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Talk to Frank Programme - Essay Example

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The paper "Talk to Frank Programme" is an attempt to review the UK government’s award winning ‘Talk to Frank’ programme with regard to specific audience interpretation of the message.The programmes and initiatives are mainly in the form of PR activities and advertising in the media. …
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Talk to Frank Programme
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Introduction: Use and addiction to illicit substances are on the rise in the UK. There have been programmes and initiatives, along with tough statutes to combat this menace over the years. The programmes and initiatives are mainly in the form of PR activities and advertising in the media. This paper is an attempt to review the UK government’s award winning ‘Talk to Frank’ programme with regard to specific audience interpretation of the message. Talk to Frank: The UK government, concerned about the rising illicit substance use, and its helplessness in combating it tried something novel in 2003. It launched an anti-drug campaign called ‘Talk to Frank’ which is a combination of drug related information and helpline for addicts and casual users. “The government says it is the first campaign aimed at parents and carers as well as teenagers.” (Frank anti drugs drive backed 2003). The helpline, in fact can be used by anyone interested or concerned about drug usage by a relative or a friend. The campaign is implemented with the backing of the UK Home Office, the Department of Health, and minister of education. Critics say that the campaign only addresses use of class A drugs. The UK law has classified illicit drugs into three categories namely class A, B, and C. The Home Office has included the following drugs as coming under class A namely “Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, cocaine, crack, magic mushrooms, and amphetamines.” (Drugs).According to the Misuse of Drugs Act, the most harmful among the above classifications is included under class A. The Act proclaims that “These drugs are termed as controlled substances, and Class A drugs are those considered being the most harmful.” (Drug laws & licensing). The campaign is shown as advertisements on TV and the press and only says that a help-line is available along with a website called “” In other words, the website and the helpline comprise the whole programme. The website appears a bit garish or even psychedelic. It can be said that the site is very unattractive visually and is badly designed. It has five main menus, namely ‘A-Z of drugs, Join In, Talk to Frank, Worried about someone, Need Help, and Share. It also clearly shows the helpline number on the top of the page. The Join In section enables the public to share their experiences with others. The section also provides information on how drugs alter the state of mind. A lot of importance is given to cannabis and cocaine, probably because of their dangers and widespread use. More links on how ‘ecstasy’ and ‘LSD’ affect the mind is also provided. As an example, an extract of the information the site gives on cocaine is given below. “Coke is very addictive. It can be difficult to resist the craving and strong psychological dependence due to changes in the brain. Recent evidence suggests possible long-term changes to the nervous system. Although psychological dependence is more of a problem than physical withdrawal symptoms - low moods and feeling very rough soon after stopping can tempt people to take more coke.”(A-Z of drugs). Such information is apparently useful since the effects as well as the dangers involved are given in clear layman’s terms. It is given in simple non-technical terms which can be understood by anyone with a fair knowledge of English. Members of the public can email the site or call the hotline number. When emailing or communicating through the site, people do not have to provide names, probably to protect their identity. But according to an association called the ‘UK Cannabis Internet Activists’ some of the information found on the site may be incorrect. “You may have heard Talk to Frank adverts on radio and TV that claim cannabis will make you sick (puke as they put it). Unless you mix it with alcohol cannabis is very unlikely to do that. The information given by Talk to Frank is highly questionable in many ways, but in this instance it is simply wrong.” (UKCIA newsblog). The site further adds that one of the cocaine addict cartoon characters Bernie Hayzy is shown a scruffy and hippie type person where in reality many cocaine users are otherwise normal people found in the society. They dress normally, go to work, and even have a family. This is a serious lapse on the part of the government and should immediately update the site contents and its visual appeal if it is sincere in its efforts. Even a small mistake about a point can result in suspicions about the validity of other information. People may believe that other information given in the site may be prone to errors also. But the TV advertisements that promote the helpline and website fares much better in terms of