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The Alarming Increase of Children Diagnosed with Autism - Essay Example

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Recently, we have been experiencing an alarming increase in the number of children who are born with autism. The public is also being made increasingly aware of what autism is, the commonality of it, and what options are available to those with autistic children. …
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The Alarming Increase of Children Diagnosed with Autism
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The Alarming Increase of Children Diagnosed with Autism Recently, we have been experiencing an alarming increase in the number of children who areborn with autism. The public is also being made increasingly aware of what autism is, the commonality of it, and what options are available to those with autistic children. Most importantly, the public is learning that something can be done and are being educated on what to expect when encountering an autistic child. This has been a long time coming that the public know more about autism, but why are more children being born with it and what options are available to those who are What is autism Recognized a half century ago (Hanchette), Autism is a developmental disorder that has been deemed very severe and begins anytime between the birth of the child and 2 years of age. These children are normal in appearance, but they will engage in various disturbing behaviors that are obviously different than the behaviors of normal children. There are also varying degrees of autism. Those who have less severe cases may be diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) or Asperger's Syndrome in which the child may have normal speech, but display some social and behavioral problems that are associated with autism (unknown, But believe it or not, it was once believed that autism was to be accepted as is because it was thought that nothing could be done about it. But now there have been a variety of treatment methods developed which have proven to be very helpful in leading to great improvement. Yet there is also the unfortunate fact that some treatments may have little or no effect at all on the autistic child (unknown, So why was autism thought to be hopeless Well, for many years autism was thought to be a very rare occurrence. The average number of children born with autism was 5 out of every 10,000 live births (unknown, But since the 1990's, there has been a very noticeable rise in the number of children developing autism. This rise is telling us that there is an average of 60 children out of 10,000 born with autism in which boys outnumber the girls four to one. As of 2007, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 1 in 150 children are diagnosed with autism (unknown, To think that in 1992 there were only 2,800 kids with autism in the entire state of California. When 2002 rolled around, that number had increased to 20,400 and as of 2004, the number of autistic children in California reached a staggering 24,000. That is a 440% increase between the years 1994 and 2004. New York is up 200% in the last decade and Pennsylvania has reached a 900% increase (Hanchette). It is very obvious with the latest statistics that autism is undergoing a significant rise, which makes it very important that the behavioral and physical signs are recognized as early as possible to ensure the appropriate treatment is administered. It is said that the sooner the child is treated, the better the outcome. With increased awareness of the signs and treatment being administered early, there are autistic children attending regular classrooms and some can live somewhat independently in a community setting. However, autistic people do not lose the impairment that comes along with autism that affects their ability to communicate and socialize successfully. This aspect, unfortunately, continues to haunt them for the duration of their lives. Behavioral signs of autism There are various behavioral signs associated with autism. These signs include: repetitive behaviors, lack of speech, withdrawal from parents or siblings, very little or no social interaction (Hanchette). If the child displays no big smiles or other expressions of joy by six months old, then that is a huge red flag. Another sign is if they do not share facial expressions, sounds or smiles, or if the child has not spoken by 16 months or has used multiple worded phrases with meaning by 24 months, those could all be behavioral signs of autism (First Signs Inc.). Physical signs of autism Along with the various behavioral signs associated with autism, there are also physical signs of autism. These signs include: head-banging, jerky body motions, hand-flapping, and strange obsessive behaviors such as knocking or breaking certain objects when the child is exposed to them (Hanchette). These are just the actions, though. There are also sign within the physical appearance of the child that indicates autism. Amongst these physical signs is a slightly smaller head circumference than that of a child without autism, but due to a sudden growth spurt during the first couple of years of life, by the age of 3 or 4 the child is not only showing the behavioral signs of autism, but their brains are larger than normal. Beginning around 1 to 2 months of age, the head of the autistic child begins growing more rapidly than the head of a child that does not have autism. By 6 to 14 months, the head of the autistic child is considerably larger than that of the child without autism and this pattern then persists through until the ages of 3 and 4 (Carper and Akshoomoff). Possible reasons and causes of autism There are many possibilities as to what causes autistic behavior. Amongst these possibilities are: Leaky Gut, which is when something has occurred during pregnancy to the mother's gut compromising