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Milestones in the History of Germany - Essay Example

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The essay "Milestones in the History of Germany" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the milestones in the history of Germany. Germany started both world wars and was rightly blamed for them. Both ended in terrible disasters not just for Germany, but also for the entire world…
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Milestones in the History of Germany
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HISTORY I AM ADDING EXTRA INFORMATION AND YOU CAN KINDLY DELETE WHATEVER YOU DO NOT NEED. IT IS DIFFICULT FOR ME TO ASSESS. I FEEL, FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, THAT BACKGROUND AND OTHER INFORMATION ARE NECESSARY. LEFT TO YOUR CHOICE. ABSTRACT Germany started both the world wars and was rightly blamed for them. Both ended in terrible disasters not just for Germany, but also for the entire world. France, smarting from the wounds inflicted by Germany during the First World War, forced the rest of the allies, to take an aggressively demanding stance against Germany after the war. This stance humiliated that nation brisling with ego, and became one of the many reasons for the Second World War. After the Second World War, the reluctant participant United States, emerged as the super power, and dictated her terms to war-weary countries of Europe during the end stages of the war. European countries had to accept all the demands of US most of them willingly, some of them with reservations. A comparison between French demands after First World War and US demands after the Second World War, and in this comparison, we find that more of contrast lay in the altered circumstances. France acted purely on an instinct of her national survival, whereas US had hidden her intentions. France needed Germany to be humiliated and pay back for her foolhardiness, whereas US acted mainly on her self-interest with an additional desire to see Europe and the rest of the world secure without being plagued by further wars. This intention is rather remote compared to self-gratification. After Second World War, Germany was no doubt treated badly, but was made to feel that she too is one of the European countries. Even though the persecution continued for a long time, other nations and US (mainly during Kennedy regime) were ready to forgive and forget the past. The self-interest of United States was acutely apparent in every demand, be it about European countries, territory of maintenance or military presence in Europe, it had shades of world welfare in it. At least it was presented so. In comparison, we can state that both countries needed to create a war free secure future and acted with that appreciable instinct and desire. France might have been a little undiplomatic, but we say that with the benefit of a long hindsight. US has fared better and built for herself and others a much better future, while keeping German resurrection under check, without depriving Germany much of her dignity. ================= ESSAY: French demands after the First World War and the American demands after the Second World War have been compared and contrasted many times by historians. Even though French demands are known to be more aggressive and thoroughly vindictive, they had a short term affect, while the American demands after Second World War, solicitous to Europe, were well calculated and had a very long-term results. Perhaps eventually, it led to the formation of a European Union. United States of America, without Europe on its side, is a bit of loner, a kind of world bully. America and European countries have helped each other over the years. In both cases, Germany was victimised with good reasons, and with the hindsight, Germany has shaken off her past and is a confirmed democratic nation today. Europe was dominated by America and her demands after Second World War and later, some regions, by Soviet block. Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau rightly said, "Yes, we have won the war and not without difficulty; but now we are going to have to win the peace, and that will perhaps be even more difficult". Perhaps France, suffered more than any other country in Europe from the First World War and was determined not to put herself in such jeopardy again, and this resolve reflected in her demands after the world war. One look at the sacrifices made by France, her loss for no fault of hers, her sinking low in the ranks of world powers entirely due to war, no one could blame her for being vindictive or revengeful. On 12th November 1918, the Armistice was signed and these were some of the terms, which Germany found extremely offensive: 1. Immediate clearing of Belgium, France, Alsace-Lorraine, to be concluded within 14 days. Any troops remaining in these areas to be interned or taken as prisoners of war. 2. Surrender 5000 cannon (chiefly heavy), 30,000 machine guns, 3000 trench mortars, 2000 planes. 