effectiveness, content, and visual appeal. This is corroborated by the fact that the campaign has won a third place award for ‘Ads That Make News’ promoted by TBWA, the international ad agency owned by the Omnicom Group. “In joint third place came the governments new "Talk to Frank" anti-drugs campaign created by Mother, which opted for off-the-wall knockabout slapstick humour, which according to the TBWA Chairman Trevor Beattie is enough to ensure "youll laugh. Youll chuckle. Youll immediately stop freebasing crack.” (MacMillan 2003). Advertising and the society: Advertising is one of the most common ways by which corporations communicate with the general public about their products and services in the hope that they will become customers due to its influence. It is also used to communicate public service concerns and information like the campaign that is reviewed in this paper. "Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media." (Taflinger 1996). The modern concept of advertising started when companies used to advertise in the print media. When cinema became popular, advertisements began to appear in movie halls. Using outdoor media like billboards and banners are also commonly used. The advent of television was what changed the advertising industry in a big way. Now, advertising is commonly seen on the internet and also through devices like the mobile phone. There is a perception that advertising existed even among people of the ancient world. The Romans were supposed to be great advertisers and used personal selling and sales pitch to advertise. But modern advertising can trace its origins to the invention of the printing press. Experts date the early efforts at commercial advertising during the middle of the 1800s. “A hunt for the earliest ad in ‘The Creative Director’s Source Book’ (compiled in 1988 by Nick Souter and Stuart Newman) unearths a newspaper advertisement from 1849”. (Tungate 2007, p.11). But advertising began to be viewed seriously by companies after the advent of the industrial revolution and has since exploded into the present industry that is seen today. Theories of advertising: As with many business and economic activities, many theories related to the field of advertising have also been developed over the years. Some of the prominent ones will be discussed here to analyze the audience interpretation of their messages. The Hierarchy of effects model: This model postulates that consumer attraction to a product takes place in hierarchical steps. “The model was named the hierarchy-of-effects model which is the same name as some authors used on the foundation theory, and will therefore go under the name, Lavidge & Steiners Hierarchy-of-effects model in this study.” (Karlsson 2007, p.14). It should be noted that all the theories listed here come under the category of hierarchy of effects model, and hence this particular one will be known by the names of its developers mentioned above. Hierarchy of effects Model can be explained with the help of a pyramid. “First the lower level objectives such as awareness, knowledge or comprehension are accomplished.” (Hierarchy-of-effects model 2009). This is mainly effective in the case of new products or services. The first logical step for any advertiser who acts on behalf of the client is to create an awareness of the product in the minds of the consumer. The initial awareness then turns into knowledge in the minds of the consumer. “How detailed and elaborate this stage-by-stage decision making process about brands turns out to be mediated by the degree of involvement or psychological (and financial) investment in the product.” (Gunter, Oates, & Blades 2005, P.82). What this essentially means is that costlier product purchase may follow this pattern more than cheaper products. Once knowledge is acquired, the next logical progression is towards liking or not liking the product. Here advertising has a limitation in the sense that if a product is disliked because of its physical attributes, cost, or any other factors, no amount of advertising will help to change the mind of the consumer. Preference indicates the perception of the product in comparison with competing products. If there is no preference for a particular brand, there is very little chance of it being bought. Continued advertising or the quality of advertising will bring about a conviction in the minds of the consumer about its usefulness and quality. This will eventually lead to actual purchase of the product. The AIDA model theory: “One of the oldest models of advertising, the AIDA Model, proposes a hierarchy of effects model for use of advertising as follow.” (David Keillor, Owens, L,& Hausknecht, R 2007, p.232), namely, attention, interest, desire, and action. Like the previous theory, here also a hierarchy of effects on the consumer mind and action takes place. The first job of the advertiser is to catch the attention of the consumer, followed by creation of interest in the product. Then a desire has to be created and then it will be followed by action, that is, the actual purchase of the product. This theory, like many other advertising theories, has its share of distracters. One of the strongest criticisms is that there have been “only limited