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, Literature review
Generally speaking, decisions made by the political leaders exert an impact on the use of the media. These decisions are made during critical times and serve to define the media development. According to Vaidhyanathan’s views, internet development is likely to be shaped by similar constitutive choices.
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, Book Report/Review
The author selected two articles, one from a scholarly journal, Journal of Vision and another form a media source, Science Daily. The article released by John Hopkins University in Science Daily is based on the results derived from an experiment conducted on mice. The experiment was previously published in a scholarly journal, Neuron.
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Generally, embracing of social media has ensured that a majority of people all over the world have come to be affected by it in one way or the other. Through this media, new trends emerged as well as being the means through which news and other forms of information are easily available to the public.
Employers can be blamed in discrimination (based on the knowledge retrieved from social media: sexual preference, pregnancy, religion, political leanings, etc. For protecting own assets, employers should establish corporate policies for using social media and proactively communicate these policies to own employees.
From this paper, it is clear that in Australia, there is a more independence to the mainstream media. The Australians are primarily western in cultural orientation and democratic practice. This leads to the apparent differential on the nature of the treatment. Australia being more liberal gives the greater safeguard to the rights of the octogenarians.
Journalists are seen to be protectors of the system of the government. They have been nicknamed the “the watchdogs of democracy”. There is always a tension between the media and politicians. This is because the media is continuously accused and recommended for various aspects in the American political life.
Ties could mean the bonds that we create in life through relationships and situations with other people that always have a hold on us, forming lasting relationships. This could be done through social media platforms that we have such as Facebook, Twitter, and the rest. There are two authors who have explained how social media platforms redefining and revaluing the ties that bind us together.
This paper is devoted to the issue of social identification in connection with the study of Media Literacy. So to discover this issue we need to define these two phenomena within the context of this work. Then we discuss the use of this knowledge and make practical research of the commercials and the social identification of the would-be users.
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, Research Paper
The author states that in the 1960's sports talk advanced from programming and individual commentary to a roundtable discussion; thus making the sports events more interactive and interesting. Consequently, in the 1980s radio sports broadcasting became a major force and enterprise and were acknowledged by the radio sports programming.
Generally, the internet and social media have more influence that is positive than negative as thought. Only allocations of resources need to be done to schools and colleges to enable them to adopt strategies to manage the risks and provide extensive education to the students on safe usage of the internet.
In connection with this, the paper aims at providing detailed information on how propaganda correlates with feeding the public with distorted information. In addressing this, the paper will expound on the negative reasons that contribute to the manipulation of the information as well as the positive use of propaganda in the current society. Most of the information provided to the public is influenced by the government.
The Fayum mummy portraits have for a long time attracted intense historical interests owing to their amazing ability to connect the society with the realities of life and culture (Doxiadis). Stereotypical interpretations have been presented regarding the symbolism behind the creation of the Egyptian Fayun Mummies.
The author states that the campaign’s focus was on keeping the critics low and to help people to listen to the music of their own choice. The campaign was launched by the beats electronics company which produced audio products. The company was established in the year 2006 and in the year 2008 they developed headphones.
The author states that these two statements by Malcolm X have greatly influenced my desire to pursue a Master in Science Media Production at the imperial college London. Knowledge combined with the power and influence of the media is what drives, influences, and shapes the lives and intrigues of the current world.
The use of social media has likewise increased because of uncountable means provided to teenagers. Social media has some advantages to it; however, it is not a good idea to risk the lives of our future youth. The demerits of social media lead to major problems, which in totality dominate the benefits. Finally, the contents of social networks have created distractions between teenagers.
Over the past 9 years, the use of social media by teenagers has dramatically increased thus its impacts a matter of concern. Social media can be referred to as websites and applications that allow users to develop and share content and participate in social networking. Social media is a vast form of communication that has today permeated teenagers to nearly all aspects of modern culture.
The internet media is a major player in the media space with international reach. It is a new media of mass communication that has led to democratization and giving time and space for all. It allows people to speak their minds and share their information but they should check and be moral in what they write and say.
