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Mentorship Process Milestones - Essay Example

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The essay "Mentorship Process Milestones" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the milestones of the process of mentorship. Mentorship is a process known and familiar to us since childhood. The process involves the shaping of our minds and actions…
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Mentorship Process Milestones
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TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 2 II. DEVELOPMENT OF MENTOR IN ME 7 III. CONCLUSION 15 IV. REFERENCES 16 143689 MENTORSHIP INTRODUCTION: Mentorship is a process known and familiar to us since childhood. The process involves the shaping of our minds and actions. Our parents are regarded as our first mentors and us being their protg. Mentoring can be defined therefore to be a process wherein a caring individual is present to give advices, teach, coach, support and site some examples to the protg for them to be successful. It is important to train the protg learn to make their own decisions even in cases of conflicting demands. Mentors, therefore, are highly valued and have high sense of commitment and responsibility. It was proven from the past experiences that mentorship and practical-based learning has been an effective arena in developing the field of expertise and professionalism of both the mentor and the protg. Most of the fields in healthcare, law, teaching, social works, army, and others are now actively engaging in this form of education. Its objective is to provide the protg a learning opportunity to integrate the theoretical knowledge gained from the classrooms and develop it in practical setting with the advice and support from the mentor. The advice and support may be job related or even personal matters. As the relationship progress, it aims to create the interest and confidence of the protg in carrying out the actual scope of the career. Mentors are recognized to facilitate the student training in the pre- and post registration programmes. He is also expected to supervise, support and the students in practical setting. In 1999, Department of Health recognize the value of nurses, midwives and visiting health professionals and one strategic intention is to strengthen pre- and post-education and training. Since it is believed to be an important part of the education process, it will be expected that every practitioner will be responsible enough to support, teach, coach and advise the next generation nurses and midwives. It is aimed to provide high quality medical education and better practical skills by combining teaching and patient care. The importance of clinical practice is further emphasised by the DOH and gives four key areas of practice placements as follows: Providing practice placement Practice learning environment Student support Assessment of practice The United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) as endorsed by the NMC, requires the programme to enable students to apply knowledge, understanding and skills to perform the standard for competency and to provide the patients with the healthcare they need under the supervision of the mentor. Mentorship is a special and complex relationship between the mentor and the protg wherein the mentor assumes the role of a parent, teacher, role model, adviser, counsellor or a confidant and the protg as the student or a descendant, so to speak. The success of mentorship, therefore, lies on the relationship of the mentor and the protg. There are factors affecting the mentoring programs that should be attended to. Some of these factors are the attitude of the protges, culture, race, religion and hidden agenda. The protge should be open to new ideas and give his trust to the mentor. Being close in accepting new information, ideas and suggestions makes the attitude a blocking factor for the success of the mentorship objective. In this case, a mentor who has the expertise of dealing with such kind of protge is needed to approach the concern accordingly. The mentor should also have the broad understanding of intercultural awareness. Studies showed that the culture plays a vital role in any relationship such as the mentor-protge relationship. These factors may also be true in the part of the mentor in addition to availability of time. The mentor should be patient and must give sufficient time for the proper monitoring of the program. Giving unrealistic time to achieve a goal maybe taken as a pressure and may post also a problem that may lead to frustration. Other potential obstacle is any issue surrounding gender differences as this may inhibit flow of communication. It is therefore advantageous to have a well-structured plan for mentoring and that mentor should be matched with the protge to build a good chemistry. A good match will successfully attain the mentoring program objectives. Maintaining the good relationship may sometimes be a challenge to both because of the expectations from each other. The mentor must be able to share the knowledge, experience and training while the protg exhibits trust and respect by being receptive to the mouldings and teachings of the mentor. Excellent interpersonal skills should be observed by the mentor to create an atmosphere conducive