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INTUOS3 - a Pen Graphic Tablet - Essay Example

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The paper "INTUOS3 - a Pen Graphic Tablet" discusses that the “fate” of the individual and the fate of the society is interdependent. If any individual can come forward with the least hesitation towards their customs, can make more people turn towards their thought…
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INTUOS3 - a Pen Graphic Tablet
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MAKING A THEORY MAKING A THEORY PRODUCT: The product I have chosen is “INTUOS.3 - a Pen Graphic Tablet”. This is a new product introduced recently by Wacoms Penabled® .The reason behind why this product has influenced my attraction is very interesting. This is a new type of making a graphic effect easily by any user, who may not be familiar with graphics.1 The theory of the product lies behind its features . Such as it gives various options in the process of editing photos, creating digital artwork and can do more than 100 software applications. Using an INTUOS.3 pen, its mouse and its tablet the user gets more flexibility, comfort and productivity. More over it has got a five button mouse, which will assist the user working in a natural way.2 Using a pen tablet with its matching point will help the user to get the design displayed on the screen exactly what he draws on the tablet. The pressure sensitivity is yet another feature of the product, it lets the user to have a control over the software tools such as brush size, opacity and other things can be controlled dynamically.3 The tablet has a Ergononic design with sloping control palm , in addition to multiple cod positions for generator work and space flexibility. Above all it has enhanced resolution and available in various sizes. The Grip Pen has 11024 levels of tip and eraser pressure sensitivity for control, battery free technology, multi-position pen stand three nib styles and tilt sensitivity. Foot Notes:1, 2, 3 : all the references are taken from the website The five button mouse has a smooth and accurate tracking without ball or optic functioning with battery free technology.. Previously were using only a scanner or a Paint Brush soft ware to draw something, and then came Auto Cad, which too helped in drawing diagrams of machines and tools with help of pre fixed shapes such as straight lines, circles, rectangle, etc. But INCUOS.3 has gone forward more steps further and the easy way to develop a graphic design is very clearly seen in this method. The flexibility which this product gives has all the reason behind my attraction towards this product. When you find your imagination take its shape with colors and you get the chance immediately to view your dream spot or painting or thought with a realistic touch, the happiness you get is immeasurable. The INCUOS.3 Graphic Pen Tablet , I would say with least hesitation that, is it a yet another invention, a miniature of a dream factory. Usually a cinema world is called a dream factory, where those things we imagine are given life for quiet some time and there we get a partial but better satisfaction that we have lived in our dreams. Similarly, this Graphic Pen Tablet is sure to make many people’s dreams to give temporary life to their thoughts. MOVIE: The movie that I have chosen is “CHOCOLAT”, directed by Lasse Hallstorm. This is simply not a movie but a lesson for the people who live within a rigid circle and those who are narrow minded and unfriendly to the outsiders. The two main characters Vianne and her daughter Anouk bring a terrible change to the place that has been long under the control of the above mentioned sociological clutches and the Mayor[a self-centered and dominating person]. The arrival of the two main characters itself brings a wind of change and symbolically represents that something is there that will bring a transformation into the town si made clear by the director. It will be fine in the words of a film critic, they say “The wind also brings with it two figures, an adult and child, whose Scarlet cloaks stand in bright contrast to the clout, grey austerity of the town”[“Chocolat”, A film review by Movie Geek Center] The theme of conventional wisdom is very well pasteurized in this movie. What makes a person react differently?, how do a traditionally bound people are accustomed to a small rigid circle ?, and how will they react to broad minded views?. If they really understand the negative side of the rigidness how they will respond to the freedom and vitality of Vienna and her daughter. The story revolves around this theme. AN EXPERIENCE THAT AFFECTED ME : At this point I would like to include an incident which is happening in my real life. I have a friend who is a single mother and has a 21 years old daughter. I am a Taiwanese from Chinese society, so I was brought up with the social views of Chinese. Chinese are conservative in their outlook and particularly they are against the single mothers. The treatment given to a single mother shows that they will not be accepted with total respect in their society. As my mother is bound up with the traditions and customs of the society, she does not want me to continue my friendship with her, and above all she thinks that I might be influenced badly by that single mother. But my mind is always ready to give her some support in terms of a moral help. I do not think that helping will affect my mind, and when we decide to help anybody we are not supposed to consider their background. The only thing that should be seen is that what sort of solution could be given to get them back from their problems. There may be many single mothers in the society but we cannot say that they will influence the society in a bad way. Some