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Learning to Teach through Journalism - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Learning to Teach through Journalism" analyses what money, relations at work, and self-psychology act and enact on a teacher's way of teaching and how literature and journaling could affect one's mind based on theories self-deduced…
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Learning to Teach through Journalism
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Personal experiences on learning to teach through journalism. This essay has two aspects discussed in two different styles. The first will be an analysis on what money,relations at work,self-psychology act and enact on a teachers way of teaching,the second part shows how literature and journaling(which is a way of teaching teachers to become better educators)could affect ones mind based on theories self-deduced from the references used mentioned below which are shown in a literary form which pin point how peoples ethics(both self and other) are affected and affect money begotten and spent and human behavior through daily behaviors about how to realize and reach a middle ground to be able to be an effective teacher-journalist in class in a class which shows affection to learning. Meaning of wage: Wages are what a worker gets from money or solid appreciation of their work. This differs according to education and constitution the worker belongs to and works in. It is negotiable and thus the worker could offer more for his working time the more the appreciated he is and the effect of such behavior is the giving efficiently into the work done. If improperly done, the law has the right on the side of the customer and employer to cut down the wages until proven better in the way of handling the work(referring to the worker)if the worker does not efficiently prove him or herself worthy of the wages they get they are either fired or demoted or given a lesser salary or wages than the primary wages they have been given before the time of the inefficiency. The fact that workers could be differentiated among due to racial or religious backgrounds is uncontroversial but is not the purpose of this essay unless referred t o later on when wanted. Meaning of effect: When a worker deals with the surrounding environment they are affected upon and affect upon and this is directly proportional or inversely proportional according to the manner that the environment is dealt with and how the worker is dealt with. The main thing is that the more appreciated the environment is to the worker the more efficient the worker works and thus the increase of productivity and quality and quantity of the product. But is the wages a measure of such appreciation? sometimes ,if not under constrictions of strict law rules or employers who employ their relatives and friends who could not efficiently work in their positions, the wages to a great sect, if not most of the sect, deal with wages as being the best thing to measure the way that performance in such field by the worker has been progressing. The worker applies his methods of working and of relieving anger onto the work if the wages are not properly suiting him or her and the increase in inflation of prices and economy of the country-especially if the worker could not fly abroad and work in better communities where work stress could be lesser and wages more. This only occurs the higher the person promotes him or herself in the ladder of society for the doctors and engineers are not paid like coal mine workers and those in meaner industries. Also, the manner of handling the money is a manner of character which provides the background of how the fact of dealing with such material could reflect the persons personality on how to behave with money and consequently the surrounding and the effect of money upon them. Money: Money is the measure in modern society of all actions, whether moral or related to physical actions: a strong man or woman who could earn better are preferable than earnings in the weaker bodies of people. Money is the face of the understanding of the outside world communications and business and wages that go lower than the acceptable could affect how the money handler deals with the society and how they act with the fact that money is everything and that without it it reaches the side of being unable to breathe without. Life is short and the more money you get out of it the happier you leave it with the only consolation that the moments coming will not be worse than the ones youve been living in wealth and good health if possible. Money is the reference to intelligence and philosophies vary as to whether money is about materialistic measures or spiritual matters measured as to how to obtain it to move on better in life. Many people relate money to the spirituality of their being, i.e that they will be able to help and save lives and promote their welfare the more money they earn and this is what they think that money could do for them. Money, does it change personalities or do personalities change the outlook of the person on money? It is in a dual manner and mutually money and the person interact to show the meaning of finance and another way of seeing it is by seeing the way people deal if money is lost after a time of having an amount of it-people commit suicides and borrow and go into debts and rob and kill to get the money they need. So is money an issue of ethics and characters or is it a legislative issue where people see it as something hard and bright and glistening to own where everything is possible when it is owned in great amounts? Money and psychology: Psychology is the study of the reactions of humans towards all elements consisting of lives in form of beings and non-beings in relation to the studied element(the human).psychology is therefore the study that applies its analysis to the way that people behave trying to alternate the way they think and understand themselves and each other to be able to conceive better thoughts and remove themselves and shift out of the circle of problems(mental, emotional and physical) which