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Use of Integrated Marketing Communication Method - Essay Example

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The essay "Use of Integrated Marketing Communication Method" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the use of integrated marketing communication, a method of brand communication that brings together different modes of brand communication to make them work together…
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Use of Integrated Marketing Communication Method
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? Integrated marketing communication (IMC) Integrated market communication (IMC) is a method of brand communication which brings together different modes of brand communication with an aim of making them work together, (Schultz, 1996).This creates a seamless approach and experience to customers, and the information is presented in a similar and unified tone, (Pickton , & Broderick, 2005). This helps to strengthen the brands main message, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). The aim of this approach is to make all aspects of marketing communication work together as a unit as opposed to allowing each to be isolated. This maximizes the cost effectiveness. Some of the aspects of marketing communication include: public relations direct marketing, advertising, online communications, sales promotion and social media. Although all these marketing communication can appeal to a customer on their own, they have a better they are unified. This presents one strong message to the customer and a much reduced cost. Marketing is about perception and the power to convince potential customers, (Maria & Ionela, 2009, p 1160). Once the brand message has been strengthened, the customer has an easier decision making process. Integrated marketing approach is increasingly becoming significant within the marketing practice. This is because it is considered to be cost effective. The mass media has continued to reduce its cost effectiveness. Besides, it continued to become more and more fragmented making it difficult to reach many customers at the same time, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). Most customers spend a lot of time and on their mobile devices like cell phone and iPod. This has rendered the traditional approaches quite ineffective. For an organization to target many customers effectively, it needs to diversify its marketing approach. This has to be done with a sense of urgency and precision. Marketing strategies have to evolve due to the changing trends, (Mihart, 2012, p 129). The world has become more digitized and integrated marketing communication is now inevitable. All means of exposing a brand need to be tied to those customers who can remember the products. Sometimes marketing is just about reminding the customers that the product still exists, (Ogechukwu1,, 2011, p 62). Marketing approaches need to be diversified. This diversification need to be harmonized by use of integrated marketing communication. These two methods are mutually inclusive. The strategies of brands cannot be well understood by only looking at how they are advertised. Rather, they can easily be understood by looking at how these methods of communication work together. The synchronization of these methods should also personalize the customer’s needs and tastes, (Ogechukwu1,, 2011, p 62). This should be done in real time just like as in a conversation. This is a concept of marketing with the aim of appreciating the contribution of a variety of marketing approaches. IMC involves a comprehensive plan that involves many marketing disciplines, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). It also takes into consideration how they work in relation to reach other based on the customer perception of the prevailing environment. The aim of combining the various disciplines of marketing is to provide clarity, maximum communication impact and consistency. Most of these definitions incorporate several basic ideas. These ideas include: synergistic effect, a combination of instruments of communication and seamlessness or making these communication efforts homogeneous, (Mihart, 2012, p 129). This means that marketing can be personalized, and at the same time it can be made public to masses almost simultaneously. This is an improvement from the traditional methods of communication. Integrated marketing communication has many components. These components make the IMC work towards achieving its intended goals. The foundation is one of the most critical components. It is based on the fundamental and strategic understanding of the market and the product itself. This includes the anticipated move by the competitors in the market. An organization has to have some idea about what other significant competitors are doing. It may involve some spying. This component must also consider the attitude of the buyers. This involves knowing the biases, preferences and tastes of buyers. This greatly affects the marketing approach and the message that is to be carried to the targeted customer group. As all this happens, changes in technology have to be factored in. Digital innovations are happening real fast, and a slight change could sway the opinions of the customers, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). Technology has taken a lead in determining how many people can be reached by the marketing organizations. Integrated marketing communication must consider vibrant information technology departments that use the latest marketing tools and software, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). The other component of integrated marketing communication is the corporation culture. Every organization has got its own ways of doing things which is unique to the organization. Brands are increasingly being seen as indivisible to the culture of the corporation that own them. This means that the vision of the organization and capabilities are packaged as its brand. The personality and culture of the organization can appeal or repel potential customers. The other component of the integrated marketing communication is the brand focus. This is the core message of the brand. Some organizations package it in a logo or tagline. This serves as the corporate identity, (Pickton, & Broderick, 2005). The brand focus must