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Best Practise Management: A Survey of Tourists' Hotels In Queensland - Report Example

The paper "Best Practise Management: A Survey of Tourists' Hotels In Queensland" is a perfect example of a report on management. In order for one to obtain any goals and objectives in any project, management is key to all. It involves the coordination of different efforts geared towards attaining a set goal. Management can both be an art or a science…
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Extract of sample "Best Practise Management: A Survey of Tourists' Hotels In Queensland"

Best Practise Management: A survey of Tourists' Hotels In Queensland (Interim Report) Name: Professor: Institution: Date: Table of Contents: Executive summary.......................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4 Queensland as an area of focus in the study................................................................................... 5 Research Process................................................................................................................................ 6 Discussion............................................................................................................................................ 7 Best Practice Management Principles............................................................................................. 7 Applied Best Practice Mnagement Principles in Queensland....................................................... 12 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................ 13 Recommendations........................................................................................................................... 14 References........................................................................................................................................ 15 Executive Summary In order for one to obtain any goals and objectives in any project, management is key to all. It involves coordination of different efforts geared towards attaining a set goal. Management can both be an art or a science. This aims to allow a firm to attain its objectives and aims via people. Management in general is concerned with the act of designing and maintaining an environment that can be best suitable in the achievement of goals efficiently. Managers are therefore supposed to plan, lead, staff and control functions of the company in order to have surplus (Kleiman, 2010). When it comes to the field of tourism, management needs to ensure efficiency in the process of business. The management of such a sector requires that available resources are used maximumly and minimum costs incurred in the process. This is with the view that a business can be sustained well if efficient management together with environmental and social responsibility are observed (Gough, 2008). The employment of best management practices in tourism sector is a good step towards ensuring its sustainability. This is because a business prospers through it as it exploits the environment responsibly. Most tourism certification programs make use of best practice management because it helps increase profitability and also contributes to social and cultural development of the society in which it operates. It ensures that a company undertakes all its operations in a sustainable manner. There is a concern as to whether tourists' hotels in Queensland have employed the principles of best practise management or not. If so, then there is also a need to know how these principles have impacted on the tourism industry in Queensland. The point of focus here is specifically tourists hotels in Queensland. This is because Queensland has got natural environment that has attracted many tourist from all over the world. For this reason, Queensland has been a tourist destination for many tourists for a long time; effects of this have been felt in the growing economy of Queensland. This therefore forms the basis for this study. Introduction Management as a human activity allows individuals’ efforts to be coordinated in order to attain the goals of a firm (Gomez-Mejia et al., 2008). As a science or art it allows a firm to attain its objectives and aims via people. The process of management involves designing and maintaining an environment that is suitable for individuals to attain their goals efficiently. People trained in management practice are better placed to attain individual and organizational objectives. Management entails planning, leading, staffing and controlling functions in order to create surplus and in an effective and efficiency ways (Kleiman, 2010). Therefore management creates bureaucracy whose importance is derived from the needs for strategic coordination, planning, controlling and directing of large and complex decision making process. The management of any business related to tourism requires that one strives to ensure efficiency in all of the processes of the business by making use of all available resources in a way to reduce costs and increase revenue. The sustainability of a business is based on efficient management, and environmental and social responsibility (Gough, 2008). Implementation of best management practice in tourism industry can allow it to be sustainable (Edgell, 2006). Best management practice allows a business to conserve while utilizing environmental resources responsibly. This allows the firm to increase its profitability while contributing to social and cultural development of the society in which it operates. Best practice is being embraced by many tourism certification programs (Mowforth and Munt,2003). Best practices ensure that the process of decision making, daily operations and administrative functions of an enterprise are undertaken in a sustainable manner (Swarbrooke, 1999). It is on the basis of this that this study is timely. The main aim was to survey best practice management in hotels that serve tourists in Queensland. The main objectioves were to find out whether hotels serving tourists in Queensland embrace best practice management; establish which best management practices are employed by hotels in Queensland and lastly to establish the impact of best practice management on hotels that have implemented them. Therefore, this report is a reslut of a study that was meant to find out whether hotels found in Queensland embrace best practice management. The