to mentoring. Outstanding preparation and guidance of the mentor maximizes the positive influence on the protg. In this regard, superior support must be provided to the mentor including the updates, the link lecturers and other materials needed to facilitate excellent mentorship. Mentoring provides several benefits both for the mentor and the protges. The mentor was given an opportunity to pass his legacy to the next leaders that he himself trained. It also developed the interpersonal skills, leadership and management abilities. This development boosts his self-esteem and confidence as he develops his professionalism. On the hand, protge develops his self-confidence and self-esteem by knowing that he obtained professional advancements. Mentoring also offers a channel in voicing his thoughts and ideas and eventually learning in the exchange of information. It also serves as a vehicle for his smoother transition into the workforce. The program gives him proper understanding of what the profession is all about and will be confident of the next thing he will do for his continuous career development. Healthcare mentoring programs' objectives are to provide excellent quality of patient care and safety, career growth and development, staff morale and to maintain high-calibre personnel. It is expected that this program will be the answer to personnel shortages and a venue for a reduced cost of quality care training that ensures patient safety and satisfaction. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MENTOR IN ME Being a mentor is not an easy task. It requires an exceptional interpersonal skills and an excellent background of the career for the proper assessment of the students being handled. This is a great challenge for me as a mentor on top of the challenges in my own profession and personal development. Though I am aware that mentorship offers a two-way development, that is, I will also gain professional growth in the process, I should exhibit an excellent and updated knowledge and background of the profession in order to gain the trust and respect of the protges. The Advisory standards for mentors and mentorship1 below clarify my role as a mentor which I am using now as my basis in evaluating my mentorship practice. Advisory standards for mentors and mentorship Communication and working relationships enabling: The development of effective relationships based on mutual trust and respect. Start of the mentorship program is very important as it creates the first impression. First impressions can either help or hinder the mentoring objectives as this will facilitate the mentor-protg relationship. I believed that by giving the protges a warm welcome also give them a feeling of security that they are being taken cared of. The orientation regarding the program gave them an overview of what they can get from the mentoring relationship and what are expected of them including their responsibilities for the success of program. This will make it voluntary for them to adjust after knowing the expectations. Sharing to them my experiences made them share their experiences too. The start of the intimate conversation means the start of the comfortable arena I am trying to create. It helped me in preparing them to be open when I present to them the goal and thoroughly discuss the strategies, both long-term and short-term, for their career development. The established foundation allows me to give more information without resistance though I expect some queries after. This made the beginning of the program easily attained with radiating enthusiasm and optimism. Establishing a partnership gives a good avenue towards the fulfilment of the goal. I have proven that it will be best to be a trusted friend rather than a boss to my protges. It makes the communication and exchange of information more authentic, open and sincere. It helped me in a way to give each protg the appropriate feedbacks to improve their performances. As much as my schedule allows, I meet them even after the meetings to discuss other concerns, may it be job-related or personal. The best mentor acts as best adviser or counsellor who gives encouragement and honest criticism. This is the reason why I try to be a good listener which I regarded very essential. Listening attentively and carefully to the protg shows respect and sincerity to his concern. On the other hand, this gives me the understanding of the actual scenario and makes my judgment and advice accurate. However, admittedly, mentors cannot give answers to all the queries. In such case, I can only be someone to listen to my protges. It is in this regard that I can show my protg that I value him and have time for him when he was in need. Trust and openness to me can be further enhanced by showing the protg that I keep the information shared to me as confidential matters. Respect given to them by not disclosing the information they revealed gained me trust, confidence and respect as well. An understanding of how students integrate into practice settings and assisting with this process. Retaining the momentum is another challenge for me. They regarded me, as their mentor, to know better than they do and have the materials that will support them. Planning a series of learning experiences and updating the career information should be prepared to properly address the learning needs of the protges. Learning