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Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on Fashion and Clothing between Western and Asian Customers - Research Proposal Example

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Research Method Table of Contents Introduction 3 Research Objective 3 Research Question 4 Research Methodology and Data Collection 4 Dependability ofthe Collected Data 5 Justification of Research Method 6 Sampling 7 Data Analysis and Research Findings 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 11 References 14 Appendix: Questions asked in Interview 16 Introduction Global business environment is becoming highly competitive as several leading organizations within a similar industry are trying to implement unique strategies in the business operation process in order to gain competitive advantages. Clothing can be considered as necessary elements in the daily life of human beings along with shelter and food. However the definition of clothing has changed over the past years due to different cultural differences of people around the different parts in this world (Aaker, 2004, p.34). Clothing stands for necessity for some individuals in this world. On the other hand, people of some cultural or other demographic segment think that clothing is luxury. People of these segments consider clothing as the integral of style statement that can help these individuals to gain effective social recognition. However, consumer buying behaviour of clothes used to differ from an individual to other individuals based on the cultural differences of people. It is true that cultural differences can be identified in different parts in this world. There are several differences between consumer buying behaviour of the people of western countries and consumer buying behaviour of people in Asian countries due to different tradition and culture (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000, p.19). Several leading multinational organizations within the fashion industry are trying to adopt and implement strategies according to the consumer buying behaviour of people in different countries in order to gain potential competitive advantages in global market places. Research Objective The objective of the research is to determine the effect of brand image and brand name on consumer buying behaviour in clothing from western and Asian perspectives. Diverse social, cultural and economic surroundings can help the research to provide holistic and distinct approach. Research Question Based on the research objective the research question has been established as below: “Is there any major effect of leading organizations’ brand image on the consumer purchasing behaviour on fashion and clothing between Western and Asian customers?” Research Methodology and Data Collection Appropriate and significant research work is required in order to identify the basic as well as valuable incidents of positive incidents. Each and every information and data has been expertly sourced, collected, gathered, recorded, evaluated and analyzed in a systematic and objective manner during the research of consumer purchasing behaviour to apprehend and foresee the thinking, behaviour and feeling of the respondents. Research method can be categorized into two important and familiar methodologies, such as qualitative research methodology and quantitative research methodology. These two research methods generally encompass different types of research approaches that can be utilized to identify the behaviour and nature of the sourced and collected data. Qualitative research methodology usually deals with the feelings, meanings, motivations, emotions, attitudes and behaviours of people (Belk, 2007, p.29). On the other hand, quantitative research methodology generally focuses on the evaluation and analysis of sourced and gathered numerical data. In the academic area of research, quantitative and qualitative research methodology have been considered as important research methods to adopt and implement in order to gain positive research outcome. However, there are some assumptions and estimations usually exists which can enhance effective validation and generalization of several important social facts. It is true that qualitative and quantitative research methodology is not fully perfect. But, it is important for a researcher to adopt and implement research methodology based on the nature of this particular area (Belch and Michael, 2005, p.77). It is clear from the above mentioned facts that the qualitative research method used to aim on the in-depth feelings and several emotional elements of an individual. Qualitative research used to focus on the system of defining and measuring several useful dependent and independent variables. Dependability of the Collected Data Dependability signifies the steadiness and appropriateness of the possible research outcomes. It is true that the research outcomes are generally judged by several observers in different occasions. Dependability of sourced and collected data is highly correlated to the validity and regularity that stands for the appropriateness and truth by offering an accurate account to important social phenomenon (Brown, 2009, p.16). However, dependable research outcome does not always feature to the significant result. This research work will adopt and implement qualitative research methodology. In addition to this, this particular study will provide some valuable arguments on the qualitative research method regarding the variability and dependability of the research (Churchill, 2009, p.89). It is true that qualitative research methodology is useful for the research work in which the study avails exploratory nature, research of consumer buying behaviour of clothes and fashion accessories of western and Asian people is exploratory in nature (Burgemeister, 2003, p.11). Therefore, qualitative research methodology has been