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Marketing Plan for HIV Drug - Essay Example

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The paper "Marketing Plan for HIV Drug" is centered on framing a marketing communication plan for HIV drugs. A marketing plan is structured on basis of some vital information such as segmentation criteria, targeting, and positioning, followed by the implementation of a suitable marketing mix…
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Marketing Plan for HIV Drug
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Marketing Plan for HIV drug Contents Introduction 2 Context Analysis 3 Stakeholder communications needs analysis 4 Marketing plan 5 Context 5 Objectives and engagement Strategy 6 Detailed media mix 7 Messages for key audiences 7 Resources 13 Scheduling and Implementation 16 Evaluation, Control and Feedback 17 Timeline and activities 17 Conclusion 18 References 19 Introduction This study is centred towards framing a marketing communication plan for HIV drug. Marketing communication is related to media and messages to be communicated across a market. There are different elements encompassed within marketing communication. A marketing plan is structured on basis of some vital information such as segmentation criteria, targeting and positioning, followed by implementation of suitable marketing mix. Marketing mix comprises of standard factors like product, price, place and promotion. These factors are applicable to any kind of products or services. Promotional aspect of marketing mix is usually considered to be marketing communication. It is all about conveying a common message across different media channels so as to ensure that it reaches target audience. Marketing communication is a strategic approach adopted by a company in order to reach target audience. In this study a product would be outlined which is losing significance in modern world. HIV or AIDS is regarded as a global problem. In its early years it was an incurable disease but in present scenario it is a health problem which can be effectively addressed. The percentage of death rate is considerably falling due to introduction of various treatment and retroviral drugs. However the problem is linked with lack of awareness program about HIV drug. Young people often do not remember about these drugs or are not determined to consume HIV drugs. Through this study a marketing campaign will be designed that could influence target segment to purchase HIV drug and prevent such diseases from spreading. Context Analysis HIV is a global issue that has contributed towards death percentage rise. Modern treatments had been introduced by government and healthcare agencies to prevent this disease. There are new drugs being introduced which can eradicate this kind of disease from its roots. HIV drugs are being developed at a faster rate and it is inclined towards saving lives of HIV victims. There are few issues associated with marketing of HIV drug. Firstly it has been observed that individuals are less likely to accept their disease. This in turn restricts drug makers or health care agencies to efficiently reach out to target audience. Death rate due to HIV aids have been decreasing over the years and negligence has been main cause for this issue. On the other hand, individuals who agree to purchase this drug at times are not able to afford such high priced drugs. Affordability is a major area of concern for HIV victims. There are individuals affected by HIV virus who are not well aware about new drugs being launched in the market place. This can be denoted as a marketing failure because target audience is not being informed about new drugs and its usage. Distribution network also forms an essential part for success or failure of a new product or service. This network needs to be strong so as to ensure that required product is able to successfully reach target audience (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2014). It is important for marketers to develop a communication strategy that is convincing for target market. This strategic development should encompass the need which can attract target audience. Teenagers are either not in favour of accepting this disease or do not consume drug on time due to various reasons. This forms the major issue related to HIV drug. In overall context importance of this drug is not being able to reach successfully to target market. Stakeholder communications needs analysis Stakeholders can be defined as those who possess direct or indirect stake within an organization. This study is focused on outlining marketing plan for HIV drug. There are different stakeholders associated with this product both internal as well as external. Firstly, patients or HIV victim can be stated as the primary stakeholder. The major need of this stakeholder is to be cured from this harmful disease. Factor of life risk can be reduced to a minimum level through consumption of HIV drug. On the other hand, there need is also to develop a better life in nearby future. HIV victims possess two main needs in terms of treatment and affordability. There are other stakeholders too linked with the product. For instance external stakeholders comprise of drug manufacturers, distributors, retailers, research firms, hospitals, NGOs, etc. Drug manufacturers have a common need which is to acquire high profit margins