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One Preaching Journal Analysis - Lab Report Example

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The report "One Preaching Journal Analysis" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the One Preaching Journal. Ministry Setting is a congregation with 300 members listed in membership records, 120 of which attend regularly…
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One Preaching Journal Analysis
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1. Ministry Setting This is a congregation with 300 members listed in membership records, 120 of which attend regularly. Of those who attend regularly 45% are over 55 years of age. About 35% are between 30 and 54 years of age. 15% are children and youth with only a handful of people in their 20’s. The church which was started in the early 1950’s is now 55 years old. The original church building was expanded in the late 1970’s and includes a Christian education wing that was also added at that time. The congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings; Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 am and end at 10:00 a.m. with the 30 minutes prior to the service as a gathering time for fellowship before the service in the fellowship hall. There is also a fellowship time offered after the service with coffee and cookies available for all. The community of which the congregation is a part is a small city of 50,000 people. The city is surrounded by a rural agricultural area. A large food processing company has a manufacturing plant in this city and is its major employer. There is also a small hospital to serve basic health care needs. The community also has its own newspaper and a local radio station. There is a public library and one post office located in the center of town. There are also small bus and train stations servicing the city. The public school system has four elementary schools, two junior high and two high schools. There is one Catholic school with grades kindergarten through 8; and there is also a Christian school with grades kindergarten through 8 which several Christian congregations in the community help to support. A large city of 300,000 is a little over an hour’s drive from this community. The church building of this congregation is located in the middle of an older residential neighborhood just six city blocks from the center of town. The downtown of this community is suffering an economic decline as large and popular discount stores and shopping centers have built close to a major highway that runs just outside of town, drawing business to that area and forcing the closure of several downtown businesses. The community is suffering a significant amount of unemployment at this time as the result of the current economic crisis. This congregation is predominately white working middle class people. About half of those in the congregation who work, work in agriculturally related occupations either in the food processing plant, on the farms directly, or in businesses related to the agricultural industry. About 10% are unemployed due to layoffs and cutbacks. About 30% work in stores, banks and food service and the remaining 10% are professionals that include a teacher, a police officer, and various types of medical professionals. Of those who are married 85% of the women also work outside the home to support their families. There are also a handful of single parent families in the congregation as well. The congregation has two youth groups which include 7 youth in high school and 9 in junior high. Due to a lack of attendees in the age group of 20 to 30 there are only two infants and 4 toddlers in the congregation at this time. There is a Wednesday night Bible study for adults and the youth also gather on that night. The church has a praise group and choir which meet on Thursday nights to practice. Because of its central location this congregation has also, for about 10 years, offered a food pantry ministry twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday mornings of the month. Several of the older retired members of the congregation staff it and distribute the food. The entire congregation contributes food each Sunday and various community grocery stores also contribute food to the pantry. 2. Preaching Calendar January 2010 Sunday Planner Theme: “Out With the Old and In With the New” Date AM sermon Service 3 Isaiah 43:18-19 God Wants to “Do A New Thing” in Your Life! 10 Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:20 “It Starts With A New Heart” 17 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 “A New Creation In Jesus Christ” 24 Ephesians 4:22-24 “The New Wardrobe of a New Life” 31 Colossians 3:5-10 “Discarding Completely the Clothes of the Old Life” February 2010 Sunday Planner Theme (final sermon of the “Out With the Old In With the New” Series) Beginning new series on “Waiting Through Difficult Times” on 21st Date AM sermon Service 7 Revelation 21:3-5 “Making All Things New For Eternity” 14 Midwinter Conference 21 Genesis 12:1-4; 18:1-14; 21:1-5 “Waiting for the Promise When Everything Says It Can’t Happen: The Story of Abraham” 28 Genesis 37, 39-41 “Waiting for Justice in the Midst of Constant Injustice: The Story of Joseph” March 2010 Sunday Planner Theme “Waiting Through Difficult Times” Date AM sermon Service 7 Exodus 2, 3 “Waiting for Redemption In the Wilderness: The Story of Moses” 14 1 Samuel 17, 19-31 “Waiting to Be King In the Midst of Powerlessness: The Story of David” 21 Matthew 4:1-11 “Waiting to