implemented in this study based on the exploratory nature of the study. Justification of Research Method It has been discussed earlier that several research methods can be undertaken and implemented based on the nature and behaviour of the research. This study will determine the research findings of the consumer purchasing behaviour in the clothing and fashion industry. The attitude, opinion and beliefs towards the brand image of several leading fashion retail organizations can be investigated quite effectively. There are near about 35 different research approaches in three different major orientations, such as theory building approach, interpretative approach and language orientated approach (Bryman and Bell, 2003, p.62). Language orientated approach generally implements language and meanings of the words. On the other hand, theory building approach generally evaluated the relation between different types of social phenomena. Lastly, interpretative approach used to interpret and provide descriptions about important social phenomena thoroughly that are centrally focused (Cooper, 2003, p.21). It is true that this particular research work needs interpretative approach to get positive research outcome. Therefore, it is highly important for the researcher to undertake interview process as the major data collection process based on the interpretative approach to the research work. Qualitative interview process can be considered as the interaction between the interviewer and interviewee on a particular topic or a subject. It is not necessary for this interview process to follow the specific words and systems in the questioning and answering process (Burrow, 2011, p.198). Interviewers may investigate all the answers in order to use the gathered responses for further questioning. An individual can argue with the researcher that why the qualitative interview process has been undertaken in spite of the presence of other data collection processes. Several researchers try to try to adopt and implement focus group data collection process due to efficiency of this process. But, it is quite difficult for a researcher to gather, evaluate and analyze a large data or information set that has been collected from the focus group data collection process. Researcher can gain useful and effective responses from the respondents through the adopted qualitative interview process (Cowan, 2005, p.16). In this interview process monitoring and controlling of the interviewees are quite easy comparing to the focus group data collection process. In addition to this, interview process is much more flexible in the nature. The efficiency of the research used to depend upon the quality, skill, efficiency and knowledge of the researcher. It is the responsibility of the researcher to source and gather each and every response from the respondents by asking in-depth questions related to the undertaken research topic or subject (Corbin and Strauss, 2008, p.81). There are three types of interview processes under the primary data collection method, such as structured, semi-structured and no structured interview process. Semi structured open-ended interview process has been adopted in this study as this interview process is quite flexible and simple comparing to other methods. In addition to this, this process will help to reduce data collection cost and time (Cheverton, 2006, p.51). Sampling It has been discussed earlier that the objective of the study is to determine the impact of brand image on the consumer buying behaviour of the western and Asian people regarding purchasing of clothes and several fashion accessories. 10 students from a university in London have been considered as the sample of this data collection process. Total sample size is 10, in which five students are from Asian countries and other five students are from UK. These responses are aged between 25 and 30. The interview process has been executed in several places, such as common cafeteria, university complex, accommodation room for the students and shopping malls, where the interviewers or the students can feel comfortable to give answers to the asked questions. This interview process has been carried out for 20-30 minutes. Each and every interview process has been transcribed. The establishment and utilization of the transcripts are highly essential for this study in order to gain positive research outcome. Data Analysis and Research Findings It has been identified from the data collection process that the responses of the respondents have been differed due to different cultural background. The western students used to consume clothes and other fashion accessories quite regularly (Henry, 2008, p.53). According to these students the sense of clothing and fashion generally determines the style statement and personality of an individual. On the other hand, students from the Asian countries used to buy clothes 3-4 times in a year. These respondents from the Asian countries have stated that clothing stands for necessity in their daily life (Glaser and Strauss, 2009, p.156). However, the consumption frequencies of the western respondents are quite high comparing to the students from the Asian countries. These students used to visit fashion or cloth stores in every month to consume clothes. It is true that the buying behaviour of consumers differs from each other due to different economic and socio-cultural background of the customers. UK is economically developed comparing to the Asian countries (Hauge and Jackson, 2004, p.89). The UK students used to pay more comparing to the Asian students due to their improved disposable income and high purchasing power. In addition to this, the western students always prefer luxurious and branded clothes and fashion accessories (handy, 2006, p.23). Therefore, the western students used to pay more comparing to Asian students. It has been discussed that the definition of clothing has been divided