and expand on its base of customers. There also lies a need for drug manufacturers in context of spreading awareness about their manufactured products. Retailers and distributors possess a need of meeting their margins. They have a specific target to achieve through selling of this drug. On the contrary, hospitals, NGOs and research firm encompass a common need in the form of identifying cause of the disease and then developing specific treatment measures (AIDS, 2014). These stakeholders are inclined towards protecting individuals from such harmful diseases. Their need can be accomplished through reduction in death percentage due to HIV and more awareness amongst victims about HIV drug. Different stakeholders of the product have different needs and can be grouped as direct or indirect stakeholders. Their need majorly varies from effective treatment method to obtaining high revenue margins through sale of product. Active measures are being adopted by indirect stakeholders in order to satisfy needs of HIV victims. Marketing plan Context The marketing plan of HIV drug would be centred towards eliminating identified issue. Segmentation, targeting and positioning are important factors while developing a marketing plan. The basic of this plan is closely knitted with identification of target market segment. In broader context the entire geographical market can be segmented as HIV positive patients and HIV negative patients. This product would be applicable for HIV positive individuals. However this market segment is a wider one comprising of victims belonging to different culture, age group, income level, etc. Issue which has been identified in this study is linked with younger generation. Target market is denoted as a small group which falls within wider market segment. The target market for HIV drug is HIV positive teenagers. Main focus of this marketing plan will be to incorporate different media channels possible in order to communicate desirable message to target audience (Cheverton, 2005). Positioning statement for HIV drug should be attractive to influence teenagers to consume such drug. The most suitable positioning statement would be – “a clearer FUTURE can begin by stepping forward”. This clearly states that teenagers need to act accordingly if they intend to safeguard themselves from worst consequences of HIV virus. Objectives and engagement Strategy The marketing strategy has to be designed in a manner that it encompasses all stakeholders. HIV drug often has less awareness amongst public and this effect lives of many individuals. Target audience can be attracted only when product message triggers in their mind and it is within their affordability range. The major objectives of this plan is to- To increase the drug’s consumption rate in context of teenage patients To develop an effective marketing communication plan To evaluate effectiveness of the plan through market awareness campaign To incorporate different media channels which can communicate message at a faster rate To analyze rate of investment in communication plan with that of final outcome The engagement strategy is all about active involvement of some stakeholders in order to deliver expected results. Hospitals, drug manufacturers, distributors, retailers and NGOs need to work in collaboration so that target market is aware about new HIV drug in the market place. Objectives mentioned are specific and easily measurable since it includes evaluation mechanism. Market awareness can be identified through rate of consumption, data of which can be obtained through retailers or directly interacting with target customers. Detailed media mix 5Ps of marketing mix would be applied for this specific product. The product is HIV drug which appears to be a relief for HIV positive patients mainly teenagers. Cost plus pricing technique would be implemented for this product. This is because main focus is on influencing affected teenagers to purchase the drug and consume it. Product needs to be within affordability range so as to ensure objective is accomplished. Place will be various medical retail stores and hospitals. Distribution channel would be strong enough to ensure that it can be accessed by target market. Promotional aspect will be fulfilled through various media channels communicating same message (Carpenter and Hamilton, 2008). Awareness programs shall be organized to communicate importance of HIV drug. People involved in this marketing mix will be drug manufacturers, hospitals, NGOs, retailers and distributors. Their skills and expertise would make this marketing plan accomplish its set objectives. Media mix can be stated as different communication channels conveying common message to target customers (Hooley, Piercy and Nicoulaud, 2012). For this product various media channels will be utilized such as newspapers, health magazines, radio, internet or social media, event sponsorship and billboards. Messages for key audiences The key audiences for the product are teenagers who are HIV positive, NGOs and health care agencies who are inclined towards safeguarding these victims. Major objective of this marketing plan is to promote importance of HIV drug. Its importance can only be highlighted when measures are taken to outline effects of neglecting these drugs. There would be certain important messages to be conveyed to target audience. These messages are as follows- Protect