needs differ according to the perception and attitude of each protg. And because my protges handle patients, their learning needs are also affected and influenced by the type of patient and the respective health concern they are dealing with. Frequent communication is also a vital part of the process. Regular exchange of information and sufficient supply of the records needed for evaluation makes my advice or suggestion fit accordingly. It would be therefore necessary to monitor and assess each protge regularly. This includes the progress information, achievements, concerns, and even the untoward incidents inflicted by each protge which are required of them to submit. The provision of ongoing and constructive support for students. Medical practice offers a broad scope of responsibilities as it covers variety of cases. Consequently, it is also endowed with a very fast track of development and discoveries. It is important, therefore, that a mentor should be updated with these new development and technologies to share them with the protges. Mentors like me always want to give the materials and information needed by their protges for a valuable practice experience. Limited access of the mentors for such information and technology will hamper the career growth and development of both protges and the mentor. This is sometimes my concern, however, the information from my superiors and other mentors helped me deal with some concern. Sometimes, being resourceful pays off and the information from other sources can be cited. This will eventually facilitate the development of both my protges and me as a mentor. Facilitation of learning in order to: Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the student's programme to identify current learning needs. It has been a great challenge and prestige being a mentor. Being looked up to as the most experienced and knowledgeable person in the area is a prestige coupled with the expectation that all the concern will be addressed properly. This serves as a great challenge for me that may be as well a learning point. Demonstrate strategies which will assist with the integration of learning from practice and educational settings. Create and develop opportunities for students to identify and undertake experiences to meet their learning needs. Previous advisers told me that protges, as well as the mentors have their respective imperfections. Knowledge can be taught from the adequate understanding and experience. In this regard, anyone can be allowed to commit mistakes as mistakes can be regarded as teacher as well, and is necessary for growth. However, mistakes should be corrected as soon as possible especially that our profession deals with delicate matters. In this case, I should always be properly informed of the complete background of the situation especially when it pertains to patients' safety. Being a mentor in the medical field also considers our primary responsibility of giving medication and taking care of our patients. This requires a thorough monitoring and analysis of patients' health problem with the protg assigned. One on one or an open discussion with the team can be conducted depending on the protg's attitude. I always make it clear to my protge that honest feedbacks are necessary to their career development. The protge deserves the truth and this will give them the actual scenario of how they par. Though I always try to be constructive in giving feedbacks, sometimes there will still protge who is hesitant in accepting the suggested course of action even after explaining. Sometimes giving them my blessing and support will prove to be more effective than the pressure of agreeing. Giving of necessary feedbacks can be done hourly, daily, weekly or as per needed by the situation. Some conflict commence at this point. I have to admit that I have no extra time for an extra load. It is always a challenge for me to find some more time to extend my hours with my protges. It is my commitment being a mentor that challenged me to do beyond what I know I can. I regard this as growth, if not as a career growth, I would regard it is as a personal growth. Assessment in order to: Demonstrate a good understanding of assessment and ability to assess. Building a team and encouraging them to help each other as a team oftentimes work positively. The major goal of promoting the growth of each protge is always reminded along with the plan of action. The concern of each protge is discussed consulting every member of team. This course will make them aware of the possible concerns and those related to them that they will be dealing with in the future. Analysis of the team would suggest appropriate solution for each concern discussed. It will also widen their know-how that will increase their confidence in going through the whole mentorship program. It will also encourage the protge to settle all the differences and conflicts that may arise. As much as I can, I reserve my judgment. However, in cases that call for it, my fair judgment should be given with fair and discrimination has no place here. My words and actions during the team meeting especially when ironing conflicts should not show any sign of favouritism and impartiality. Still, I tried to ask questions that will provoke them to answer by analyzing and then giving the possible solution to the conflict. Sometimes agreeing