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How Parents Treat Sons And Daughters Differently - Essay Example

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Throughout history in the study of various civilizations and social anthropology, we find that there has been a great difference in treatment of sons and daughters by parents. Sometimes it is unconscious, but mostly it is conscious; largely due to the social norms and values that are there in the world we live in…
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How Parents Treat Sons And Daughters Differently
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This child then becomes the adult of the society, and the subsequent domino effect for the creation of all prejudices, biases and polarity comes into existence. Taken objectively, because essentially the male and female child are intrinsically very different, it is virtually impossible even for the most passionate of parents to claim that they have sustained a just rule for all. The study finds its rationale in the fact that it is essential to understand where the root cause of discrimination is embedded within the human behavior, as it later on goes on to produce social, economic, religious and moral prejudices within the human community - a reality that is causing all the unrest in out world.

There quite a few studies, which have worked on this project. "In the United States, a person's gender has affected the level of education she is likely to receive, the occupation she will take up, and the wages she will be paid" (Blau 1998, U.S. Department of Education 2000). Morgan, Lye, and Condran (1988) discover that sons reduce the risk of marital disruption by 9% more than do daughters. In the same domain, Dahl and Moretti (no date) find that having a girl considerably affects marriage and divorce rate; being 3.

4% less likely to be living with her father compared to a first-born son. Some studies have found that "fathers interact more with infant sons and are more engaged with adolescent sons than daughters" (Barnett and Baruch 1987). There is also accord among researchers that fathers spend less time in childcare than mothers do (Pleck and Masciadrelli 2004).METHODS In order to gain a basic insight into the issue, a study was designed which would give an idea about the issue. The results would help us understand whether the incidence of this problem is existence or is it just an academic model.

Participants The volunteer participants of the study were 25 pairs of brothers and sisters. They were different in sibling order, and even in the total number of siblings. But from every family, one son and one daughter were selected. For 25 families, the total number of participants thus came out to be 50. The inclusion criterion was children aged from 4 to 12. They were not told about the exact of the study, so that their biases and preconceived notions would not come into play. Also, the same tool was given to all of them, seeking their opinion about how they thought their parents treated them, in general.

Procedures The tool used was a specifically designed questionnaire that would measure up to the basic requirements within the household, school and neighborhood of children aged 4-12. as literacy and cognitive understand would be an obvious issue, therefore the questionnaire was administered to all of them through an interview, wherein the standardized items were asked from all the participants in isolation. It is very important to mention here that as children are well under-aged to make their own legal and rational decisions, therefore an undertaking was also signed by their parents which would admit them participating in this study.

The exact scope of the study was told to the parents.Dependent Measures The questionnaire itself addressed issues of psychological, sociological, familial, economic and

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