the condition of the good bacterial that naturally exists within the stomach. Because of this, the good bacterium of the baby's stomach is also compromised. There are several ways in which a baby can develop leaky gut. These ways are: i) A lack of good nutrients in the mother and the baby's diet (after birth), which is more likely the result of excess consumption of processed foods, ii) Not breast feeding often iii) Being exposed to chemicals or toxins within the environment or in foods. iv) An environment that is too sterile, which can result in a weakened immune system. Our bodies need certain challenges in order to build immunity against many illnesses within the environment. The toxins from leaky gut end up absorbed through the stomach lining to the blood stream, which is then carried to the brain. These toxins have the ability to cross that barrier between the blood and the brain resulting in a child who develops learning disabilities and other neurological issues (Lad, p. 9). Vaccines, which parents have claimed for years are responsible for the development of autism. Parents, doctors, pediatricians, and even scientists have a belief that the increase in autism is due to the vaccine boom of the 1990's, which brought about an additional 20 shots within the first five years of life. Along with these vaccines came an additive called thimerosal. Thimerosal is a preservative that extends the shelf life and prevents contamination of the vaccines. Yet that is not necessarily a good thing considering this preservative contains Mercury and Mercury attacks the neurons within the body. Lab tests have actually revealed baby teeth containing 3,000 parts per billion of mercury when the maximum amount of mercury allowed in drinking water should not exceed 2 parts per billion (Hanchette). A doctor by the name of Mark Geir conducted a study in which he observed the autism rates amongst 85,000 children who had received these vaccines that contain thimerosal and about70, 000 children who did not receive the vaccines. What he found was that the children who received the vaccines containing Thimerosal were 27 times more likely to develop autism. The good news is that after the FDA discovered what amounts of thimerosal was being put in childhood vaccines, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that Thimerosal would be phased out of the vaccines (Hanchette). Believe it or not, back in the 1950's it was suggested that autism was caused by bad parenting by the mothers, but when that didn't seem to go over well they attributed it to defective genes (Hanchette). It seems that since autism was discovered everyone has had their own theories. All of the possible explanations have to do with genetics, birth injuries and immunizations. Yet these studies have not found any of these things being responsible for the incredible rise in autism rates (Blakeslee). In the case of vaccines, due to the increase in the numbers of vaccines, vaccination rates rose three fold in the 1990's, whereas autism rose ten fold (Hanchette), which means there are other underlying causes for autism other than mercury in vaccines Treatment options for autism The federal government and several high dollar autism groups have said through media reports and through the 2003 Autism summit that they hoped to find effective drugs for the symptoms of autism in seven to ten years (unknown, According to information on, that fact is absolute nonsense. There have been many effective treatments put to use by doctors and families for autistic children. These treatments include The Biomedical Approach (dietary and supplemental), Chelation Therapy, drugs, and many more. And each one of these therapies has yielded successful results if only minimal. The first and somewhat controversial and very widely used treatment method is The Biomedical Approach, which is thought to improve upon other methods that may be used in the treatment of autism. This approach can approve upon brain health, body health, and make it easier for the child to learn while being used in combination with some other treatment (Adams, p.1). One of the main aspects of The Biomedical Approach is that it puts emphasis on how diet can improve a child with autism. By cleaning up the diet and making bowel movements a daily goal by adding digestive enzymes with meals, starting high potency probiotics, starting treatment for dysbiosis, and making sure ammonia levels are low or non-existent has shown improvement in some children with autism (Lad, p.4). Also, by avoiding the preservatives, dyes, and various additives that are put into food as well as avoiding excitotoxins (toxic molecules that stimulate nerve cells to the point they are damaged or even killed) such as MSG, hydrolyzed protein, aspartame, and soy protein extract, can remove some of the bad things that make their way into a child's body. Another thing to look out for is sodium nitrate because of its toxicity and the suspicion that it is a carcinogen. It irritates the eyes and the respiratory tract, so through the purchase of nitrate and nitrite-free hot dogs and lunch meats that are to be stored in the freezer after purchase, this suspected carcinogen can be avoided (Lad, p.4). And then of course there is the soy debate. With soy becoming more available in grocery stores and being present in more foods, it is very important that when using The Biomedical Approach that soy and even corn products be avoided. Soy and corn are both common allergens amongst autistic children and when it comes to soy, it has high amounts of phyto-estrogens, which are plant-based chemicals that mimic estrogen. In the case of corn, it is difficult to digest and both corn and soy tend to be genetically altered crops, which are thought to not be good for an autistic child to ingest (Lad, p.4). Genetically altered foods have not been completely tested and where European countries have restricted genetically