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American Media and Advertising History - Essay Example

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As the paper "American Media and Advertising History" outlines, the history of the world shows numerous changes that have occurred. The ever-growing human desire to improve their lives and find suitable methods that can enhance productivity has propelled technological advancements evident today…
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American Media and Advertising History
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Mass media has been extensively impacted. Modern information technology has seen new media behaviors and operations. Businesses have shifted to the technologically-supported advertisement. Advertisers have used technology to conduct their research and identify how they can deliver adverts that are effective. The development of technology has also provided advertisers with diverse options to choose from as media stations have increased.

As a matter of fact, advertisement has gone through milestones that have revolutionized it completely. Its management has significantly changed. The rise of mergers, as well as mega-agencies has been noted over the years. The goal of advertisement also changed from what was perceived to be entertainment to focus on results. Today, businesses seeking advertising services are more concerned about the increase in sales their promotion will bring. Advertising agencies have also responded to the changes in economic activities by merging their companies to increase performance. With the growing globalization, several issues have also been noted by the players in the advertising industry; questions that have raised serious concerns. The mistranslation of advertisement messages in a different language is a critical issue.

Consequently, the growing technology has escalated advertising as a corporate industry. Improvements in computer and television graphics are a major reason why advertisement has become commercial as it is. Historically, advertisement has been influenced by subcultures as well as the wave of social groups; rights campaigns. The increasing pressure to represent different cultures and social groups in the media and advertising industry gave it a new face. The media got specialized in bowing to the pressure from the feminist movement and anti-racism campaigns.

With the increasing enlightenment on issues relating to media, advertisement, and business, the idea of product differentiation and positioning became salient and many manufacturers began paying attention to it. Comparative advertisement noticed in the 1980s acted as an antecedent that paved way for the creative generation of advertising. Human lifestyle has constantly changed and fashion and taste have marked these changes. Marketers have sought creative ways in which they can appeal to the target customers to buy their products.


Traditional advertising was considerably challenged by the social dynamics that rendered most of the techniques used for product and brand promotion ineffective. In light of new technology, the advertising industry has taken a new perspective; creative and appealing. Slogans, messages, and images used in advertisements have been tailored to serve aesthetical purposes. Internet and social media have become the best platforms that support advertisement in recent times. The mainstream media has been used to reach out to the older population, who probably, do not access the internet.

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