3. Evacuation of the left bank of the Rhine, Mayence, Coblence, Cologne, occupied by the enemy to a radius of 30 kilometers deep. 4. On the right bank of the Rhine a neutral zone from 30 to 40 kilometers deep, evacuation within 11 days. 5. Nothing to be removed from the territory on the left bank of the Rhine, all factories, railroads, etc. to be left intact. 6. Maintenance of enemy occupation troops through Germany. 7. Renunciation of the Treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest. 8. Unconditional surrender of East Africa. 9. Surrender of 160 U-boats, 8 light cruisers, 6 Dreadnoughts; the rest of the fleet to be disarmed and controlled by the Allies in neutral or Allied harbors. 10. Assurance of free trade through the Cattegat Sound; clearance of mine fields and occupation of all forts and batteries, through which transit could be hindered. 11. The blockade remains in effect. All German ships to be captured. 12. All limitations by Germany on neutral shipping to be removed. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, at Serbia's Sarajevo, on 28th June 1914 got a chain of unforeseen events unleashed, which culminated in the unprecedented World War. On 3rd August 1914, Germany brimming with self-confidence and military strength and unending ambition, declared war on France, and from that moment, throughout the First World War that officially lasted four years, France was subjected into untold miseries, losses and tragedies. Over these years, even the ordinary Frenchman, not without reason, had been rabid about Germany and its ruthless ways of expansion, regardless of the cruelty that was being inflicted on human beings. Gone through the bloodiest revolution in human history, plagued by hundred years' war, troubled by the imperialistic ambition of Napoleonic wars, France was shattered by the upheavals it had to go through during the First World War. Germans were ruthless, cruel, unbridled and France, being looked at from this angle, had not been exactly unreasonable in her demands as it was her only hope to be protected from the evil designs of Germany. After the surrender of Germany, during the Paris Conference days, Georges Clemenceau like hard line leaders took over the proceedings and the entire French population was behind them demanding vengeance. There is an interesting valuation of Clemenceau by British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, in his The Truth About the Peace Treaties (1938), which to a large extent, represents the over-cautious way with which France conducted herself during the Treaty time. "There never was a greater contrast, mental or spiritual, than that which existed between these two notable men; (Woodrow Wilson of America and Clemenceau of France). Clemenceau, with a powerful head and the square brow of the logician - the head conspicuously flat topped, with no upper storey in which to lodge the humanities, the ever vigilant and fierce eye of the animal who has hunted and been hunted all his life. The idealist amused him so long as he did not insist on incorporating his dreams in a Treaty, which Clemenceau had to sign. He listened with eyes and ears lest Wilson should by a phrase commit the Conference to some proposition, which weakened the settlement from the French standpoint. If Wilson ended his allocution without doing any perceptible harm, Clemenceau's stern face temporarily relaxed, and he expressed his relief with a deep sigh." "In Germany, the treaty caused shock and humiliation which contributed to the collapse of the Weimar Republic in 1933 and Adoft Hilter's rise to power," George Clemenceau, in his speech at Paris Conference, on 16th June 1919, thundered: "Justice, therefore, is the only possible basis for the settlement of the accounts of this terrible warJustice is what Germany shall have. But it must be justice for all. There must be justice for the dead and wounded and for those who have been orphaned and bereaved that Europe might be freed from Prussian despotism. There must be justice for the peoples who now stagger under war debts, which exceed 30,000,000,000 that liberty might be saved. There must be justice for those millions whose homes and land, ships and property German savagery has spoliated and destroyed," When France was defeated in Fraco-Prussian War, it not only had to lose Alsace-Lorraine, but also had to pay reparations to Germany. Germ soldiers plundered Northern France while retreating in 1918, and as most of the war was fought on French soil, there was widespread destruction and economic damage. France wanted Germany to pay reparations and return the territories. It wanted Germany to be humiliated as she herself was subjected to insults and humiliations. France wanted Germany to demilitarise itself, so that Frnace would not be attacked again by this militant neighbour. France wanted a safe zone under the control of Allied forces to be maintained for this purpose. "In effect, Clemenceau and many other French wanted to impose policies deliberately meant to cripple Germany militarily, politically, and economically. He was the most radical member of the Big Three, and received the nickname "Le Tigre" for this reason," Ibid. France wanted to punish