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Generation X Expatriates - Essay Example

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The paper "Generation X Expatriates" states that Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is significant and shows that there is a significant difference between females and males, in terms of the unknown factor presenting a challenge more for females than males (p = .012)…
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Generation X Expatriates
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Running Head: GENERATION X EXPATRIATES Generation X Expatriates of the of the Generation X Expatriates CHAPTER 5 5. RESULTS Question Mean Standard Deviation Have you ever studied abroad? 0.683168 0.467562 Have you ever worked abroad? 0.930693 0.255242 Please detail contract type 3.305263 2.269472 What was the reason for not working abroad? i) No job opportunity 3.166667 1.722401 ii) Cannot leave family 2.666667 1.36626 iii) No desire 2.333333 1.21106 What region were you working in? 2.117021 2.189203 Please identify time spend working abroad? 2.978723 1.097198 Have you lived in another country besides your home country and your current or past host country? 0.655914 0.477644 What was your motivation to work abroad? i) Career Motivation 3.967391 1.143074 ii) Future Motivation 3.849462 1.169785 iii) Spouse Motivation 2.413043 1.569995 iv) Adventure Motivation 4.354839 0.855229 Do you classify yourself as an international employee? 0.847826 0.57292 Do you consider the country you have been born in, as your "home country"? 1.141304 0.792569 If you went onto a ‘local contract’, what were the reasons for doing so? i) Best Deal 3.222222 1.261155 ii) No other option offered 3.466667 1.308572 iii) International Assignment Expired 2.511111 1.282943 Does the organisation you work(ed) for value your experience(s) abroad? i) Regarded as Highly Valuable 3.7 1.14073 ii) Regarded as Valuable 3.7 1.023768 iii) No Definition Opinion 2.4625 1.113141 iv) Regarded as Less Valuable 1.875 0.932874 At the time of finishing off your work abroad, how would you or do you think you would rate the overall quality of your experience abroad? 3.955224 0.805903 How has the support been from the organisation when working abroad? 2.825 1.573314 How was your experience abroad perceived by home-country senior management? 2.6 2.003794 What were the biggest challenges that you have personally faced in that country? i) Challenge unknown 3.475 1.190415 ii) Gender Perceptions 2.5125 1.368671 iii) Power Differences 3.125 1.20521 iv) Lack of support from organisation 2.725 1.147093 v) Loneliness 3.0875 1.294524 vi) Homesickness 2.7625 1.275313 Is there anything that you kissed about the country/countries yor work(ed) in? i) Culture 3.860759 1.04678 ii) People 3.8625 iii) Work 3.24359 0.995912 iv) Adventure/Challenges 3.538462 1.191881 Work in another role in same country 3.173333 1.119524 Work in another country abroad 3.413333 1.209124 Go back home to gain further skills and experience 2.56 1.068467 What skills and experience would you like to develop to address those challenges? i) Formalised training 3.56 1.129937 ii) Personal development plan 3.933333 1.017859 iii) Promotion 3.626667 1.194281 How do you perceive your career abroad experience in comparison to all of your other related work experience? i) Perceive unimportant 1.537313 0.822567 ii) Not very important in the overall career context 1.791045 0.807865 iii) Important but one of a number of comparable experiences 2.701493 1.243345 iv) Very important, among several of the most important career experiences 4.059701 0.982893 v) The most important experience among all of my career experiences 3.447761 1.222065 How significant do you now believe it has been in influencing career development/advancement? 3.925373 1.063349 What are the promotional chances for an employee with local work experience? 3.074627 1.034458 You would make the same choice again to live and work abroad 4.552239 0.657903 You believe that your career accomplishments have been very constructively influenced 4.208955 0.826407 You believe that your awareness and appreciation for other countries and cultures has been enhanced 4.686567 0.63267 You believe that your awareness and interests in international business issues has been enhanced 4.477612 0.78544 Are you male or female? 1.69863 0.462028 What age group do you belong to? 3.027397 0.763264 Number of employee within organisation? 4.4 2.00624 5.1 Introduction The purpose of this section is to present the research findings. Due to this management project’s exploratory approach (refer to Chapter 4) a survey was used to underpin the findings of the key informant interviews. The data collection sample consisted of 101 professionals of different ages, working in a variety of industries and countries. The scarcity of empirical findings on effective Generation X Female expatriates permits only some literature-derived hypothesis testing and calls for more exploratory research to stimulate new thinking. This chapter displays the outcomes in a statistical measurement fashion, with some qualitative emphasis by way of a summary of the findings from the key informants, describing significant opinions and comments. 