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Technology in Social Work - Essay Example

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The paper "Technology in Social Work" discusses that after considering the issues related to the efficiency of social workers’ efforts, it was evident that they needed a guideline to adopt for a successful plan to conduct research and apply them into practice…
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Technology in Social Work
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Technology in Social work” Introduction: The use of technology is common in every field of life these days. Its use is no more limited to large organizations and government departments. The impact of technology has brought marvelous changes in people’s lives. Technology has brought many beneficial modifications as well as a number of negative influences in every field. The field and work of social workers also involve the use of technology and has now become an integral part of their work. The importance of technology for social workers and its effect on the efficiency of their work has been a key question for the researchers. The use of technology has also been implemented in the social workers education and has impacted the overall working and education performance of the social workers. The use of computers, management systems, databases and internet has made it possible for the social workers to identify and research on the problems associated to people that need to be addressed to higher authorities and be resolved as soon as possible. The introduction of digital libraries and internet databases including projects of different researchers has helped in improving the knowledge and researching abilities of students. Moreover, technology has made it possible for the social workers to conduct researches in the limited time and resources available. Information soft-wares have helped them reducing the costs of researches and saved their time. In addition, the use of internet and technology has made it possible to access important information in a matter of seconds. However, researchers indicate that educational institutes lack technological studies as a part of their curriculum and the IT infrastructure creates problems for the qualified social workers when they enter in to the practical life. This paper further elaborates the situation. Research Question: This paper aims to investigate: How can technology impact the efficiency of social work? How well has technology been integrated in social work education? What are the problems associated with the IT infrastructure for social work purposes? Operationalise Terminology: MIS: Management information system is a set of programs used to manage the internal controls of an organization. MIS is used for decision making for the operations of any organization like deciding on a cost/price etc. (Carrilio, 2005). User-friendly system: A computer system designed to help people who are not aware of the technicalities of the computer system. These are normally designed to facilitate people using computers at work and home but are not computer specialists. Databases: A collection of data stored in the computer to be used without difficulty of searching for it. The database is used for easy access of necessary information. Distance Education: The use of technology to continue the two way communication process of education. Distance education uses technology to facilitate the requirements of a learning environment (Shale, 1987). DBMS: DBMS stands for database management system which is designed to provide a user or users of a database to share and access information with ease (Ramakrishnan & Gehrke, 2003). Social Informatics: Social informatics refers to the study of ICT in cultural, or institutional framework (Kling, Rosenbaum, & Sawyer, 2005) ICT: ICT stands for Information and communication technology. It is used to record, control, systematize, store, and communicate information. ICTs comprises a wide range of technological surprises for example phones, faxes, photocopiers, videos, audios, books, and journal articles (Dutton & Peltu, 1996). Method: Research has been conducted to reach the answer to the questions defined above. Researches were made from online libraries and included the main ideas and results of various researches undertaken by credible researchers and departments. A number of books and articles are included in order to gain a comprehensive material to verify the claims. Articles from the journal of technology in human services, the Journal of the Social Services Research Group, Information technology databases, individual research projects and books by various authors are included. Information technology databases were used in order to gain the understanding of databases, information software and other technical terms. At last, a questionnaire was being prepared to conduct a personal research and understand the credibility of previous researches. Critical Appraisal of Literature: In order to explain the need of using technology in social work and making it a part of social work courses, it was necessary to identify the reasons behind it. Adrian Adams, Philip Heasman and Lester Gilbert carried out a research in order to explain one of the crucial weaknesses of social work teams. Their research clearly explained the lack of researching habits in the social workers. This research included earlier work of the Kent Social Services Research Strategy Group (KRSG) and concluded that there is a lack of knowledge and importance of researching and reading habits among the managers and leaders of social workers which is creating problems in the achievement of their tasks efficiently. Moreover, this study reveals that around 89% social workers stated that they have insufficient time to conduct researches and 79% indicate that they have insufficient time apply the research finding in to practice. The Department of Health published a report in 1994 with the title A Wider Strategy for Research and Development Relating to Personal Social Services, in which it put the emphasis on the fact that the lack of researching and reading habits among the social workers is not because they lack motivation but the reason is their incapability of accessing the required information. Moreover, it states that they are not motivated to act upon the research findings but in fact they