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Target Population of Foster Care System - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Target Population of Foster Care System" will begin with the statement that individuals at the age of 18 might not be physically and intellectually mature to take the right decisions required to drive their future in a proper direction…
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Target Population of Foster Care System
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The individuals at the age of 18 might not be physically and intellectually mature to take right decisions required to drive their future ina proper direction. The individuals leaving the foster care system are the most vulnerable young population. Risk Factors for this target population who are aging out of the foster care system are homelessness, employment and job training, behavioral issues, substance use and abuse, health and well being etc. Positive and/or negative events experienced inside and outside foster care system are crucial determinants of individuals risk factors The factors that account for the varied outcomes of aged out individuals are influenced by quality care of foster care facility. Aged out individuals of foster care systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Inadequate foster care ends up being more expensive to society because it generates incapable, inefficient suppressed future youth. Application of proactive measures and preventive tools should be taken by the organisations to control their exit out of foster care system. Positive events and quality care experienced by individuals in youth would definitely help them to achieve much more in their life. The strategies should be aimed to improve behavioral outcomes, enhance life satisfaction, and greater level of competence in activities of daily living. Introduction Foster care givers are committed to helping the children and young people who are physically, mentally, and/or socially abandoned. Government is responsible to take care of these youths. Local, state and Federal funding operates foster care services (Winder, 2007). When the individual turn 18 years, he/she is out of dependent foster care living system and has to start independent living. Moving into adulthood is important transformation in the span of human life. The individuals at this stage might not be physically and intellectually mature to take right decisions required to drive their future in a proper direction. Aged out individuals of foster care systems might become innocent victims of physical and emotional changes. Many times unfairly treated youth in foster care are saddened and get deeply hurt by surrounding forces. Plight of former foster care young people is of great concern. They might not be that strong to be own their own and stop relying on charity or handouts, when they are no longer part of foster care. The factors that account for the varied outcomes of aged out individuals are influenced by quality care of foster care facility. Inadequate foster care ends up being more expensive to society because it generates incapable, inefficient suppressed future youth. Homeless, jobless, physically and mentally hurt former foster care youth is certainly not good future for any Nation. Factual information about the foster care systems for states is collected by the Congress, the Administration and the Dept. of Health and Human Services. It has been reported that in 2006, around 209,000 youths are exited from foster care via reunification, adoption, and runaway. 26, 517 out of 209, 000 were set free from foster care. These figures are going to increase unless foster care system correct their attitude towards admitted youths and do their job seriously. Application of proactive measures and preventive tools should be taken by the organisations to control their exit out of foster care system (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2006). Foster care systems should concentrate on the youth’s future so that their ability to face any circumstances will enhance and they become psychologically better strong youths. Risk factors and unique needs The individuals leaving the foster care system are the most vulnerable young population. When these adolescents are emancipated from the foster care systems they have to encounter varied physical and psychological issues. At this juncture there are number of risk factors and difficulties are involved. Lack of stable emotional and financial support exposes such youths to unforeseen negative consequences. The children between the ages of 18 and 21 are forced to be own their own without any support. Risk Factors for this target population who are aging out of the Foster Care System are homelessness, employment and job training, behavioral issues, substance use and abuse, health and well being etc. Positive and/or negative events experienced inside and outside foster care system are crucial determinants of individuals risk factors (Baugh, 2008; Winder, 2007). Behavioral outcome is one of the important risk factor for both these population. Poor impulse control, inability to control anger are considered crucial behavioral issues since they affect all life domains. Family is one of the domains where relationship to this teenager is considered. If the teenager is recognised to be a potential danger to self, family members or society, safety becomes one of the crucial life domains. Drug and alcohol abuse in the college-age population is an important public health and educational concern. The freedom from foster care parental control and the increased availability may lead to the beginning into or rise of drug and alcohol abuse. A young person experiences sudden body changes, with mood changes and feeling of anxiety. Discharged youths of foster care have higher rates of substance abuse than who have no foster care history (Lenz-Rashid, 2004). Aged out youths ignore their health which might trigger mental health issues in addition to physical health. Mental illnesses include depression, mental illness, and anxiety which might warrant axis I diagnosis or even multiple diagnosis. Foster care parents handle the medication part and force young people to take their medicines properly even if the children are reluctant to take the drugs. But, when the adolescents are discharged out of care, such individuals are failed to adhere to prescribed medication plan. Due to poor medication, these persons might face lot of other complications (Lopez & Allen, 2007). The long term health effects of expanded foster care alumni have been studied. It was found that public sector investment could benefit such youths when the care plan is extended. Such programs reduce the mental disorders in former foster care youths and have positive outcome on their