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Education Testing Assessment Selection and Development - Essay Example

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Unlike much of the rest of the democratic world, America's political system is dominated by just two parties: Democratic and Republican. A two-party system offers distinct advantages and disadvantages.
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Education Testing Assessment Selection and Development
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Education - Testing - Assessment Selection and Development and Section # of Education - Testing - Assessment Selection and Development Multiple-choice Item 1 (MC-1)Objective:2. List major figures and events associated with European exploration, conflict, and colonization.Given:After Spanish explorers discovered Native American civilizations, some Native populations decreased by as much as 80 or 90 %.Question Stem:Most Native Americans died becauseInstructions:Select the letter that best completes the question.

Put an x in the box.Answer Options: Type the text of each answer option into a box to the right of a letter.Key: Indicate the correct answer by placing an X in the box to its left.AThey ran out of land.BThey moved north to colder territory.CThey had a poor diet.XDThey had no immunity to European diseases.EThey fought a great civil war.Multiple-choice Item 2 (MC-2)Objective:12. Solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse, and the properties of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and exterior angles.

Given:A tree stands 20 meters tall. It casts a shadow that is 15 meters long.Question Stem:What is the distance between the top of the tree and the top of the shadowInstructions:Select the correct answer. Put an x in the box.Answer Options: Type the text of each answer option into a box to the right of a letter.Key: Indicate the correct answer by placing an X in the box to its left.XA25 metersB20 metersC15 metersD10 metersE5 metersMultiple-choice Item 3 (MC-3)Objective:7. Define the concepts of length, area, perimeter, parallelism, circumference, volume, and surface area and calculate these when appropriate.

Given:Mary makes a round garden. She wants to put a fence around the outside of it. She measures the distance around the circle to find how much fence she will need.Question Stem:What has Mary just measuredInstructions:Select the answer that tells what Mary measured Put an x in the box.Answer Options: Type the text of each answer option into a box to the right of a letter.Key: Indicate the correct answer by placing an X in the box to its left.AAreaBRadiusCVolumeXDCircumferenceEPieEssay Item 1 (Essay-1)Objective:10.

Identify strengths and weaknesses of America's two-party system.Given:Unlike much of the rest of the democratic world, America's political system is dominated by just two parties: Democratic and Republican. A two-party system offers distinct advantages and disadvantages.Question Stem:Describe the advantages and disadvantages of America's two-party system.Place instructions in the space below. Be EXPLICIT about the unit of measurement required (gallons, inches, etc.), the number of decimal places required, or any other direction necessary for the candidate to know exactly how to formulate an answer.

Instructions:In a multiple-paragraph composition, explain the advantages and disadvantages of America's two-party system. Include an introduction, supporting body paragraphs with good details and examples, and a conclusion. Use a thesis statement in your introduction and topic sentences in your supporting paragraphs.Explain in general terms what type of response you expect from the examinee. Do not build a full rubric here.KeyStudents will create a multiple-paragraph response that focuses on the costs and benefits of America's two-party system.

They will include a thesis statement at the end of an introductory paragraph, use topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph, and offer strong supporting examples and details.The response in this case should have the following structure: Introduction BackgroundThe Main discussion Conclusion These should be structured in a very clear manner so much so that the examiner would not feel that the respondent has confused the ideas together without talking about the central issue. Also, if the response will not be clear as defined above several mark deductions will be made.

The student will need to use the third form of speech while writing. The idea that United States ought to have the ancient as well as sturdy two-party system on the sphere is for several, predominantly for foreign bystanders, a mystifying experience. An additional strength of the two party schemes is that disparate to a few countries, individuals are not enforced within a single candidate being located within the office. It is moreover a fine thing that the concepts of a two-party systems have for the reason that it permits the voters to identify the strengths as well as the weaknesses of every party moreover then choose if the individuals wish to vote directly within party or else for the individuals in spite of their party association.

The struggles are pricey moreover that money hails from someplace. Essay Item 2 (Essay-2)Objective:5. Identify reasons for the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War.Given:The Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War were the products of short-term and long-term events. Question Stem:Describe the critical short and long-term events that led to each.Place instructions in the space below. Be EXPLICIT about the unit of measurement required (gallons, inches, etc.), the number of decimal places required, or any other direction necessary for the candidate to know exactly how to formulate an answer.

Instructions:In a multiple-paragraph composition, explain the major short-term and long-term events that led to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War. Include an introduction, supporting body paragraphs with good details and examples, and a conclusion. Use a thesis statement in your introduction and topic sentences in your supporting paragraphs.Explain in general terms what type of response you expect from the examinee. Do not build a full rubric here.KeyStudents will create a multiple-paragraph response that focuses on tensions that slowly built between England and its colonies (such as increasing taxation and colonial restrictions), as well as short-term incendiary events such as the Battle of Lexington.