are following the previous leaders who used to act on the historical trends without taking the new research findings into account. The problems discussed so far are the lack of information and time to conduct researches in order to make the services of social workers better than before. Information technology is, undoubtedly, the solution to these problems. In the research paper conducted by Tom Hopkins and David Colombi, it is explained how information technology is helpful for the improved teaching in social work education. It also identifies the criticisms against Computer Assisted Learning. Moreover, this research provides evidences from the works of various authors and proves how effective can the use of IT in social work educations be. After the analysis of importance of IT, another book explains the effectiveness of modern technological advancements in the education, training and practice of social services. The book written by Coe Regan, Jo Ann, and Goutham M. Menon accumulates a number of researches and provides with some more important information in this regard. The uses of video conferencing, ITV and other IT miracles have been discussed in this book. However, it has been observed that there were certain limitations of these resources. A number of surveys revealed that participants had problems with the quality of display, sound, or efficiency of these devices and software. For instance, the ITV system’s survey ended up in the outcome that 20% participants had difficulties in reading the contents displayed on the monitor and 45% stated that they could not hear what was being said on TV. The effectiveness of distance learning was also questioned and a number of respondents were not satisfied due to “loss of personal touch” with the educators which they think is important. Moreover, the use of DBMS may change the overall situation of social workers performance. The study reveals that DBMS help the social workers improve time efficiency and share information in the fastest possible way. Lieshout and Schrijen’s study suggests that the social work educational institutes must move towards the approach to social informatics. The study emphasizes on the conditions which must be met in order to provide social work learners with an educational environment where they may be able to understand and grasp all techniques related to their field. The staff of educational institutions must be given proper information about the advantages and use of ICT in social work organizations. The study suggests that the teachers must be trained and well informed about the social informatics and must be able to integrate it in the curriculum of social work practice. Julie Miller-Cribbs in her book defines the role of technological advancements in social work field. This detailed study examines the use of technology in the management of information available for social workers. The use of technology has made it possible for the workers to manage large amounts of data and utilize it with ease. The management information software and their efficient use have also been discussed in this study. This comprehensive study also takes into account the issues related to distance learning associated with the field of social work education. The use of video and web based learning and training has also been discussed in detail. The issue of installing an effective management information system has been argued. Moreover, it contains necessary information on how to make a MIS more user- friendly and install it for a better and improved performance. Another study by Kleinpeter, Christine, Marilyn Potts, and John Oliver is undertaken. This article gives information about the relationship between off campus sites and the host university with the help of Site Advisory Committee. This article is basically the essence of different studies and researches conducted earlier for successful implementation of distance learning programs. The risks associated with the use of such committees are also discussed but the conclusion clearly states that the benefits of such a committee overweigh the risk factors associated with it. Hence the use of such committees may help implementing a successful distance learning program especially for rural areas to enjoy the benefits it provides. This study also reveals the importance of technological advancements like computers, management software, fax machines, databases, digital libraries, internet etc. for the better performance of education in general and in the context of social work. The questionnaire was prepared to check the availability and knowledge about IT techniques and procedures as involved in the schools of social work students. The questionnaire contained 10 questions and was filled up by 25 candidates. The results show that all the students had computer labs in their schools but only 28% of them indicated that they have access to internet. The social work students do not use computers often in their schools for educational purposes as only 32% stated that they use it regularly. Relatively higher percentage, i.e. 75% of participants, indicated that their teachers motivate them to use internet and computers. The purpose for which they are motivated vary, however, a usual response was to conduct researches for class assignments and discussions. 68% percent students say that they want to include IT as a part of their syllabus and the remaining 32% were fully satisfied with their syllabus. Appraise the Methodology Used to Generate Evidence: A wide research material is available on the benefits of using technology in social work education and practice. However, the researches carried out are qualitative and do not provide enough quantitative data to evaluate the situation. A more in depth research is required in order to calculate the credibility of IT as a tool for distance learning and training. The advantages of technology as used in the social work field are inevitably of paramount importance. However, more research is required on the difficulties that social workers face because of technological faults like loss of data, discontinuation of distance conferencing, disruptions in modern communication techniques, complexity of modern data bases, lack of awareness about IT infrastructure, unavailability of technological wonders in different areas specially rural regions etc. The information provided on installation of information