Germany, cripple her future, so that her aggressive nature could be under control. The conditions also included 'German reparations of 6,600 million; limitation of Germany's army to 100,000 men with no conscription, no tanks, no heavy artillery, no poison-gas supplies, no aircraft and no airshipsthe limitation of the German Navy to vessels under 100,000 tons, with no submarines". Germans had to sign the treaty under protest, as there was no other alternative left for them, being cornered into the most hopeless situation in the history. USA Congress refused to ratify it and there was widespread unhappiness in European countries, especially in France that Kaiser and other warmongers were not going to be tried. The unmourned casualties, deaths and mutilations, devastated economic, social and cultural life and more than anything else, the wounded pride and dignity of ordinary Germans led the way to the Second World War, Adolph Hitler being clever enough to show the passionate way of vengeance all over again. Resentment at the harsh peace of First World War was fuelled by Hitler successfully. The harshness of the treaty led into acute nationalism in Germany as the whole nation saw itself as the vanquished victim of the victorious. Germany had always been plagued by shortsighted, highly militaristic and aggressive leadership and the treaty gave them opportunity to resurrect themselves as the chief mourners over the national humiliation. As consequence of the unforgiving treaty, Germany lost all her innovations like submarines, all her territories and colonies, and boded ill on her economy and pride. "The Treaty can be said to be the single most important, indirect cause of the war. It placed the blame, or "war guilt" solely upon Germany and its allies. Secondly, harsh reparations imposed by the treaty hampered the German economy by causing rapid hyperinflaction. The Weimar Republic printed trillions to help pay off its interior debts, mainly war bonds, thus deliberately annihilating the savings of the middle class. This cause the deprived people to support authoritarian parties like the Nazis and the Communists," Germany was asked to limit its forces to 100,000 and denied the air force, demilitarialize Rhineland, Danzig became an independent city and came under League of Nations, and Germany's economy was effectively hampered. There is another view that Treaty did not permanently neuter future attempts of Germany trying to become a great power with a swagger. France wanted Germany to be cut into bits and pieces; but as other nations were opposing it as 'inhuman' they could not get their way. Even the Great Depression was blamed upon the Treaty, and Nazis continued to become more popular. There is no doubt that treaty gave way to the persecution propaganda of the Nazis and resulted in the famous "dagger-thrust legend" (often translated into English as 'stab-in-the-back legend'). So, instead of ending all the wars, this war was fought all over again with many dangerous weapons and with disastrous consequences. "In Germany the treaty caused shock and humiliation which contributed to the collapse of the Weimar Republic in 1933 and Adolf Hitler's rise to power," Many statesmen were already aware of the unfortunate consequences that the Treaty might bring in the future. French Marshall Ferdinand Foch told a British Newspaper: "And next time, remember, the Germans will make no mistake. They will break through into Northern France and will seize the Channel ports as a base of operations against England," In the Second World War, President Roosevelt said that America has become the 'arsenal of democracy' and he was right in a way. There is no denying the fact that if Japan had not imprudently dragged America into the war, by attacking Pearl Harbour on that fateful day, the exhausted European powers would have found it almost impossible to defeat Germany. France, as dreaded by its statesmen, was attacked from all sides and had to surrender to Germany, to their everlasting humiliation. America, after entering the Second World War, almost spearheaded the war and contributed immensely towards economic and military resources of the allies. US adopted regional defence alliances under its leadership wherever possible and the biggest of these alliances is NATO. A major command of the US Air Force was stationed at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, according to the treaty. United States congress was uncomfortable with the Treaties of Versailles after the First World War and did not ratify it. They were of the opinion that idealist President Woodrow Wilson allowed the vindictive French to go too far and with the humiliated ego, Germany would lunge back at her neighbours in no time, and they were proved right with the future events unfolding. Second World War is the largest and the most violent war in the history of humankind. Being the most powerful of all the Allies United states had a better strategic position. European countries, especially Britain, who had spearheaded the Allies attack till America came into picture, were exhausted to their core. There was no help from