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HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
The present scenario of increased mobility of employees, turnover of key people, diversity and changes in professional aspirations has all made companies to manage talent and has become the key agenda these days (Orr & Swailes 2008).
Strategies for an organization’s success
Berger & Berger (2003) suggest three ways to drive an organization’s success. The first strategy is to identify, select and cultivate the best talents; the second is to cultivate ‘backups’ for highly qualified people, so that in the event of the most qualified leaving the organisation the organisation does not suffer and finally “allocate resources to employees based on actual and/or potential contribution to organizational excellence”.
There are a number of issues that going to be a challenge for the corporate managers to manage talent within their organisations. The strategies, policies and practices of the corporate management have to be overhauled in light of increasing global labour force, virtual workplaces, race, culture and age of the employees. In addition to this the proliferation of the internet could give access for those who seek job opportunities elsewhere (CIPD 2006).
The challenges ahead for small, medium, and large companies
Retaining talent will be the key agenda for any corporate and to achieve this lot of companies have to be revamped. Revamping may not be that easy considering the existing work ethics that have been in place. Professional aspirations of employees who are no longer confined to a single place can have a telling effect on Talent Managers. Also, in any organisation, getting people for the top posts are becoming increasingly difficult but recruiting frontline staff is not very difficult (CIPD 2006). Past research indicates that only top or large companies put talent management high on their agenda (Lewis 2007).
Also getting or retaining talented managers in public sectors is also becoming increasingly difficult (SOCPO 2005) and only some organisations have prioritised diversity strategies across the whole organisation ensuring equality of opportunity in the work place (CIPD 2006). If we look at talent management from the perspective of employees, we realise that organisations with high diversity management are more attractive, based on a study of 113 MBAs (Ng & Burke 2005).
When protecting talented individuals, certain impediments have to be taken note of. Transnational courts will find it increasingly difficult to cope with foreigners and most of the countries in the wake of globalisation are likely to enforce in the direction of western-style employment protection laws. Also some countries will ease their existing laws to attract multinational companies and talents (Frank & Taylor 2004). Although these issues might seem non-issues, changes in culture, ethnic diversity and language might be bottle-necks in some cases.
Another issue that will crop up is the retention of non-talented employees. It will be the onus of the organisation to segregate the talented and “also make it clear that those not in the talent pool are still important and will still be helped to develop.” (Lewis 2007)
Nearly 80% of the public sector organisations did not have any talent management plans to retain trained personnel (SOCPO 2005). It is now becoming clearer that large and (to a certain extent) medium organisations are the ones likely to retain and recruit talents. The smaller companies will always bear the brunt of ‘brain-drain’ and man turn over.
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