They will include a thesis statement at the end of an introductory paragraph, use topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph, and offer strong supporting examples and details.The response will have to be structured in the following manner :Introduction BackgroundThe Main discussion ConclusionThe student will have to be very careful, so as not to confuse the response ideas, within the text formation. This will just direct the task taker towards deducting marks. The student will have to be very specific while talking about the main discussion.

The student will need to use the third form of speech while writing. The Proclamation of the year 1763, this made it hard for the colonists to inhabit the west of the Appalachian Mountains. Mr. George Grenville was then made to be in control of implementing existing policies and help out great Britain in getting rid of the debt of the War. The Parliament then passed a Declaratory Act. The Colonists had begun gathering also hoarding guns as well as ammunition at the Concord. The 2nd Continental Congress May took place in the year 1775.

The Congress began to preside over the colonies, printed currency, establishing a post office, shaped the Continental Army and forenamed Washington as leader. Olive Branch Petition was then propelled to King George III as being the last petition for peace. It was then that King George III rejected it and declared the Americans as insurgents.Matching Item 1 (MAT-1)Objective:7. Define the concepts of length, area, perimeter, parallelism, circumference, volume, and surface area and calculate these when appropriate.

Given:Different measurement units and systems are used to measure different things.Question Stem:Demonstrate your understanding of the difference between length, area, perimeter, circumference, and volume.Instructions:Choose the type of measurement you would use for each situation, and write its letter in the blank.Note: Matching items consist of several premises (on the left) and a set of response options (on the right). There are basically two forms of matching items: One has a short list of premises with a longer list of response options, not all of which are used.

The other has a longer list of premises with a shorter list of response options, any one of which may match multiple premises. Regardless of which type it is, every premise must have a matching response, but there may be responses (distractors or foils) that do not match any premise. (Refer to the discussion of matching items in The Art of Item Development for a more complete discussion.)KeyPremisesResponse OptionsType each premise in a numbered box below.Type each response option in a lettered box below.

Type the letter(s) of the response option(s) in the "key" column to the left of the matching premise. Options should be relatively short phrases or sentences.c1You make a fence around your square garden and need to know how much fencing to buy.alengtha2You need a ladder that reaches to the second story of a house.bareab3You replace the carpeting in your living room.cperimetere4You want to know how much water will fit in your cup.dcircumferenced5You want to know the distance around the rim of your cup.

evolumeg6You want to determine two parallel running river streams fSurface Area f7The elevation of a cylinder is 80 cm and its capacity is 400cm3gparallelismi8The outdoor paint covers 8m2 for each liter.hPerimeter j9A rectangular tablethat measures 70 cm by 90cmiDepth h 10 A wishing well j Area f 11 A round table h SurfaceMatching Item 2 (MAT-2)Objective:12. Identify the fundamental rights of American citizens confirmed under the U.S. Constitution (including amendments) and interpreted by judicial decisions.

Given:The U.S. Constitution and its amendments form the basis for the U.S. government.Question Stem:Identify which section of the U.S. Constitution (in the left column) is described by the responses (in the right column).Instructions:Write the letter of the response next to the section of the U.S. Constitution in which it is found.Note: Matching items consist of several premises (on the left) and a set of response options (on the right). There are basically two forms of matching items: One has a short list of premises with a longer list of response options, not all of which are used.

The other has a longer list of premises with a shorter list of response options, any one of which may match multiple premises. Regardless of which type it is, every premise must have a matching response, but there may be responses (distractors or foils) that do not match any premise. (Refer to the discussion of matching items in The Art of Item Development for a more complete discussion.)KeyPremisesResponse OptionsType each premise in a numbered box below.Type each response option in a lettered box below.

Type the letter(s) of the response option(s) in the "key" column to the left of the matching premise. Options should be relatively short phrases or sentences.c1PreambleaRelations among the separate statesf2Article 1bDescribes the office and powers of the presidencyb3Article 2cStates the purpose of the Constitutiong4Article 3dExplains how the Constitution would be ratifieda5Article 4eA guarantee of personal liberties for the people of Americah6Article 5fExplains the composition and responsibilities of the U.S. Congressi7Article 6gDescribes the functions of the judiciary branch of the U.S. governmentd8Article 7hTells how the Constitution can be amendede9Bill of RightsiExplains how and why the U.S. national government is superior to state governmentsh 10 The Employment Bill j American civil rights.

j 11 The law on Sexism in Workplace h the employment regulations. Matching Item 3 (MAT-3)Objective:6. Identify characteristics and legacies of major American presidencies.Given:American presidents often create domestic programs and foreign polices with unique names designed to capture the spirit of their administration.Question Stem:Which domestic programs and foreign policies are associated with each U.S. president belowInstructions:Choose the domestic program or policy created by each president.

