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With regarding domestic surveillance plans of the NSA, it has been found out that the president’s administration made statements that were misleading on how it operated and on its scope. Legal justifications submitted by the president’s administration are destabilizing constitutionally. Little evidence is eminent on how the program helped in stopping terrorism and instead may have placed prosecution of terrorism at risk (Loch 2007, 60). Moreover, it appeared that the program was implemented and designed to suppress legitimate concerns. The President’s administration was never contented in that their conduct before the war was reviewed and exonerated. Since then, no organization has thought of the administration misleading Americans about going to war. The S.I.C has not reviewed prior-war intelligence manipulation and distortion. Moreover, no independent inquiry has been done on issues concerning legal violations and torture.
Also, there has not been an independent review on the mystery surrounding President’s domestic scandals. In summary, the administration rejected the request for counsel. They also rejected reviews by D.O.D and the justice department. When the justice department’s office started an investigation, it was squashed instantly by the president’s administration by not clearing investigators' security. The NIC or the house committees have considered a comprehensive investigation. The president’s administration has resolved to cut off any review by the court of NSA plans by constantly invoking the secret doctrines of the state.
The presidential elections held in 2000 concentrated on a variety of issues related to foreign and domestic policy. Nevertheless, the Iraq issue was never mentioned during the campaign. President Bush’s emphasis was on not unleashing a war that was not justified. This is because he believed that the purpose of the military was preventive, rather than causing war. Meanwhile, the Bush administration members named the neoconservatives to be waiting for the Iraq war. After the attacks on September 11, the administration of Bush started to gesture an attack on Iraq. The Union Address of the state categorized states like Iraq to be evil. In 2002, in a speech by Bush, there was an enunciation of preemption doctrine that was to be used on Iraq. At this very time, allies of Bush made trips to the CIA on the issue of Iraq intelligence.
The president made statements indicating reluctance on the use of force in Iraq. The statements were to assure the Americans that he had not resorted to attacking Iraq. On the contrary, his administration formed WHIG to support this war. Thereafter, the administration made sensational claims on the danger posed by Itoq on the US. When a congressional vote that was to authorize war against Iraq reached the Bush administration came up with rumors of Iraq plotting a nuclear attack the on US. A resolution by congress was made that Iraq continually plotted the attack. Another problem faced by the president’s administration was a failure to justify their invasion of Iraq. An ambassador, who had gone to Niger on behalf of the CIA stated in his findings that the accusations by the US government on Niger for selling uranium to Iraq were twisted to catalyze thread Despite the admissions that the accusations and attacks were malicious, congressional republicans and administration of US government resorted to preempt investigations into the intelligence manipulation by policymakers. This was done by initiating more investigations that were limited. Bush created a commission that found out the intelligence committee was not right on pre-war conclusions on Iraq (Loch 2007, 56). However, the commission prohibited investigating intelligence manipulation by the white house.
As accounts and evidence of the white house suggested a determination to invade Iraq and intelligence manipulation, they were attacked to be biased. These attacks were countered by a magazine that documented Downing Street minutes that spelled all that their meetings and intentions. According to DSM, the meetings were held to wage war on Iraq and to manipulate intelligence. The manipulation of intelligence was done to justify the invasion of Iraq (Loch 2007, 70). From these accounts, it is evident that president bush downplayed the objective of intelligence. As much as how hard the intelligence tried, the administration of the president manipulated its results. The main reason for this step was because he had misled the Americans in Iraq invasion and other up evils. The president had to prevent the reality from reaching the public. his government intended to avenge and not to protect. This is evident from the forced attack on Iraq.
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