they put themselves in whether intentionally or intentionally. But is it true that nobody puts themselves in unintentional behavioral modes? People realize their actions and what they realize they offer to their subconscious to operate upon and act by and thus find a manner of behavior they submit to the conscious as being uncontrollable. Money is the bias elements but the effect of peoples minds on things delude them to become such and such who behave in a manner which could be criminal or unemotionally stable people. When psychology is involved in money it measures the effect of meanings on the confrontational behavior of people towards things. Such behavior relies upon pre-conceptual understanding of things and what they are to the person who is acting. A person is either a positive or negative reactor partially or completely by means of understanding what they confront or deal with. Confrontational behavior is the behavior that one puts themselves in mode of when dealing emotionally with things that go against what they want to believe in or want to deal in accordance with. Money is emotionally dealt with and thus problems occur and rise and inflate and cause unbalance of community measures and rise in crime. But is money the only factor that could help improve society and is the wage the best way to show appreciation of hard work? Appreciation and hard work and wages and income: Most workers do not appreciate sweet words of thank yous but appreciate more money value of their work. The worker is right here since the moral value of works are declining and the money value is being the current value of works (it did exist in ancient times but not as the present manner of existence).money is more and deeply appreciated by both employers and employees. The employer finds it the best way to show how good the work they give is and the employee sees it as a manner of saying youre the best to work with me here in this field from the employee, besides its being a better appreciator of economic changes than the way the thank you could have been. Money is better regarded as the utiliser of minds, the behavioral conducts and the appreciator of all measures of dealings between people, worker and industry owner. It has been seen that this era is a monetary and financial era more than it is a spiritual era. Even to be spiritual and attend spiritual classes or go see the world and study spiritualism is expensive and not all people could handle such things and thus regard it as a waster of time and money on basis that what you cannot get is what you do not need. Ethics are a major problem in regarding things and dealing with them for money has sucked in the full scope of our looking at things and how we understanding what is the relation between subjects and objects from our view of things from especially from peoples perspectives or from our relation with the perspective of people who see it in this way. Sometimes one believes that what they regard and what they can do gets them the bets of life and more than what they want, need and expect. This is untrue for reality shows otherwise. Money could not buy everything but it sure does compensate for damage loses and ability to retain a better life when winning a lawsuit against someone. This is a way of getting a better income –by black mailing people to have more money and better salaries. Meaning and subjecting to the law: Law is the normal way to get what you want and desire on time and in a legitimate manner. Money is the issue that law deals in basically ands all the arrangement of works and ethics and behavior is in relation to money(a contract between two is the simplest thing that law deals with). Law differs from country to country and dealing with law differs from person to another. Some people are above the law and others are ugly ducklings. Sometimes when dealing with law people tend to circulate and back stab each other to get to what they want without being harmed majorly, and sitcoms do not seem to be getting someone to this point except with people who do not deal with it in an unserious manner. Money laws are regulated to assure the welfare of those who work and that they get their compensations and retirements so that they could live decently and in better ways after resigning or leaving work. But is work left even after the wage laws show income inequality? Anatole France said in La vie Literraire that the good critic is he who narrates the adventures of his soul among masterpieces. Ernest Hemingway said that a writer in the times of his formation has the mind like a camera which records images,and sparks them into action whenever needed. Gubran Khalil Gubran said that a one who translates is not a writer,that a one who translates and adds their fingerprint is a semi-writer,but he who feels an emotion,experiences,it,traces it,thinks it out and writes it down in his words is a full writer. This summarizes literature. To build a home in matter for the mind you mustnt be worthless for all is waste and worthless till the wise selecting will is gone to which bind the strength of wild nature to the conscience of the child in you. You mustnt be tenacious,but a tour de force in mental being to you and to others. You have to be thawing,and to achieve this,you must be wanting it so that the * Tongue [is] framed to music, And [the] hand armed with skill, [The] face the mold of beauty, And [the] heart the throne of will. so that * in the millions [of people living],the perfect Adam lives,in you. Stories are a good way to form information on life to reach the hearts of students. Experiences on life could be told to explain what the use of education and journalism is in the students life in an important tone and manner to show that such speaker is a possible role model for the student to follow and behave as,especially mentally. The following are examples: Everything starts as a scribble in life. You start your life with scribbles which anchor in your memory and could lead you on your trip in life. Maybe those scribbles become a primary itinerary for life,maybe,why not?Bold scribbles,italic scribbles,scribbles which form into letters,then