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Running Head: GREEN BUILDINGS IN HONG KONG Green Buildings in Hong Kong [The [The of the Dissertation ProposalTopic: A study of the barriers for the development of Green Buildings in Hong KongA study of the barriers for the development of Green Buildings in Hong KongIntroduction According to the latest research Hong Kong Government is preparation to set up a green building label system as a way of using market power to endorse ecologically aware buildings. In this regard a special study has been conducted to expand this appraisal scheme and it is supposed the practice of the obtainable evaluation methods will form a helpful background.
At the similar time, appraisal of the building regulations is being conducted with the aspire to remove barriers to pioneering and green building plan. These proposal focal point not only on new buildings but also on redevelopment of old and decaying buildings in the urban rekindling process (Aboul Naga, M., 2001, 553-563). No doubt in the history decade, Hong Kong was raising building energy and executeEnergy competence and ecological with the aspire to endorse energy protection and improved building design.
The study of "greener" and additional energy proficient buildings was also activating by the quest for improved recital and excellence in the construction industry. A demanding task of building designers and professionals today is to endorse green and energy competent buildings in a cost effectual and environmentally reactive way.Research question To investigate what are the barriers of green buildings development in Hong KongObjectivesThere are several objectives 1. To introduce the development and nature of green building and sustainable development2.
To review the factors and benefits green building development in Hong Kong3. To identify and analyze the barriers for green building development in Hong Kon 4. To make recommendation for further better implementation. a) Building energy efficiency, b) Building energy codes, c) Environmental assessment, d) Sustainability.Literature reviewThis research shows Hong Kong Government is scheduling to set up a green building label system as a way of using market power to endorse ecologically aware buildings.
In this regard a several-month consultancy study to expand the technique, identified as "complete ecological recital appraisal system for Buildings". It is supposed the knowledge of the obtainable appraisal methods against barriers will form a helpful surroundings of this study. At the similar time, appraisal of the building regulations is being conducted with the aim to take away barriers to original and green building designs. These initiatives focal point not only on latest buildings but also on redevelopment of old and decrepit buildings in the urban restoration process (ASHRAE. 2001).Barriers against energy efficiency in buildings are serious to attain sustainable development in a society.
This literature presents an impression of the key issues and developments of energy competence and environmental appraisal for buildings in Hong Kong. As lots of cities in the steamy and subtropical regions of US are facing a parallel confront on energy and surroundings, it is hoped that the practice in Hong Kong would offer useful information for considerate the frequent issues and designing effectual strategy to endorse energy protection and ecological management in the building sector (Brchner, J., 367-372).
MethodologyAfter comprehensive investigation on given research topic and matured formation of literature review, the subsequently theoretical approach to manage the methodology for the dissertation. A quantitative methodology is fraught with detailed accurate information. Beyond the shadow a survey is based on comprehensive questionnaires are shaped and sent to the other urban cities, the buildings in Hong Kong play a important role in formative the environmental sustainability of the society.
The majority questions are based to obtain the information of accessible building environmental appraisal methods in the world shows that the energy criterion is a key factor in the assessment process. What are the barriers in green building construction (Chau, C. K., 2000, 959-968). For the proper research US, Hong Kong and China, Proper organization of the requirements in the building energy codes and the environmental assessment scheme is included.Research plan Month Activities October- November 2006Go through the literature and review the barrier of green building constructionDraft the questionnaires through interviews and surveyDecember 2006Send out the questionnaires to the Hong Kong construction building companiesCase study of oversea January- February 2007Analyze the results of the surveyAnalyze the case March 2007Draft the dissertationApril 2007Hand in the dissertationReferencesAboul Naga, M. M. and Y. H. Elsheshtawy. 2001. Environmental sustainability assessment of buildings in hot climates: the case of the UAE.
Renewable Energy, 24 (3-4): 553-563.ASHRAE. 2001. ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia.Brchner, J., G. K. I. Ang and G. Fredriksson. 2002. Sustainability and the performance concept: encouraging innovative environmental technology in construction. Building Research and Information, 27 (6): 367-372.Chau, C. K., et al. 2000. Towards a successful voluntary building environmental assessment scheme.
Construction Management and Economics, 18 (8): 959-968.
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