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Analysis of Internet Advertising - Report Example

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This report "Analysis of Internet Advertising" discusses online advertising that is advertising on the Internet. Advertising through the network platform to use website advertising banners and text links, to pass through the network to the Internet users of high-tech advertising works…
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Analysis of Internet Advertising
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Advertising and Promotional Culture number: Corrected full Draft The changing role of advertising in the mass media Online advertising is the advertising on the Internet.Advertising through the network platform to use website advertising banners and text links, multimedia approach, or publish advertisements on the Internet, to pass through the network to the Internet users of a high-tech advertising works.With the traditional four big media (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio) advertising and the recent highly compared to appreciation of outdoor advertising, online advertising has a unique advantage, is an important part of modern marketing media strategy.Internet advertising is one of the main network marketing methods, has a pivotal position in the network marketing method system, in fact a variety of network marketing method also can be understood as the specific construction form of online advertising, is not just limited to put in all kinds of BANNER advertising on the web, such as E-mail ads, search engine keyword advertising, search rankings can be understood as the network advertising forms.No matter in what form, has the essential characteristics of online advertising is the same: the nature of online advertising is a means of marketing message to Internet users, is the reasonable use of user attention resources.The Internet is a new advertising media, the effect is very ideal, fastest is good way of growing small and medium-sized enterprises expand, with extensive international business company. Launched in 1927 by Colonel Jim Porter after three years of development, the merger of Newcastle Breweries with Scottish Brewers afforded the beer national distribution and United Kingdom sales peaked in the early 1970s. The brand underwent a resurgence in the late 1980s and early 1990s with a cult revival in student unions.[2] By the late 1990s, the beer was the most widely distributed alcoholic product in the UK. By the 2000s, the majority of sales were in the United States, although it still sells 100 million bottles annually in the UK. In 2005, brewing moved from Newcastle upon Tyne toDunston, Tyne and Wear, and in 2010 to Tadcaster, North Yorkshire. Newcastle Brown Ale is perceived in the UK as a working mans beer, with a long association with heavy industry, the traditional economic staple of the North East of England.[1] Ironically, in export markets it is seen as a trendy, premium import and is predominantly drunk by the young. It was one of the first beers to be distributed in a clear glass bottle and it is most readily associated with this form of dispense in the UK, being very rarely seen on draught. network advertising is the advertising on the network platform.Online advertisingUsing the website advertising banners and text links, multimedia approach, in the Internet publishing or advertising, passing through the network to the Internet users of a high-tech advertising works.With the traditional four big media (newspapers, magazines, TV, radio) advertising and highly appreciation of outdoor advertising, compared to Internet advertising has unique advantages, is an important part of modern marketing media strategy.The Internet is a new advertising media, the effect is very ideal, fastest is good way of growing small and medium-sized enterprises expand, with extensive international business company.It is the advertisers to promote their products or services on the Internet to the target group paid message, that cause the information communication between groups and advertiserss activities.Or, in short, online advertising is the use of the Internet this carrier, through the way of picture and text or multimedia, for-profit commercial release, is posted on the Internet for information dissemination.Online advertising experts xiao-dong peng said, the network advertising market is growing at an alarming rate, the effectiveness of online advertising play appears more and more attention.So that even think that the Internet will overtake signs in advertising, and become the traditional four big media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines) after the fifth largest media.So many international advertising companies have established a dedicated network media division, to explore the market for online advertising.The composition of network is complicated, but the requirements of the business is simple.Think in terms of market, business, what kind of network processing, should adopt what kind of better network comprehensive used in a variety of network technology, and even dont have to stick to the original concept.As of three netsProcess, especially the popularization of the concept of information home appliances, people realize the network has been referring to transport, storage