might have become like that under some helpless situation, there may be good souls among them. But I am sure of one thing that a person is committed to a mistake not only by his or her action but the reason comes from all the factors of the society. A single man or woman’s fault is not because of one’s own work always, it is an interdependent one. A man or woman shares their action and effects with that of the collective influence of the society in group. Coming to the movie which has a similar situation with what I have mentioned, Vienna stands in the position of my friend. But here she acts a bit bold and courageous in doing every thing as according to what her mind dictates. This could be understood from the way she starts the chocolate business during the fasting festival. Here she disturbs and tempts the people to taste her shop’s chocolates which in turn makes them act differently with a different temperament. Her chocolates change their mind with a new breeze of refined broad thoughts against the previous rigid thoughts. At a point it might appear to those who are serious about religion that she is insulting and irresponsible towards the religion, but her small helping services to those wives beaten by their husbands, to a widow who restricts her son to meet his grandmother etc. shows that she has a smooth power to bring a change into the society. There are different set of characters in this movie illustrating their lives in different rigid situations. A bad tempered woman Armande [ from whom Vienna gets a portion to run a small shop], a tyrannical Mayor [whose appearance in full black attire reveals the hint that he will be notable person in the life of Vienna and her daughter] from the very beginning the Mayor chides her .Vienna’s opposite response towards the Mayor’s invitation to Church becomes the only reason behind it. Vienna’s chocolate shop opens a new aroma in the surrounding, she displays lot of confections with full of richness and she opens up in beginning of Lent, setting up a chocolate shop during a strict fast season is not usually considered as a moral activity and more over it will be regarded as alluring those who are in fast, from this one should understand the fact that any self-respecting man would never say yes to taste the deliciousness of the sweets during a fasting time, so the Mayor challenges that Vienna will be smashed in her business by the time of Easter. Vienna’s background in this movie is quite an unacceptable one as far as most of the traditionally oriented audience is concerned. The reason behind that is that she remains a single mother with her illegitimate daughter. This is why people of that town take a long time to accept her as a human being with a good heart. Vienna sand her daughter cleans away finally the prejudices of the people by their service to those who were suffering of different kinds of problems. The Mayor a pure symbol of evil, rehabilitates the wife-beater , threatens the Catholic Church by revising the sermons written by the priest looks at Vienna as a representative from devil because she remains a single mother, he uses his power to make an end to the chocolate shop of Vienna. Her chocolate creates a sort of sensual pleasure to those who tastes it. But Vienna as said before has chosen the wrong time where a Catholic Christian is not supposed to take anything delicious while in fast. Her chocolate shop with the flavor of love forms a place for battle against the Christian customs in the eyes of the Mayor who in turn revises the sermon very strictly. But Vienna gains the name in the good books of the people from her services to those ailing people bounded by the cruel sermons of the Mayor. LINK BETWEEN PRODUCT , THE MOVIE AND MY REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. The movie is a good lesson to those who are still living under the prejudiced beliefs and traditions of the old days. The world has met drastic changes that very few could be identified as following the same old kind of life. The modernity is flashing every where, the spread of the importance of education is so rich that the former congested views on customs and traditions are slowly taking it’s another route. People of today opt for a flexibility in their life, luxury has become an important aspect in life that if we ask any one “How do they want their life to be?”, the immediate answer would be that “I need a life with all comfort abilities”. The cause will be of the present case, due to the impact of education and the enormous development of mass media.Exposure to a wider world has been increasing, as a result people started asking questions regarding uplifting their lives. Chocolat is such a movie that it tries to give a heavy blow to the rigidity that still prevails in the society among some people. This rigidity does not allow them to accept things that happen in a way, where as education will surely provide a sense of tolerance and understanding that will stop people from getting prejudiced. The broadminded aspect is yet another view which helps preventing from getting prejudiced. It should be accepted that a woman living as a single mother cannot be a bad sign for a society; rather she too might possess wonderful qualities. To attain this she might not require a traditional brought up. The INCOUS.3 Graphic pen tablet in the same way leads to the flexibility of the user. A user buys a product in order to get his work done with almost maximum relaxed job, in the same way a person would like to lead a life without any tensions or charges. Every one in this world needs a peaceful life with more expectations on flexibility. A graphic pen tablet provides a peaceful and risk free circumstance to work with it, which will be liked by almost all. To organize the life of a person is in his own