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Proliferation of Social Media Networks - Case Study Example

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This paper "Proliferation of Social Media Networks" discusses social networking that permits people to start new relationships, join up with friends and relatives and make stronger relations. People with common likings share a common platform for thoughts and ideas to move ahead…
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Proliferation of Social Media Networks
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Introduction The use of Internet is increasing now a days. These are the tool for contacting people, relatives, and friends and are commonly known as social media (SM). It is start of new age of online progress as it involves wikis, virtual world, social networking, blogs and online communities are created called as social media (SM) are more and more people are connected with other people all over the world and the number is increase everyday (Davila, et al. 2003). SM has many types such as Facebook, twitter, etc. where people post their photos and their information about their trips and events. It is visible to all the pople from all over the world. These new way of contact and talk decreases in person talk and contact. People like to chat by Internet, share messages, follow people, contact by e-mails or Whatsup but do not want to waste time in socializing. All the reservations and payments are made online so people use social media to purchase, to find out which brand is good, where the sale is going on and what are the offers. All these chats has made social media very popular. People share information, messages go viral as soon as they are uploaded and thus social media is a very good medium to convey messages all over the world in seconds. People are now talking with communities, customers and businesspersons this shows that SM is into business also (Wright & Hinson, 2008). There is no doubt in calculating the power of SM, which is very great medium to reach people and talk with them may they be relatives, friends, contacts, colleagues or any one whom we may not know but can call as cyber friend. Popularity of SM helps companies also to run their business. Companies can contact customers also for feedback. Information about the brand or product can be know through SM and this will help companies to advertisement their brands. SM lets one know about the world in few seconds and this is why it is called viral, just one click and the news is send to one or to millions of its users. SM is very help to convey the message and to give the message. This essay is to show how SM is spreading and rising and spreading networks in the form of Facebook (Fb), twitter and how people changing their style for living and speaking to others. The social media has many features which making it popular, they are- The “Share” Button In recent years, social media sites like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have given buttons called “share”. Share buttons and set in codes are an good way to spread information. For example, if an person likes a video on YouTube, they can press the share button with the Facebook icon. The video will then show on the person’s Facebook page. Jones (2013) notes that at present, no law exists regarding copyright. Therefore, when one shares something that is not their, they are not copying or saying it to be their own. On the other hand, they are just sharing a link. There is no need to asking for permission to share content it depend on the person who want to share the matter or click like the post (Fox 2015). RSS means Really Simple Syndication. It is a source that gives regular news and info that is why they are seen by others people as soon as it gets post. RSS suppliers help users to make summarys of all posts in one place. Therefore, the user do not have to visit each sites to get the information. When one looks at the summaries, they can select those that they find good them and click on their links to read the complete articles (Burr 2015). The laws that support RSS syndication are still not there because it is a somewhat new technology. While users can guess that Copyright Law protects the content, there is no rule or ruling body on the Internet that can tell what is good and lawful or unlawful. So, publishers who use RSS need not be worry when their RSS feeds become grouped and multiplies. With views to the internet, Copyright Law needs revision as because “share” buttons made the sharing of information fast and easy (Chambliss 2015). Free Speech The 21st Century has given people mumerous communication stages. Communication can now take place from an individual to persons and person to mass media. It can also be from mass media to a person. Social media has powered people to have free speech on an matchless size. People no longer read misinformation in newspapers, billboards, and commercials. Everywhere, freedom of saying is been enjoyed (Gallois 2015). Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social networks allo people to express their views without any limit. The laws in some countries are strict that if one want to speak bad of a government, they will arrested and punished. Also, companies have started seeing their employees through social media. Therefore, social networks have the advantage of okay freedom of expression. On the other hand, they are a duty to particular organization, group and individual (Hudson 2015). There have been reports of some peoples who have been fired because of telling their words on social networks (White 2013). Employers should not fire employees based on what they said online. They should allow that every people has a right to say their views. Celebrities face tests from paparazzi who write wrong information on social networks and hope to increase their magazine ratings (Hajli 2015). The most right way to answer the difficult effects of free speech on social networks is through censorship. People and organizations that are not praised in social networks should take these views positively and use the information for making things better. Free speech gives the base of change in society, and this is the most important thing in the world. Even if some people get constant criticism on social networks, it makes them famous. In fact, people would have forget about them were it not for the criticisms they receive on social networks (Karahanna 2015). Companies and Social Media The written and spoken word is the strong form of mass media communication. Social media increases the power of the word resulting in business changes; Networks like Twitter and Facebook are communication stages that many people use (Anon 2014). Therefore, companies are using the methods they use for advertising by joining the content being advertised and also the advertiser. Therefore, businesses that hope to do well in today need to take on social media (Hunter 2015). Social media and the Internet have crossed national and international borders. Corporations are using social media to make personalities in the virtual world. In the same