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The role and importance of communication to organisational effectiveness - Essay Example

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It plays a significant role in ensuring that all the organizational operations are completed at the right time and subsequent events run smoothly. It is…
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The role and importance of communication to organisational effectiveness
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78-79). The managers make the production process by organizing and communicating to the employees on the area in which person is supposed to be. In regard to this, effectiveness in the production process is improved when the employees are informed on why they have been selected to perform particular tasks and not others. This creates harmony within the organization since they do not view job allocations as a form of oppression but as a way of developing their skills (Leopold et al 2005 p.56). Since organizations constantly change in order to match the varying consumer needs, communication becomes a necessity especially where goods and services are to be produced according to the customer’s specifications.

Information flow along the management hierarchy needs to be effective in order for the workers to understand what and for whom to produce. For example, customers may order a specific amount of a particular quantity of product. Since they can not access the employees directly, they have to contact the management who are expected to satisfy their demands. If effective communication is not made to every one concerned in production, employees may end up not producing according to specifications given to the managers (Geoffrey 2004 pp. 34-36). Information regarding a change in production needs to be communicated through the available methods such as group discussions, team work and such so that the employees can discuss and exchange ideas in regard to the changes.

Without effective communication, an organization can not accomplish its goals. Communication with in an organization promotes transparency in the organization. It happens that when the employees do not get adequate information from their seniors, it is most likely that they may end up making the wrong decisions or conclusions in critical issues. For example, it is important for the employees to understand the criteria through which the management confers

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