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Murdoch's Australian and the Shaping of the Nation by Robert Manne Media Article
6 pages (1950 words) , Download 0 , Article
Robert endeavors to show that the collapse of Ruppert Murdoch’s Media Empire is imminent and started with a “small event” of hacking into a teenage girl’s mobile phone. Robert asserts that this was not a one-time event! – Reporters in the News of the World tabloid had the habit of hacking into phones (Goldsworthy, 2013 p1). 
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Mens Magazine and How Is Gender Represented in This Industry Media Essay
8 pages (2143 words) , Download 1 , Essay
With the ubiquity of the internet and the global reach of national media’s, the lifestyles are in a way getting homogenized the world over, still, it is a fact that the individuals’ professional adult lives are to a great extent the functions of their respective cultures, immersed in which they were brought up and raised. 
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How Can Marketers Use Social Media for Their Business Media Coursework
6 pages (1706 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Marketing, therefore, requires an effective understanding of both the demand patters for a particular product or service and the geographical location in which the transfer takes place. A social network is a social concept that refers to a number of online aided communication and networking platforms in contemporary society. 
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How Advertising Can Play a Part in Preserving an Endemic Culture Media Research Paper
25 pages (6584 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The researchers designed online surveys to participants identified in the three countries. The study yielded 600 responses. The researchers analyzed the 600 responses in an effort to determine whether cross-cultural advertising has a place in modern society or whether it serves as an obstacle to a country’s endemic culture.
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The Persuasive Power of the Media Media Literature review
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The media has no direct influence on the actions of the readers and viewers. Except in the use of coercive and physical force, the media lacks the ability to directly influence the actions of the audiences (Bartels 121). The audience still retains a certain extent of independence and autonomy despite the media’s pervasive symbolic power.
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The Value of Social Media as an Information Source for Intelligence Exploitation Media Term Paper
13 pages (3707 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Normally, people use the internet for shopping, banking, and entertainment. But these days a new trend has appeared that is known as social media. And now people more and more using this social media to share their ideas, make friends, and for various other activities. In this scenario, social networks are believed to the most attractive social media.
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Media Representation of Youth Suicide Media Literature review
9 pages (2479 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This section seeks to shed light on how the media’s reporting can help reduce the rate of imitation suicides. This section's quest is to identify whether the media can or does play an important role in the prevention of suicide. Media representation refers to how a particular subject or topic is highlighted or discussed in the different media channels with the mass public being the target audience.
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Analysis Portfolio of Media Power Media Report
11 pages (3217 words) , Download 1 , Report
Television is the major source of news in many homes and currently, it is the most direct and influential form of media. The target audience that the television program generates has an influence on what is shown on television and this is how advertisers get to influence, sell their products to viewers and thus control the views of viewers, to create more capital and power.
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The Impact of Social Media on Young Jordanian Users Language and Identity Media Research Proposal
8 pages (2435 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The last few decades have seen the emergence of a variety of social media platforms that people use to connect and interact with friends from across the globe. However, there is a growing concern that the use of social networks is impacting negatively on the languages and identities of people in some societies.
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Analysis of a Disney Production Media Literature review
13 pages (3517 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The Western media, more specifically the US-based conglomerates, have been accused of dominating the global market through the promotion of values that appeal to the mass market outside of America. These conglomerates, which include Disney at the top, have maximized their profits by ensuring that they treat viewers and citizens as consumers. 
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The Role of Mass Communication Media in a Crisis or an Emergency Media Literature review
8 pages (2492 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Over the years, crisis or emergency has been a recurrent issue that is inseparable from the life of humankind. During their occurrence, people have been apprehensive to know the cause, the reaction, and the impacts. In this information age, the mass media has been regarded as one of the most vital mediums of communication during crises.
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Characteristics of Mass Communication Media Term Paper
8 pages (2116 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In the entire process of information gathering and writing, the innovation of computers and the internet have resulted in the concept of mass media. Traditionally, written media used to dominate. However, this has been overtaken by new media which rarely rely on the written word to convey information.