well being (Kessler et al., 2008). Adolescents are no longer able to access the child welfare policies and practices, and are hold back from using homeless shelters for adolescents. Former foster care youths might not get stable housing due to limited government assistance. Therefore, this vulnerable group has limited resources (Lenz-Rashid, 2004). Adolescents are not able to manage fat security deposits, monthly rents, utilities and other expenditure for proper mainstream housing. They might get reasonable subsidized housing on certain conditions. It is necessary for the target population of youth leaving foster care system to follow all guidelines in order to stay in a housing program. These regulations might compel teenagers to work part time and to attend school. The causal factors that account for the varied job prospects include fighting, running away, substance abuse, funding issues etc. If the former foster care youth is without any history of these causal factors, his/her employment opportunity increases. Lack of proper training and working skills increases unemployment. Poor academics during their foster care period can affect target aged out population badly. This leads to excessive absenteeism, beginning into or rise of drug and alcohol abuse or drooping out of school, involvement with gang etc. Lack of proper educational skills and degree make them unemployable. For the target population, the developmental milestones are not achieved at the level required for the same age group who has secured family past. This population lags behind in terms of becoming biologically and psychologically independent and mature. These youth, depending upon the quality of foster care they have gone through (physical, sexual abuse, emotional turmoil) do idealistic and magical thinking without giving a deep thought. These youths do not like to take help of previous foster care support resources such as Attorney Ad Litems, child advocates etc. Restricted information about community resources, welfare systems, poor budgeting skills and lack of ability to approach apt healthcare settings makes everything difficult for a young person who feels deserted. The unique risk factor to this vulnerable group is staggering. Quite a small number of people who are out of foster care system are able to lead normal life. A small percentage of these young people are able to get secure home facility, good placement, vocational training etc. Children and young people who have successfully completed their 18 years in positive foster care environment are motivated and hard-working, participating citizens with positive attitude. Issues of concern Once the teenagers are out of home care providers, they strive for freedom and autonomy. These adolescents might not like to use the same support service providers. Mental health education should be provided to them so that they will continue the treatment and avoid future mishaps. Outpatient drug treatment centers or inpatient facility for addiction and recover are required for dual diagnosis clients. Medicaid booklet containing detailed information about the Government assistance programs like Health insurance, food stamps, monthly allotment should be given to teenagers to understand and avail the facility. Age should not be only factor but the level of maturity for the teenagers should be considered for the successful transition out of foster care. Accordingly, training programs should be arranged. Limited availability of subsidized housing and strict regulations to get such housing create more homeless individuals. Such teenagers should get easy access to low rental housings. Understanding of clearly defined career objective would help youth to achieve them with proper guidance. Advocates are required to maintain robust association with the clients and should do constant follow up to ensure youths get all eligible services (Lewis, 2003; Winder, 2007). Programs and resources for teenagers who have left foster care system The strategies should be aimed to improve behavioral outcomes, enhance life satisfaction, and greater level of competence in activities of daily living. Foster care providers have potential to provide developmentally-enriching experiences to admitted children and young people. Smooth transition from dependent living to independent living is very critical. Programs which are aimed for successful transition often fail due to risk factors like health issues, behavioral issues, substance use and abuse etc. faced by youths. ‘Child Welfare policies and programs’ emphasises that Caregivers should start their programs at an early age of 10 to prepare them physically and mentally strong (Child Welfare League of America). They should focus on building community networks, life skills assessment, stable support systems, education, housing, placement, separate entity identification, health and well being (Jensen and Fraser, 2005, p. 51). The family environmental factors may have an effect upon childhood intelligence quotient and capacity of learning. If an environment is changed, then the heritability of a character changes, too. This vulnerable age group is always under stress due to various risk factors. Therefore, the main focus should be to increase their capacity to cope with the strain and ability to make sound decisions in stressed life situations. Use of Gazdas Life-Skills Training Model for Foster care young people is a good strategy to make them more competent. It focuses on both individual’s inherent capacity of learning and potential ability to achieve an objective. Multiple life skills deficit might arise due to dysfunctions like functional psychoses and neuroses. In these circumstances, the persons are not able to develop life skills. Foster care youths often suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. Community counseling framework works on the same principle of nurturing natural competency. They also cherish desirable personal characteristics, problem solving skills and social skills (Lewis, 2003). Counselor could make former foster care youths competent by increasing their learning ability and improving their life and educational skills. This aids the individual to become physically and intellectually mature to take right decisions required to drive their future in a proper direction. Broward County, Florida has robust community-based groups those deliver social services, organize, and advocate foster care youths. To deal effectively with the issues and risk factors faced by aged out adolescents all coalition groups having shard vision and varied strategies should work together. Teenagers should be equipped with information support network with the help of their school. Coordinated efforts of Teacher, school psychologist, social worker and school therapist could able to achieve individualized education