way that telephones lessen distances, social media has made companies and their cultures connected. Dialog has answered and changed one-sided communication which exist before in advertising. In addition, information is visible to everyone all over the world through social networks. Companies have grow their brands very much through social media because it allows them make a personal connection and friendships (Inversini 2015). However, marketing through social media does not always do well. For example, Myspace was the most popular social network after Rupert Murdoch bought it for $580 million. After one year, people stopped using it and in its place decide on for Facebook. Although the reason for fail of Myspace is not known, some experts think that it failed because it was polluted with instant messaging, videos, music and advertisements. When companies saw Myspace as a profit maker, they especially bought adverts. This removed users who wished simpler interfaces like Twitter and Facebook (Scherman 2015). Some companies have even paid YouTube large money to modify the interface of their web pages. The number of sponsored links is increasing on these social networks. Therefore, companies that wish to grow through virtual platforms must use the power of social media. They must interact with their customers and possible clients regularly. Clever businesses can apply social media to personalize their brand image. The potential that social media offers companies cannot be take too lightly because it is the path to the future (Ngai 2015). Social Media and its Effects on Social Interactions Social networks give people tools that they can use to create new relationships, speak and share information. As social networks grow and become popular, the social contact between the people decreases. Most people now talk by Internet, and therefore socialization as in old days and when humans started talking, and form communities is not seen (Lim 2015). There are differences between talking through social networks and in person. On social media, the tools used include the Twitter status, instant messaging and updates to friends to give news about themselves (Weaver 2014). On the Internet, people can speak quickly and easily. Moreover, they can talk with any numbers of people around the world. Even though the advantages of talking through the Internet and social media are many, it has changed the traditional and old method of speaking which people used in old days (Scherman 2015). Also, people do not see TV for news but they get updated on what is happening in the world by social media (Cisnero 2014). Since they can now discuss world events on social networking sites, this take aways the need to explain these happenings in person. The effects of social networks on humanity’s social speakings can be both negative and positive. While it increases the spread of information for what is good, it also helps spreads what is bad as most of the culture and tradition says. Some experts think that focus on either the positive or negative aspects of social media is useless. Whether the content is right or wrong depends on social values of the person (Chambliss 2015). Some Content Advertisers should know about Users People using social media know very less about how their news is collected, used and spread. The Internet have no a central body that run how the news of its users gets used. Therefore, companies can use this information at their carefulness. A greater part of social networks do not agree on the privacy with which they will attach user’s information. Moreover, it is in legal print that is very difficult for ordinary users (Gallois 2015). Whether they know it or not, people are giving websites information. They do not imagine that these sites will share their details with other corporations. Also, many people are not alert that what they search online gets recorded and used for other purposes different from the benefits received from the site. Records of what people are browsing online break in on their privacy and have an effect ons the way they lead their lives. Online advertisers fight that there are two reasons why the collection of information is valuable. They say that advertising helps in keeping the web exciting. Second, they say that information gathering helps advertisers adjust the services given to the consumers (Hudson 2015). Advertising companies should only get information about the gender, location, and age of their possible clients. Age is important to advertisers because there are particular advertisements meant for adults while others are for children. Therefore, the advertiser can use age information to fit promotion for that particular market. Gender information can be shared because some products and services are meant for men while others are meant for women. Therefore, it makes sense getting such details. Location helps companies know where most of their customers are located. They will then focus on areas where their reach is limited (Fox 2015). Conclusion Social networking permits people to start new relationships, join up with friends and relatives and make stronger relations. People with common likings share common platform for thoughts and ideas to move ahead. Social media allows free messaging, invitations, gaming, blogging, photos (as in Facebook), sharing events; these may be related to health or some advice, views or concerns. LinkedIn provides job chances, Twitter help various people to follow celebrities or other favourite people, they can buy and sell items on social sites, share information about books, about reading and writing skills, to solve quarrels and learn to express themselves. Now-a-days social networking is used for opinion, medical help, share information about the new drugs, diseases and treatment (DeMers 2014). The disadvantages are- people waste their time in interacting online, they do not have time to talk face-to-face. A few sites are dangerous and irritating. There is no process to prove the person whom one is talking leading to sexual or physical abuse; cyber bullying this causes children to develop personality disorders. However, advantages outweighs more than disadvantages but if used sensibly, social media may be a benefit or gift and should be promoted for progress and better understanding. Reference List Anon., 2014. Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 7 2015]. Burr, V. (2015). Social constructionism. Routledge. Chambliss, D. F., & Schutt, R. K. (2015). Making sense of the social world: Methods of investigation. Sage Publications. Cisnero, K., 2014. 10 Benefits of Social Media for Business Every Skeptic Should Know. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 7 2015]. Davila, A. Gupta, M. Palmer, R 2003, ‘Moving Procurement Systems to the Internet:: the Adoption and Use of E-Procurement Technology Models’, European Management Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 11-23. DeMers, J., 2014. The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 7 2015]. Fox, C. S., Bonaca, M. A., Ryan, J. J., Massaro, J. M., Barry, K., & Loscalzo, J. 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