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UNICEFs Current Social Media Strategy Media Term Paper
13 pages (3501 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The same strategy used on Facebook and YouTube is replicated in other social forums with the exception of Flickr, which is mainly a photo-sharing platform. In 2008, Stephen Cassidy who works as the Chief of Internet, Broadcast, and Image at UNICEF explained the strategy adopted by the organization.  
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Role of Mass Media Communication in Emergency Media Literature review
8 pages (2644 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The significance of mass media communication in emergencies has been a subject of most debates on disaster mitigation. Existing research has shown that mass media communication informs and educates the public on the nature of the emergency and the need for precautions aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disaster.
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What Impact do Social Media Personalities have on Young Emirati Adults Behavior Media Assignment
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The use of social media in the Emirati community has been influenced by existing political events, technological innovations, exponential growth, and the sudden shift in embracing technology. Among the young adult population in Emirati, personalities of social media are tools for exposing the population to numerous ideas and opinions.
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International Public Relations Campaign Proposal Media Report
9 pages (2590 words) , Download 0 , Report
This is a proposal on how to improve the American Nazi political party since a lot of problems in previous years have been encountered. The application of this proposal will ensure the smooth running of the forthcoming elections in reaching the active public. This party was formed by a Navy commander and the headquarters were placed at Virginia, America.
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The Role of Ideology in Media Media Literature review
11 pages (2956 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper will limit itself to electronic media articles that have been written over the years and how they have helped to reinforce certain ideologies in the minds of the consuming public. The word ideology stems from the word idea which generally implies that it has a lot to do with a people’s idea/ perception about something. 
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Social Media Strategy: Canadian Wildlife Federation Media Case Study
10 pages (3252 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is a vital channel for recognizing new or long-time donors and volunteers. The organization can show appreciation to the donors and volunteers in a number of places on Facebook and Twitter: for instance, writing a post on Facebook and tagging them or write a tweet and include their Twitter handle.
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International Public Relation and Advertising Proposal in Malaysian Airline Media Case Study
7 pages (1968 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
There is a feeling that the Malaysian airline brand has not done much to create awareness and visibility nationally and internationally which is a challenge towards building a strong relationship and public trust. The author of the paper states that the media will be a crucial partner in building mass public support.
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The Impact of Social Networks on Education Media Research Proposal
15 pages (4301 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The impact of social networks has been evident in the educational sector.  The objective of the research paper will be to illustrate the influence and implications of social networks or social media on education. Moreover, the study will focus on the evaluation and assessment of mechanisms for the integration of social networks in handling educational goals and targets.
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Arab Media Representations of Online Social Platforms Media Research Proposal
8 pages (2263 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The collection and analysis of data for the research will take a maximum period of 3 years. During this period, relevant data will be collected and the authenticity of the data examined. Necessary changes will be made so as to suit the objectives of the study. The data will then be analyzed in order for inference to be made from it.
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The Role of Dissemination of Information on News Media Assignment
7 pages (1771 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
ABC is an acronym referring to the Australian Broadcasting Commission established in 1932 and undertook its first radio broadcast on 1 July that 1932. Television broadcasting took place in 1956 and its independent incorporation was in 1983. The SBS refers to the Special Broadcasting Service took its operations first in 1975 and 1980 saw its first television broadcasting.
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Obey You Campaign by Sprite Media Case Study
9 pages (2741 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It features a broad range of mediated messages in a number of channels with the aim of offering non-commercial advantages to society and individuals. The campaigns carried out urges teens and young people to stay true to their thirst. The purpose of this report is to offer a critique of a campaign and, in this case, the critique will be about the "Obey You" campaign by Sprite.
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Hegemony of Social Media Media Literature review
8 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Advances in information technology including the internet, television, fax, and mobile phones have increased access to information profoundly. Social media is a technology that sees the integration of most internet communication devices to provide a platform where a person can access and send out information from almost anywhere on the planet at any moment.