first and then redirecting the conversation by a question will help in revealing the positive points that can be achieved in conforming with the teams' solution to a concern. The skill of holding the conversation and directing it to where ever I want them to achieve is being practiced. The magic of humour can also be used to ease up conflicts and boredom. Implement approved assessment procedures. Role modelling in order to: Demonstrate effective relationships with patients and clients. Being a mentor offers a challenge of maintaining a reputation of becoming a role model as a healthcare practitioner. My academic skills, practical skills and interpersonal skills are always being tested especially on decision makings. I make sure that every step and action that I will make will be for the general good because it will always be taken by the students. Contribute to the development of an environment in which effective practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated. As a mentor, mentorship offers an opportunity for me to hone a mentor of the next generation. A special kind of satisfaction can be felt seeing my protge turns into a mentor. The characteristics of the protge reflect the knowledge and values learned from the mentorship program under the supervision of me as a mentor. It is not only the protge that gain from the mentorship program. It also gives me a room for my growth and advancement both in career and personal. Dealing with different kind of protges and giving them the training takes a lot of skills, knowledge and patience. Challenges brought about by the conflicts and concerns of the protges pushed me discovering things that may solve the queries. I can say that it is not only the protges who can benefit and grow from the mentorship program but mentors like me too. Assess and manage clinical developments to ensure safe and effective care. Create an environment for learning in order to: Ensure effective learning experiences and the opportunity to achieve learning outcomes for students by contributing to the development and maintenance of a learning environment. By appreciating the needs and anxieties of the students and helping them to reason or adjust helps them evaluate learning. Assurance of my support for them to continue makes them confident in giving the appropriate care to the patients. Implement strategies for quality assurance and quality audit. Improving practice in order to: Contribute to the creation of an environment in which change can be initiated and supported. Other protges are fast learner and can immediately be given a task relative to decision making. It also implicates that they can work independently. This does not mean that I will spend little time with them. Regular monitoring is still necessary and the communication should not be affected. I always regard that it is still my obligation to monitor their activities to ensure that they have improvements in patient care practices and gears toward the fulfilment of our objectives. Furthermore, frequent communications enhance the trust and confidence of the mentor-protge relationship which is the prerequisite of a mutual development. A knowledge base in order to: Identify, apply and disseminate research findings within the area of practice. Regular monitoring of the students and their patients gives me the pointers and the materials needed to support the learning process. Support from the higher administration can be requested if the case calls for it. Course development which: Contributes to the development and/or review of courses. Part of being a mentor is to give the protges self-esteem so that they will always trust themselves and be confident in doing the things necessary in attaining the objectives of the program and their professional growth. This gives them a feeling that they are valuable and worthy. I found it easy to motivate them when they have self-esteem. I usually give positive feedbacks to establish self-esteem and try to make the negative feedbacks appear positive and challenging. I see to it that I give feedbacks constructively both in manner of delivery and in content. It sometimes challenges me of how to deal with negative feedbacks until I discovered a series that works most of the time. I showed them that I listen to them attentively, and then ask them questions that will lead to the answer I want them to uncover. I found out that this way motivates them to improve and develop their proficiency without me dictating anything. Smart answers from the mentor only emphasize the inferiority in the protge that may be intimidating. I found mentoring to be a process that develops my interpersonal skills again this time. As a mentor, I can say that I performed fair enough. With the limited time and resources I have, I managed to facilitate mentorship program and attain its goals and objectives. I can say that I have done it with the help of the whole team and the support of my superiors who are my mentors. Support from my fellow mentors also counts. This value was developed in our team building activities which prove to give positive results not for just one but for everybody and the whole organization. Though there are times that there are temptations of leaning into one's perception, I made it a point to discuss it objectively and maintain a balance perspective. I learned that my actions and words