and processing equipment and technology integration of various kinds of information.Online advertising, therefore, should be based on computer, communication and other advertising form of network technology and multimedia technology, its specific operating mode including registered domain names, set up the company home page;Banner Advertising on popular sites (Banner Advertising) and links, and log in the major search engines;In a well-known advertising information on the BBS (bulletin board), or open special BBS;Through electronic mail (E-mail) send information to the target consumers, and so on.The advantages of online advertising:1, wide coverage, large audience, spread wide.2, not restricted by time, advertising the effect lasting.3, flexible way, interactive is strong.4, can classification retrieval, targeted advertising.Online advertising5, making simple, low cost of advertising.6, can accurate statistic number of audience.Check, online advertising originated in the United States.On October 14, 1994 is a milestone in the history of Internet advertising, the journal of the American famous cofound Hotwired launched online cofound Hotwired, and for the first time on the web site launched online advertising, it immediately attracted 14 clients such as AT&T on its home page ads, on October 27, 468 x60 when a Banner AD appeared on the page marked the formal of online advertising was born.More it is worth mentioning that the online advertising click-through rates as high as 40%. brand promotion.Network advertisement is one of the most main effect in the promotion enterprises brand value, it is also why users browse without click online advertising also can produce effect in a certain period of time, in all of the network marketing methods, network advertising the brand value of the most significant.At the same time, the network advertisement rich performance means also to better show the image of product information and enterprise provides the necessary conditions.(2) the website promotion.Website promotion is the key role of the network marketing, get as much as possible the effective traffic is also the foundation of network marketing success, Internet advertising effects of website promotion, and usually "click here" button appears in the online advertising is the best support for the website promotion, online advertising, such as various web page BANNER ads and text ads, etc.) usually links to the relevant product page or homepage, users for each of the clicks on Internet advertisements, increase of means for site visits.Therefore, the common forms of online advertising for website promotion has obvious effect, especially the keyword advertising, BANNER ads, E-mail, etc.There are many ways to promote, generally have paid promotion (such as: pay baidu, etc.) and toll-free promotion, there are also some special powerful combination marketing software, can realize the all-round network marketing, especially powerful, simply operation, can let your potential customers take the initiative to find you, through the network conveniently.(3) the sales promotion.Users due to various forms of online advertising to attract and obtain product information, has become one of the factors influencing the buying behavior of users, especially when the network advertisement and enterprise website, online store network marketing, the combination of this product promotion effect is more significant.Network AD for a sales boost performance not only in online sales directly, also performed after the product information via the Internet for the promotion of net sales.(4) online research.Online advertising can be reflected in the value of the online research, several aspects, such as the study of consumer behavior, for online questionnaire of promotion, tests on the various forms of online advertising and advertising effectiveness, the user perception of new products, etc.Through developing online survey mailing list, a professional service provider, can quickly obtain the feedback information of specific user groups, greatly improve the efficiency of market research.(5) the customer relationship.Online advertising is the track of user behavior analysis function for further understand the characteristics of the users needs and buying provides the necessary information, this information is not only to become a part of the online survey, also create the necessary condition to establish and improve customer relationship.Internet advertising on the improvement of the customer relationship and promoting the improvement of the brand loyalty.