and Act Treat Early, Ending HIV Act up to bring HIV out off the closet Know better, Live better The messages to be communicated through media channels would reflect upon above mentioned messages. Common message to be communicated would be to act spontaneously in order to eradicate roots of HIV virus. The focus should be on influencing target audience to accept their disease and be aware about wide range of treatment or drug available in the market place. HIV drug needs to be positioned in such a way that it conveys effective treatment measures to target audience. Short messages would be communicated through traditional media channels but main message of the product will be “love and protect yourself.” Facts of AIDS – Spread and Control HIV is spread rapidly when there is any form of connection with body fluids like blood, semen, rectal fluids, pre-seminal fluids and vaginal fluids. HIV transmission is when the virus is spread from one individual to another. There are also other ways through which HIV is spread like sharing injection or needles with a person who has HIV or having sex. It can even spread during pregnancy if woman is HIV infected, at the time of breastfeeding and childbirth. There are incidents where people are affected by HIV during organ transplant and blood transfusion. HIV is not transferred by coming in a casual contact with individuals who are affected by this virus. These casual contacts include hugging, kissing, sharing food, etc. Giving or getting blood is a major source that spreads HIV at a faster rate. Blood transfusion usually encompasses maximum percentage of this virus. There are new techniques emerging that are supporting health care organizations to prevent HIV from spreading. HIV can be best controlled by individuals admitting that they are HIV positive. This can result into resolving many issues. Tests can be done on a regular basis to identify HIV status. It can even be controlled by having less risky sex. Anal sex is the most risky type and oral sex is considered to be the least risky one. Condoms are a suitable measure by which HIV can be restricted during sex. It is advised by doctors that drugs should not be injected neither blood transfusion be conducted by individuals. Sterilized water and drug injection equipment are being widely used by health care centres, hospitals, etc. This has proved to be an effective measure for controlling HIV. HIV medicines are also readily available in medical stores and can be purchased when prescribed. Limiting sexual partners is another way to control spreading of HIV. Sexually transmitted infections need to be tested so as to ensure that none of the partners have been affected by HIV. This disease can also be controlled by spreading message regarding HIV and its means of spreading. Sufficient knowledge base is needed for controlling HIV. Facts of Drugs In the current scenario there are wide number of HIV drugs available in market. Efforts are taken by government, health care organizations, etc., to prevent this disease from spreading. Antiretroviral is a common term used for this kind of drugs and it is classified into different categories according to intensity of the disease. HIV drug basically restricts this harmful virus from replicating within human body. NRTIs or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors is one class type of HIV drugs. This drug is consumed to prevent an important reproduction process of HIV. It develops building blocks which weakens ability of HIV to utilize a specific enzyme for faster replication. Protease Inhibitors or PIs is other type of HIV drug. This drug facilitates reducing long strands of genetic material into shorter strands. It comprises of an element called as protease that helps in such reduction process. The next class of HIV drug is NNRTIs or Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. This drug is even used for blocking enzyme within blood. Once this drug is consumed HIV cannot replicate its own DNA material and this regulates spreading of AIDS. It is stated that this drug directly acts on the enzyme and disrupts its ability from functioning correctly. Fusion inhibitors are another category which prevents virus at first place from entering into cells. HIV virus needs to attach themselves with a common body cell known as CD4. This drug is inclined towards reaching CD4 or HIV so that harmful virus does not affect healthy cells of human body. Combination of two drugs is also used at times in order to protect victims who have been greatly affected by HIV. Data have been collected from UK market where 72% of HIV victims have benefitted from consumption of these powerful drugs. PEP or post-exposure prophylaxis is a kind of HIV medicine that is taken by many participants living in UK. This kind of medication helps to reduce significant impact of HIV virus after being exposed to any kind of HIV source. Victims even stated that they are supported by healthcare organizations, NGOs, government, etc., and this gives them moral support to handle this harmful disease. Key messages for target audience The product to be launched has three important target audience segments such as HIV positive teenager, family or friends of the victim and health organization or NGOs. This product will convey different messages to target audience. HIV drug is not only useful for HIV positive victims but even holds equal