5.2 General Information The general analytical approach was used to analyse the interviews and descriptive statistical analysis was undertaken to identify survey outcomes. This approach has contributed to some noteworthy results on the topic of The Hidden Depths of Global Ambition. Table 5.2.1 General Survey Question Are you male or female? Frequency Percent Male 22 21.8 Female 51 50.5 Total 73 72.3 Missing 28 27.7 Total 101 100.0 The frequency table shows that from the respondents there were 22% male respondents and 51% female respondents where as there were 28% remaining respondents who didn’t disclose their gender. What age group do you belong to? Frequency Percent 21-30 17 16.8 31-40 40 39.6 41-50 13 12.9 51-60 3 3.0 Total 73 72.3 Missing 28 27.7 Total 101 100.0 The table shows that there were most of the respondents (40%) were belong to the age group 31-40 years, and only 3% respondents had age between 51-60 years. Number of employee within organisation: Frequency Percent Less Than 50 11 10.9 51-150 4 4.0 151-250 7 6.9 251-750 5 5.0 751-1500 2 2.0 Over 1500 36 35.6 Total 65 64.4 Missing 36 35.6 Total 101 100.0 When the question was asked about the number of employees worked in the organizations of participants so there were 36% respondents who respond that there are over 1500 employee in their organization, 11% respond less than 50 employees they had in their organizations. 5.3 Motivations for Working Abroad Survey Questions Have you ever studied abroad? Frequency Percent No 32 31.7 Yes 69 68.3 Total 101 100.0 When the question were asked to the respondents regarding their studies in abroad then there were 68% respondents who respond that they studied abroad and there were 32% respondents who respond that they didn’t studied abroad. Have you ever worked abroad? Frequency Percent No 7 6.9 Yes 94 93.1 Total 101 100.0 From the participants there were 93% respondents who respond that they worked abroad and there were only 7% respondents who had never worked abroad. Please identify time spend working abroad? Frequency Percent Less Than 1 Year 14 13.9 1-2 Years 15 14.9 2-5 Years 24 23.8 5+ Years 41 40.6 Total 94 93.1 Missing 7 6.9 Total 101 100.0 In response of the question regarding time spent abroad, there were 41% respondents who respond that they spent about 5+years in abroad, 24% respond 2-5 years, 15% respond 1-2 years and there were 14% respondents who respond that they spent less than 1 year in abroad. Have you lived in another country besides your home country and your current or past host country? Frequency Percent No 32 31.7 Yes 61 60.4 Total 93 92.1 Missing 8 7.9 Total 101 100.0 There were 60% respondents who respond that they lived in another country besides their home country and their current or post host country, and there were 32% respondents who gave negative reply. What were your motivations to go abroad? Career Advancement Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 Disagree 11 10.9 Not Sure 10 9.9 Agree 30 29.7 Strongly Agree 38 37.6 Total 92 91.1 Missing 9 8.9 Total 101 100.0 When it was asked to the respondents that what motivates them to go abroad, then on the option of career advancement there were 67% respondents agreed that the career advancement motivates them to go abroad, 14% disagreed with it. Seeking Better Future Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 7 6.9 Disagree 6 5.9 Not Sure 11 10.9 Agree 39 38.6 Strongly Agree 30 29.7 Total 93 92.1 Missing 8 7.9 Total 101 100.0 When it was asked to the respondents that is the seeking better future is an important factor behind their abroad visit, 68% respondents agreed with this statement and there were 13% respondents disagreed with this statement. Trailing Spouse Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 40 39.6 Disagree 18 17.8 Not Sure 7 6.9 Agree 10 9.9 Strongly Agree 17 16.8 Total 92 91.1 Missing 9 8.9 Total 101 100.0 For the 27% respondents there reason for visit abroad was their spouses but 57% respondents disagreed with this statement. Adventure/Challenge Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 2 2.0 Disagree 3 3.0 Not Sure 2 2.0 Agree 39 38.6 Strongly Agree 47 46.5 Total 93 92.1 Missing 8 7.9 Total 101 100.0 The adventure and challenge was the reason for the 85% respondents top go abroad and there were only 5% respondents who agreed with it. What was the reason for not working abroad? No job opportunities abroad Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 2 2.0 Agree 3 3.0 Strongly Agree 1 1.0 Total 6 5.9 Missing 95 94.1 Total 101 100.0 When it was asked to the respondents who didn’t go abroad that is the reason behind not going abroad was lack of job opportunities then from the 6 respondents there were 2 respondents disagreed with this statement and 4 respondents agreed with it. Didn’t want to leave family behind Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 2 2.0 Not Sure 2 2.0 Agree 2 2.0 Total 6 5.9 Missing 95 94.1 Total 101 100.0 From 6 respondents there were 2 respondents respond that they don’t want to leave their family so they don’t want to go abroad, 2 respond that they are not sure and there were two respondents who agreed with this statement. Never had desire to work abroad Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 2 2.0 Disagree 1 1.0 Not Sure 2 2.0 Agree 1 1.0 Total 6 5.9 Missing 95 94.1 Total 101 100.0 From the 6 respondents 3 participants respond that the reason behind not going abroad was not that they had not desire to work abroad and 1 participant was agreed with this statement. Do you classify yourself as an international employee? Frequency Percent No 20 19.8 Yes 69 68.3 Total 92 91.1 Missing 12 9.9 Total 101 100.0 From the respondents there were 68% respondents who respond that classify themselves as an international employee and 20% respond that they aren’t classify themselves as an international employee. 