Universities should consider every step necessary to ensure that language is not a deterrent to international students since this is one of the most popular ways of marketing in the digital age with research showing that the numbers of international students have increased drastically over the last few years.
In another twist, however, some teens are seen as often fabricating information following the belief that social media is free hence no one can ask them. Some teens also fabricate their personal information with the sole aim of controlling the social media space.
In the course of the study, there are several arguments, which are against piracy of media contents. In this regard, the study revealed of some of the major arguments, wherein one of such suggests that media content piracy leads to a significant impact on the creators. It affects their recognition and considerably affects in monetary terms.
If these companies are deceived by the misconception they will be lagging behind when it comes to online marketing. Times have changed over the decades; companies no longer use the same techniques of marketing they used in the last four decades when there was limited internet access. Most of the large fortune 500 companies started as small companies or family businesses many years back.
Parents should encourage children to visit friends within the community in an attempt to foster face-to-face interaction. Educating the youth on the dangers of networking using the internet will go a long way in building quality principles in society (Dijck 73). The youthful users should make use of private settings provided by social media.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Literature review
The author states that the modern media has become the platform where people access all kind of information, entertainment, and communication. The current media is where marketers post their information about their products or services. Many people can access the information due to the increased use of smartphones and computers.
Media of a new generation has opened beneficial horizons for the maintenance and development of relations between people of different religious views and from different angles of the globe. Such a factor of our present days gives the necessary power for the communication administration by means of mass media.
5 pages (2134 words)
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, Research Paper
People decide whether to trust or distrust information or news items on social networking sites based on the source of the link to the information. People are more likely to trust the news or information on social networking sites if it emanates from a source that they are familiar with such as a close friend or a credible news site.
People can share images, photos, and videos via social sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo. Social sites allow people to connect with anyone although there is the downside of this interconnectivity. Technology has led to changes in the lives of many people especially the young generation in terms of their habits, lifestyles and expectations.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Featherstone describes body image as “a mental image of the body as it appears to others" (Featherstone, 2010). This definition is the epitome of nonverbal communication that is leading to consumers changing their bodies in a bid to appear like the others they watch in the media which is deemed acceptable by society.
Videos have an embed code on the website, blog or anywhere outside Facebook (Porterfield 1). When one clicks a video on Facebook, it would automatically bring forth the Like button with it. The automatic process would enable someone who surfs the web for they will find a video, and if they are not yet fans, they can quickly become fans by clicking a like button on videos.
The information that is circulated through the electronic media provides valuable information that supports economic activities from different perspectives. Electronic media provides interactive forums that enable people to exchange ideas that are crucial to the economic development of their operations.
Senator John Cornyn is quite social and engaging in his social media platforms although this happens in just a few of his Facebook posts and rarely on his Twitter platform. This attracts discussions on his social media updates and thus most of his communications are usually accompanied by threads of comments and discussions.
This war was covered live and the actual coverage was made possible through the constant and dynamic interaction between the press and the American armies on the battlefield and generally the American government. For this reason, it is important to highlight the relevant role of the media in the Gulf War.
Since the public is the major reason as to why these advertisements exist in the first place, taking good care of it would be of great essence. The advertisements should be sensitive about the children, young and old viewers as well as consider societal values. Their authenticity is also a feature that should be put into consideration.
The title of the media source does accurately reflect the content of the source, as well as that of the research article. Although the title has less jargon than that of the research article, it does identify the Alice instrument, which is at the core of the research article’s study, as well as the fact that it has made previously unknown and surprising discoveries about the comet’s atmosphere.
Online interactions are inseparable from reality and people cannot escape it. The matter is that all the activities on the Internet have a huge influence on reality. That is considered to be a virtual reality and takes a huge part in people’s life. Escaping is remained to be impossible, as modern technologies and the fast way of life include a huge implication of social networking.