systems, video conferencing tools, ITV and other applications is useful. However, it is important to keep in view the importance of practical experience of using them. The software and latest technological appliances available for the social workers are not utilized in an effective manner due to the lack of information about them. More studies are required to emphasize on the need of including practical use of these technologies with the curriculum of social work education. The studies included more of the qualitative information about the use of technology in social work education hence; provide a room for critical thinking and more research. Some studies included the previously carried out quantitative researches but those limited researches require a revision as more technologies have been introduced and must be evaluated in terms of their success in social work. The questionnaire helped in a personal evaluation of the situation. The results of the questionnaire indicated that more emphasis is required to motivate teachers on explaining IT related issues within the classrooms. Conclusions and Recommendations: After considering the issues related to the efficiency of social workers’ efforts, it was evident that they needed a guideline to adopt for a successful plan to conduct researches and apply them into practice. The major problems they faced were lack of information and access and time. The solution to these problems, without any doubt, was the use of a faster and more efficient means of work. Information technology has helped them in overcoming these problems. However, it has been observed by thoroughly researching on education curriculums of social work courses that they lack in providing useful information about Information technology to the students. The relationship between IT and social work is neglected and must be given a more important place in the research list related to this field. In practice, social workers use various technological appliances like telephones, fax machines, computers etc. Yet, most of them lack information about Management information systems, networking and a bit more technical procedures and inventions. The use of basic computers, fax systems etc. help them in saving time and creating efficiency in their work as compared to previously adopted paper work techniques. However, they lack information and knowledge about handling the new programs and soft-wares developed which are being successfully used in businesses and educational fields related to medical and sciences. The lack of knowledge of these more complex advancements in technology has stopped social workers from developing to the extent of other fields. Without proper implementation of IT related subjects in the course of social work students, it seems very difficult and somehow impossible to integrate these new technologies in its practice. It will be a more costly technique to start awareness programs and training campaigns once the student passes his degree in social work field. It is hence recommended to implement strategies for successful implementation of technological studies in social work schools. Moreover, there is a need to add different programs and activities which involve students in the practical use of technologies related to & advantageous for social workers. Such activities will help them in understanding the IT infrastructure and procedures as implemented in social work practice. Appendix 1: 1. Do you have a computer lab in your college? (i) Yes (ii) No 2. Does your school provide access to internet in the computer labs? (i) Yes (ii) No 3. How often do you use computers at your school for researching, data entry etc.? (i) Regularly (ii) Weekly (iii) Not often (iv) Never used 4. What are the computers used for in your school? (i) Administration purposes (ii)Teaching purposes (iii) Educational purposes (iv)Don’t know 5. Do your teachers motivate the use of IT at school? If so how? (i) Yes (ii) No How:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you have access to computers and other latest technologies like internet, PDAs etc. at home? (i) Yes (ii) No 7. Do you know how technology may impact your career? If so define how. (i) Yes (ii) No Define:__________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Are your teachers well aware of ICT and focus on it in your classrooms? (i) Yes (ii) No 9. Are you satisfied with the curriculum of your course? (i) Yes (ii) No 10. Do you wish to include IT as a part of your social work course? (i) Yes (ii) No Bibliography: GREAT BRITAIN. (1994). A Wider strategy for research & development relating to personal social services. London, H.M.S.O.]. ADAMS, A., HEASMAN, P., & GILBERT, L. (1999). Opportunities and constraints to practitioner research in the personal social services. Research, Policy and Planning : the Journal of the Social Services Research Group. 17, 16. HOPKINS, T., & COLOMBI, D. (1996) Technology for social work education. ALT-J. 4, 17-27 COE REGAN, J. A., & MENON, G. M. (1999). Computers and information technology in social work: education, training, and practice. New York, Haworth Press. MILLER-CRIBBS, J. (2001). New advances in technology for social work education and practice. New York, Haworth Press. KLEINPETER, C., POTTS, M., & OLIVER, J. (2001). Distance Education: The Role of the Site Advisory Committee. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 18, 77-88. LIESHOUT, V. H., & SCHRIJEN, H. (1999), Integration versus isolation? implementation strategies for ICT teaching in social work curricula New Technology in the Human Services 12 (3 & 4), pp. 38-46 SHALE, D. G. (1987). Pacing in Distance Education: Something for Everyone? The American Journal of Distance Education. 1, 21-33. RAMAKRISHNAN, R., & GEHRKE, J. (2003). Database management systems. Boston, McGraw-Hill. CARRILIO, T. (2005). Management Information Systems: Why Are They Underutilized in the Social Services? ADMINISTRATION IN SOCIAL WORK. 29, 43-62. DUTTON, W. H., & PELTU, M. (1996). Information and communication technologies: visions and realities. Oxford [England], Oxford University Press. KLING, R., ROSENBAUM, H., & SAWYER, S. (2005). Understanding and communicating social informatics a framework for studying and teaching the human contexts of information and communication technologies. Medford, N.J., Information Today, Inc. Read More
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