significance for their family members and NGOs. Pricing policies for the drug would be based on characteristics of target market. HIV positive teenager The product would target teenagers belonging to age group of 14 to 24 years. This target segment often does not consume drugs due to multiple factors. Price can be considered as one of the factors. HIV drug should take into consideration all these factors. Marketing messages shall be highly influential in nature. This helps in attracting attention of target audience. The first key message for this target group will be “Protect and Act”. It basically indicates that this product will safeguard victims only if they undertake appropriate actions. This message is for all those teenagers who find it humiliating to disclose their disease. Protect and Act message outlines that AIDS/HIV can be eliminated from the root only when affected victims come forward to adopt preventive measures. The next key message is – “Treat Early, Ending HIV”. HIV positive patients need to understand the fact that their disease can only be cured when they start taking HIV drug from the initial stage. It is an influential message to convince patients in order to consume HIV drug. Early treatment is the best solution for ending such harmful disease from the system. This study clearly highlights that HIV positive teenagers are often not comfortable to disclose their disease. The next key message is for all those teenagers who find it shameful to accept or undertake treatment for HIV/AIDS. Message is – “Act up to bring HIV out off the closet.” On basis of this message there is a social awareness being spread amongst all the victims. HIV is a disease which should not be hidden in a closet as it might lead to adverse consequences. It is motivational message for all those victims so that they are able to face this challenge. Marketing message is basically denoted as a medium to spread awareness amongst target group. The next message for teenager group is “Know better, Live better”. This message outlines the importance of knowledge about treatment procedures to tackle this harmful disease. Teenagers, who are HIV positive, need to possess sufficient knowledge about different types of medicines available in the market. HIV drug as a product provides this knowledge to victims so as to ensure that these victims can lead a longer and better life. Patient family-parents /friends HIV drug would be based on competitive pricing strategy in order to attract attention of maximum percentage of target market. The pricing of this drug will be low, taking into consideration affordability issues of victims and their family members. It can be stated that support of family and friends are essential for all HIV positive victims. They are expected to be knowledgeable enough in context of effective handling such patients. The key message for this particular target audience is – “Care more, cured more”. This message wants to communicate the key elements to target group. Parents or friends have to undertake preventive measures in terms of extending support and providing advice on possible treatments to patients. The necessary information about HIV drug will enable this target audience to take better care of patients. It is evident that any disease can be cured only through proper care from family and friends. NGOs, health organization This product has one more target group which is health organization and NGOs. They are always indulged in providing required help to HIV affected individuals. HIV drug targets this group since it would be a great support for spreading drug related information in teenager segment. The key message for this target segment would be – “Together, we can”. It is an initiative taken to work in collaboration with health organizations or NGOs. HIV drug related information is not spread easily since effective communication channels are required. However NGOs will be a beneficial medium in terms of reaching to target audience. This key message is a convincing one since it has a common objective of eradicating the disease from its grass root level. Victims at times do not get required support which is essential for dealing with this disease. NGOs aim to identify various techniques that can help to reduce percentage of HIV positive patients. HIV drug being launched would facilitate easier operations of health organizations and NGOs. Resources The resources to be utilized for this marketing plan will be aligned with major objectives. There are various resources included within implementation of marketing plan. Investment plays a critical role when it comes to launching or promoting a specific product or service (Hastings, 2009). An organization needs to possess financial strength in order to promote a product. There is lump sum investment required during communicating a message through media channels. On the other hand, integration amongst all channels is important so as to ensure that common message is being transmitted to target audience. In this marketing plan financial resources would be important for designing advertisement campaign and broadcasting message through different media channels (Gardner, 2006). Apart from advertisement campaign, focus will also be on organizing awareness program or sponsoring any form of HIV/ AIDS related event. This in turn shall require a lot of funds to accomplish set objectives. Human