Begin God’s Work In the Midst of Temptation: The Temptation of Jesus” 28 Isaiah 40: 27-31 “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait On the Lord!” April 2010 Sunday Planner Themes: Easter “Emptiness;” God’s Power at Work In Us Date AM sermon Service 4 Easter Luke 24:1-12 “Only the ‘Emptiness’ of Easter Can Bring Fullness of Life.” (empty cross, empty tomb, empty grave clothes, eternal life) 11 Romans 1:16-17 “What is the Real ‘Power’ of God?” 18 Ephesians 3:14-20 “How God’s Power is At Work In Us” 25 Philippians 1:6 “God Isn’t Finished With Us Yet” May 2010 Sunday Planner Themes: Preparedness in Uncertainty; Importance of Fellowship; Mother’s Day; Memorial Day Date AM sermon Service 2 Matthew 25:1-13 “Preparedness In the Face of Uncertainty” 9 Mother’s Day 1 Samuel 1 “A Mother’s Heart: The Story of Hannah” 16 Luke 24-13-35 “Walking the ‘Road to Recognition’ Together 23 Acts 2:42-47 “Fellowship Is The Foundation of Salvation” 30 Memorial Day Matthew 23:32-43 “Re-membering a Broken Life” June 2010 Sunday Planner Themes: Jesus Heals the Deepest Hurts; Father’s Day Date AM sermon Service 6 Mark 5:1-20 “Victory Over a ‘Legion’ of Pain” 13 John 5:1-9 “Do You Want To Be Healed?: That Is the Question” 20 Father’s Day Luke 15:11-14 “The Father’s Love” 27 Annual Conference July 2010 Sunday Planner Theme: Bearing Witness to the Truth Date AM sermon Service 4 John 18:28-38 “His Mission: To Bear Witness to the Truth” 11 John 4:1-24 “His Message: Living Water for Thirsty Souls” 18 1 John 3-4 Ephesians 4:15-25 “Our Mission: To Walk in the Truth” 25 John 14:1-21 “Our Message: “Gifted With the Truth” August 2010 Sunday Planner Theme: Seven Steps On the Road to Abundant Life Date AM sermon Service 1 Vacation 8 Vacation 15 Matthew 18:1-4; Mark 9:33-36 Seven Steps On the Road To An Abundant Life: “Humility is the First Step” 22 Romans 12:3-21 “The Second Step of Compassion” 29 Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; 1Thessalonians 5:17 “The Third Step: Prayer” September 2010 Sunday Planner Theme: Seven Steps on the Road to Abundant Life Date AM sermon Service 5 Jeremiah 33:8; Matthew 6:12-15; Ephesians 4:32; 1 John 1:9 “The Fourth Step of Forgiveness” 12 Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10 “The Fifth Step: Giving” 19 Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 19:11-26 “The Sixth Step of Responsibility” 26 Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 2:5-8; “The Final Step: Surrender” October 2010 Sunday Planner Themes: Compassion, Harvest, Hallowing God on Halloween Date AM sermon Service 3 Luke 4:16-21 “Compassion for the World” 10 Matthew 13:1-23 “Sowing The Seeds of God’s Harvest” 17 Colossians 1:1-6 “Growth of God’s Fruit” 24 Luke 10:2; John 4:35 “Reaping God’s Harvest” 31 Matthew 6:9; Philippians 2:9-11 “Hallowed be Thy Name” November 2010 Sunday Planner Themes: Problems have Purpose in the Kingdom of God; Thanksgiving; Beginning Series “Jesus Comes to Us in the Unexpected” on the 28th Date AM sermon Service 7 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 “Turning Weakness into Power” 14 1 Peter 1:6-7; Romans 5:3-5 “Life’s Pain Has Positive Purposes” 21 Philippians 4:4-6; 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “Giving Thanks To God In All Circumstances” 28 Matthew 25:36-44 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected People” December 2010 Sunday Planner Theme Date AM sermon Service 5 Isaiah 35: 1-10 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected Places” 12 John 1: 10-13 “Jesus Comes To Us In an Unexpected Form” 19 Luke 2:1-7 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected Ways” 26 Galatians 4:1-7 “Jesus Comes To Us With An Unexpected Salvation” 3. Sermon Series Series Title: “Out With The Old and In With The New” Updated: Preached: 5 Sundays of January and the first Sunday of February Focus or Purpose: God wants to make us completely new persons in Jesus Christ. We need to open our hearts and lives completely new. We cannot hang onto any part of the old self. We have to let it go completely. We cannot wear clothes that don’t fit. Our New Life includes eternal life with God in the new heaven and New Earth. Our participation in that starts with discarding the old life and Living a completely new and transformed here now! Abbreviation in Sermon Planning: The new heart is the one Jesus gives us when we receive him as Lord and savior of our lives. The “new clothes” represent a changed life in all aspects. We are a new creation in Christ; we have to discard the old completely and where we struggle God’s power can help us let go. We have new life in eternity waiting for us and the very real opportunity to start living here and now, but only when the old is completely discarded. Sequence January 3 10 17 24 31 February 7 Title/Scripture/File # Isaiah 43:18-19 God Wants to “Do A New Thing” in Your Life! Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:20 “It Starts With A New Heart” 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 “A New Creation In Jesus Christ” Ephesians 4:22-24 “The New Wardrobe of a New Life” Colossians 3:5-10 “Discarding Completely the Clothes of the Old Life” Revelation 21:3-5 “Making All Things New For Eternity” Series Title: “Waiting Through Difficult Times” Updated: Preached: 2 Sundays of February and the four Sundays of March Focus or Purpose: Waiting for Life to happen is one of the most difficult things we do. We like to control how and when. The Bible gives us several examples of people who waited a very long time to experience the fulfillment of God’s purpose and call in their lives. From them we can learn several guiding principles that will help us wait through the difficulties Abbreviation in Sermon Planning: Abraham: waiting in Faith; Joseph: waiting in Obedience; Moses: allowing the waiting to change his character; David: continuing to conquer and praise in the long wait to be king; Jesus: waiting in the word through Satan’s temptations Sequence February 21 28 March 7 14 21 28 Title/Scripture/File # Genesis 12:1-4; 18:1-14; 21:1-5 “Waiting for the Promise When Everything Says It Can’t Happen: The Story of Abraham” Genesis 37, 39-41 “Waiting for Justice in the Midst of Constant Injustice: The Story of Joseph” Exodus 2, 3 “Waiting for Redemption In the Wilderness: The Story of Moses” 1 Samuel 17, 19-31 “Waiting to Be King In the Midst of Powerlessness: The Story of David” Matthew 4:1-11 “Waiting to Begin God’s Work In the Midst of Temptation: The Temptation of Jesus” Isaiah 40: 27-31 “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait On the Lord!” Series Title: “Bearing Witness to The Truth Updated: Preached: 4 Sundays of July Focus or Purpose: Looking more deeply at the mission and message of Jesus and our mission and message as His followers Abbreviation in Sermon Planning: What is truth? It is more of a ‘witness’ and a ‘walk’ than it is a word or concept that must be defined. Sequence July 4 11 18 25 Title/Scripture/File # John 18:28-38 “His Mission: To Bear Witness to the Truth” John 4:1-24 “His Message: Living Water for Thirsty Souls” 1 John 3-4 Ephesians 4:15-25 “Our Mission: To Walk in the Truth” John 14:1-21 “Our Message: “Gifted With the Truth” Series Title: “Seven Steps on the Road to An Abundant Life” Updated: Preached: 3 Sundays of August and the 4 Sundays of September Focus or Purpose: Many of us struggle with the “pursuit of happiness” for a lifetime and find very little of it. But Jesus doesn’t promise happiness; he promises an abundant life. This series is meant to give some guidance for how to live that abundant life and the happy heart we seek will come to us in the living of this abundant life. Sequence August 15 22 29 September 5 12 19 26 Title/Scripture/File # Matthew 18:1-4; Mark 9:33-36 Seven Steps On the Road To An Abundant Life: “Humility is the First Step” Romans 12:3-21 “The Second Step of Compassion” Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “The Third Step: Prayer” Jeremiah 33:8; Matthew 6:12-15; Ephesians 4:32; 1 John 1:9 “The Fourth Step of Forgiveness” Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10 “The Fifth Step: Giving” Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 19:11-26 “The Sixth Step of Responsibility” Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 2:5-8; “The Final Step: Surrender” Series Title: “Jesus Comes in the Unexpected” Updated: Preached: last Sunday of November and the four Sundays of December Focus or Purpose: Jesus wasn’t what his people were expecting and He doesn’t always come and abide with us in the ways we expect. When we learn how to see Him in the unexpected, the gifts we receive because of His birth, as well as His death and resurrection become that much richer. Abbreviation in Sermon Planning: The Unexpected people: the hungry, the sick, the prisoners, the marginalized of this world; the unexpected places: the desert, the wilder- ness, the difficult places, the uncomfortable places; nobody recognized him, he wasn’t born in a royal family; they were expecting a great king; He was born in a stable among the animals to a peasant woman and a carpenter. He was born a tiny baby who need someone else to care for his every need. He came to save us by dying for us, by adopting us into His family as co-heirs of a glorious eternal inheritance. Sequence November 28 December 5 12 19 26 Title/Scripture/File # Matthew 25:36-44 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected People” Isaiah 35: 1-10 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected Places” John 1: 10-13 “Jesus Comes To Us In an Unexpected Form” Luke 2:1-7 “Jesus Comes To Us In Unexpected Ways” Galatians 4:1-7 “Jesus Comes To Us With An Unexpected Salvation” 4. Bibliography Buttrick, Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible Clark, T. & T.; Plummer, Alfred and Briggs, C. A.,editors. The International Critical Commentary New International Biblical Commentary, Hendrickson, Robert K. Johnston and Robert L.Hubbard, Old Testament editors; W. Ward Gasque, New Testament editor. The Bible Speaks Today, Intervarsity, John W. Stott, Old Testament editor. Word Biblical Commentary, Word Books, David A. Hubbard and Glen W. Barker, general editors. 5. Sermon Seeds While pondering on the harvest theme, an idea for a series on the fruits of a Christian life came to mind and several passages: Matthew 7:16; John 12:24; Roman7:4; Galatians 5:22 I wanted to include Joshua in the group of waiting through difficult times but felt a series could be done on his ministry. His focus, His faithfulness, His faith, His obedience (Joshua 1-11) A series could also been separately on David His faith, his ability to praise God in all circumstances, His quickness to repent of sin, His love of God’s Word. Several Psalms and stories from 1 and 2 Samuel could be used. A whole sermon series idea for compassion could be developed from Jesus’ healing ministry which could include the woman with the flow of blood, Jairus’ daughter, healing the ten lepers, as well as the man who had lain at the pool for years waiting for the waters to move. Read More
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