attempts to validate the theory empirically, with results falling short of conclusive.” (Philip Jones 1999, P. 221). According to Michael Ray, an authority of advertising, this model will best work when the audience has a strong involvement in the topic, and also there exists clear-cut differences between substitute products or services. DAGMAR model: This model or theory was “developed by marketing consultant Russell Colley for the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), came to be known as DAGMAR, an acronym for defining advertising goals for measured advertising response.” (Schultz, & Schultz, Heidi, F 2004, p.201). Like all other models and theories, DAGMAR model also assumes a hierarchical process that takes place with regard to the effectiveness of advertising. But one notable addition to the model is that there is a process of measurement of the effectiveness at each of the hierarchical stages or processes. More recent trends in advertising theories like the one propounded by John Paul Jones and Erwin Ephron is of the view that effectiveness is based on the recency of the ad. In other words, advertisements have only short memory life cycles and the older ones are soon forgotten. To be effective, advertisements are to be repeatedly shown or printed. Not being a product promotion, applying the advertising theories to this campaign is a bit tricky. But from the perception of advertising specialist Michael Ray (mentioned earlier) the AIDA model is the most applicable. This is because affected audience will have a strong involvement in the topic. The drug addicts (if they feel the need to change), their parents, family, and friends are bound to have a close involvement in seeing that the addiction is freed from the victim. There is a clear cut differentiation with regard to the service, namely a helpline and online communication portal with regard to information on drugs and talking with experts who will provide valuable advice. With regard to other theories, frequency of the show will be a factor due to the concept of recency mentioned above. With regard to Hierarchy of effects model, the campaign should be able to make affected parties (customers) in the manner provided in the theory. It should first create awareness of the dangers of drugs, and the possibility of a cure. It also should focus on prevention rather than on cure. It should then create knowledge resulting in a liking for the campaign. This programme should become a preference for the customer which should be followed by conviction and purchase. Purchase here means using the services offered in the programme. In this regard, the whole campaign has all the ingredients that can lead the interested parties along the hierarchical steps mentioned in the theory. Government campaigns: For the success of any campaign it needs a well guided planning and a management. British government conducts many campaigns for different purpose. In UK campaigns are conducted by government and also by the private organizations. Some of such campaigns are success and some others are failures. Public relation campaigning is focused to improve the relationship with the public. Organizations use camping method to introduce a new product in the market or give awareness about their products to the public. An effective public relations campaign should have an obvious message. That means an effective campaign works, focuses and conceives a message. Good public relation is a key factor for the success of any government. For the success of the public relation, government should have a clear realistic concept regarding anything. Campaign is an effective method for developing a good public relation. UK government public relations campaigns focused to improve the relationship between the government and the public. Sometime it may be an awareness programme. UK government conducts many such campaigns related to their anti-drug policy. Through this campaign they intended to give awareness about the impact of drug. Drug culture in UK is very complex. So Britain’s anti-drug programmes cannot accomplish their targets. (Townsend 2009). According to a survey report the number of drug users under 25 years in UK is increasing. One third of the children whose ages is between 16 and 19 were drug addicted. Out of five UK school children two of them were tried the illicit drug products. In UK drug usage rate varies from one region to another. London and North of England are in the top-most position in the case of the drug usage. Compared to the urban areas, number of drug addicted people in rural areas is less. But it is opposite in the case of drinks. Out of the total students in the Oxford University 9 percent of them use LSD at their college. (Norton 1999). In UK children start drug use at their adolescent age itself. It affects their way of thinking and their health. It leads them as drug addicts in their younger stage. It harmfully affects their education, job opportunities and their life. Children start this type misbehaviour with smoking. In the first time they use cannabis. Then they starts drinking. Gradually they use LSD tablets and become as heroin addicted people. According to Peter Martin “There is still a huge amount of ignorance and stigma around drugs misuse among those who have responsibility to care for children, right across society, its educational institutions and public services,” (Hill 2004). Currently UK government decided to start their anti-narcotic campaigns at the primary school level. According to minister’s opinion the best time to tell the danger of drug is the primary school time.