be appealing to the customers, easy and convenient enough based on the need of the customers, (Ogechukwu1,, 2011, p 62). The other critical component if IMC is the customer experience. As a customer buys a product from a retail shop he has to see how it has been packaged. The packaging reveals something about the organization. If the packaging sends a positive message to customers, the person starts to identify himself/herself with the organization. The design of the product is beneficial to the end user of the same product. The impression left in the mind of the customers should help strengthen the brand and not otherwise. Communication tools being used are equally valuable. In integrated marketing communication involves direct marketing and advertising, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). The organization has to use the necessary social media and online communication tools. This takes a thorough understanding of the target group and language to use while appealing to masses using these avenues, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). Most people think marketing is just about communication tools and ignore the other components with are equally significant. Promotional tools are also extremely essential in the implementation of integrated marketing communication. These promotional outfits include: customer relations, public associations management, personal retail database marketing, do business promotions as well as customer promotions, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). The integration tool helps to synchronize all these components. This involves the use of software that can assist in tracking customer behaviour and effectiveness, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). The integration tool demands that marketing be automated. This helps the customer in receiving a unified message from the organization. The web analytics also play a role in this. Why customers have integrated marketing and communication. As many organizations continue to be registered daily, customers are increasingly finding themselves caught between many strong competing brands. Integration has to be seen in two ways if it has to make sense, (Katrandjiev, 2000, p 93). There is the integration done by the organization. This involves synchronizing all the approaches of marketing so that they can send one strong message to the customers. The other integration is done by the customers whether the organization is going to integrate its marketing and communication tools or not. The customer integration makes the customer to add up all the marketing and communication aspect about a product from a particular company, (Katrandjiev, 2000, p 93). The total of all these customer integration gives him an idea whether the brand is superior or not. The mass market has become extremely fragmented. Marketing and communication channels too. With a fragmented marketing approach, the customer is left with so many product and messages to use before settling on his favourite product. There is no way of doing this without integrating these messages, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). It is true the customer does the integration. The actual considerations done by a customer before settling on a brand consist of customer integration of the fragmented messages about that product. Companies always look for the most targeted communication methods. This is because they know that customers flock to those channels. Companies try to make their presence known by incorporating many things about their products through such channels. This makes integration for customers quite easy. The fact is most customers tend to use the marketing and approaches being used before they decide whether to settle for brand, (Cornelissen & Lock, 2000). In that case, when the company integrates the marketing and communication tools, it only serves to make the work of the customer easy. At the moment, there is increased reliance on these channels of communication and marketing. Most customers feel that they save time and are cost effective. Customers want a place where they can find the maximum information about a product with minimum time. Integrated marketing communication reveals to a customer how consistent a brand is. This is extremely beneficial. Every customer wants to have the best product. This is enhanced by how much a company embraces integrated marketing communication, (Keillor, 2007, p 307). Companies which are better in marketing and communication are generally viewed as customer friendly. They make it easy for customers to choose their products over the rest of the product in a competitive market. If the integrated marketing communication tool from a company meets with the customer integration, then the marketing strategy of the organization is successful. Integrated marketing communication takes into consideration the communication theory. Simple communications are more effective that complex messages, (Schultz, 1996). They leave an impression to the customer that real life is less comprehensible. In most cases, they convince the customers exceptionally strongly. This conviction in the minds of the customer is the quality of customer integration of the company’s marketing tool. If a customer sees a product being advertised on a bill board, then sees the same product being advertised on television and radio. Integration of all these marketing approaches happens with the mind of the customer. This is the integration that leads to a brand loyalty, (Mihart, 2012, p 129). Customers are always intensely busy trying to integrate the marketing and communication method being used by the competing brands. When a company uses IMC that pays attention to their needs and interest, then it has bound to succeed. Integrated marketing communication must take into consideration customers’ needs. These include: emotions, activities, accuracy and relevance. Most loud advertisements are hard to sell. A company must always make it easy for a customer to do the integration of its marketing and communication tools. This involves coming up with methods that stand out while maintaining simplicity. Messages that are easy to decode perform achieve a lot, (Mihart, 2012, p 129). Internal audience Every customer makes a decision after being convinced by some information. This information may be