5.4 Organisation and Roles Survey Questions If you went onto a ‘local contract’, what were the reasons for doing so? Best Deal Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 13 12.9 Disagree 8 7.9 Not Sure 31 30.7 Agree 22 21.8 Strongly Agree 16 15.8 Total 90 89.1 Missing 11 10.9 Total 101 100.0 There were 37% respondents who respond that the reason behind went onto a ‘local contract’, was the best deal and there were 13% respondents who disagreed with this statement. No other option offered Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 9 8.9 Disagree 12 11.9 Not Sure 23 22.8 Agree 20 19.8 Strongly Agree 26 25.7 Total 90 89.1 Missing 11 10.9 Total 101 100.0 46% respond that they didn’t have any other option so they went on to local contract where as there were 29% respondents disagreed with this statement. International Assignment Expired Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 28 27.7 Disagree 14 13.9 Not Sure 30 29.7 Agree 10 9.9 Strongly Agree 8 7.9 Total 90 89.1 Missing 11 10.9 Total 101 100.0 The 18% respondents respond that the reason behind went on to local contract was that their international assignment was expired and the 42% disagreed with the statement. Does the organisation you work(ed) for value your experience(s) abroad? Regarded as Highly Valuable Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 1 1.0 Disagree 14 13.9 Not Sure 19 18.8 Agree 20 19.8 Strongly Agree 26 25.7 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 There were 46% respondents who respond that their organizations regarded their abroad work experience as highly valuable and 15% respondents disagreed with this statement. Regarded as Valuable Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 4 4.0 Disagree 7 6.9 Not Sure 12 11.9 Agree 43 42.6 Strongly Agree 14 13.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 57% participants, respond that their organizations regarded their abroad work experience as valuable and 11% respondents disagreed with this statement. No Definition Opinion Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 18 17.8 Disagree 24 23.8 Not Sure 25 24.8 Agree 9 8.9 Strongly Agree 4 4.0 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 There were 13% respondents who respond that there is no definition opinion by their organizations about their abroad work experience and 42% respondents were disagreed with this statement. Regarded as Less Valuable Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 35 34.7 Disagree 24 23.8 Not Sure 18 17.8 Agree 2 2.0 Strongly Agree 1 1.0 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 From the responses it comes to know that there were only 3% respondents who respond that their organization regarded their abroad experience as less valuable and the 59% respondents disagreed with this statement. How has the support been from the organisation when working abroad? Frequency Percent Other 15 14.9 Unsatisfactorily 8 7.9 Reasonable 26 25.7 Good 23 22.8 Excellent 8 7.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 8% respondents respond that during working abroad the support given by the organisation was excellent, 23% rate that good, 26% respond that it was reasonable, 8% feel it unsatisfactory and there were 15% respondents who give other comments. How was your experience abroad perceived by home-country senior management? Frequency Percent Other 27 26.7 Unsatisfactorily 3 3.0 Reasonable 14 13.9 Good 20 19.8 Excellent 16 15.8 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 There were 16% respondents who respond that working abroad was perceived excellent by home-country senior management, 20% respond good, 14% respond reasonable, 3% respond unsatisfactory and the remaining were give other comments that were perceived by home-country senior management. At the time of finishing off your work abroad, how would you or do you think you would rate the overall quality of your experience abroad? Frequency Percent Fair 3 3.0 Good 14 13.9 Very Good 33 32.7 Outstanding 17 16.8 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 After finishing off their work from abroad, there were 17% respondents who rate it outstanding to the overall quality of their experience abroad, 33% rate it very good, 14% respond good and there were 3% respondents who respond it was fair to work abroad. 