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Leaky Gut Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment - Essay Example

The essay "Leaky Gut Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the symptoms and treatment of leaky gut syndrome. This is a syndrome given to a common disorder in which the main defect is the increasingly porous intestinal lining…
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Leaky Gut Syndrome Name Institution Date LEAKY GUT SYNDROME This is a syndrome given to common disorder in which the main defect is increasingly porous intestinal lining. The intestinal lining become inflamed, irritated and very porous allowing toxic substances, bacteria and undigested food particle to get in to blood system. (Rawdin et al, 2012). The lining of the intestine is nearly water proof and only fully digested foods are allowed to penetrate through to blood and lymphatic systems. Gastrointestinal tract is full of hostile substances, hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, undigested food and trillions of microorganisms. Ejection of just a little amount of the content in to the bloodstream can be very unhealthy. This water proof layer is only one cell thick and thus can be easily damaged. The cells life span is 3days, these cells have high metabolic activity and high nutrition demand. When enough of this cells are damaged leave gaps in the intestinal lining, allowing quantities of debris like, undigested and partially digested proteins, carbohydrates and fats together with microorganisms to pollute the blood and lymph system. Some of the debris get in to the liver which has to process them and others in to the blood circulation placing a great strain to the immune system as it tries to clear them. Leaky gut syndrome makes the very food eaten cause vague symptoms and can eventually result to a disease. Once the undigested food get in to the blood system together with other substances they cause the body to launch an attack against the wayward food. The effort to eliminate the food which are labeled as allergen result to tissue destruction and exhaustion. Thus the food taken instead of giving energy drains energy and also cause infection. Leaky gut syndrome account for around 50% of chronic complains as confirmed by the tests. (Prager et al, 2013). It is cause by several mechanisms such as inflammation, fungi or pathogenic bacteria overgrowth, drugs or continuous consumption of foods which can be irritating to the GI lining like dairy, wheat, gluten, corn and processed foods. Contributing factors include; stress, impaired digestion, altered GI tract normal flora, candida overgrowth, environmental contaminants, increased use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Its symptoms may include, abdominal pain, indigestion, chronic fatigue, malnutrition, depression and liver dysfunction, and constipation. (Goebel et al, 2008) The intestines are made of villi which are covered by epithelial cells and goblet cells, between the cells are tight junctions. Transportation of food through the cells is either via intracellular or paracellular, the food nutrient is passed through the cells or through the tight junctions to the body respectively. When the epithelial cells become damaged goblet cells are stimulated to release excessive mucous membrane, this covers the cell and prevent nutrient absorption resulting to malnutrition. Destruction of the tight junction allows large particles to get in to the cells hence leaky gut. (Teixeira et al, 2012) When the immune system is functioning well, is able to resist all types of innate organisms and toxins that damage the tissues. Through phagocytosis of the bacteria by white blood cells and macrophages. Also can cause destruction of microorganism use of acid. However, the immune system does not always work properly. The stomach may secrete less hydrochloric acid. Also the ability to destroy microorganisms and other materials may be limited. When there is leaky gut the antigen leak in to blood stream and may cause tissue damage. Type one or immediate sensitivity/reaction may occur after 2hours of eating the food antigen of IgE mediated. During first exposure with antigen the body releases immunoglobulin antibodies which bind to basophil and mast cells. During the next exposure the antigen bind to the antibody, basophils and must cells release histamine, leukotrienes and other chemicals which induce inflammatory responses like; vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, increased mucous secretions, and constriction of smooth muscle tissues. (Prager et al, 2013). Type two or cytotoxic reaction result in to destruction of the cells. Over 75% of all food reactions are accompanied with cell destructions. Food allergies and leaky gut disease go hand in hand and is difficult to determine which causes the other. Mostly occurs as a circle. Following exposure to allergens permeability increases and thus leaky gut, also leaky gut causes food allergy. Food allergy and intolerance can be caused by factors like, heredity, gut permeability, overly sensitive immune system, and poor digestion. When a person eats a food to which is intolerant, the food particles are inadequately digested and gets to the wall of the intestines. Antibodies in the intestinal lining combine with the food particle and initiate an inflammatory reaction which cause damage to the nearby cells. Results is leaky