available through any of marketing and communication components that we have mentioned. When the market is highly fragmented, it becomes harder for a customer to have a strong inner voice about an issue, (Mihart, 2012, p 129). Successful companies know this. This is a place in marketing that can only be done by the customer, and that is the making of the decision. This depends on the available information and the power of conviction that was passed through the integrated marketing and communication tools. Corporate should appeal to the internal audience. They should supply enough knowledge and information concerning their product. This should be done through the integrated marketing communication techniques (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). The internal audience determines the level of integration that is done by the customer. In some companies, it’s frightfully expensive for a customer to find information about products. The customers have to walk for long distances, and they have to pay many charges before they get the real product. In such cases, the internal audience remains ignorant of the product. When a company used technology and other better means to market their product, then they supply the customer with a lot of information. That on its own makes the customer feel appreciated. This makes it easy to the customer to pick on the brand. Integrated marketing communication can be viewed as a process and a concept. This is because it requires both skills and strategy. These strategies have to be remarkably effective and affordable. Integrated marketing communication is built on three principal pillars. One of the pillars is the audience focused, (Marx & Lainson, 2000, p 53). Some people rarely use radio while others listen daily. Some people are always in internet while others prefer watching television. These differences are influence by factors like age occupation and other pertinent things about life. The real point is integrated marketing communication should capture all these audiences. That is why it is necessary to integrate our marketing and communications tools. We need all the available audience, (Blakeman, 2007). The other pillar is the channel cantered approach. Some customers prefer some channels over others. These channels help them integrate information about a particular brand, (Maria & Ionela, 2009, p 1160). This means it matters which marketing and communication channels a company uses. The other crucial point is that these pillars have to be results driven. Integrated marketing communication involves a wide view of brand communications. This is because different people understand things differently. Some companies have made some advertisements which ended up offending potential clients. These companies are even coerced to withdraw and apologize. The development of software and other advanced equipment has flooded the customer with a lot of information, (Maria & Ionela, 2009, p 1160). This has caused one of the pillars of the integrated marketing communication to rise to prominence. The information technology has caused the organization to identify profitable and relevant customers. It has also caused them to know and understand such customers, (Cornelissen & Lock, 2000). Some have even gone ahead to create large databases for such customers. This has caused the company to connect more effectively with customers and their audiences. It is easy to customize messages and products to customers needs using contact points with are more effective. IMC for Apple The ‘think different’ advertising and marketing campaign was unveiled during the rejoining of the founder Steve jobs. This helped to regain the image of customers. The campaign ran for five years. Apple used IMC campaigns to show that is necessary to have one voice and one message that is clear to the customers. Apple has been accused of being arrogance in prices, yet some see the same as being its strength. Apple’s advertising tool is known to be really good. This has led to Apple bagging some awards because of the same. People like to identify with Apple’s slogans like ‘think different’. Apple has incorporated all these tools so that its integrated marketing communication becomes one of the best in the world. It is an example of a successful IMC campaign. References Blakeman, R, 2007. Integrated Marketing Communication: Creative Strategy from Idea to Implementation (2nd ed.). Retrieved from Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R, 2000. Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion? Examining the Significance of IMC - Journal of Advertising Research, 4(5), 7. Katrandjiev, H. I, 2000. IMC - DEFINITION AND ILLUSTRATION. SOME ASPECTS OF MEASURING INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (IMC), 1(8), 87 - 93. Keillor, B. D, 2007. Marketing in the 21st Century: Integrated marketing communication, 4, 305. Retrieved from Maria, S. A., & Ionela, C. R, 2009. Integrated marketing communication mix. INTEGRATED COMMUNICATION ? CREATING THE RIGHT RELATIONS WITH THE RIGHT CUSTOMERS TITLE, 11(2), 1160-1164. Marx, J. K., & Lainson, S, 2000. IMC Professional Skills: What It Takes and Where to Get It. INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION RESEARCH JOURNAL, 6(1), 53. Mihart, C, 2012. Impact of Integrated Marketing Communication on Consumer Behaviour: Effects on Consumer Decision ? Making Process. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(2), 121-129. doi:10.5539/ijms.v4n2p121. Ogechukwu1, A. D, 2011. Ethical Issues Involved in Integrated Marketing Communication in Nigeria. Ethical Issues Involved in Integrated Marketing Communication in Nigeria, 1(4), 50-62. Pickton, D., & Broderick A. 2005. Integrated Marketing Communications Pearson Education (2nd ed.). Retrieved from Schultz, D. E, 1996. The New Marketing Paradigm: Integrated Marketing Communications (2nd ed.). Retrieved from Sisodia, S., & Telrandhe, N, 2010. ROLE OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN MODERN INDIAN BUSINESS. Journal of Arts Science & Commerce, 1(1), 134-137. Thorson E., & Moore J, 1996. Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices Advertising and Consumer Psychology Resources for Ecological Psychology Integrated communication: synergy of persuasive voices (2nd ed.). Retrieved from . Read More
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