5.5 Success Abroad Survey Questions What were the biggest challenges that you have personally faced in that country? Dealing with the unknown Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 4 4.0 Disagree 18 17.8 Not Sure 10 9.9 Agree 32 31.7 Strongly Agree 16 15.8 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 There were 48% respondents who respond that dealing with unknown was a big challenged faced by them in abroad and 22% respond that it was not a big challenge. Gender Perceptions Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 25 24.8 Disagree 20 19.8 Not Sure 12 11.9 Agree 15 14.9 Strongly Agree 8 7.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 23% respondents respond that gender perception was one of the big challenges faced by them in abroad and there were 45% respondents who were disagreed with this. Power Differences Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 8 7.9 Disagree 21 20.8 Not Sure 12 11.9 Agree 31 30.7 Strongly Agree 8 7.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 For 39% respondents’ power difference was the big challenge they faced in abroad and 29% respondents disagreed with this statement. Lack of support from organisation Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 10 9.9 Disagree 31 30.7 Not Sure 15 14.9 Agree 19 18.8 Strongly Agree 5 5.0 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 There were 24% respondents who respond that for them the lack of support from organization was one of the big challenges that they faced in abroad and there were 41% respondents disagreed with this statement. Loneliness Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 11 10.9 Disagree 18 17.8 Not Sure 16 15.8 Agree 23 22.8 Strongly Agree 12 11.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 For 35% respondents’ loneliness was big challenge and there were 29% respondents disagreed with this statement. Homesickness Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 15 14.9 Disagree 25 24.8 Not Sure 10 9.9 Agree 24 23.8 Strongly Agree 6 5.9 Total 80 79.2 Missing 21 20.8 Total 101 100.0 The homesickness was also a big challenge for 30% respondents where as there were 40% respondents who were disagreed with this statement. How do you perceive your career abroad experience in comparison to all of your other related work experience? Unimportant Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 40 39.6 Disagree 22 21.8 Not Sure 2 2.0 Agree 2 2.0 Strongly Agree 1 1.0 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 From the responses it was shown that there were 62% respondents disagreed with the statement that it is unimportant to perceive career abroad experience in comparison to all other related work experience, and only 3% respondents were agreed with the statement. Not very important in the overall career context Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 26 25.7 Disagree 32 31.7 Not Sure 7 6.9 Agree 1 1.0 Strongly Agree 1 1.0 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 Only 2% perceive abroad experience not very much important and 57% respondents disagreed with the statement. Important but one of a number of comparable experiences Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 12 11.9 Disagree 23 22.8 Not Sure 10 9.9 Agree 17 16.8 Strongly Agree 5 5.0 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 There were 22% respondents who respond that the abroad experience in comparison to all of other related work experience is important but one of a number of comparable experiences where as there were 35% respondents disagreed with this statement. Very important, among several of the most important career experiences Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 Disagree 3 3.0 Not Sure 3 3.0 Agree 36 35.6 Strongly Agree 22 21.8 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 There were 57% respondents who respond that it is very important, among several of the most important career experiences to work abroad and only 6% respondents disagreed with this statement. The most important experience among all of my career experiences Frequency Percent Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 Disagree 13 12.9 Not Sure 21 20.8 Agree 11 10.9 Strongly Agree 19 18.8 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 The responses show that 30% respondents respond that for them working abroad is the most important experience among all of my career experiences and there were 16% respondents who disagreed with this statement. How significant do you now believe it has been in influencing career development/advancement? Frequency Percent No Difference 1 1.0 Minor Difference 6 5.9 Moderate Difference 16 15.8 Notable Difference 18 17.8 Very Significant Difference 26 25.7 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 There were 26% respondents who respond that there is a very significant difference of working abroad in influencing career development/advancement, 18% respond notable difference, 16% respond moderate difference, 6% respond minor difference and there were only 1 respondent who respond that there is no difference of working abroad on career development/advancement. What are the promotional chances for an employee with local work experience? Frequency Percent Poor 5 5.0 Fair 13 12.9 Good 26 25.7 