(Johnston 2009). Family cooperation is very important for the success of anti drug campaigns. Parents and grandparents must take care of their children to escape from this activity and to understand the problems related to the drug usage. Government campaigns should also focus to do their anti drug activities through the drug treatment programmes. Information that should be provided to the public in an ad campaign: The following information and the dangers of its use should be provided by the government to the public. It is already mentioned that class A drugs are the most dangerous drug groups. Some of Class A group drugs and their impacts are mentioned below: Ecstasy: - Popularity of this harmful drug is threatening the future of the young generation. It is very easy to obtain. According to BBC NEWS, “in relation to annual deaths, Schifano et al. (2006) suggested annual death rate of around 40-70, although they noted many difficulties in arriving at these estimates, since most fatalities are in ecstasy polydrug users.” (Easton 2009). There is no control for adding the harmful substances contained in it. People adopt different methods to use this drug. Injection, swallowing and tablet or capsule forms are some commonly used methods. Its working starts from the nervous system and then it enhances the mood of the user. At the initial stage it provides a good feel. Ecstasy has several side effects. Hypertension, increased hart beat, over confidence, hyperthermia, sweating, depression, stimulation and death are the major and common side effects. In some persons its reaction starts on the same day when it is used but in some others its reaction may start after 14 days. Short team effects like confusion, sleet problems, nausea, fever etc. may continue six or seven days. (Basic facts about drugs 2001). LSD: - It is a popular hallucinogen. It comes under schedule I drugs. Like Ecstasy it also affects the mood of the user. It is produced by using lysergic acid. It is commonly used through the mouth. It has long term and short term effects. Its side effects are unpredictable. It depends on the amount and other physical and mental condition of the user. Its short term effects include insomnia, hypertension, sweating, loss of hunger, dry mouth etc. In LSD users emotional changes occur rapidly. Its long term effect is that if the user stops the drug usage his experiences may come again. It is not an addicting drug. The reason for that is it does not create such mentality to the users. (LSD 2009). Heroin: - This drug is also very popular in UK. According to BBC NEWS “Afghanistan is the source of 70% of the worlds heroin supplies and 90% of heroin used in the UK each year.” (Drugs 2005). Heroin is derived from morphine. Major impact of the usage of this drug is it leads to depression. Some common methods of using heroin are injection, smoking. It comes under schedule 1. It has long term and short term effects. Its short term effects occur immediately after a single dose and it will disappear after a few hours. Common side effects are ischemia, dry mouth, depression, inaudible speech, vomiting, etc. Common long term effects are collapsed veins, liver disease, pneumonia etc. (Heroin 2009). Cocaine: - Cocaine is developed form coca plant. It is used by the people either in the form of injection or in the form of smoking. It has the capacity to create a temptation in the users to use again and again. It has harmful side effects. It may lead to death. It affects both the mental and the physical health. Some impacts of cocaine usage are it breaks routines like sleeping and eating habit; it causes damages on the nasal tissues. Some diseases caused by the usage of Cocaine are heart attack, stroke, and respiratory problems. (Crack and cocaine). Crack: - It comes under schedule 1. It is used as an eating product, or a drink as tea. It has both long term and short term effects. It also affects the emotions and mental health of a person. Its short term effects start with a feeling of nausea. It breaks the sensational power. Nervousness and paranoia are its other side effects. Its long term effect is flashback experience. (Mushrooms 2009). Amphetamine: - Many drugs are included in the amphetamine drug class. Methamphetamine is the most popular one among them. Commonly it is used orally, by injection or by smoke. Some of the amphetamines are produced illegally. Some of them are not permitted for medical use. Depression and mood changing are the important side effects of this drug. It enhances physical performance and reduces the appetite. It increases the heart beat and may cause hypertension. (Amphetamines 2003). Drug Regulations: In UK drug misuse is very common. Parliament conducted a study related to drug misuse. In 1998 UK parliament started a ten year plan for fighting against the drug misuse. Prevention and enforcement