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Integrated Marketing Communications Practice - Essay Example

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This report seeks to grasp some of the key roles of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The researcher outlines the implication of IMC, in regard to expanding sales in an organization, and how its practice helps the Ford Motor Company to reach a specified target…
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Integrated Marketing Communications Practice
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 Evaluation of Integrated Marketing Communications Practice Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction 2 Target market 3 Identification of the target market 3 Key messages 4 An evaluation of the appropriateness of the messages to the target market 5 Marketing communications tools and media examination 7 Key similarities and differences of the marketing communications 8 How the communication activities are helping, the organization undertake strategy and achieve their objectives 10 Key challenges to practicing IMC and evidence of IMC practiced 11 Recommendations on further use of the tools/media 12 References 13 Summary This report seeks to grasp some of the key roles of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). The researcher outlines the implication of IMC, in regard to expanding sales in an organization, and how its practice helps the Ford Motor Company to reach a specified target. The IMC method is used by different companies. In this case, Ford Motor Company offers a variety of designs of vehicles, where they target diverse groups of people. This company has embraced the IMC method, in order to reach its global customers. It also employs the IMC techniques, so as to inform the public about the existence of their products. Here, the aim is to pursue the public into purchasing their unique products or even reminding them of the existence of a given product in the market. This process is effective when the message is received and understood by the intended customers. Introduction In accordance with Belch et al. (2011), any organization opts to keep an effective way of communicating with its customers. This way, the customers are informed of any improvement or change in commodity. This ensures that there is a steady flow of information on the customers. Customers who are kept informed, about any change in the commodity produced by a company, have a sense of belonging, and they tend to develop loyalty to the commodity. In addition, Eagle (2007), states that companies that employ IMC as a marketing technique achieve outstanding outcomes. This is because they manage to coordinate the advertising process and enhance good public relations. An enhancement of a healthy relation between an organization and its customers builds up a long lasting customer base, which has to be maintained by ensuring trust and good will of all the participants. Target market Identification of the target market Ford Motors Company has a wide scope of markets of its unique model of vehicles, which constitute different models that suit the needs of their market segment. They have segmented the market into different categories that include personal cars, commercials vehicles, and trucks. Since the foundation, this company has used various techniques in advertising their vehicles. Luck, (2009) stipulates that any business must use an effective and reliable channel of communication so that their message will not be distorted. Ford Company has employed different forms of IMC, in order to reach the customers. The clients include the business sector, operating segments automotive which have distinct needs to be met. These segments are not homogeneous but are heterogeneous because they have the same characteristics, but different needs and behaviors (Kotler, 2012). Thus, Ford Motors has produced a number of different vehicles models which satisfies their needs. They range from sports cars for rallies to trucks that are used as transit. This makes their main objectives be; to touch and create a larger market for their products. They have applied pull and push technique, in order to find more customers for their products. Baloglu et al., (2009) states that the push strategy of marketing aim is to inform or push the product onto the market so as it can be known. In addition, this method is performed in a way that it entices the customers into visiting the stores and purchasing the vehicles. Such a technique may be conducting shows and exhibitions. Furthermore, Ford Motors Company has segmented its market through their product differentiation that offers a variety of products to the buyers. This helps the company to meet the needs of the customers with different needs or different backgrounds or ages. This is with Kotler (2010), who agrees that segmentation of the market helps in satisfying the diverse needs of the customers. This makes the customers have alternatives choices, for their taste and the desire for the same product. Key messages Ford motors have unique ways of unveiling their key message of their products; this is portrayed in their mission statement. This is aimed at continually making improvements in their products and services, in order to meet our customers’ needs, and this is an assurance that the company has a long term plan for meeting their needs. This makes them more reliable to other services. In addition, they have a slogan of “A foundation of success”, which ensures the customers that the commodities from Ford Motors are of great quality that have a good returns and few breakdowns (Andriamalala, 2013). In addition, another key message is conveyed through their mission statement; to accelerate the development of new products our customers want and value. Schoemaker, (2012) shows how these slogans act as a marketing tool for any organization. Also, Kotler et al. (2010), strongly agrees that this technique may be used as a perfect communication, in order to assure customers of viability of the products of the company. It can therefore, be deduced that by having a good and friendly vision that focuses on customer’s value and progress, has made the Ford Company to increase its trust to different customers from different parts of the world. Similarly, the marketing communication can be enhanced through the guiding principles of the company (Armstrong, 2014). Like in Ford Motors, they have a strong sentiment that enhances a mutual relationship between the customers and the company. The main principle is that quality comes first, which has created a good picture of what the company is producing for it gives the priority quality of their vehicles. In addition, they ensure that their focus is all on their customers. These principles are in accordance with Armstrong (2014), who states that they help to boost the trust in customers because the company values them. Another method is to avoid judging the customer’s pains and need, thus making them see that the commodity will satisfy and ease their pain. This helps by pointing what your customers want, and if it is highlighted on the marketing communication it will win the customers