words,then sentences,paragraphs,pages and then the book of your life. You draw scribbles and imagine what they could mean or resemble. In the way there are colors sprayed on the page which is yours to draw on and design as you please. Youre given all the drawing tools you need to draw and are left to your mind to draw the final picture which is complete with your lifes end. Life could be scribbles on a white sheet of paper which you should see through and make sense of. Lines that go in spiral forms or zig-zags or whatsoever forms,you try to make sense of all that you have drawn. Does it make sense?What is it missing if it isnt?You need to make sense of your scribbles and turn them into straight lines. During your scribbling there is a pattern you follow which indicates your thinking and Mentality. It could never change with time. There are always points in your drawing where -when linked- form a straight line which shows how youve acted towards your scribbling and what you were thinking while drawing. you color in the spaces and fill them in. Are the colors matching?Is it a colorful picture?Is it meaningful?Then comes the question:is it the best you could draw or is there any better? You compare your picture with others lives and see that there is better and there is worse. Are you satisfied with yours?Did you study it before you left your picture for the other life(if you believe that it exists)? Till when are scribbles acceptable?Have you defined a certain age for scribbles to stop completely in your life?Yet scribbles always exist in our lives whenever we step a new step in life in any direction. You take a final look at your picture. Have you regretted going through those scribbles first?How do they look like alongside the lines at the end of your picture?How much have you developed into a steady person? Lines,lines and more lines are what the paths in life mean. You have full control over your actions and decisions.10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. The personal experiences of life could be told in third person singular or other pronoun forms to enable the students focus on the subject and what goes inside him or her concerning the subjects and what bothers them in life and how this relates and affects their relations to studying and how to build the proper being they could be to face the life in school and outside it properly and effectively. Journalism could affect the ways the teacher could send and effect a students mind with the different literary forms of writing(prose and poetic formations of oration and speech making and psychology of understanding (such as the speech of Anthony to the people on the murder of Caesar and their accusing him of it (act 3). She was too hasty to be able to stand on firm grounds of what shes aiming for,strong grounds fit for ambition. But no,she was the devils advocate to its success having her soul in return for her gained shattered mind,the mind she had because she gave out her secrets for the one purpose of getting rid of their burden. But to whom?To whomever it may not concern,but will to lay a finger on her to harm her in any way. Shivers and inability to control her freaking out from her own fears made her go to sleep early,smiling,forcefully,that she missed prayers,that she is cuddling underneath the blanket,and soon will dream,her favorite past time pleasure. Wish she dreamed all the time!-believing dreams come true. ha ha ha!who would just think that the devil will have the last laugh with a pious person,but people sometimes appear pious to themselves when theyre really sacramonious. The devil is tricky because its weak,only the weak are tricksters,the strong are straight forward and forceful,the devil isnt. Thats why it slithers and whispers into ones ear hoping its be backed up by that one successfully;that is what devils do,operating with their followers powers-mental and physical- and in the end they are companions in hell,neither are the followers able to grant the devil forgiveness nor it they. She was bottled up that she had to reach the peak before relief strikes her. She had to rub her forehead,moan in a heard level and curl in her bed before she cries out in agony what she wants done,and then her mind reveals why she did that and why what she wanted was said. how many eyes and hearts and minds do you need for a spiritual spirit to revive in you,to revive itself and live again,to rise from its death?The devil was everywhere,surrounding,closing in. But shes strong,powerful and its been ages since the devil knew how to get to her,from anywhere. Evergreen is her heart with faith,hope and confidence,but it is winter in her mind. but wont be for long. Its life:fight it or fight for it as long as you get what you aim at wisely. She rushed,she wont anymore. Her mind is her own utility to her sanctuary or to her doom,shes got the choice. clear out the forest of fears from downcasts,dungeons underground haunted by ghosts of destruction,she was deluded by herself,but wont anymore. she was fire burning black,now not,but warm water. Herself was a mind-death-cheater,a cheater no more. Her heart was a chain of mountains sinking into the ocean of purgatory element,now the element is drying out and the mountains survive drowning,skies looked up to as brighter horizons. She was anything,good or nothing describable for its badness,but now not. Shes decided,and theres no cheating in this body... anymore. People are different metals,some people are like milk and honey,other people are like alcoholic drinks,and some people are like water. People who are like water are clear and purify your inside,even if they have bad sides,its easy to see it and see through them,people who are like milk are people who are useful to your infrastructure,the dirt that could be in them floats on the surface,that dirt could be removed easily,with water the dirt thats in them lies at the bottom,but in both cases it doesnt affect them,it doesnt mix with their very good natures. People who are like alcoholic drinks destroy everything in you,especially your heart and mind. People who are like honey are very useful too and could stick to you