lining, poor absorption and malnutrition. Alcohol also causes increased permeability of the intestinal wall. As it passes by it causes cell damage, also prevents full digestion of the food by hindering secretion of pancreatic enzymes. The undigested food particles then become allergen of reaction resulting to tissue damage. (Kour et al, 2011) Intestines contain more than 400 different kinds of bacteria, the beneficial bacteria breakdown complex food substances, synthesize vitamins like B12 and biotin and perform other activities required for health metabolism and immune response. If there is no enough bacteria then some substances may not be broken down which will initiate a reaction on the wall of intestines resulting to damage of cells and leaky wall. As a result the substances/antigen leak to blood steam causing more complex diseases or symptoms. Antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria and foster growth of fungi and yeast and thus increase the probability of tissue damage and leaky syndrome. (Pussinen et al, 2011)Non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin and ibrufen also disrupt the intestinal wall and increase permeability. Celiac disease which appear to be largely genetic is as a result of gluten intolerant. This disease is inflammation of intestines secondary to ingestion of gluten containing grains. Gladian portion of the gluten is allergen or irritant and thus cause GI lining damage increasing its permeability, also destroy the lactase enzymes at the borders of the villi, responsible for milk and milk product digestion and thus may cause lactose intolerance. (Rawdin et al, 2012) Coffee consumption also increase the permeability of the GI tract. Malnutrition reduces the ability of the GI tract cells to be replaced every 3-6 days thus normal function is disturbed leading to leaky lining. Pancreatic insufficiency shown by less amylase, protease and lipase enzymes also cause leaky syndrome. This results from partial digestion of food substances. The undigested or partial digested food products are acted upon by bacteria to release toxins which damage the GI wall increasing its permeability. IgA is an immunological component that act as gut barrier, it coats the entire intestinal wall by binding the antigen for example food substance and toxin component prevents them from adhering to the wall. Its deficiency allows the antigen to adhere to the wall of intestines leading to reaction, cell destruction and increased permeability. (Moreira et al, 2012) Stress leads to activated sympathetic nervous system, this act to shunt blood from the GI tract, results is reduced peristalsis and decreased secretion of digestive enzymes. (Dowlat et al, 2010) The food overstay in the GI system may lead to its fermentation forming toxic substances which destroy the mucosal wall increasing permeability. Investigations can be carried out to confirm leaky gut syndrome. Lactose/mannitol absorption; can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine suspect food allergens and sensitivities. It uses non metabolized sugar particles (mannitol and lactose) to determine intestine permeability. Mannitol is small particle and can diffuse through and is used to determine diffusion function of the cells. Lactose is a large molecule and cannot pass through the cells and is used to determine the integrity of the GI lining. Urine is then assessed 6hours later. High level of both sugars indicate leaky syndrome and high level of lactose and low level of mannitol may indicate leaky syndrome and malabsorption. Comprehensive digestive stool analysis (CDSA) can be done. Is a laboratory test which evaluates digestion, intestinal function, intestinal environment, and absorption by examining the stool. (Kullmann et al, 2012)The test shows whether the proteins, fats and carbohydrates are being properly digested, amount and type of bacteria in the intestine, presence and amount IgA immunoglobulin and PH level. This help in determining which part of the intestine needs treatment. Food allergies/ food challenge; food challenge is the golden standard of detecting food allergies and intolerance. The person is exposed to the foods suspected to cause challenge and then observed over time. Laboratory tests like ELISA can also be done. (Teixeira et al, 2012). They are both designed to show the amount of antibodies which exist in the body system against a certain antigen/allergen. The level of candida in the intestine should be determine via stool examination test. A high level of candida should be treated. Chymotrypsin level should be determined, this is intestinal enzyme secreted by pancreas. It eliminates pancreatic disease which may be confused with leaky syndrome. Anti-chymotrypsin factor is evaluated, it shows small intestine inflammation, mostly detect food allergies. Treatment of Leaky Gut Syndrome is complex and multi layered. Neuropathic doctors have pioneered an approach to help intestinal mucosa function normally. This include removing foods that irritate the mucosa, replacing agents of digestive support, re-inoculating with friendly bacteria and the food they need to grow with, and repairing the intestinal mucosa. (Grigoleit et al, 2011) Elimination of candida and food allergies is essential for any treatment considered. Treating candida is complicated since funguses are survivors thus very hard to get rid of. Nystatin has been found effective though it has to be