program’s objective. After school programs like Drop-in centers provide personal interaction, support, and mentorship to these adolescents. Agencies like Workforce one, Dept. of Vocational Training are helping these youths to get proper placement by associating with employers. To tackle housing problem issues of youths leaving the care system, Broward County Housing Authority and Transitional Housing Sites helps to get apartments at subsidized rates. Mental health clinic, family service agencies and private agencies like Connected by 25 also gives helping hand to aged out individuals of foster care to reduce negative outcome by early intervention. The Independent Living Services Advisory Council (ILSAC) in Florida advises the Legislature and the Department of Children and Families on the status of independent living services in Florida (Soltis, 2007). Early detection and intervention of problematic areas can help the educator to guide/mentor his student for most suited skills training, apprenticeships and apt jobs (Lewis, 2003). To access government funded viable services detailed documentation and paper work is needed. Highly trained social agents would able to provide better quality services. Social change agent should work with lots of patience, perseverance, strategic planning with such agencies as well as left out foster care youths. Awareness and expansion of preventive education is an essential part of Community counseling. Counselors should able to recognise potentials and lacunae of their clients. Client’s improvement in learning abilities is related to the counselor’s efforts, skills and knowledge to handle behavioral aspects of the sufferers. This helps counselor in equipping young people with the necessary life skills and educational skills which will enhance youth’s ability to face challenges. This technique might bring out fundamental improvements in the client to tackle stressful situations. They might focus on working of mental operations of the client including illogical thinking to reduce tension aspect in any given situation. This might help youths to drive their life in a controlled manner in a right direction. Preventive measures include life skills training, support information, medication and health care management, parenting education, drug and alcohol prevention. Life skills training comprises of integrate education, job training, apprenticeships, teach youths the steps necessary to find a job, teach youth how to open a checking/savings account and budgeting skills. Equipping foster care teenagers with support information is necessary. The various elements are linking youth to a care coach or a mentor for additional guidance and follow up, create and sustain successful communication process with all providers assisting youth with transition, teach and advocate on youth’s legal rights if involved with the justice system. Medication and healthcare management comprises of providing listing of all Medicaid providers, educate on mental health diagnosis, educate on correlation between medication and mental health diagnosis, advocate for youth if long term hospitalization is necessary. Parenting education involves multidimensional approach. It links youth who have infants and young children to appropriate social services such as healthy mothers and healthy babies. It also links young parents to parenting classes to prevent neglect and abuse. It advocates for young parents to access Medicaid services, WIC Special supplemental Food Program (women, infants and children), TANF (temporary assistance to needy families). Drug and alcohol prevention programs link youth to the appropriate outpatient clinics, educate youth on the long term effects of substance use/abuse, advocate for youth if long term drug treatment hospitalization is necessary. This program also links youth to support groups such as Alcoholic’s Anonymous and other support groups (Lewis, 2003). Foster care organisations should inculcate stimulating environment in the organisation enabling a young person to become responsible mature youth. Conclusion It is responsibility of foster care providers to ensure promising future of their young people. Counselor could make former foster care youths competent by increasing their life and educational skills. Nurturing and stimulating environment in the foster care can really make a difference to a young person’s life. Foster care providers should able to develop youths who can trust their own ability for independent living, once they are out of the care system. To address unique needs of this vulnerable population the innovative programs should be arranged for the youth who have aged out of foster care. Preventive measures include life skills training, support information, medication and health care management, parenting education, drug and alcohol prevention should be employed enabling a young person to become responsible mature youth. Coordinated efforts of educator, school psychologists, coalition groups, social agents, counselors, and other support systems would definitely help former foster care youths to lead successful life. References Baugh, E. J. (2008). A Population at Risk: Youth "Aging Out" of the Foster Care System and Implications for Extension. Extension Journal, 46 (4), 4IAW3. Child Welfare League of America Practice Areas Family Foster Care Critical Issues: Programs and Resources for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Jenson, J. M. & Fraser M. W. (2005). Social Policy for Children & Families: A Risk and Resilience Perspective. Published by SAGE. Kessler, R.C., Pecora, P. J., Williams, J., Hiripi, E., O’Brien K., White, J., Zerbe, R., Downs C. A., Plotnick, R., Hwang, Irving, N., Sampson, A. (2008). Effects of Enhanced Foster Care on the Long-term Physical and Mental Health of Foster Care Alumni. Arch Gen Psychiatry,  65(6),625-633. Lenz-Rashid, S. (2004). Employment experiences of homeless young adults: Are they different for youth with a history of foster care? Children and Youth Services Review, 28, 235-259. Lewis, J. A., Lewis, M. D., Daniels, J. A. & DAndrea M. J. (2003).Community Counseling: Empowerment Strategies For A Diverse Society. Published by Thomson, Brooks/Cole. Lopez, P., & Allen, P. J. (2007). Addressing the health needs of adolescents transitioning out of foster care. Pediatric Nursing, 33, 345-356. Soltis, J. (2007). Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support of the House Committee on Ways and Means. U.S. Department of health and human services. (2006). The adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system report 2005. Washington DC: Administration of Children and Families. Winder, V. (2007). Aging Out of Foster Care Alliance for Children and Families, United Neighborhood Centers of America. Read More
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