(6) information release.Online advertising is a means to convey information to users, therefore can be understood as a way of information release, online advertising, not only can release the information on its web site, release more in number of users, users can also locate a higher degree of website, or email directly to the target users, in order to gain the attention of more users, greatly enhance the network marketing information release function. The principle ofRelated principles for online advertising effect determination content must be related with the purpose of the advertisers pursues, DAGMAR (defining advertising goals for measured advertising results) method is a principle that is very good.For example, if the AD is aimed at promoting a new product or improve existing products, so the content of the advertising review should be aimed at advertising audience impression of the brand;If the AD aims to expand sales in the existing market, should focus on the content of the assessment on the audiences purchase behavior.The principle of effectiveAssessment work must achieve the goal of measuring advertising effectiveness, to be specific, scientific data results rather than the false data to evaluate the effect of advertising.So the mixed with a lot of water high hit rate statistics for network advertising effect evaluation is doesnt make any sense, is invalid.This requires using a variety of evaluation methods, various comprehensive inspection, make the network advertising effectiveness evaluation conclusion is more effective.Edit 10 assessment methodClick on theThis refers to the network users access to the site, click on the total number of a particular AD, click on the number, the more it says advertising more popular, the advertising effect is good, and advertisers can click on the number of times the amount, evaluate advertising success.Click on the rateOnline advertisingIt is to point to to the site and click on the ratio of a certain number of advertising, the higher the ratio, said advertising effect is better.Standing on the number ofRefers to a certain number of online advertising could reach, such as the 3000 people who have read a web site, then the advertisement will have station in 3000.trafficThis refers to how much information is being passed on the network, but also can be used to represent a web sites popularity.viewsRefers to the user use the browser to download server requires a certain information, every click mouse is. According to the charging pointsA, charged according to showAdvertising CPM (Cost per mille/Cost per Thousand Impressions) : once every one Thousand Impressions.Banner ads every display (image) for 1000 times.CPM is one of the most commonly used network AD pricing model.CPTM advertising (Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) : after positioning of user Cost one Thousand times impression (such as demographic information positioning).Thats the difference between the CPTM and CPM, CPM is the impression of all users, and CPTM just after positioning on the number of the users impression.Second, the charged according to actionOnline advertisingCPC (Cost per click) advertising: Cost per click.According to the number of AD was clicked.Such as keyword advertising generally adopt the pricing model.PPC advertising (Pay - per - Click) : is based on the number of users to Click on ads or E-mail messages to Pay for an Internet advertising pricing model.CPA advertisement (Cost per Action) : the Cost of each Action.CPL advertising (Cost Per Lead) : pay commission on the basis of registration.PPL advertising (Pay - per - Lead) : refers to Pay each time through the guidance of network advertising pricing model.Third, charged according to salesCPO advertising (Cost - per - Order) : also known as Cost - per - Transaction, namely according to each Order/each Transaction fee.The CPS ads (Cost Per Sale) : refers to the marketing effect, sales.PPS (Pay - per - Sale advertisement) : depending on the amount of direct sales generated by online advertising and paid a pricing model.According to the form of points1, banner adsBanner ads is also called the Banner ads (Banner), is the GIF, JPG, Flash image file formats, such as establishing, positioning in a web page is mostly used to represent the contents of advertisements. Generally situated in the middle of the top of the page or user attention degree is higher.Also can use Java language to make it produce interactive. Use the shockwave plug-in tools such as strengthen the expressive force, is a classic forms of online advertising.2, vertical ADIs located at the both sides of the page, advertising, larger area relatively narrow, can show more advertising content.3, text link adsText link ads in a line of text as an AD, click on the link to enter the corresponding advertising page.This is a kind of interference to visitors at least, but more effective forms of online advertising. Sometimes, the simplest form of advertising effect is best.4, E-mail ads Email advertising targeted strong (unless the wanton spamming), the characteristics of low cost, and the contents of advertisements is not restricted. It can be directed to specific one specific ads, for other online advertising method.5, button adsButton ads are located on both sides of the page, according to the page setup a different specifications, dynamic display customer request all kinds of advertising effectiveness.6, floating advertisements Floating ads on the page randomly or according to the specific flight paths.7, spot ads (pop-up ads)Visitors in the request login page forced into an advertising page or window pop-up ads., they are similar to the television advertisements are interrupted normal program broadcast, forced to watch.Spot ads of all sizes, full screen also has a small window, and the degree of interaction is different, all from static to dynamic.8, Rich Media ,Generally refers to using a browser plug-in or other scripting languages, such as the Java language to write with complex visual effect and interactive function of online advertising. The validity of the use of these effects, on the one hand