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Advertising and Standard Survey - Report Example

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This report "Advertising and Standard Survey " evaluates the research conducted from the methodology point of view and providing the strengths and weaknesses of the journal. The strengths of the article include quality data collected and analyzed…
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Research Evaluation Student’s Name: Institution’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Code: Submission Date: Introduction Advertising standard survey is an important concept in the success of any organization. From the research that has been conducted in Australia, the consumers think differently about the current advertising standards which are employed by organizations. In order to understand what the customers think, Jones, Carol and Eagleton conducted their research to determine how the customers think about the advertising standards which are applied by the organizations and how they affect the customer buying decisions (Jones et al 2012). This report will evaluate the research conducted from the methodology point of view and providing the strengths and weaknesses of the journal. How the researchers collected the data The aim of this article was to find out what the customers think about the advertising standards by organizations. The researchers started conducting the research by ensuring that scholarly articles from various economies regarding the advertising standards have been understood. This was done by collecting the relevant literature review from US, Canada and Europe. This helped the authors to understand the concepts of advertising standards which are employed and the measures which put in place to ensure that the advertising standards are not misleading (Jones et al 2012). The Australian code of ethics was also reviewed by the researchers to determine the policies and practices which were put in place by the government to guide various organizations while doing their marketing. This was important since the data collected cold be used to compare with the advertising standard policies from other countries. On the other hand, the authors of the journal used the questionnaires to collect the data from the respondents. The researcher was designed in a way that the data collected could be helpful in understanding the general understanding of the advertising standards from the consumer point of view. From the findings of the questionnaires, it is possible to understand the image the consumers have on the advertising agencies and practices which are conducted by organizations. The authors of the article decided to use 20 focus groups so that they can gain knowledge on the perception of the consumers regarding the advertising standards (Jones et al 2012). The need for using the focus groups was to ensure that the questionnaires have been filled effectively to help in collecting data which is appropriate and reliable so that the researchers can understand the concepts of advertising standards. The questionnaires were designed into two page process. The first stage of the questionnaire helped to understand the questions effectively while the second stage of the questionnaire was concerned with pilot testing to test the reliability of the findings of the research. However, this made the questionnaire complex to respond to and this took time for the respondents to provide their answers correctly. The sampling technique which was applied by the researchers was random sampling. A sample of 4000 respondents was selected so that they can represent the whole population. It is hard to engage the complete population hence the sample size could represent the respondents from the various backgrounds. Random sampling technique was used because it could help to avoid biasness since each respondent was given equal opportunity and this led to the reliability of the data results. However, the random sampling technique used might have led to selection of respondents who may not have experience in the marketing function (Jones et al 2012). This means that the findings of the research might not be reliable since they may have been provided by individuals who are not experienced or do not have knowledge about the advertising standards. However, it is important to note the research data collected was related to advertising standards. Type of data collected The type of data that was collected was related to advertising standards and how the consumers perceive the application of the advertising standards by the organizations operating in the market. This means that the researcher managed to collect data that was directly or indirectly related to advertising and the standards of ethics which are employed during the advertisement. The primary data was collected using the questionnaires which were designed to help in collecting the required data. The primary data was collected so that the researchers can have direct link with the respondents and this will help to improve the reliability of the data findings because the data has not been altered in any other way. Furthermore, the researchers decided to collect the quantified data so that the methods of data analysis can be applied effectively (Jones et al 2012). For instance, the quantitative data could be analyzed using the SPSS system so that effective and appropriate research conclusions and recommendations can be made. The researchers also collected the qualitative data from the literature sources that helped to gain an understanding of the advertising standards which can in turn help to understand the primary research findings. The content analysis was used to analyze the literature review findings. However, the literature review findings that were collected from US and Canada might not reflect the perception of consumers regarding the advertising standards in Australia. This led to collection of the primary data to compare the research findings. When was data collected The researchers collected the data after the questionnaire had been approved. The questionnaire was the main tool that was used to collect the data and therefore approval should be sought to determine the participation of the respondents. The researchers then emailed the randomly selected participants and this was done effectively since the emails that were sent to the respondents were received in good time confirming the participation of the intended participants. The researchers then sent out the questionnaires to the identified participants with the aim of ensuring that they can receive the response in time. For any research to be conducted successfully the questionnaires have to be sent out in time and the respondents should be contacted to confirm their participation and this will help to improve the reliability of the participation of the researchers (Jones et al 2012). In this effect, the researchers were successful in planning to collect the data from the respondents which in turn influenced the reliability of the research findings. The data that was collected was directly related to advertising standards applied by organizations in the Australian market and this was made possible since the questionnaire was designed to help in collecting the relevant data. Once the questionnaires were filled, the researchers collected the questionnaires from the respondents and analyzed the data. The researchers were effective in ensuring that the questionnaires were received in time as planned and this helped to analyze the data within eh stipulated time. Why were the data collected and not others? The aim of this research was to find out the perception of the customers regarding the advertising standards which are employed. This means that the researchers were only interested in collecting the data which is directly related to the research question. In any successful research, there has to the research scope which guide the researcher in terms of the limits of the research. In this case, the researchers decided to use the advertising standards as the topic in their research and this means that the research data collected could only help to reflect on the research question and forgo other forms of data. This is because there is a lot of data regarding the advertising and therefore care should have been taken to ensure that the collected data represent the research question and objectives (Jones et al 2012). The researchers were constrained by time and finance resources which made it hard to collect all the data regarding the advertising and instead they only concentrated on advertising standards. This means that the researchers left out the other forms of data that might not be relevant to this research and this helped to improve the reliability of the findings of the research. The data collected also helps to provide data for future research since all the research cannot be conducted at once. Evaluation of the research approach The research methodology that was applied in this article was effective has it helped to analyze the research title appropriately. The first strength of the article is that methodology was effective since the researchers were able to design the questionnaire effectively to collect relevant data from the participants. This helped to improve the reliability of the research findings. The other strength is the research approach that was used by the researchers was effective since random sampling techniques were used to collect the data from the respondents (Waller 1999). This enabled the researchers to eliminate biasness while collecting the data which could have otherwise affected the findings of the research. The data analysis tools that were used were also effective since the data could be analyzed using tables and graphs as well as content analysis for the data that cannot be quantified. However, the research limitations of the research included large sample which made it difficult and time consuming to analyze the research findings. The weakness of the research was that the researchers did not use the interviews to collect the primary data as this could have supplemented the questionnaires in collecting the primary data. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be determined that the research about the advertising standards was done effectively. The researchers used questionnaire to collect primary data and it was designed effectively to collect relevant data. The strengths of the article include quality data collected and analysis. However, the researcher should have also used the interviews to supplement the questionnaires to collect primary data. Work cited Jones, S. Carol., & Eagleton, K. (2012). What do Australian consumers think about current advertising standards?. Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 315-325. Waller D., S. (1999). Attitudes towards offensive advertising: an Australian study. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 288-294. Read More