Write its letter in the blank next to the president's name.Note: Matching items consist of several premises (on the left) and a set of response options (on the right). There are basically two forms of matching items: One has a short list of premises with a longer list of response options, not all of which are used. The other has a longer list of premises with a shorter list of response options, any one of which may match multiple premises. Regardless of which type it is, every premise must have a matching response, but there may be responses (distracters or foils) that do not match any premise.

(Refer to the discussion of matching items in The Art of Item Development for a more complete discussion.)KeyPremisesResponse OptionsType each premise in a numbered box below.Type each response option in a lettered box below. Type the letter(s) of the response option(s) in the "key" column to the left of the matching premise. Options should be relatively short phrases or sentences.e1Theodore RooseveltaNew Freedoma2Woodrow WilsonbFair Dealf3Franklin Delano RooseveltcNew Frontierb4Harry S TrumandGreat Societya5John F.

KennedyeSquare Deald6Lyndon B. JohnsonfNew Dealh7Abraham Lincoln gPositive Change g8Ronald Reagan hLegacy of freedom i9George W Bush iSubstantial Change h 10 President Obama j Freedom forever j 11 Arnold Scshwazneger h Changing America for the good.Short-answer Item 1 (SA-1)Objective:11. State the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.Given:The Pythagorean Theorem is frequently used in mathematics.

A lot of individuals recognize the Pythagorean Theorem as devoid of being what a, b, and have been set for. The theorem in fact pronounces that if a, b, and c is the lengths of sides of a right triangle whose hypotenuse has extent c, then a2 + b2 _ c 2. The converse of the Pythagorean Theorem is moreover factual: If a, b, and c is the span of sides of a triangle, then the triangle is a right triangle whose hypotenuse has length c. More often than not, the converse of the Pythagorean Theorem is utilized to resolve whether a triangle is right, obtuse, and otherwise acute.

Question Stem:What can be determined by the Pythagorean TheoremPlace instructions in the space below. Be EXPLICITwith directions necessary for the candidate to know exactly how to formulate an answer.Instructions:The answer should be a one to four word response.Type the correct response in the row titled Key. Remember, the answer mustcontain a few wordsor numbers rather than a lengthy explanation. KeyIn a right triangle, the square of the sides composing the right angle equal the square of the hypotenuse, or side opposite the right angle.

Short-answer Item 2 (SA-2)Objective:3. Explain the major settlements and cultural characteristics of the English colonial period which included the New England colonies, the middle colonies, the southern colonies.Given:The English colonies in America exhibited different economic, social, and political systems.It was in the New England colonies that the, Puritan resolution Mass, Rhode Island, Conn, Bay settlement depended upon fishing, whaling, fleece trade. The Mid Atlantic colonies including Virginia, Maryland countryside, farming economy of tobacco in addition to cotton.

The Slavery substituted products amid England. The Southern colonies North as well as South Carolinas in addition to Georgia farming economy of rice, cotton, along with tobacco. Southerners used slave labor from Africa. The slaves produced cotton, tobacco, and indigo. They shipped these raw materials to factories in the North.Question Stem:Explain the economic system of the southern colonies.Place instructions in the space below. Be EXPLICIT about the unit of measurement required (gallons, inches, etc.), the number of decimal places required, or any other direction necessary for the candidate to know exactly how to formulate an answer.

Instructions:Use the above to respond in a one to four word response.Type the correct response in the row titled Correct. Remember, the answer must be strictly numeric. The candidate will be unable to enter any text information. That is why it is essential for the instructions to be completely clear.KeyThe Southern colonies were focused on agriculture. Short-answer Item 3 (SA-3)Objective:8. What are the roles of the three branches of the U.S. governmentGiven:The U.S. government is comprised of three branches with different powers.

The three branches of administration are the Executive, Judicial, as well as Legislative branches. The naissance fathers that put in writing the Constitution determined to have three branches so that there would not be a single individual or else a group that had a lot of power and authority. The branches of the administration and the government subsisting at the national level as well as the federal level.Question Stem:Explain who comprises the legislative branch and describe its duties and responsibilities.

Place instructions in the space below. Be EXPLICIT about the unit of measurement required (gallons, inches, etc.), the number of decimal places required, or any other direction necessary for the candidate to know exactly how to formulate an answer.Instructions:The answer should be one to four word responses. Type the correct response in the row titled Correct. Remember, the answer must be strictly numeric. The candidate will be unable to enter any text information. That is why it is essential for the instructions' to be completely clear.

KeyThe branch of the U.S. government that deals with legislature is the Congress.

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