Very Good 18 17.8 Outstanding 5 5.0 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 When the question was asked to the respondents regarding the promotional chances for an employee with local work experience, there were 5% respondents who respond that there would be poor chances of promotion after that, 13% respond that there are fair chances, 26% respond good, 18% said very good and there were only 5% respondents who respond that there are outstanding chances of promotion after getting local work experience. As a result of your working abroad experience… You would make the same choice again to live and work abroad Frequency Percent Disagree 1 1.0 Not Sure 3 3.0 Agree 21 20.8 Strongly Agree 42 41.6 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 When it was asked to the respondents that after working abroad would they make the same choice again to live and work abroad, there were 62% respondents who respond in positive and only 1 participant was disagreed with the statement. You believe that your career accomplishments have been very constructively influenced Frequency Percent Disagree 2 2.0 Not Sure 11 10.9 Agree 25 24.8 Strongly Agree 29 28.7 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 There were 54% respondents who respond that they believe that after going abroad their career accomplishments have been very constructively influenced and there were 2% respondents who disagreed with this statement. You believe that your awareness and appreciation for other countries and cultures has been enhanced Frequency Percent Disagree 1 1.0 Not Sure 3 3.0 Agree 12 11.9 Strongly Agree 51 50.5 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 From the respondents there were 62% respondents who respond that they believe that after going abroad their awareness and appreciation for other countries and cultures has been enhanced and there was only 1 respondent who disagreed with this statement. You believe that your awareness and interests in international business issues has been enhanced Frequency Percent Disagree 2 2.0 Not Sure 6 5.9 Agree 17 16.8 Strongly Agree 42 41.6 Total 67 66.3 Missing 34 33.7 Total 101 100.0 There were 58% respondents who respond that they believe that after going abroad their awareness and interests in international business issues has been enhanced and there were 2% respondents who disagreed with this statement. 5.5.1 “What are the promotional chances for an employee with local work experience abroad?” To understand the significance and impact of working abroad on a woman’s career, an addition question was posed to the key informants: “What are females’ promotional chances with an expatriate versus a localised experience?” Anonymous-B, a Senior Public Servant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, observed: “I think male and female promotional chances with a localised experience versus an expat’s one are always less”. While Anonymous-A, a HR Director Europe of Public Relations Company states that: “There is a difference in career opportunities; ‘expatriates’ usually receive a more international career than people on local contracts”. Ingrid Ghys (Liv’it nv.), however, contradicts these thoughts: “You would expect that expats get a higher chance, but I dont have any evidence of that. Expats move quicker and that might give them an advantage”. . 5.5.2 “How significant do you now believe it [working abroad] has been in influencing career development/advancement?” Key informants believe that work experience abroad is considered a good basis for future advancement. Gisela Cruz, Global Account Manager with Schenker asserts that it is “extremely important, it has definitely helped me achieve my current job position and it really gave me new perspectives on how to work with other cultures and overcome challenges”, while Margaret Malewski, author of ‘GenXpat’, concurs, stating that if she had tried to return to a Canadian/US company, she would have had to start close to entry level, despite having four years’ international experience, “simply because people wouldn’t ‘give her credit’ for an experience they could not assess the value of”. Ingrid Gys of Livit nv. supports both the sample and key informants, arguing that working abroad is significant in influencing career development as “70% of ex-expats leave the corporation within 1 year of returning home. I also left, because Ive been working in a different way, I became more aware and convinced about my own and the company’s capabilities and limitations”. 5.5.3 “Do you believe that (young) females who want to go abroad are more likely to do so as a localised employee to gain that essential experience?” Margaret Malewski, author of “GenXpat” stated in response to this question: “… women are often less effective at networking than men. When it comes to international relocations, in order to get a good position, you really need to have a strong network and reputation in several offices so that the destination offices really want you’”. 5.6 Test of Hypothesis To test the hypothesis the author used common tests to detect significance between the various data variables and the hypothesis “Female Generation X expatriates will have greater challenges working overseas". 