heart. Andriamalala, (2013) shows how this help in making the customers be less assured that their pains or needs will be satisfied fully with purchase of the commodity. Thus, the message should contain what the customers expect. In addition, this can be done through demonstrations in shows and exhibitions. Ford Company may be involved in shows or motors rally to test the strong of their products. The messages should also have a unique way of conveying the credibility, uniqueness, standout, associations, and likeability of the product being sold. Like in Ford Motors Company, it is done in a way that make their product look unique, comfortable and likable by many of its users. Belch, (2012) shows how this message is effective as tools of advertisement as their make the commodity to stand out before other competing vehicles. The customers purchase the commodity believing that they will get a unique service to them. An evaluation of the appropriateness of the messages to the target market The mentioned messages of marketing are appropriate because they serve the following purposes. First, in accordance with Fill (2013), they enable the audience, or the intended market target comprehend the real meaning of the massage. Since most of the Ford Motors company messages are simple and easy to understand, thus these messages are appropriate to be used, in order to convey the intended themes. A message should be illustrated in simple way, such that the target market does not find it hard in understanding the message of the marketing adverts. Secondly the message is appropriate for they are simple sentences, which are easily recalled by all recipients. Fill, (2013) stresses that the message should contain simple words that are easy to memorize, thus, helps in making sure that all the target market can read the main provisions of the company because it makes them have an idea of what the company. In addition, it helps in marketing and make it easier not only for the marketing team but also for the organization (Jakacki, 2010). In addition, this messages help in changing the audience’s brand related opinion as some messages are meant to inform the clients. Ford motor company’s messages, may help in creating another image of what is released to the market. This makes the quality of the commodity be valued and acknowledged by all the customers. Luck et al. (2009) explains how IMC helps in changing the perception of the product by the targeted group. As a result, it helps to develop a positive change of attitude, with regard to the commodity. This change increases the company’s turnover (Bloom, 2012). Lastly, the message of the IMC used by the Ford Motors Company has a long lasting effect on the market. This is because the main messages are linked to the vision and mission of the company. Thus they are displayed in many prints. Schoemaker, (2012) shows how marketing strategies has a higher impact or long lasting effect on the perception of the commodity. This makes the company be valued for a long time. Furthermore, it helps in branding and changing of vehicle models. Gerber et al. (2012) strongly agrees that if marketing is done correctly, it has a positive and lasting effects. Thus, the messages conveyed by the Ford Motors Company have a lasting effect. Marketing communications tools and media examination These are the mostly used tools by Advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and wider communications mix. Schmeling et al. (2013) states that sales promotion is back bone to any successful marketing as it has high credential, moderate cost, and can be easily controlled. In addition, they state that although it has a moderate rate of communications. Since it does not have the ability to deliver personal messages, the rate of relation is low, despite it reaching quite a number of targeted market. In addition, Dogan, (2012) furthers that also directs marketing is an effective tool for marketing the commodity. Ford Motors Company is engaged in direct promotion by conducting their shows and exhibition that are done on annual basis. Korgaonkar, (2015) also strongly agrees that marketing has a high rate of effective communication, and the marketer has a high ability to control the advert to reach the targeted audiences. The cost of direct marketing is also not costly, and it has a moderate credibility from customers. Korgaonkar, (2015) states that through personal selling, one can directly deliver messages in an effective way. When Ford Motors Company uses this tool, it incurs a high cost as compared to others. This has a moderate rate of credibility and control. Hence, it is not majorly adopted when the company wants to expand its sales. Equally important is the advertisement that has low personal communication but have ability to reach a larger number of the intended target market. De Mooij, (2013) elaborate how this helps as a tool of integrated marketing communication and how it can have effects in marketing as it is costly and has medium control. Thus, it is not an effective tool that the Ford motors can use to advertize their commodities. On the other hand, public relations has low results on marketing for it only guarantees high credibility and medium coverage of intended market target being reached Khang et al. (2012). They also show how public strengthens the mutual relationship between the customers and the producers. In Ford Company they use this tool to bring their customers close and also reshape the attitude and opinion of the stake holders. Ford Company uses this for the main purposes like developing a long lasting strategy or enhancing their relationship with its environment Kotler, et al (2010). Key similarities and differences of the marketing communications The major function of marketing is to apply different tactics, in order to communicate effectively with, the purpose of selling. Different techniques like advertising, social media, and promotion are applied. The IMC has an informative role. They make the product of the organization popular with the public in general. Kotler et al., (2012) states that the major function of any marketing strategy is to inform the public about the existence of a product. Thus most of this either promotion, personal sales, advertising or public relation is to push their product to the buyers. Secondly, all the marketing strategies are planned in a way that they pursue the customers or buyers, who come into the selling place and purchase the commodities/ services. In the book Strategic marketing in practice (2006), it is shown how this step has a positive impact on pulling the customers to the selling places. Hence, this is a unique characteristic of all the marketing strategies. These techniques are set in a technical method, such that they are easily understood as a greater impact. They are aimed at boosting the desire to purchase or to own the commodity. The different IMCs are set so that the public can be reminded of the existence of the product in the market (Kotler et al., 2012). This is critical in all forms of marketing, in order to include the element of reinforcing the knowledge about the services/ products offered. This makes the customers have an idea of what kind of goods they are in the