altered foods and require clear labeling, the United States does not have such restrictions. That is why it is very beneficial to look for foods with the word "organic" on the labeling. Organic foods have never been exposed to pesticides and fertilizers. Even if you do not see "organic" on the label, look for the words "transitional produce" or "pesticide free." Chances are these crops were grown by farms awaiting their organic certification (Lad, p.5). Another dietary aspect of The Biomedical Approach is a Gluten Free and Casein Free Diet. It turns out that 64% of kids have shown improvements when using the Gluten Casein Free diet. By using this challenging diet for three months, at the end of the period, many have noticed differences in their children (Lad, p.10). Some also choose to use the Feingold Diet, which reduces foods high in phenols and salicylates. Phenols are chemicals that are actually found in all of our foods, but some tend to have more phenols than others. When the body cannot process out phenols, they tend to build up and cause a toxic effect. A child who has Phenol sulphertransferase (PST) has trouble processing the phenols. Children who eat large quantities of foods containing Phenol and salicylates (another type of phenol) can experience some of the following side effects: May develop strange rashes May laugh at inappropriate times May engage in self-stimulatory behaviors Has erratic moods or other behaviors Wakes up frequently during the night Has difficulty with bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, undigested foods) Dark circles under the eyes with a red face or ears Frequent headaches The doctor, Dr. Feingold, who observed the links between certain foods and their additives found that those additives can affect the behaviors and the ability to learn in some individuals (Lad, p.11). And then there are supplements that are believed to have a positive effect on children with autism. We all know that vitamins and minerals are present in our fruits, vegetables, and meats. However, the diets of most Americans are lacking those necessary vitamins and minerals resulting in the need to take a daily supplement. Other ways in which the necessary vitamins and minerals can be acquired are as follows: Using a juicer to make fresh fruit or vegetable juice. Since a lot of store bought juices are pasteurized, they have lost many of their nutrients in the process. By making your own juice, you are getting all of the natural vitamins and minerals you should get from fruit or vegetable juice. Supplements are unregulated for the most part and they do not contain exactly what they claim or they are manufactured in forms that will not absorb into the body well. A good way to find out what supplements have exactly what they claim with proper absorption, is to check out the Dietary Supplement Verification Program (DSVP) website at to check a supplement against its label. A good supplement does exactly what it says; it supplements a proper diet (Adams, p.9). It is also believed that high doses of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium will benefit both adults and children with autism. There were 12 double-blind placebo-controlled studies that found that 45% to 50% of children and adults with autism benefited from high doses of Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. Since B6 is responsible for over 100 enzymatic reactions, which also includes the production of neurotransmitters, and glutathione that is responsible for detoxification. Magnesium, on the other hand, is used to prevent hyperactivity, which can possibly occur if the high doses of B6 is taken alone (Adams, p.13) There have also been other effective methods in treating autism such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which has shown to be helpful to children with autism. ABA has also been suggested to be used in addition to biomedical treatments. Also, speech therapy, sensory integration, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and a good educational program can be extremely important when helping an autistic child function in a non-autistic society. When trying to accomplish that certain degree of normalcy, social interventions such as Relationship Development Intervention and social groups can be very helpful tools in when building relationships and social skills (Adams, p.1). And yes, there are even drugs in the equation. Although controversial, it has been shown that certain psychiatric drugs are used to treat autism. There is still more research needed, but there has been some possible success by treating autism, especially those with Asperger Disorder (Brice) In conclusion So as we can see, autism can be a very difficult challenge for parents of autistic children. It is not anyone's fault that their child has autism because there are so many different possible causes that researchers do not yet have their finger on. So until we know the exact causes, the only thing parents can do is be aware of the early signs of autism and begin addressing those signs early through initiating treatments that have shown success in other autistic children. Through talking with other parents and doing the appropriate research, a child can get the necessary treatment based on their own unique situation. The sooner treatment is implemented; the closer that child will be to a normal life. Bibliography Adams, James Author unknown,, Autism Speaks, information by First Signs Inc., Blakeslee, Sandra; Increase in Autism Baffles Scientists, Brice, James; Physicians Rely on Psychiatric Drugs to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorders, Courchesne, E, R Carper and N Akshoomoff, Evidence of Brain Overgrowth in the First Year of Life in Autism Hanchette, John; Mountain Views: Precipitous Increase in Autism cases May be Tied to Childhood Vaccines, Lad, Manisha M., Read More
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