The sampling technique which was applied by the researchers was random sampling. A sample of 4000 respondents was selected so that they can represent the whole population. It is hard to engage the complete population hence the sample size could represent the respondents from the various backgrounds. Random sampling technique was used because it could help to avoid biasness since each respondent was given equal opportunity and this led to the reliability of the data results. However, the random sampling technique used might have led to selection of respondents who may not have experience in the marketing function (Jones et al 2012).

This means that the findings of the research might not be reliable since they may have been provided by individuals who are not experienced or do not have knowledge about the advertising standards. However, it is important to note the research data collected was related to advertising standards. Type of data collected The type of data that was collected was related to advertising standards and how the consumers perceive the application of the advertising standards by the organizations operating in the market.

This means that the researcher managed to collect data that was directly or indirectly related to advertising and the standards of ethics which are employed during the advertisement. The primary data was collected using the questionnaires which were designed to help in collecting the required data. The primary data was collected so that the researchers can have direct link with the respondents and this will help to improve the reliability of the data findings because the data has not been altered in any other way.

Furthermore, the researchers decided to collect the quantified data so that the methods of data analysis can be applied effectively (Jones et al 2012). For instance, the quantitative data could be analyzed using the SPSS system so that effective and appropriate research conclusions and recommendations can be made. The researchers also collected the qualitative data from the literature sources that helped to gain an understanding of the advertising standards which can in turn help to understand the primary research findings.

The content analysis was used to analyze the literature review findings. However, the literature review findings that were collected from US and Canada might not reflect the perception of consumers regarding the advertising standards in Australia. This led to collection of the primary data to compare the research findings. When was data collected The researchers collected the data after the questionnaire had been approved. The questionnaire was the main tool that was used to collect the data and therefore approval should be sought to determine the participation of the respondents.

The researchers then emailed the randomly selected participants and this was done effectively since the emails that were sent to the respondents were received in good time confirming the participation of the intended participants. The researchers then sent out the questionnaires to the identified participants with the aim of ensuring that they can receive the response in time. For any research to be conducted successfully the questionnaires have to be sent out in time and the respondents should be contacted to confirm their participation and this will help to improve the reliability of the participation of the researchers (Jones et al 2012).

In this effect, the researchers were successful in planning to collect the data from the respondents which in turn influenced the reliability of the research findings. The data that was collected was directly related to advertising standards applied by organizations in the Australian market and this was made possible since the questionnaire was designed to help in collecting the relevant data. Once the questionnaires were filled, the researchers collected the questionnaires from the respondents and analyzed the data.

The researchers were effective in ensuring that the questionnaires were received in time as planned and this helped to analyze the data within eh stipulated time.

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Advertising and Standard Survey Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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