6 pages (2113 words)
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, Literature review
Laminar flows establish this direct proportion relationship between the pressure drops and the flow velocity. To integrate, medium porosity impacts the Reynolds number, which in turn relates to the coefficient of friction. The pressure drop in turn relates to the flow velocity when the flow is laminar, and laminar flows are determined to be in existence when the Reynolds number is below 2,300.
TV or Tele is a medium for telecommunication that is used for transmitting moving images and sounds. It is able to transmit images that are monochrome (black and white), in color, or in three dimensions. Television refers specifically to a television program, a television set, or the medium that is used in television transmission.
Changes resulting from advancements in ICT are irreversible and inevitable. It is better for everybody to conform to these changes and focus on the positive impact that ICT has on communication. While there are many challenges and concerns over modern-day communication technology, there are bound to be improvements in the future.
This paper looks at the application of Hallin and Mancini’s four variables of analyzing media in the debates in international media studies. Although Hallin and Mancini’s model of analyzing media was initially applicable in Western media, it has been established that it can also be applied in the study of non-Western countries advancing towards democracy.
12 pages (3211 words)
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, Literature review
As such, it is arguably true that media determines socialization in the community and influences the thinking capacity and way of living in society. In this context, media refers to television, movies, videogames, radio, social websites, adverts, and print materials. Through the media, we can ascertain how society understands itself and what it prioritizes as important.
However, collective intelligence and data mining differ in terms of participation, for in the former active involvement is imperative whereas in the latter it is not. Data mining can be performed without collaboration for it merely involves analysis, interpretation, and consolidation of information for various practical purposes.
7 pages (1846 words)
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, Research Paper
Due to his experience, in the media industry, Abdullatif was able to incorporate the Arab media into the world media. This has resulted in his direct and indirect contributions to the media sector that has enabled it to achieve international recognition. Under his leadership, the Middle East media sector has become instrumental in the news.
Being critical about social media will not overshadow the benefits it gives consumers while shopping, businesses while promoting, teachers and students while researching and friends and family members while socially connecting to one another. If social media is used with full ethical codes then it is one of the best forms of human interaction.
Consumer behavior patterns are changing in the 21st Century due to transformations in society as well as the presence of social media outlets that alter the dynamics of consumer relationships with one another and with the organizations that provide products and services. This paper provides a critical discussion of how the presence of social media influences consumer behavior.
The society reaches over 9 million people all over the world through their publications, products sold, TV channel, and the website collectively. They act together with famous organizations like Green Peace, WWF, and the National Geographic Society. They fund these organizations, volunteer in their activities, and support them through their influence whenever necessary.
Coca Cola maintained an active Google+ page during the first half of 2012 and updated its page every few days. But after Olympics ended the update tailed off to weeks or sometimes months. It initially had more than 800,000 followers but the level of user engagement on Google+ is really low as compared to Facebook.
16 pages (4242 words)
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, Research Paper
Three theories were formed to guide the examination and the factual essentialness of the variables in the three speculations was tried utilizing basic relapse investigation and restricted examination of change. The study uncovered a noteworthy relationship between social networking micromarketing and the clients' fulfillment variables.
The growth of social media with its consequent promotion of social interaction has become of prime interest in psychology. Thus, the association of social media with shallow relationships, highly controlled environments, and a huge audience base foster narcissism. As such, the argument of social media supporting narcissism will be upheld.
10 pages (3083 words)
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, Literature review
The obstacles mainly revolve around the market structure and control issues. The marketers should strategize to adjust to community conversation dynamics. Depending on targeted segments, the brands and content released should be found to speak the community’s or particular segment’s language and tone.
The research was to find the effect of the magazine and television moral conceptions on students and teachers in a class. Afterward, these study groups were asked to judge four hypothetical stories involving violence. The study found that the group of students and teachers who read violent stories were more likely than the other group to judge violence as a good moral.
Presentation of information determines the effectiveness of communication. When too much information is presented to a level that cannot be understood by the receiver, then the message would be considered ineffective. In other words, information should be presented in the right format that does not overwhelm the receiver (Root, 2017).