resources are another major factor in this marketing plan. There is a requirement for acquiring skills and expertise of individuals which can be incorporated within the plan. Time forms a central component amongst all these resources because activities involved in the marketing plan has to be scheduled appropriately. Fund Raising Organizations Resources are an integral component for structuring and implementing HIV related marketing strategies. There are various sources through which funds can be raised in order to support these programs. Efforts are been taken by governmental authorities across the globe for creating an AIDS free generation. HIV drugs now can be accessed easily by victims but all that is needed is spreading awareness. However appropriate resources needs to be acquired for successful execution of marketing plan. Funding for AIDS program had exceeded amount of $19.1 billion across the globe in 2013. These programs were mainly hosted in middle and low income countries. Funds are generally collected from three important sources such as domestic sources, multilateral organizations and donor governments. Domestic sources relate to collecting funds from general public in context of spreading awareness about HIV drug. HIV funding is greatly supported by domestic sources. There are donor governments like United Kingdom and United States who have been extending help towards any initiative taken to prevent HIV. United Kingdom encompasses DFID or Department for International Development. They provide funds for these activities and can be a beneficial resource for this particular marketing plan. It was found that 10.7 percentage of HIV aid was provided by UK government in 2012. This organization is solely responsible for multilateral and bilateral funding. DFID over the years have encouraged all forms of developmental project in this field. £300 million is contributed by this governmental organization for HIV preventive measures or promotional programs. This is the most suitable resource since the unit is associated with this disease in some form from past many years. However the marketing plan developed for HIV drug needs to be convincing enough so as to attract attention of DFID members. Charitable organizations can be considered as another resource for funding this particular plan. There are charities who specifically work for HIV victims and wide array of prevention activities. Charitable trusts around the world works in collaboration with this kind of marketing strategists. Their major objective is to eliminate such harmful disease from the system. These trusts mainly approach public to collect funds regarding this noble cause. Multilateral funding is subsequently another resource of funding for widespread activities in context of controlling HIV/AIDS. Global Fund is one of these organizations that are supported by large number of donor governments. It is an international organization that is inclined towards acquiring funds in order to prevent or cure AIDS/HIV. Private sector and donor governments are main contributors towards HIV related programs. There are four countries considered as largest contributors of Global Fund like Germany, France, UK and USA. Apart from Global Fund, there are other charitable organizations which can be approached for supporting this marketing plan. UNITAID can be stated as one of the charitable trusts that have encouraged innovative programs for protecting individuals from HIV virus. It has been a collective effort of many countries and France is denoted as the largest contributor in this aspect. A sustainable financing mechanism is provided by UNITAID. This facilitates handling inefficiencies associated with marketing prevention, medicines or drugs, and diagnosis of the disease. It is evident that UNITAID will come forward to help such marketing activities centred towards promoting use and importance of HIV drugs. On the other hand, these well known organizations shall even provide a platform to access wide target market. Public fund raising activities can also be arranged so as to enhance effectiveness of marketing initiatives. These activities might include distribution of leaflets in order to make public aware about HIV drug. Once they have sufficient knowledge it would be easier for organizers to approach them for funds. The large scale companies and individuals belonging to upper income level should be encouraged to support these initiatives. HIV drug being marketed will be promoted as low priced product. This factor needs to be conveyed to all donors which forms a major strength of this product. Low price have been set for this drug so as to ensure that all victims are able to consume it as and when required. Funds that will be raised for marketing activities will be distributed into two parts – one half shall be given for product manufacturing and the other for promotional campaign. Scheduling and Implementation Scheduling would encompass a wide array of activities ranging from product manufacturing to delivery of the product to target group. The initial stage shall be working in collaboration with drug manufacturer to design best drug for preventing HIV. It would then be followed by adopting suitable pricing techniques so as to ensure that it can be afforded by target audience. Distribution channels shall be made strong in terms of increasing product availability in every medical