5.6.1 Chi-Square Test Ho: Time spends on working abroad is not dependent on the gender. H1: Time spends on working abroad is dependent on the gender.  = 0.05 Critical Region: Reject Ho if; 2cal > 2tab (, (r-1)(c-1)) 2cal > 7.815 Please identify time spend working abroad?   Gender Less Than 1 Year 1-2 Years 2-5 Years 5+ Years  Total  Male (oi) 1 5 5 8 19  (ei) 2.84 2.55 4.25 9.36                Female (oi) 9 4 10 25 48  (ei) 7.16 6.45 10.75 23.64               Total 10 9 15 33  67 Chi-Sq = 1.188 + 2.348 + 0.131 + 0.197 + 0.470 + 0.929 + 0.052 + 0.078 = 5.394 DF = 3, P-Value = 0.145 Conclusion Here we have chi-square calculated value is 5.394 that is less than 7.815 so we don’t our Ho. Along with it the p-value is 0.145 that is greater than  = 0.05, so it is proved that time spend on working abroad is not dependent on the gender. 5.6.2 Chi-Square Test Ho: Quality of work experience is not dependent on the gender. H1: Quality of work experience is not dependent on the gender.  = 0.05 Critical Region: Reject Ho if; 2cal > 2tab (, (r-1)(c-1)) 2cal > 7.815 At the time of finishing off your work abroad, how would you or do you think you would rate the overall quality of your experience abroad?  Gender  Fair Fair   Very Good Outstanding   Total Male (oi) 1 5 5 8 19  (ei) 2.84 2.55 4.25 9.36               Female (oi) 9 4 10 25 48  (ei) 7.16 6.45 10.75 23.64               Total 10 9 15 33 67 Chi-Sq = 1.553 + 0.237 + 0.044 + 0.140 + 0.615 + 0.094 + 0.017 + 0.055 = 2.754 Conclusion As the chi-square tabulated value = 2.754 is less than the tabulate value 7.815 so we can say that quality of work experience abroad is not dependent on the gender. 5.6.3 Chi-Square Test Ho: Believe that the work in abroad can influence the career development/advancement is not dependent on the gender. H1: Believe that the work in abroad can influence the career development/advancement is dependent on the gender.  = 0.05 Critical Region: Reject Ho if; 2cal > 2tab (, (r-1)(c-1)) 2cal > 9.488 How significant do you now believe it has been in influencing career development/advancement?   No Difference Minor Difference Moderate Difference Notable Difference Very Significant Difference Total Male 0 4 7 4 4 19   0.28 1.7 4.54 5.1 7.37                 Female 1 2 9 14 22 48   0.72 4.3 11.46 12.9 18.63                 Total 1 6 16 18 26 67 Chi-Sq = 0.284 + 3.105 + 1.337 + 0.239 + 1.543 + 0.112 + 1.229 + 0.529 + 0.095 + 0.611 = 9.083 Conclusion Here we don’t reject our null hypothesis because the chi-square tabulated value = 9.083 is less than the tabulate value 9.488 so we can say that believe on the impact of work in abroad influenced the career advancement and development is not dependent on the gender. 5.6.2 Independent Sample t-test With the independent samples t-test, the significance was measured between the variables of female expatriates and the many challenges faced abroad. Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances is significant and shows that there is a significant difference between females and males, in terms of the unknown factor presenting a challenge more for females than males (p = .012). Further, the t-test also signifies that working abroad holds another challenge for women power differences in the workplace (p=.115). The p-level reported represents the probability of error involved in accepting the research hypothesis. This response from Margaret Malewski, author of “GenXpat”, offers food for thought: “Women are generally poorer compensation negotiators. Maybe both men and women are offered the same local package, and the men simply are more insistent about getting an expat package instead, and end up getting it”. The statistics exhibited here indicate that motivations for working overseas, success abroad, organisational and roles data variables are significant. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted as there is a significant relationship between the above variables, because working abroad is restrained by gender. The results from both the use of statistical software and from qualitative analysis support acceptation of the null hypothesis. 5.7 Summary Regardless of the key informants’ background, culture or gender, the importance of a career abroad is portrayed heavily in all responses. In a sense, this is due to the external environment whereby the global market plays a large role; competition, cross-borders, is an everyday feature, today. The next chapter – The Emerging Themes, will feature a discussion on the findings and results of both the primary and secondary research. Read More
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12 Pages (3000 words) Research Paper

Training for International Assignments

The current paper will highlight the importance of international assignments for international organizations.... The following is a discussion on some of the management aspects companies have to think upon when preparing the move into expatriate exchange programs.... .... ... ... The effects of globalization are being felt in all aspects of the economy and business life....
6 Pages (1500 words) Term Paper
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