against the drug misuse was the basic methods they followed in this strategy. Here the enforcement was for the illegal and the harmful drugs. This strategy was started at the local level. It focuses mainly at four aims. Youth: - Aim of this strategy among young people is help youngsters to defend the misuse of drugs and prepare them to fight against that. For that, related authorities conduct drug education in the school level which focuses the drug prevention in the younger generation. Communities:-This programme focuses on the lawbreakers, that is, who misuse drugs. After identifying such people this strategy aims to give treatment to such people. It helps to break the connection between drug and drug related crimes. Based on this strategy new drug treatment and related schemes were developed in UK. This system also allows the offenders permission to undergo treatment. They also provide facilities for the offenders for rehabilitation through counselling, evaluation, guidance etc. These are provided to the offenders within the prison. Treatment: - Treatment includes teaching about the consequences of the drug in one’s personal and social life. It aims to decrease the number of drug users and prisoners. Availability: - This aims to choke the availability of drugs. The basic intention of this is to reduce the chance for the usage of drugs in the children. UK government funds a huge amount of money for this. Anti drug coordinators’ reports indicate that this strategy helps UK government to reduce a certain amount of drug misusing and the availability of drug and crimes related to the drug abuse. (Lafrenière 2001). According to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations some drugs are controlled in UK. According to this act the production, supply and import of these controlled drugs can be done only on the basis of certain laws. This act divides the drugs into three categories. Each of the categories has separate law. Class A includes the most harmful drugs like pethdine, heroin, cannabinol, LSD etc. Violation of the law related to the class A category drugs has severe penalty. Punishment for the offenders includes 7 year imprisonment for possession or life for trafficking or unlimited fine. All Class drugs which is ready for injection is also considered as Class A drug. Class B is less harmful compared to Class A drugs. So its penalty is also lesser compared to Class A. Five year imprisonment for possession and 14 year imprisonment for trafficking or unlimited fine is the punishment for the offenders. Drugs included in the class B category are sedatives, THC, herbal and resin cannabis etc. Class C is less dangerous compared to Class A and Class B drugs. So the offenders get small punishment compared to the above mentioned two groups. Two year imprisonment for possession and five year imprisonment for trafficking or unlimited fine is the punishment. (Definition of U.K. classes and schedules 2000). The authority to alter the categorization of drug is given to UK Home Secretary. There are some restrictions to import and export these drugs. For importing and exporting and supplying of the drugs, licence is necessary. Otherwise it is an offence as per the Act. In November 1994, the UK Home Secretary established the following regulation. “A Home Office licence is required by persons importing/exporting anabolic steroids, unless the substance is in the form of a medicinal product being imported for personal use only.” (Advice on the classification of 24 steroidal and 2 non-steroidal Substances). According to Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 it specifies certain classes of people who have the right to handle the restricted drugs. According to this regulation drugs are divided into five categories. The category of the drug and the authorised person’s professional capacities are related. Drugs which are included in the top most schedules are permitted only to research and to the approved peoples for particular purpose. There is no right for the doctors to prescribe this type of drugs as medicine. Schedule 2 drugs can be prescribed by the doctor by satisfying certain regulations like secure storage facility and with proper records. According to this regulation drugs which come under Schedule 5 can be exported, imported or possessed with lesser administrative direction. (Exemptions) At section 10 of this regulation is specified about usage of the drugs for the medical purpose and method of keeping and dealing the drug. (Lafrenière 2001). The Medicines Act 1968 mentions about the controlling of the manufacturing and supplying of the drugs related to the medial purpose. For all these kind of activities licence or marketing authorization is essential. According to Criminal Justice Act 1990 production and distribution of certain chemicals used for the production are prohibited drugs. (Other Relevant Legislation in the Field of Drug Misuse ). (Lafrenière 2001). Conclusion: It appears that ‘Talk to Frank’ has made some headway among the population in the country. “TNS System Three was commissioned by the Office of Chief Researcher (OCR) to conduct research to evaluate the latest phase of the Scottish Executives Know the Score campaign which focused on heroin