easily,also the bad in you they could stick into them easily and rid you of it too easily too. Milk is good for your bones,water for your blood,honey for your health and alcoholic drinks for nothing-they even make you lose your integrity and dignity when youre off guard. The following is a way of representing how the relation between truth related facts from a teacher are subjected and exposed to the student and those truths that are colored by others from the students medium whomever they get the truths of life and understanding literary words and their context,content,whats between their lines and words from meanings abstract and concrete: Once upon a time there lived a little tree named Truth. Truth lived in a glass box where it remained away from harm for a very long time. Beyond its glass box stood several people who wandered about the glass box speculating truths looks. Seeing that truth is the same in look on all four sides of the glass box,they went and came back with spray cans to destroy the view truth looked on when its glass box was clean. One spectator looked at one side of the box and sprayed in parallel to her real branches and bark a color which showed that they accepted the color of her leaves and fruits,hadnt it been only- for the branches of and the bark. Another spectator looked from another side and sprayed in parallel the reflections of the leaves on he glass with a color pleasant to them. They accepted the idea of the color of the branches,fruits and bark,hadnt it been -only- for the leaves. A third came along and sprayed the reflection of the fruits with a color,announcing thus that only the color -or type of-fruits were not satisfying them. A fourth came along and sprayed their side of the glass black. When a fifth came along,they circled round the box gathering and inputting into their memory the different sides of truth -colored and uncolored- and formed their idea of how Truth really was. Intellect Go,speed the stars of Thought On to their shining goals The sower scatters broad his seed; The wheat thou strewst be souls. -from Essays and Journals,Ralph Waldo Emerson. Every meaning falls in place with the words that it has been strung in. People take meanings from others mouths and word them as will fit and nourish their intellect. No matter what you do or say,there is this that closes your mind into a circle and limits your interests to subjects and topics that you find your life in and your counted breaths countless going in circles in. Endless but invigorating,a tide-less sea which you create its tide when you think about it and ponder and ignite its tide to wake up and move in its way. relating ones experiences to the age of the students and their problems requires a variously deepened understanding of human relations with the surroundings and life and nature and science and one another in family and friendship and social forms and in psychological forms. Do you think Im afraid of you?I! is a sentence I hear a lot when it has to do with ethics. When stating an opinion about someone dear to you from someone else,when facing you with a crude joke about yourself,sometimes to the extent of hitting or slapping on the face as a manner of joking. People think that not being afraid of someone gives them the liberty to hurt their feelings. Everybodys definition of ethics has changed a lot that it became unclear what ethics are and how important are they to everyday life and for the afterlife?It seems that a lot of those who fear for other peoples feelings have died,whats more,its dying inside me that I dont have anyone around me saying suitable words that could support me to go on caring for others feelings,I want -I need- someone to support me and tell me they will be there to be by my side before my legs fail me and before I fail to support myself to move on with the ethics Ive got which seem to me to lose value everyday with the flood of people opposing. Im sick and tired of supporting myself all alone. What if the closest people to me die?What will I do then?Will I find no-one to support me?I know I should only rely on God but Im human and human relations have a taste that doesnt exist in the relation with God. Maybe because people are more liable to make connections with each other and leave God out unless in need for Him. Perhaps because God is something minor in our lives. And we dont appreciate Him unless were in need of Him,like those who appreciate those they love on the brink of love and hasten to those they love when in need of them,like they were about to be burned in hell for example and want a way out through them!Who will answer when in need?Yet we all believe inside of us that those we love will rush to our help when in need. What if whom we respect or appreciate or love tells us:Do you think Im afraid of you?I! on an important matter,dont feelings count?Do they only exist in those who say so and not in the listener(s)? Why is it that people think that fear must be related with ethics and vice versa?What happened to the other fountains from which sprouts ethics,like love and appreciation and respect and the other fountains?Whatever happened to our definitions of anything?Why have we come to crossroads and dispersed so acutely? Sometimes I wonder whether something could take the place of experience and still have its effect on the mind. I came up with the fact that a good imagination,a mind that could handle details well and that could give good solutions and an ability to track thoughts well and not get lost amidst ideas and the stream of consciousness could fulfill the same idea experience gives to the mind of the one who experiences. You treat the knowledge you have as true facts and upon them start your experience. You could manipulate the facts and change them as you wish,the trick is not to believe in those imaginary facts as things that have happened to you truly. To get out of the problem that you could fall into,such as believing and reacting to imagined experiences and treating them as real,just remember to tell yourself that what youve been imagining is unreal. If this doesnt work,try stating what you have imagined,confessing your believing in it,stating the reason why you believed in it,and deciding to change that feeling or fact so as not to fall into that experience of believing imagination again. Experiences could hurt. A feeling is your selfs believing your mind truly,believing what you previously inserted into your mind and reacting to it spontaneously,this doesnt need a mental presence to happen,it happens easily since the elements to that already are present in the mind from before. The biggest problem that could occur is that you couldnt remember what you have inserted into your mind and thus reacted to it. Start with your feeling,what are you feeling?Why?Whats on your mind?Why?Why did you embrace those beliefs?What lead you to embrace them?