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Multimedia and Design Features Media Essay
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The implication of this is that emotional designs have the capability to alter how the cognitive systems of people operate in relation to designs. Designers have to take seriously the aspect of intended users’ feelings about their products or services to ensure bigger sales and products’ use by the intended market population. 
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Information Governance and Social media Media Coursework
13 pages (3574 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Information is always an important tool in the sector of growth and development thus it should be maintained effectively. There should be great minds that are concerned with making sure that information within various organizations is greatly maintained through the appropriate channels in order to make a vibrant communication within enterprises.
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The Role of New Media Media Essay
7 pages (2244 words) , Download 0 , Essay
New media are forms of communication that were formulated by accessible technology by many people across the globe. They include managing websites that are accessed all over the internet. New media materialized as a result of the internet which opened a forum that allows sharing of information across the globe. This steered exchange of information to people of different cultures across the globe.
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Social Media in Higher Education Media Essay
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The impacts of social media are undeniable since it has enhanced the expansion of the marketing niches of many products and services. The social presence, coupled with cognitive capabilities as well as the teaching elements of social media has been the compounding pool of resources that have made it a strong tool that automatically affects consumer behavior.
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Public Relations in Organizations Media Assignment
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
By public relations organizations are able to meet the interests of the stakeholders of the organization especially the public that involve ensure go relations by providing the information. The aim of public relations is many organizations are to improve the image of the organization to the stakeholders that can include investors, the public, employees, and partners, among other stakeholders.
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Does the Australian Press Enhance or Undermine Australian Democracy Media Essay
7 pages (2093 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Australian media plays a key role in undermining democracy, especially during the federal elections. The undermining aspects evident include giving special support to a particular political position (Balson, 2004 p 22). One important thing to note is that any media has an obligation or it is expected to make its colors shine to the mast, as far as, editorializing is concerned.
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The Police Use of the Media in Missing Persons Investigations Media Essay
7 pages (2084 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The police use media in the investigations of the missing person but highly in a controlled manner (Adams & Byrd, 2008, p. 76). Once the detectives receive information about the missing person, the process of detecting the person’s whereabouts begins immediately.
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The Popularity of Reality TV with Simon Cowell Media Essay
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Despite the show attaining and maintaining this position in the global entertainment stage, few of its trackers really take time to find out how the show originated. Currently, the reality TV show has millions of viewers worldwide who watch it from the comfort of their homes as they vote for their favourite contestants.
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Postmodernism - Media, Market, Make-Believe Media Essay
7 pages (1881 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As Jameson further stated, “the analogy between media and market is in fact cemented by this mechanism: it is not because the media is like a market that the two things are comparable; rather it is because the “market” is as unlike its “concept” (or Platonic idea) as the media is unlike its own concept that the two things are comparable. 
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The 2019 Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup Finals - Media Portfolio Media Case Study
10 pages (2812 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The 2019 Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup Finals - Media Portfolio" is a good example of a media case study. Asian cup confederation (AFC) Asian cup was founded in 1956 by the football confederation of Asia. The tournament usually consists of 24 teams, with Japan being the most successful team, gathering a total of 4 titles.
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The 2019 Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup Finals Media Case Study
9 pages (2604 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The 2019 Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup Finals " is a perfect example of a media case study. The AFC Asian Cup is the second oldest confederation football championship behind South America’s Copa America and the tournament winner automatically goes on to represent Asia in the FIFA Confederations Cup.
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The Switch to Digital Television Media Essay
10 pages (2593 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Mostly, this occurrence is common in developed economies that are capitalist in nature in which their main aim is to make a profit at whatever cost without factoring in the effects that this form of trade may have on those involved. The implication of this is that internet players have engaged in producing products aimed at their audiences.
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The Change of the Trans-Media, Its Effect on Consumer Behavior Media Coursework
7 pages (2236 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Transmedia has been developed inside the Hollywood framework fundamentally through a rationale of advancement, audience building, and engagement, offering the perfect apparatuses for catching the creative ability of organized audiences through the making of engrossing and broad conjured up universes.