market and they can compare them to others. Mostly social media networks are used for this purpose or either in advertising, promotion or public relations. This type of marketing tends to strengthen the trust of the customers and the organization. Despite this IMC strategy having some similar purpose they have also some differences. First like in public relation the major intention is to understand the needs of the customers through their personal contact for it enhances a closed relation between the customers and the sellers. On the other hand, some techniques like in advertising lack the close relationship hence they may not be in a position to understand the needs of their customers. Thus, they tend to carry out further market research for them to understand the nature of desiring of their target. This is depicted in the book Strategic marketing in practice (2006). Furthermore, personal selling is far more different from other forms of marketing for it has two parties involved only (dyadic). The two parties are the sellers and the buyers that are involved in communication. In accordance with Kotler et al., (2012) personal selling does not involve any agency to convey its messages to the buyers, rather than the sellers (producers) move to the market and sell its produce directly to the customers. How the communication activities are helping, the organization undertake strategy and achieve their objectives Integrated marketing communication has quite a range of advantages to the firms that use this technique experiences an effective and efficient marketing. First they improve on creative consistence since all of the techniques or tools are to promote the same creative treatment. Through a repeated campaign, the focus/ target market receives the same message, and thus they may be influenced to buy the advertised or product being promoted Shimp, et al., (2007). This helps in archiving the objectives of providing the best commodities to the market, hence it also helps them in expanding their sales. In addition this creative consistence help in driving forward campaign themes which increase considerably the number of times prospects sees or hear the same massage. Secondly, the IMC is pocket-friendly for saves some cash during the process. This is supported by Hoffmann, (2008) where he stipulates that the tools that are used take the same copy of the image to different media, this in turn reduces the cost of copy-writing. Furthermore, it also cut down the cost of design and photography, since the same copies are used. In addition Schultz, (2014) says that the cost can further be reduced if the organizational work is with external communications. This reduces agency fees by working with a single firm that offers IMC services. This service would have been costlier if the firm were to employ separate specialist agencies. This helps in reducing the cost as it is the greatest objective of any firm (reducing overhead costs) thus IMC helps this company to achieve the objectives. Not to mention, that the IMC provides information to the customers or buyers in a way/ format that they prefer. In IMC, the customers can specify the methods or channel through which they want to receive the message that is convenience for them. The major role that IMC plays are ensuring that the all information is received in all communication Schultz, (2004). This makes the marketer have a reach scope of the target market, and they can fulfill their objectives of expanding their sales through the large market scope. Furthermore, the organization can integrate their web site such that when the customer searches a commodity on the internet they can find them. This aids to ease the communication and expand the market for their manufactured goods or services. Key challenges to practicing IMC and evidence of IMC practiced The biggest challenge that is faced by IMC is inadequate management, support, and resources. Schultz, (2011) states that it does not matter how large an organization is, but it requires resources and management support for successful IMC strategies. This is because the organization need to put in place necessary systems and technologies for their IMC strategy. Thus, even Ford Motors is faced with this challenge for they need resource allocation for conducting the IMC in a successful way. Another challenge that IMC is facing is fragmentation of the media, which has greatly affected a successful reaching of the target market, due to the fact that the media coverage has increased, starting with more television channels and radios to magazines and also websites. This makes it hard for the Ford Motors Company to choose a channel that will deliver their message to a large proportion of their target market Schultz, (2011). Thus, it has hindered a successful conduction of IMC. The list of other challenges that affect IMC in accordance with Schultz, (1997) is: There has been a shift of market place power from the manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer/shift in channel power. There has been a movement away from relying on advertising focused approach. Data base marketing has rapidly grown. Shifting in traditional promotions. Change in the method of compensation by advertising agencies. Internet marketing has rapidly grow. There has been increased competition in relationship marketing. Change from information delivery to value delivery. There has been emphasizing on empowerment of the consumers. Advertising clutter has recently increased. Conclusion IMC has been discussed in this paper. It has been established that there has been a remarkable success in conducting the IMC in various industries. The case study is in the automotive industry, where they use it in advertising and addressing the public. Here, different tools have been put in place, in order to ensure that the general public get the message in the intended context and implication. In this case, it has been used in a sector like promoting new products and informing the customers about any changes in the existing products. In addition, IMC has been used in social marketing that has evidently been seen through their new platforms (HPS). Challenges facing the IMC technique have been stated and elaborated. It has been established that in order to achieve its full potential, it is profoundly important to ensure that the message to the public is received in the intended manner. Also, the feedback forms the client should be handled appropriately. Recommendations on further use of the tools/media Ford Motors Company should aim at reducing the challenges that it faces, in adopting the IMC tools / media. First, it should segment the target market in way that they can know the easier and faster media through, which they can reach the target audience. In this case segmentation of the target market helps in choosing a better tool for conveying the massage, and ensuring that it is delivered to the right audience. Hence, they can segments their audience for efficient communication, in order to reduce the challenge of media segmentation. In addition the organization can use more competitive measures so as to draw people’s attention to their products. 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