the already defeated countries of Europe. Britain was facing the situation almost single-handedly. Soviet Russia is the only other country that had been fighting the war with all earnestness and her sacrifices had been astonishing. It was a stroke of great luck for the Allies that Japan, drunk with success, proved itself such a blockhead that it went and attacked Pearl Harbour. With that attack, the fate of the Axis powers was more or less sealed and American resources came pouring into the Allies' cause with all its military strength. If we refer to the sacrifices and suffering, America was nowhere near the Allies. But America had the capability of rescuing them from a possible defeat. American gained steady significance and when the War ended, she was already the leader of the Allies, with a list of demands, which nobody dared to question. United States unveiled her security strategy for Europe after the war during Atlantic Treaty and Europe was not in a position to either negate or discard the US proposal. As the originator of both the world wards, European continent has become a haven of suspicion. America had emerged out of war with global military commitments and Congress was unwilling to support the enormous army. America now had enduring interests in Europe. "The United States has vital interests in a Europe that is democratic, undivided, stable and prosperous, open t trade and investment opportunities, and supportive of political, economic, and military cooperation with the United States in Europe and other important parts of the world," The Treaty provided for mutual defence and economic recovery, and US had realised at last that it would be alone without the help of likeminded European nations. The treaty was against fear of aggression and real aggression as President Truman said. The main goal was strengthening the security of North Atlantic Sea region. It has given way to multilateral treaties today, with America as the controlling power. This was the main intention of America when she demanded that the North Atlantic Treaty should be signed and to a very large extent, this treaty had been beneficial to America in more than one way. According to Raymond Aron: "The Atlantic Treaty would be looked on by Russia as provocative. It would give us no protection in case of war. It would involve us in heavy future rearmament, including German rearmament. It would risk dragging us into a war between the two great Powers which did not concern us." (Aron 1951: 2). The demilitarisation of Germany and dealing with nearly 8 million Nazis proved more difficult than predicted. Another peculiarity was that Berlin was divided into four zones of occupation, even though it was 176 km deep inside the region occupied by Russia as part of the occupied German regions. . Through Atlantic Treaty, US wanted the European nations to come under Marshall Plan and become NATO allies to help it in shaping the international community. US focussed her economic interests in the stability zone of Europe where she looked for economic partners. This zone of stability was socially and culturally nearer to America, as a kind of motherland, than any other region in the world. Hence, America remained the most important player in the European region, whether any one wanted her or not. Her demands after the Second World War mirrored this desire in the Atlantic Treaty. America had clear objectives of self-gratification: preventing renationalization of foreign and defence policies, helping and constructing economic area by aiding to build up the ruined economics of European countries, keeping the security system intact, protecting NATO members, containing Communism, deterring instability in Europe, so that Communism could not lift its ugly head everywhere, controlling regional conflicts, and influence European security issues. European countries did not dislike the military presence at many spots, as after going through the Second World War, they were looking for some kind of security to protect themselves from future Hitlers. A substantial American military presence was left in Europe. "Europe has grown accustomed to the American presence in Europe and has had cause to be grateful for US generosity towards Europe. It was however, far from clear, in the months immediately following the end of the war, that the US would want to involve herself in Europe's affairs," says Lane (1985, p.32). Every European country is forced into the process and readjustment after the war. The Economic help, whatever the strings attached were, still was welcome because they were reeling under economic crises and had very few alternatives. They needed American help badly, and were not really unhappy about the military demands. American demands about economic help through Marshall plan and NATO were not blatantly impolite, but were cooperative suggestions, which were agreed by the European powers. Germany was halved and quartered, and the same went to Berlin, and still Europe did not complain because by now, Europe knew that Germany could be the source of another unmanageable problem all over again. Communism was spreading