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The Shifting Representation of Family: A Discussion of Visual Media Media Coursework
6 pages (1613 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
From the information that has thus far been conveyed, it is clear and apparent that the representation of family shifted a great deal in the early years of Hollywood and/or the early years of television. Ultimately, it is the belief of this author that even though society and culture have shifted alongside this representation.
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Science in the Media Media Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Science is more based on empirical evidence. Scientists go through a series of steps to ensure that the hypothesis they gain is scientifically proven through empirical research for them to become scientific facts. Thus, when I hear the word scientist, I envision lots of experiments in a bid to try and prove various hypotheses around the globe.  
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News, the Public Sphere, and Sustainable Development Media Essay
6 pages (1862 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Classic liberal media theory has assigned democratic functions for the news, which is to reflect the diversity of viewpoints on society and act as a public sphere of debate. There lacks liberty in a society, which do not have essential means of detecting lies. This is because, without enough information, there is no societal accountability. 
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The Media and the Privacy of Public Figures Media Essay
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Privacy and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights recognized in all major international and regional agreements and treaties" (Kevin, 2002, p. 464). In this regard, the intrusion in the name of terrorism or security cannot be an excuse for any intrusive behavior or act on the part of the state or media.
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Representing Identity through Media Media Coursework
10 pages (2898 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Advertising and ownership of media industries have a great influence on the identity formation of media text. More often than not, the identity that media text reflects usually comes in the form of a class, religion, gender, and sexuality among other factors. The human race has distinctive aspects that identify it although multiculturalism exists.
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Television as Social and Political Propaganda Media Coursework
10 pages (2925 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper has been a chronological discussion of how propaganda has been practiced since the ancient world until the current time. As part of the propaganda model which was reviewed and the cases analyzed, it has been established that there have been significant changes in the approaches to practicing propaganda. 
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ICT's & Strategic Change Media Essay
10 pages (2578 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Giving them the ability to stay connected, communicate and share. It cancels the boundaries of time, location and culture into one. For example, Facebook is considered to be one society with its own culture. The original intended use of social media networking is to socialize but it is has exploited by organizations as a mean of information communication technology ICT’s for strategic change.
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Saudi Arabia Newspapers Coverage of events in Bahrain from February 14 to 16 March Media Research Paper
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
On March 17-2011, about 1000 Saudi troops were deployed to Bahrain from Peninsula Shield Force for aiding the Bahraini authorities to get control of the local situation. This act was criticized and condemned by the Iranian authorities. Iran’s criticism was highly opposed in the Saudi newspapers by the Saudi officials. This news had three perspectives engraved in it.
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Saturation of Visual Media Spectacle Media Essay
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The media demonstration of September 11 created critical public opinion among the society, creating compassion, anger, terror and the pursuit for vengeance in the minds of the people. Such impacts of the media coverage created a situation where people found it reasonable to justify the political and military reactions to the event.
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Body Image in the Media Media Essay
6 pages (1548 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The script has been carefully edited so as to make the ad suitable for being shown openly as the letter “v” is used in place of the word “vagina”. Messages like this have the tendency to make women conscious and concerned about the quality of skin not only all over the body in general, but also especially the skin of their genitalia.
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Influence of Media on Children Media Essay
6 pages (1626 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This can be observed through the globalization of a culture that is infiltrating the world through internet access that promotes consumerist ideologies, spreading them through exposure with an alignment of thinking patterns emerging.
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Media in International Politics Media Essay
7 pages (2004 words) , Download 1 , Essay
To a greater extent, it can be noted that the assertion that the media is now the biggest player in international politics is valid in as far as international relations are concerned. The paper starts by outlining the role played by the media and this section is followed by an outline of selected cases where the media was used to influence various political scenarios internationally. 
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The Media and Its Responsibilities Media Essay
8 pages (2087 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The media have the responsibility of depicting the actual state of society at a particular time. In most cases, the media always tend to lie too much on a particular side. Sometimes they tend to focus too much on the positive things in society to an extent that they never show the negative things in society.
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