store (Churchill, 2009). Promotion would be done through traditional and digital media channels. Hospitals, NGOs and research firms need to contribute for developing an awareness program. A general survey shall be conducted to analyze who all are aware about HIV drug and percentage not aware about such medicines or treatment. This data would help to organize awareness program, followed by drug related campaign in newspaper, magazines or radio. Celebrity endorsement will help to enhance quality level of such campaign. Through such endorsements message will be rapidly communicated across target audience. Social media would also serve as a platform for this advertisement campaign in order to attract individuals. Evaluation, Control and Feedback The evaluation mechanism has to be incorporated as it helps to determine effectiveness of a marketing campaign. HIV drug has been able to reduce death percentage to desirable level. However the issue lies with young generation who are HIV positive since they do not consume this drug when prescribed. There are different emotional instincts attached with target market not purchasing this product (Codita, 2011). It is important to evaluate whether marketing campaign been structured is effective enough to convince these victims. This can be achieved through exhibiting interview session with individuals of target group. There would be certain specific questions asked during this interview session. Teenagers will be questioned regarding drug awareness and their views upon drug consumption. This shall reveal effectiveness of communication channels in terms of conveying required message to target audience (Ambler, Carpenter, Kumar and Srivastava, 2004). Survey data and experts opinion are also two other sources to obtain feedback. Control needs to be exercised when return on investment in strategic plan is unsatisfactory. This would indicate eliminating any media channels which is not being able to transmit message to target audience efficiently. Funds can then be allocated to any other promotional measure. On the other hand, all media channels need not be used simultaneously to enable message retention for longer period of time. Timeline and activities The activities to be included in the marketing plan can be grouped under different media channels. These activities will be spread across nine months in order to create maximum impact on target audience. There shall be different media channels which forms a part of the media mix. Newspaper, magazine, social media, radio and sponsorship are the probable constituents of media mix to be divided across a span of nine months (April to December 2015).   Time Interval Media Mix April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Newspaper                   Health Magazine                   Radio                   Social Media                   Event Sponsorship                   Conclusion As per this study, marketing plan comprises of many vital factors which needs to be addressed appropriately. The ultimate goal of a marketing plan is to influence target audience in terms of product or service purchase. There are different dimensions that have led to negligence of HIV positive patients to purchase the drug. It is observed that teenagers who are affected by HIV virus are not likely to purchase HIV drugs, at times due to rebellion or any other factor. To certain extent marketing campaign helps to communicate message directly to target group. The major objective behind designing this plan is to put emphasis on additional elements linked with the product. Cost factor had been outlined as one of the issues which are addressed through incorporating most suitable pricing strategy. Promotional measures hold a lot of importance as it closely knitted with message acquisition and message retention. There would be a flow in advertisement campaign to ensure that communicated message triggers in consumer mind. Stakeholder’s contribution makes a marketing plan more productive since it includes ideas or opinions of various experts. References AIDS, 2014. The affordable care act and HIV/AIDS. Available at: [Accessed 18 February 2015]. Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., Kumar, V. and Srivastava, R. K., 2004. Measuring marketing productivity: current knowledge and future directions. Journal of Marketing, 104(1), pp. 90-134. Carpenter, G. S. and Hamilton, A., 2008. Handbook of marketing strategy. Stamford: Cengage. Cheverton, P., 2005. Key marketing skills: strategies, tools and techniques for marketing success. Great Britain: Kogan Page Publishers. Churchill, G., 2009. A paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs. Journal of Marketing Research, 25(4), pp. 98-116. Codita, R., 2011. Contingency factors of marketing-mix standardization. Germany: Springer. Gardner, M. P., 2006. Mood states and consumer behaviour: a critical review. Journal of Consumer Research, 25(2), pp. 17-32. Hastings, G. B., 2009. Sponsorship works differently from advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 29(3), pp. 47-57. Hooley, G., Piercy, N. and Nicoulaud, B., 2012. Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. New York: FT Prentice Hall. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2014. Improving access to HIV/AIDS drugs abroad. Available at: [Accessed 18 February 2015]. Read More
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