should be considered carefully so as not to hurt any of the protges' ego and block protge's openness. I always remember that communication is the key to the success of the mentorship program. There are some areas that I feel I should improve on. I should find other ways of effectively manage my time in order to extend the hours I am with my protges at the same time performing as medical practitioner proficiently. I know that eventually I will be at ease with the process and have the appropriate hours for everything including time for my personal commitments. In the mentorship program, I can say that I satisfactorily trained my protges to face their new responsibilities in the healthcare arena. I have prepared them to the proper transition as a workforce of medical practice. Mentorship however, does not end in the period specified in the program. For me, mentorship possess a new look after the program but the objective of being trained, broaden one's knowledge and professional growth is still present. I may be a mentor but is proud to say that I still have learned a lot in the process. I believe that career growth and development is a continuous process posting challenges once in a while. These make things for me better each time. Mentorship with the practice-based learning proves to be a two-way process of learning benefiting the whole medical arena including the patients. It upgrades the level of personnel, making them more proficient as medical practitioners. These high-calibre personnel with high self-esteem and confidence will prove to serve effectively and proficiency. CONCLUSION: Mentorship proves to be essential in developing future mentors and proficient healthcare personnel. The transition from the theoretical acquisition of knowledge to the application on working place will be carried out smoothly through the advice and support of the mentor. The awareness of each other's concern and the consciousness to team's advancement will ensure patients satisfaction and safety. Success of the mentorship program means a two-way development, that is, career growth and development of both mentors and their protges. However, in order to be successful, we should be aware of the factors that can affect mentoring and make necessary plan of action and mentoring structures. Interpersonal skills are also developed to deal with diverse types of person and maximize the benefit that one can get from it. Understanding one's inner self and attitude can make us devise a structure that will be appropriate for the team maintaining the respect to each other. The confidence in doing things and the proficiency gained gives the protge self-esteem and desire to further advance and serve. We can therefore see that mentorship plays a very important role in every field of expertise including medical practices. REFERENCES: Academic Medicine. July 2003 Vol 78 No. 7 Bennett C (2003) How to be a good mentor London RCN Publishing Duffy K (2004) British Journal of Nursing Vol 13, Issue 10, p582 Gray, W., Ph.D. (1993). Developing Mentor-Protg Relationships. B. C.: The Mentoring Institute Henry, Nancy "Mentoring Myths and Tips," Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, n.p., on-line, Internet, available from (hppt:// Jones, L. P. (1989). Common problems in planned mentoring programs. Mentoring International, 3 (1), 36-40 Journal of the International Centre for Mentoring. The Mentoring Institute. Mentoring International Korn, L. (1988). The Success Profile. New York: Simon & Schuster Mentoring in Healthcare Today Newsletter. 2005 Advance Mentoring Inc. MENTORSHIP A Selected Bibliography April 2002 Compiled by Jane E. Gibish U.S. Army War College Library Carlisle Barracks, PA Mentoring 101 by Matt Kumrie 2006 Monster "Mentoring, A Valuable Tool For NCO Leaders," Army News, March 1997, n.p., on-line, Internet, 12 October 2002, available from Morton, Reed L. PhD.and Marilyn Moats Kennedy.Healthcare Executive. Experts address the professional concerns of healthcare executives. American College of Healthcare Executives. Chicago, Illinois Roche, G. R. (1979). Much ado about Mentors. Harvard Business Review, 57 (10), 14-20. Ross, A. (1984, Sept-Oct). The mentor's role in developing new leaders. Hospital and Hospital Services Administration, 21-29. Rosser, M., L. King. "Transition experiences of qualified nurses into hospice nursing"Journal of Adv Nursing, 43:2 pp. 206-215. Thakur, Usha, Ph.D. The Women's Entrepreneurial Networking System van Eps, M.A., M. Cooke, (2006) "Student evaluation of a year-long mentorship program: a quality improvement initiative. Collegian 13(2) pp. 26-30 Wilkes, Z. (2006). "The student-mentor relationship: a review of the literature." Nurs Stand 20(37):42-7. VOL. 2 NO. 4 FALL 2006 p. 9 MENTOR UPDATE Resource Workbook University of Sheffield School of Nursing and Midwifery 2003-09-17 Department of Health (1999) Making a Difference. London, Department of Health. English National Board (1997) Standards for Approval of Higher Education Institutions and Programmes. London, The English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting and The Department of Health. UKCC (2000). Standards for the Preparation of Teachers of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. London, United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. Read More
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