into two categories, such as necessity and luxury. Western people used to buy luxurious branded clothes as they believe that these brand clothes are superior in quality comparing to other clothes or fashion accessories that are available in a small clothing shop. On the other hand, the students from the Asian countries admitted that they always prefer to buy high quality products in economic price level as they have to source money from their home country (Jobber, 2012, p.32). In addition to this, the amounts of pocket money that have been achieved by the Asian students are quite less comparing to the western students. It is true that implementation of effective promotional strategy helps an organization create brand awareness of a products. Students from UK have replied that they come to know about the newly developed or launched products through the social and digital media. It is true that several fashion and clothing retail organizations are trying to implement advanced technologies in the business operation processes in order to gain potential competitive advantages. In addition to this, number of social media users is quite high in UK comparing to the Asian countries. On the other hand, the Asian students have replied that advertisements on print medium and social media networks help them to get aware about the newly established or introduced trendy clothes and fashion accessories (Hines, 2004, p.98). The western students have replied that regarding the judgement and determination of the quality of the products through the brand image of the clothes and fashion accessories. It is true that several organizations used to implement aggressive and unique promotional strategies in UK as the people in UK are highly brand conscious. In addition to this, they believe that the luxurious and branded clothes and fashion accessories are superior in quality (Kapferer, 2008, p.16). On the other hand, the students from Asia countries used to judge the quality of the products depending upon the longevity and lasting of the products where as the UK students perceive that high priced luxurious clothes are of high quality products. The degree of brand loyalty and brand awareness in the respondents of UK is quite high comparing to the students of Asian countries. The students from the western countries have responded that they are highly brand conscious and they always try to stick to a particular clothing or fashion brand. On the other hand, the students from the Asian countries have replied that they are not that much brand conscious (Knapp, 2000, p.61). These students used to buy branded and luxurious clothes once in a blue moon to wear those clothes in special occasions. The respondents from the western countries answered that they always try to suggest and recommend the brand name to their friends and relatives as they think that high brand image of a particular organization can introduce quality products. It has been discussed earlier that UK is becoming stable economically comparing to several Asian countries. Therefore, the purchasing power and consumer buying behaviour is improving day-by-day. In addition to this, tradition and cultural preference influence the people of UK and other western countries to consume branded and luxurious high quality clothes. According to these individuals, it helps to define style statement of individuals (Kolb, 2008, p.25). On the other hand, the students of Asian countries have replied that they always recommend the brands to their friends and relatives considering the economic pricing of the products. It is true that the people of Asian countries are less concerned about the brand name and brand image comparing to the people of western countries. Therefore, they always used to keep the pricing factor of clothes in kind while referring or recommending a brand name to the relatives and friends (Maylor and Blackmon, 2005, p.31). The students of western countries have replied regarding the brand preference that they always expect and get high and valuable customer service from the store employees or managers. In addition to this, the loyal or potential target consumers who used to visit the stores quite frequently generally get some kinds of discounts or loyalty cards against the consumption of clothes. On the other hand, the students from the Asian countries have replied that they used to buy products, fashion accessories and clothes based on the pricing of the products (Kotler, 2001, p.72). However, the students of Asian countries also perceive that the branded and luxurious clothes are high in quality. People of the Asian countries also use to stick to a particular brand if they are quite happy with the services and products that are offered by the organizations. Several organizations used to offer high quality products and customer service in this competitive global business environment as these are considered as effective business growth drivers (Kotler and Pfoertsch, 2006, p.121). The students of western countries always try to stick to a particular brand as they are highly brand conscious even if they are dissatisfied with the services or products that are offered by the organizations. On the other hand, the respondents from the Asian countries used to switch over to a different brand in case of dissatisfaction. However, it is clear from the responses of the respondents in the interview process that the consumer buying behaviour use to differ from a student to other students due to different cultural background of the students. On the other hand, brand image of the clothes and brand accessories have significant impact on the consumer behaviour of the consumers from different cultural back ground. The western countries used to focus on consumption of luxurious clothes (Kotler and Keller, 2006, p.176). On the other hand, the Asian students use to focus on the consumption of the economic priced clothes. Conclusions and Recommendations It is clear from above discussion that several leading organizations in UK are implementing effective and unique business operation strategies in the business processes according to the recent consumer buying behaviour in order to meet the market demand. The major objective of the research was to determine the impact of brand image of several clothes and fashion accessories on the consumer buying behaviour of the western and Asian people. Qualitative research methodology has been adopted and implemented in this research work due to exploratory nature of the research. Primary data collection process has been implemented in this study based on the interpretative approach to the particular research. A semi-structure interview process has been adopted as the major data collection process due to its flexibility and time effectiveness. 