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Nordstrom Unique Selling Proposition - Assignment Example

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This paper 'Nordstrom Unique Selling Proposition' tells us that a company’s USP can take form in four different ways: By being the price leader, through differentiation, focus on a specific niche and extra value proposition.  Nordstrom USP is based on the last aspect and promotes itself based on superior quality and service. …
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Nordstrom Unique Selling Proposition
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Nordstrom has Jackets that they it calls “Jacket of all Trades”. The branding of the Jackets is the first unique aspect of the clothing. Secondly, the branding proposes that the jackets they sell are for all occasions and the third is that the jackets are of high quality at affordable prices and thus give the customers value for their money and this also has the potential to attract new customers (Nordstrom). Nordstrom has a variety of key products, and these include clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, Jewelry, beauty accessories, and houseware. The USP for these products is embedded in the overall companies USP of quality and service. All the products are of high quality and give the customers the service they are intended to give besides the exceptional service that the customers are given at the shops. For example, their shops have personal stylists assigned to customers shopping for clothing and this shows how much they care about their customers (Nordstrom).

Executive Summary

Nordstrom, Inc. is America’s leading fashion specialty retailer. It was founded in 1901 as a shoe shop in Seattle, currently, Nordstrom manages 225 stores in 30 states, including 117 full-line stores, 104 Nordstrom Racks, two Jeffrey boutiques, one treasure &bond store, and one clearance store (Nordstrom 2). Nordstrom is also available online at Nordstrom selling on the internet and through its catalogs. Furthermore, the Company operates in the online private sale marketplace through its subsidiary HauteLook. Nordstrom, Inc.'s common stock is publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol JWN. Its mission is to provide the best possible customer service, selection, quality, and value and this has made it attract a huge customer base (Nordstrom).

The company’s corporate strategy is well set in its mission statement saying it wants to offer the very best to its customers in terms of service, selection, quality, and value. It has invested hugely in resources such as personnel and finances to ensure its customers receive exceptional service (Ouchi). Its strength lies in the fact that it has been in the market for a very long time and therefore has built a celebrated brand name which it has reinforced through the provision of exceptional service thus gaining customer loyalty. Nordstrom does not have a specific market segment instead it targets children, teenagers, and adults, both men, and women, and this is seen as a weakness that it has to improve. Its marketing strategy is essentially focused on the quality of the customer’s experience and not on the price and this has made it prosper.

 The company has continuously grown since its establishment with an annual growth rate of 21.6% between 200-2010 (Fortune). Nordstrom is rated number eight in the general merchandise companies by Fortune 500 companies behind Wal-Mart and Target (Fortune). Nordstrom’s target market product life cycle is seen to be at its highest during the introduction of new products where the company makes a lot of profits and declines with the time the product stays on the market. The company’s financial position is relatively strong as compared to other general merchandise retailers. The company’s revenues in 2011 amounted to $9.7 billion representing a 12.7% increase from 2010 (Nordstrom2).

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Define the Unique Selling Proposition ( USP) for Nordstrom. Describe a Assignment.
“Define the Unique Selling Proposition ( USP) for Nordstrom. Describe a Assignment”, n.d.
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