misuse and ran from August 14th - September 17th 2006.” (Executive summary: background & objectives 2007). The Scottish Government sponsored study of a group of 13 to 15 year old children showed that they were well aware of the website of the programme. In fact only this website with regard to drug awareness campaigns was mentioned. The children could not identify or recall any other website related to drug use apart from ‘Talk to Frank’. There is plenty of information in the website on drugs and its effects. There are some accusations of inaccuracies which should be looked into. There is very little literature apart from several opinions on the effectiveness of the programme. The only conclusion that can be got from this review is that interested parties who are somehow affected by the programme will view it seriously. Some may just view the site just out of curiosity because of the humorous way in which the ads are shown. Others who are genuinely interested in prevention or just to help others will also be interested. The general public not affected by any of these may totally ignore the campaign. Unless a more direct approach is taken, many drug addicts may not have the will to remove the addiction. ‘Talk to Frank’ even though novel is a voluntary programme in the sense that only those who feel the need (for whatever reason) will make use of it. A drug addict who does not feel the need to stop his addiction will not view it seriously. Moreover, a direct study in the form of surveys and interviews will provide valuable information of the way it is perceived by different sections of the population. Until then only conjectures and not solid results can be made available. Reference A-Z of drugs: cocaine: chances of getting hooked, Frank, viewed 1 April 2009, anti drugs drive backed: a £3 million Amphetamines 2003, The Merck Manuals: Online Medical Library, viewed 1 April 2009, Advice on the classification of 24 steroidal and 2 non-steroidal Substances, ACMD: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, viewed 1 April 2009,,UK&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in Basic facts about drugs: ecstasy 2001, American Council for Drug Education’s, viewed 1 April 2009, campaign to tackle drug abuse has been launched with an appeal to Talk to Frank 2003, BBC, viewed 1 April 2009, Crack and cocaine,, viewed 1 April 2009, David Keillor, Bruce., Owens, L, Deborah., & Hausknecht, R, Douglas 2007, The aida model of advertising: motivations for use of celebrity endorsements, Greenwood Publishing Group, viewed 1 April 2009,,M1 David Keillor, Bruce., Owens, L, Deborah., & Hausknecht, R, Douglas 2007, The aida model of advertising: motivations for use of celebrity endorsements, Greenwood Publishing Group, viewed 1 April 2009, Definition of U.K. classes and schedules 2000, The Vaults of EROWID, viewed 1 April 2009, Drugs: facts behind the fiction 2005, BBC, viewed 1 April 2009, Drugs: class A, B and C drugs: class A,, viewed 1 April 2009, Drug laws & licensing: misuse of drugs act,, viewed 1 April 2009, Easton, Mark 2009, Ecstasy risk, BBC, viewed 1 April 2009, Executive summary: background & objectives 2007, The Scottish Government Publication, viewed 1 April 2009, Gunter, Barrie., Oates, Caroline., & Blades, Mark 2005, Advertising to Children on TV: Content, Impact, and Regulation, Routledge, viewed 1 April 2009,,M1 Heroin 2009, The partnership for a Drug-Free America, viewed 1 April 2009, Hierarchy-of-effects model: models used to convey communication objectives Hierarchy-of-effects model 2009,, viewed 1 April 2009, Hill, Amelia 2004, Danger of playground drug culture,, viewed 1 April 2009, Johnston, Philip 2009, Anti-drug campaign to target children aged five,, viewed 1 April 2009, Karlsson, Linda 2007, Advertising theories and models-how well can these be transfered from text into reality: lavidge & Steiners Hierarchy-of-effects model, University of Halmstad: Faculty of Economics and Technology Strategic Marketing, viewed 1 April 2009, LSD 2009, The partnership for a Drug Free America, viewed 1 April 2009, Lafrenière, Gerald 2001, National drug policy: United Kingdom, viewed 1 April 2009, MacMillan, Gordon 2003, Hond’s cog spot tops ads that make news survey: Brand Republic, viewed 1 April 2009, Mushrooms 2009, The partnership for a Drug-Free America, viewed 1 April 2009, Norton, Cherry 1999, Revealed: a map of drug- taking across Britain, The Independent, viewed 1 April 2009, Philip Jones, John 1999, The advertising business: operations, creativity, media planning, integrated communications, SAGE, viewed 1 April 2009,,M1 Schultz, Don, E., & Schultz, Heidi, F 2004, IMC, The Next Generation: Five Steps for Delivering Value and Measuring Returns Using Marketing Communication, McGraw-Hill Professional, viewed 1 April 2009, Taflinger, Richard, F 1996, A definition of advertising, viewed 1 April 2009, Tungate, Mark 2007, Adland: an industry take shapes, Kogan page Publisher, viewed 1 April 2009,,M1 Townsend, Mark 2009, Frankly, the ads don’t work-they just make it worse,, viewed 1 April 2009, UKCIA newsblog: talk to frank adverts-factual error, The UK Cannabis Internet Activists, viewed 1 April 2009, Read More
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