5 Asian and 5 Western university students have been chosen as the respondents in this semi-structured interview round. It is true that the perception of western and Asian students regarding the research topic used to differ due to different cultural background of the respondents. The students of Western country used to focus on the luxurious and branded clothes and fashion accessories as they feel that branded products are quite superior in quality. On the other hand, students of Asian countries feel that economic priced products are quite essential as they define clothing as the necessary element in the daily life. Following recommendation plans based on the above analysis and findings can help several leading domestic and multinational organizations to develop and implement strategies that can help to improve business performances in this distressed economic situation. First of all, the organizations need to focus on the price sensitivity as the recent financial crisis and economic recession affected the global economic environment (Mueller, 2011, p.92). People around the globe are trying to consume high quality products due to low purchasing power and limited disposable income (Lyons and Coyle, 2007, p.99). Therefore, it is highly important for the organizations to reduce the business operation cost so that they can offer products in economic price level. It is true that fashion and clothing industry is becoming highly potential as well as competitive due to growing market demand and intense market competitive. Adoption of cost leadership strategy can help the organizations to target the customers both high and middle income group (Pride and Ferrell, 2011, p.101). References Aaker, D. A., 2004. Brand Portfolio Strategy. New York: Free Press. Aaker, D. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2000. Brand Leadership. New York: Free Press. Belch, G and Michael, G., 2005. Advertising &Promotion-An Integrated marketing Communications Perspective. London: McGraw-Hill. Belk, R., 2007. Handbook of Qualitative research Methods in Marketing. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing. Brown, L., 2009. Marketing and Distribution Research. New York: Ronald Press Company. Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2003. Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Burgemeister, S., 2003. Market analysis. Berlin: GRIN Verlag. Burrow, J., 2011. Marketing. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Cheverton, P. 2006. Understanding Brand. London: Kogan Page. Churchill, G., 2009. Marketing Research. London: Cengage Learning. Cooper, R., 2003. Business Research Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill. Corbin, J., and Strauss, A., 2008. Basics of Qualitative Research. London: Sage. Cowan, A., 2005. Risk Analysis and Evaluation. London: Global Professional Publishing. Glaser, B., and Strauss, A., 2009. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. London: Transaction Publishers. Hague, P., and Jackson, P., 2004. The Power of Industrial Brands: An Effective Route to Competitive Advantage. London: McGraw-Hill. Haig, M., 2011. Brand Failures. London: Kogan Page. Handy, C., 2006. Gods of Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Henry, A., 2008. Understanding Strategic Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hines, A., 2004. Supply chain Strategies. Oxford: Oxford Press. Jobber, D., 2012. Principles and Practice of Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Kapferer, J., 2008. The new strategic Brand Management. London: Kogan Page. Knapp, E., 2000. The Brand Mindset. New York: McGraw Hill. Kolb, B., 2008. Marketing Research: A Practical Approach. London: Sage. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L., 2006. Marketing Management. London: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P., 2001. Marketing Management. London: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P., and Pfoertsch, W., 2006. B2B Brand Management. Berlin: Springer. Lyons, E., and Coyle, A., 2007. Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology. London: Sage. Maylor, H., and Blackmon, K., 2005. Researching in Business and Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan Mueller, B., 2011. Dynamics of International Advertising. New York: Peter Lang. Pride, W., and Ferrell, O., 2011. Marketing. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Appendix: Questions asked in Interview Name: Nationality: Age: Course: 1. How many times do you purchase clothes and fashion accessories in a year? 2. How much money do you spend to buy clothes? 3. What segment of clothes you prefer to buy? 4. What is the source of brand awareness? 5. How do you judge the quality? 6. Are you a particular brand conscious? 7. Do you generally recommend fashion or clothing brand to your relatives and friends? 8. What is the major reason behind preferring a particular brand? 9. What step will you take if you get satisfied or dissatisfied about the fashion accessories or products that you have bought? Read More

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