in Europe and they needed American help there too. There were instances when their sovereignty was at peril to some extent, to accommodate American overbearing; but they did not mind much, as they needed America. "It was the victor's peace that bore the seeds of a second Great war - the treaty imposed by the Allies on the defeated powers, a treaty that robbed them of territory, humiliated them with a spurious, or at least arguable, war guilt clause, and mortgaged their economics with an unprecedented bill for reparations," says Remak (1976, p.3). Considering the public opinion, France was bridling with demand for more stringent methods of persecuting the guilty Germany after First World War, and with reason. The sacrifices this country made throughout the war were unlimited and heart wrenching. They had enough reason to bray for Germany's blood. But Germans never thought that they were really defeated, because their Army never surrendered and this gave an opportunity to Nazis to say that they were stabbed in their backs. They could not face defeat and went on for years, in the dream of resurrecting their unbridled empire and to some extent they succeeded. In spite of all the trials and tribunals of the war, Germans were still ready to pay with more blood. When the Second World War happened the scene has already changed. Germans, at least the majority, without a thought for the repercussion, were jubilant in their newfound supremacy and crestfallen once again after the end of the war, as the whole country was now doomed. Americans were happy with the outcome because with one stroke, they have attained supremacy, had come out of isolation, had stabilised their economic and military future all over the world. Public opinion in Europe was multifaceted. Statesmen knew the pitfalls of allowing America to enter the scene, but they could not find another coherent alternative. They had to feed their surviving citizens and industry, economy, finance, stability have gone with the wind. They needed help to provide welfare to millions of their widowed, wounded, disillusioned and orphaned population. With the danger of Communism lurking in the background they had no other alternative, but go along with the winds of change. They agreed to all military arrangements, fell in line with economic arrangements, which to be fair to America, Europe needed badly, became partners of US in the march towards a stable future. They had differences and difficulties even when Roosevelt was alive. With Truman at the helm, they had many more problems, because Truman lacked the charisma, diplomacy and generosity of Roosevelt, who was a natural leader. Truman was well intentioned, but wily, obstinate and cunning. But they agreed to most of the demands of US and even gave them military bases in Europe. US took most of the strategic points not just in Europe, but all over the world, and even Britain, now being tired of colonies and imperialism, agreed quietly to vacate her place in the world affairs to United States. " a continuity between the two world wars which seem immediate and direct: the second world war broke out as a result of the failure to restore an equilibrium after the violence, cost, and passion of the first world war" (Mosse 1986: 491). In a way, the situations were alike, when Germany's situation was considered. Again insults were heaped on Germany, her leaders were tried and executed with enough reason, for crime against humanity. From the opposite angle, these demands were more understanding of the situation, as there were no challengers to the US position, there was little chance of creating further problems in Europe. European Union is yet another attempt by European leaders to organize European matters without coming under the US sphere of influence, and they have organised it appreciably. Two wars and two treaties have changed German perception completely. "It is scarcely imaginable that a reunified Germany, freed from the restraints of the Cold War era, would run amok, launching another campaign of imperial conquest in Europe, nor does any Western government believe that it would. The German Federal Republic remains stable, democratic, and not only peace-loving but also emphatically conflict-averse." Says Mandelbaum, (1996, p.19). BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Connelly, Mark (2004), We can Take it!, Pearson Longman, London. 2. Lane, Peter (1985), Europe Since 1945, Batsford Academic and Educational, London. 3. Marks, Sally (1976), The Illusion of Peace, Macmillan Press Ltd., London. 4. Mandelbaum, Michael (1996), The Dawn of Peace in Europe, The Twentieth Century Fund Press, New York. 5. Mortel, Gordon (1986), ed., The Origins of the Seond World War Reconsidered, 2nd edn., London: Routledge. 6. Moure, Kenneth and Alexander, Martin S. (2002), Crisis and Renewal in France, 1918-1962, Berghahn Books, New York. 7. Remak, Joachim (1976), The Origins of the Second World War, Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey. ONLINE RESOURCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Read More
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