depends on the sites server Settings, on the other hand depends on whether visitors browser can look at it. In general, can behave more and more wonderful Rich Media advertising content.9, other new type of advertising Video advertising, road shows, giant flow, page ads, congratulations on advertising, BBS section and so on.10, EDM, direct investment To the target customers, through EDMSOFT, EDMSYS orientation on each other are interested in or need advertising and promotional material, as well as handing out gifts, questionnaire, and timely access to the target customer feedback.11, targeted advertising Can be according to the demographic characteristics, in view of the specified age, gender, browsing habits, such as the audience, advertising, for customers to find, precise audience.12, banner adsBanner ads is currently the most long see a form of online advertising.It is usually a size of 468 * 60 pictures of pixels, through advertising theme slogan and other content, also can use Java, Flash, and other forms of technology made the animation. Web ADWeb banner AD (banner) is a GIF, JPG image file formats, such as establishing, positioning in a web page, mostly used to represent the contents of advertisements, and can also use language such as Javascript make its produce interactive, with the Shockwave plug-in tools such as enhance expressive force.As we said before, network advertising is the earliest form of online advertising.IAB in 1997 large-scale comprehensive survey of online advertising to advertisers, advertising agents and users for the opinion on the size of the network of advertising (Banner), in the 21st century, the vast majority of site application of network advertising picture size as follows, they tend to reflect the people on both sides of the customers and users demand and technical characteristics.Size (pixels) type468 * 60 full size BANNER392 * 72 all sizes with navigation BANNER234 * 60 half size BANNER125 * 125 square button120 * 90 button # 1120 * 60 button # 288 * 31 small button120 * 240 vertical BANNERWe can put the network advertising picture is divided into three categories: static, dynamic, and interactive.Static:Static network of advertising is on the web page shows a picture of a fixed, it is also a way early Internet advertising commonly used.Its advantages are simple, and accepted by all of the site.Its disadvantages are also obvious in many production network of advertising with the use of new technologies in front, it will appear dull and boring.Fact also proves that the static network AD clicks than dynamic and interactive web advertising is low.Dynamic:Dynamic network advertising will have motion picture element, or to move or flashing.They are usually adopts GIF89 format, his principle is to make a series of coherent rise form the animation image.Most dynamic web advertising picture is composed of 2 to 20 frames, through the different picture, more information can be passed to your visitors, can also through the use of the animation to deepen the impression visitors, their click-through rates generally is higher than static.Moreover, such ads on making relatively is not complicated, the relatively small size, usually under 15 k.Because of the dynamic network advertising has so many advantages, so it is the most main forms of online advertising in the 21st century.Interactive:When the dynamic network of advertising cant meet the requirements, a kind of interactive advertising can attract more visitors.Interactive advertising in a variety of forms, such as game, call waiting, answer questions, drop-down menus, fill out the form, etc., these ads need to be more direct interaction, than simple click contains more content.Interactive advertising is divided into HTML and rich media.Html banners: Html banners to allow visitors to fill in data in the AD or by the drop-down menu and choose select box.According to our experience, Html banners clickthrough rate is much higher than the dynamic banner, it allows visitors to choose the page to browse, submit a question, or play a game.The advertisement of small size, good compatibility, low connection rate of users and use low version of the browser user can see.In fact, the Banner has become a small search engine entries.Link adsText link ads is a kind of interference to visitors at least, but the most effective forms of online advertising.The entire network advertising are looking for a new form of broadband advertising, and in some cases, require minimum bandwidth, the simplest form of advertising effect is best.13 special advertising form editorVideo advertisingWill directly provide advertisers of television advertising formats into a network, and to achieve the specified page online play.- direct mail EDMAlso called permission email marketing, is the network version of a business letter, refers to the way of E-mail, the enterprises to promote the products, activities, information and other information to the target audienceTargeted advertisingCan be according to the demographic characteristics, in view of the specified age, gender, browsing habits, such as the audience, advertising, for customers to find accurate audience.Rich media adsRich media ads generally refers to the integrated use of the FLASH, video and Javascript scripting language, such as technology, with complex visual effect and interactive function of network advertisement.The characteristics of rich media ads lies in:1, rich media ads usually size is larger, the content of the broadcast interact through video or can accommodate more advertising information, can even let the audience does not need to click to the advertisers website, know the details of advertisers of enterprises and products;2, rich media advertising itself can be achieved by programming language design games, surveys, contests and other relatively complex user interaction function, can be for advertisers and build a communication platform between the audience. 