued benefits of using eating a particular food or using a specific product (Schultz 72). iii. Continuity A good ICM system or program should create an uninterrupted union or connection between the product and the customers or prospects. This is done by influencing the purchasing patterns and consuming habits of the customers or prospects through the marketing strategies used. For instance, a firm dealing with high- fiber diet products could claim a proven medical relationship between high fiber and its protection against cancer. Owing to the modern health conscious society, households are likely to start taking the product on long term basis thereby creating uninterrupted connection between the product and the consumer (Schultz 37). iv. Complementary A good ICM system or program should mutually make up for what is lacking in the market. This is made possible by analyzing the similar products from other competing companies and developing a unique product attribute that lacks in the market and one that will have an added value to the customers over other products. This can be done through branding a product; co- branding and improvising market strategies that will spell out the unique attributes. This also involved creating a new product to act as a complementary product for an already existing product in the market. This will give a firm a competitive advantage in that they are likely to capture untapped markets which are likely to increase the firm’s returns. For instance, if the economic status of a given country has declined and people can no longer afford buying in bulk as they used to, a firm might decide to introduce sachet selling whereby they could break their services or products into lesser purchasable units. This will help the firm sell goods in small quantities but in large volumes that his counterparts thereby increasing the sales of given products. Hence, the marketing team should be able to analyze the marketing, find what is lacking and strategize ways to make up for what is lacking (Dahlen 46). Conclusion Primarily, the goal of an integrated marketing communication is to reach a defined audience and affect its behavior by persuading, informing and reminding them of a firm’s product or services. Integrated marketing communication therefore acquires new customers by building awareness and encouraging potential buyers to try the products. With the 4E’s and the 4C’s, integrated marketing communication will maintain a brand’s current customer base through reinforcing their purchase behavior and providing additional brand’s benefit information and also build and help reinforce relationships with prospects, customers, retails and important stakeholders. References Beamish, K & Wood, G Customer Communications: Professional Certificate in Marketing. Elvier Publishers Ltd, Burlington. 2006. Dahlén, M Marketing Communications: A Brand Narrative Approach. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2010. Figen, E (2006). Impact of Integrated Marketing Communications Programs in Enhancing Manager and Employee Performance. Retrieved from Jones, M Customer Communication. Butterworth-Heinemann, New York. 2007. Broderick A & Pickton D. Integrated Marketing Communications (2nd ed), London. FT/ Prentice Hall. 2005. Schultz, D E. Integrated marketing communications. McGraw-Hill Professional, New York. 1993. Read More
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