hands, the sterner he becomes the less peace of mind he gets. Some who love and like only the reality will never say their acceptance to this kind of a product which is purely based on electronic support. The outcome is completely without more physical work. Where as when a man paints or draws in his own hand in a chart he need to do the revisions by himself. In a pen graphic tablet the system itself will do the corrections f pointed out. Vienna is like the graphic pen tablet, who lives a flexible life, without the clutches of other people. She is the master of her destiny. One more point can also be added to this, that is Vienna’s previous action has brought her to this situation of being a single mother but later she has turned her life by starting a small business and the result has been a wonderful one. But one advice should be taken into consideration that a man or woman should not prepare their destiny at the cost of others, they can give chances for a flexible life for themselves and for those who cross their life. She transforms the entire group with her bright and broad views like that of the graphic pen displays the exact figure which the user draws over the tablet. The destiny of the work of the user lies in his own hands, in the sense how he holds the pen and how he draws and also the final work will make sill and should make an impact. Like wise my friend who is a single mother is a person who is still waiting to get an opportunity to reshape her life. She is in a helpless condition, though my mind is well prepared to help her I don’t want to go beyond my mother’s good opinion on me. I would like to obey my mother as well as help my friend. In this situation I would like to act as a graphic tablet which depends on its own make, it has every thing in itself. It brings out the destiny of the work of art or diagram with the programs already fixed in it. The fate of the out come depends on how the user drags the pen on the tablet. THEORY: The theory I have chosen is that of Kurt Lewin’s. Lewin [1890-1947] was concerned with the predicaments in motivation of individuals and of groups which is determined under a context of a situation. One of his views was that “It is not similarity or dissimilarity that constitutes a group but rather interdependence of fate…..What is more a person who has learned to see how much his own fate depends upon the fate of his entire group will be ready and even eager to take over a fair share of responsibility for its welfare” [Lewin, Kurt [1946-165-6], Kurt Lewin :groups, experimental learning and action research.] Though he has said this keeping in mind the position of the Jews during 1939, it can be considered for all occasions. Coming to the link between the product , the story of the movie and the theory, the link lies in the word “fate”, and “responsibility”. The Graphic Pen Tablet allows the user to get a view in full form what ever shape or idea or form he has in mind, and it depends also on how the user applies his hands over the pen and what kind of options he chooses to draw. The product has variety of options and the user will choose shoul choose the one that will best portray his idea, in the same way the fate of the people is changed by Vienna, according to what kind of a flavor they selected to taste. She in turn has some responsibility in changing the fate of the people in a better way like the Mayor took the responsibility in changing the fate according to his wishes. The interdependence of fate with the contribution by the individual and the group makes the society. The same point can be discussed here, in the movie and in the situation which I have mentioned that of my friend. The fate of Vienna, my Friend is calculated by the interdependent actions of the individual and those to whom they depend. Here Vienna depend her future on her chocolate shop; she resembles full freedom and confidence. Where as my friend do need a strong support, it could be either from any work point she chooses or from anybody like me who should guide her in a confident life. At this juncture one thing I would like to mention surely that in this conservative society single mothers or any one who lives under the same kind of situation where they have been looked by the society as sinned, should be give some kind of a moral support to get back a new and challenging life provided they remain a good model to the society showing their previous actions and how they had suffered due to that and in future one should not repeat that. By doing so a kind of awareness might be created among the young women of the present days. This theory might be confusing, what I am trying to say is that a woman becoming a single mother is definitely not an acceptable action, but that does not mean that she will be bad always. On the other way she could make an influencing impact by changing her remaining lifetime in a useful and innovative work. To attain this every single mother should get inspired by the plain and rust free mind which Vienna has got. And more over if they could become like her some one should come forward to give them a moral support; in that case those who give them support should not have any disturbances while they are in the process of helping. It is better a person with a broad minded view come forward and help them. Here it should be mentioned that the “fate” of the individual and the fate of the society is interdependent. If any individual can come forward with least hesitation towards their customs, can make more people turn towards their thought. BIBLIOGRAPHY” “Chocolat”, A film review by Movie Geek Center. online. Lewin, Kurt.[1946, 165-6], Kurt Lewin: groups, experimental learning and action research. Online Wacom, “Pen Graphic tablet” .online Read More
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