taken for 4 months, protocol recommends 500,000 unit tablet, 1-2 tablets taken 3 times a day. Nizoral, diflucan, sporex can also be used although they are found to be toxic to the liver. Most patients will require supplement with beneficial bacteria to restore probiotics. The foods which are known to irritate the intestinal mucosa must be eliminated from the diet, these may include; lactose and gluten containing foods. L- Glutamate is an amino acid utilized by rapidly growing cells, taking 5mg for two weeks can help repair the damaged intestinal mucosa. Zinc also can be used to help repair the mucosa and reduce effect if indomethacin given to reduce pain caused by irritated mucosa. Peppermint if full of menthol which help relax the intestinal wall causing a healing effect. (Kour et al, 2011). The drugs are given in procedures: procedure one, the first 2 days the patient takes 5 capsules of black Walnut Pau which is an herbal drug, this helps clear off the yeasts. The second procedure, the patient takes copious amount of multi strain pro-biotic to re- establish the micro flora. The patient can then feed on the foods which irritate mucosa but in very small amount to help grow the intestinal lining. Several steps can be applied for efficient curing of the syndrome. Herbal supplements can be used to help repair the intestinal mucosa. Identify and treat the underlying cause of leaky gut syndrome like candida and parasites. Change of diet to avoid irritant food like those containing gluten and lactose, one can also undergo food sensitivity tests to identify those foods which need to be avoided. Should also avoid known intestinal mucosa irritants like NSAIDs. Cause of stress should be identified and dealt with accordingly to reduce chances of the symptoms to persist or even reoccur. Enhance digestion by taking well cooked food with enzymes and taking a lot of water. (Kullmann et al, 2012) Leaky Gut Syndrome causes other complications to the body which need to be addressed in order to declare successful treatment of the syndrome to have been achieved. The leaky intestinal lining has been dumping high amount of microbial and metabolic toxins in to the blood which end up in to the liver. (Pussinen et al, 2011). Thus the patient need to obtain medication which help clear the toxins from the liver and blood system. Spleen help build the intestinal mucosa lining, prolonged leaky gut syndrome depletes the spleen and thus need for intervention. Kidney should also be checked for infection since the condition might lead to its dysfunctions. Leaky gut syndrome is a proposed health condition which health practitioners’ claim is the result of wide range of serious long term conditions. These include, lupus, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. (Grigoleit et al 2011). Leaky gut syndrome result from poor diet, parasites, infections, or medications and this allows substances like, toxins, microbes, undigested food or waste to leak through. This prompt the body to initiate an immune reaction leading to potentially severe health condition. The syndrome is mostly diagnosed by nutritionists. It is rarely discovered as a diagnosis alone due to its tendency of association with other conditions like diabetes and the fact that it easily complicates to liver, spleen and kidneys. It is mostly confused with irritable bowel syndrome and pancreatitis. 1. Dowlati Y, Herrmann N, Swardfager W, Liu H, Sham L, Reim EK, Lanctôt KL: (2010) A meta-analysis of cytokines in major depression. Bio Psychiatry 2010, 67:446-457. 2. Goebel A, Buhner S, Schedel R, and Lochs H, Sprotte G: (2008). Altered intestinal permeability in patients with primary fibromyalgia and in patients with complex regional pain syndrome. 3. Grigoleit JS, Kullmann JS, Wolf OT, Hammes F, Wegner A, Jablonowski S, Engler H, Gizewski E, and Oberbeck R, Schedlowski M: (2011) Dose-dependent effects of endotoxin on neurobehavioral functions in humans. 4. Kour K, Bani S: (2011). Chicoric acid regulates behavioral and biochemical alterations induced by chronic stress in experimental Swiss albino mice. 5. Kullmann JS, Grigoleit JS, Lichte P, Kobbe P, Rosenberger C, Banner C, Wolf OT, Engler H, Oberbeck R, Elsenbruch S, Bingel U, Forsting M, Gizewski ER, Schedlowski M: (2012). Neural response to emotional stimuli during experimental human end toxemia. 6. Moreira AP, Teixeira TF, Ferreira AB, Peluzio Mdo C, Alfenas RC: (2012). Influence of a high-fat diet on gut microbiota, intestinal permeability and metabolic endotoxaemia. 7. Prager G, Hadamitzky M, Engler A, Doenlen R, Wirth T, Pacheco-López G, Krügel U, Schedlowski M, Engler H: (2013). Amygdaloid Signature of Peripheral Immune Activation by Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide or Staphylococcal Enterotoxin Neuroimmune Pharmacology 8. Pussinen PJ, Havulinna AS, Lehto M, Sundvall J, and Salomaa V: (2011) Endotoxemia is associated with an increased risk of incident diabetes. 9. Rawdin BS, Mellon SH, Dhabhar FS, Epel ES, Puterman E, Su Y, Burke HM, Reus VI, Rosser R, Hamilton SP, Nelson JC, Wolkowitz OM: (2012). Dysregulated relationship of inflammation and oxidative stress in major depression. 10. Teixeira TF, Souza NC, Chiarello PG, Franceschini SC, Bressan J, and Ferreira CL, Peluzio Mdo C: (2012). Intestinal permeability parameters in obese patients are correlated with metabolic syndrome risk factors. Read More

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