1, accurate expression of advertising informationAdvertising design is a practical strong discipline, have a clear purpose, accurately convey advertising information is the primary task of advertisement design.In modern commercial society, the vast majority of goods and services information are passed through advertising, print ads through the text, colors, graphics to express information accurately, while 2 d advertising to express information through sound, dynamic effects, through the above ways of goods and services can be accepted by consumers and the understanding.Due to the cultural level, personal experience, level of education, understanding ability is different, the consumers perceptions of the information and the reaction is different also, so when the design must be carefully monitored.2, set up the brand imageEnterprise image and brand determines the position of the enterprise and the product in the consumers mind, that position is usually rely on the strength of the enterprise and advertising strategy in maintenance and shape.In print ads, newspaper ads, magazine advertisements due to the wide audience, large circulation, high reliability and has a strong brand shaping skills.And combined with 2 d AD, it can make the shaping force greatly enhanced.3, guide consumptionPrint advertising can generally call directly to consumers hands, and information detailed specific, so such as shopping guide, real estate advertisement, commodity information can guide consumers to buy the product.2 d advertising can be through the influence of dynamic effect, make consumer spending.4, meet consumers aesthetic demandA picture of a colorful, vivid advertising works, to the aesthetic feeling of the remarkable strength of advertising appeal, make consumers image immersed in goods and services to give pleasure, make them accept advertising guidance.So when advertising design aesthetic to create material culture and way of life, through the hyperbole, lenovo, symbol and metaphor, witty, humorous to beautify the picture, make it accord with the aesthetic demand of a person, can techniques aesthetic temperament and interest of consumers, can effectively guide the consumption idea on material culture and way of life.15 specification editorCan be divided into legal and member information:1. In the lawOnline advertisingNetwork advertising and general advertising media, should not be published false advertising, false advertisements on the network, not only entrust other advertising companies must pay the legal responsibility, to accept the advertising company in the case of knowing is known, will still be published false advertising, must bear joint and several liability.Or for some special items such as goods, such as tobacco and alcohol, drugs, or appeal, its best to find out related regulations, so as to avoid accidentally touch method.2. Member privacyOn the site in order to do marketing for individuals, so will ask users to input some basic information of the individual, if the site is their use of these materials is legitimate, but if the users data when trading to other websites or companies affect the rights and interests of the users, this is not only no commercial moral behavior, and illegal activities.16 agent editorOnline advertising agent is to meet the different needs of advertisers and online media, the AD traded at the same time, to help advertisers on the network media to do the most precise and effective advertising.And sign a contract on behalf of advertisers and online media and obtain the commission brokerage organization established in accordance with the law and the individual.Online advertising"Agent" is a freelance.Agent is to point to to contribute to others, in general, commodities trading, in the client and tongfang middlemen act as the contracting the time of the conclusion of the contract for the client to provide the contract information, opportunities and conditions, or in this deal to sign contracts on behalf of the client and the contracting parties and obtain the commission brokerage organization established in accordance with the law and the individual.Internet advertising the electronic advertisement, refers to spread through the electronic information service to consumer advertising.However, network medias biggest feature is its interactive, information dissemination way is not a one-way and two-way communication.Chinese advertisers love the Internet advertising is defined as: spread on the Internet, publishing ads, it forms of advertising, charge mode, the respect such as advertising characteristics with the traditional advertising forms (mainly refers to newspapers, magazines, television and radio) there is a big difference. 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