(remember that you voluntarily or involuntarily embrace what you think,you should watch out.) Stop reacting and start acting,always change what you believe if it leads you to unwanted feelings that could bring over you disaster. Reading is a very good way to strengthen your ability to recall,besides praying to God that He collects your goal of persistent search and Brings it forward to you. Always -to remember- start with what you last thought of and jump back to the closest ideas or thoughts that came to your mind,your ideas will come to you soon. The idea of experiencing is to be able to level the fact told you and how well could it be believed and/or put in good use. Well-used imagination could have the exact same effect. People are like fingerprints. In fact,they are fingerprints. And the harder each fingerprint presses on one heart the longer it lasts,the longer it leaves imprint of its existence. If and only if: If you surrender unto the thoughts of others, If you surrender unto looking where everyone looks, If you surrender unto thinking as everyone thinks, If you surrender unto everyones thinking manner as a balanced process, If you surrender unto reliance on those close to you, If you surrender unto working with no love in your heart to what you love, If you surrender unto the idea that youre a fingerprint irreplaceable, If you surrender unto not understanding what a humane human is, If you surrender unto shadows of others ideas an echoes of their manners of speech, If you surrender unto your past with your bad memories of how people met you as different, If you surrender unto ideas of your distinction, If you surrender unto advices you only hear and never listen to, If you surrender unto mastering your mind mental instinct imperfectly, yours is failure encompassed and imprisoned in and by failure,and which is more,you lose your identitys full capacity as being a mental,emotional,thus completely humane,human. The role of the teacher is enroll experiences and understandings of life to those who learn and are listening. A teacher is about building a generation. A generation is about reaction to grown ups. Thus, a teacher is about understanding how this is possible and making it happen. I was and still am astringent with myself. Im always at the beck of my mind:if it tells me to do something Id do it not questioning my heart for the ethics of what i do. I found jolliness in being at my raw minds service-thinking it has reached its peak in creativity and knowledge and understanding. It was a long controversy I parleyed between myself and I. Imagination was factual to me-and its facts were absorbed as being real and accounted for. Every experience I stopped out of had an advice or preach or lesson which I kept as a keepsake for the experience and who happened to be in it,especially when it involved God and comprehending his view of life,the heartland of my thoughts. Divulging was something preposterous sometimes,sometimes something hilarious,sometimes unbearable according to the mood of my mind. What happened was that some ties in my head-some hooks attached together- created a filigree that was difficult-sometimes seeming and being impossible- to untie that formed a powerful bridge between networks of larger ideas and more sophisticated ideas creating and dragging me to becoming an imposter. Juddering my head wouldnt blow down the building and cottages of thoughts that fertile lands for plantation carried. It was eating up lands of good soil and wasting them in constructions fit for cemented lands fit for building up upon,not on plantation fields. Ransacking through middling,nebulous ideas i quarantined myself. I wasnt ready. I was truculent,wellnigh,towards the zeal I had for becoming ready... Defeat are offset by successes. And that as a trophy for the targets,will push me forward. I will not be a ewe sacrifice for my devil or weak self that easily wants to ally with it. I am ready,and will be always for steps to further steps that lead to successful things. I wasnt ready,but now I am with the vehement that will turn my culture wheel and water my mind and plough my land. I will not go down when others go up. I will go up with others and skip steps and increase speed and confidently rise. There is no reason for me to write in humanitys history book mu name,but,I must write to my past about my successes and gain its land for having excelled myself and managing my mind successfully. What a grand thing it is to jump bravely from being not ready to readiness for anything with a free free will. Bibliography: Cole, P.G., & Chan, L.K.S. (1994). Teaching principles and practice (2nd ed.), NY: PrenticeHall. Emmer, E.T., Evertson, C.M., Sandford, J.P., & Clements, K.S. (1997). Classroom management for secondary teachers (4th ed.), Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall. Henson, K., & Eller, B. (1999). Educational psychology for effective teaching, NY: Wadsworth. Marsh, C. (2004). Becoming a teacher (3rd ed.), Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson. McInerney, D., & McInerney, V. (2002). Educational psychology, Frenchs Forest, NSW: Prentice Hall. Porter, L. (2000). Student behaviour: Theory and practice for teacher. (2nd ed.), St Leonards, N.S.W: Allen & Unwin, (Student Learning in Context, Carolyn Staudt). Accessed 19th Jan, 2004. (Julia Atkin) Accessed 19th Jan, 2004. Read More
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