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Essya for admission in an Executive MBA - Admission/Application Essay Example

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However, with the help of the EDHEC Executive MBA Program, I aim to make a swift and smooth transition into a related financial position. The…
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Essya for admission in an Executive MBA
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1) Please give three reasons why you feel you should be admitted to EDHEC Executive MBA Program. The Need for Finance/Law Experts. Originating fromthe Brazilian BRIC member state, I have worked in the capacities of a lawyer and Juridical Director for several years. However, with the help of the EDHEC Executive MBA Program, I aim to make a swift and smooth transition into a related financial position. The world is more aware of the connection between finance and law therefore I feel there is a greater need for legal experts to gain finance related knowledge and become leaders in a company which has the need for such personnel.

Development of Financial and Managerial Skills. To professionally utilize the effectiveness of a finance degree, appropriate managerial skills are essential. My current dealings with multicultural clients from Russia, China, Morocco and Greece have provided ample experience in financial matters but I feel I could be greatly helped with the interaction provided by the EDHEC MBA towards the improvement of my management skills. This would allow me to becomes a better manager in the future and make me a more competent business executive.

Enhancement of Leadership SkillsIn my current position as a group counsel, leadership is an integral quality for my day to day work. Although I possess strong leadership skills, I feel that a more focused program as offered by EDHEC would help in allowing me to understand the theory and practice of leadership at all levels. I feel that I can improve my skills with the MBA degree and further solidify my already strong communication skills which allow me to interact with people from varied national and cultural backgrounds.2) What do you feel about your qualities as a leader?

What situations have made you think about them?As a team leader concerned with the privatization of many public Brazilian companies, I felt my leadership qualities were put to the ultimate test. At Leroy Merlin, Brazil, I was the juridical support for all investments projects as well as the acquisition of the land and the construction of twelve home centers. I had to ensure that my company’s compliance policies were at par with the government’s housing standards and the team members met the appropriate deadlines.

There was immense pressure on the members of my team to conduct the study of their parts of the project with due diligence and to show that they had done all they can in the time given to them. Those situations made me analyze and measure my own leadership qualities since motivation given by the group leader is visibly expressed by the team in terms of performance. Directing, guiding and counseling my peers at periodic and well-defined stages brought out their abilities to perform better. As a leader, I also have complete faith in rewarding performance and the process of differentiation.

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