project was limited to hotels that serve mainly tourists in the region. Queensland as an Area of Focus in the Study It is a fact worth noting that tourism in Queensland is at its peak. This is because of the recent outcry by the tourist that the accommodation in the hotels is too high. Actually, the outcry is an indication that Queensland has been a destination for so long. The industry has in so many ways contributed to the growth of the state's economy in respect to the Gross State Product (GPS). Tourism in Queensland is of significant importance to that region’s economy (Carroll, 1991; Knowles et al., 2004). In 2010, $19 billion were earned from tourism in Queensland and this was 7.4% of Queensland Gross state product for 2010. One of the popular holiday destinations in Australia is Queensland (IBISWorld Australia, 2008). Interstate tourism accounts for more that 75% of tourism revenue in Queensland. Tourism industry contributes to over five per cent of people employed in Queensland. International tourists to Queensland have been increasing since 2007 although interstate tourists have been declining (IBISWorld Australia, 2008). The growth of tourism in Queensland has also been as a result of the strategies put in place by an organization known as Tourism Queensland. This organization has planted positive thinking in the minds of tourist who visit Queensland. Queensland offers good sun, warmth, fun, activity and friendliness. The organization has further changed the customers' behavior by introducing other approaches. Apart from promoting Queensland as a tourist destination, it has also established a portfolio of destination change which has so far focussed on promoting Australian markets. The process involved branding destination through extensive market research and industry consultation at every stage (Sharma, 2005). In details, the organization got involved in research and identified new markets; defined a position for them with the help of a good market strategy and marketing communication (Sharma, 2005). This strategy has made tourism in Australia very attractive. It is this background success of tourism in Queensland that a study was conducted and this report brought out. The Process of Research The research done to establish whether hotels in Queensland observed the best practice management principles used quantitative research design. This is a design associated with the positivist paradigm which is closely related to objectivity and adopts the philosophical stance of the natural scientist in which the social world exists externally and its properties measured using objective methods (Adèr et al., 2008). The research was based on the assumption that the researcher be independent of and unaffected by the subject of the research. This was because positivism emphasizes highly structured methodology to facilitate replication and quantifiable analysis that can be subjected to statistical analysis. The approach therefore entailed collection of data and converting it into numerical forms to allow statistical calculations to be carried out from which conclusions are deducted. The method was used to collect data impartially by using structured procedures and involved using large amounts of samples(Robson, 1993). The method had a disadvantage of beginning with a theoretical framework. It also had little diversion from this framework as a result. This is because quantitative research does not allow any new concepts to be discovered during the research.The quantitative method that was applied in this case was a survey. The study employed descriptive procedure. Descriptive research involves investigation of human experience through surveys, case studies and ethnographies with the aim of ordering experience and formulating theory (Creswell, 2012). The study used surveys to collect data whic involves collection of large amounts of data from the population which is sizeable by use of questionnaires administered to the sample population. The use of survey involved a collection of large amounts of data from the population which is sizeable by use of questionnaires administered to the sample population. It was also an assumption that surveys provide information that suggests possible reasons for particular relationships between variables and helps to produce models of these relationships. Another assumption was that survey strategy generates findings which are representative of the whole population at a lower cost as compared to collecting the data for the whole population(Creswell, 2012). However, a weakness emrged that the data that was to be collected was unlikely to be as wide ranging as those collected using other research strategies because of the limited number of questions a questionnaire was to contain. Also, the richness of the data that was to be collected is dependent on the goodwill of the respondents (Adèr et al., 2008). Despite this, the study was to ensure that the survey method was to be a self- completion one involving the use of semi structured questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive procedure involved identification of key issues and concepts related to best practice management and incorporating them into the structure of research with a sensitivity of maintaining the Australian world view. The inputs were used to draft the survey instrument and tested on selected segment of the study population. The results obtained helped in revising the questionnaires in order to best capture the information being sort. It involved distribution of questionnaires to study participants in various hotels located in Queensland. The distribution was limited to hotels that serve tourist population. Once the questionnaires were returned, data analysis and tabulation was carried out. The analysed data was used to develop a report on the results via interpretation and discussion of the results. The research population involved a representation of the whole population. The data was collected where the researcher could access information easily. The researcher sought information from managers who served tourists' hotels only because they are the people of interest most. The hotels were located through the hotels' websites and that of Queensland Tourism Development Authority. The list obtained was numbered using even and odd numbers. After numbering, the hotels with odd numbers were considered for data collection to make them random. The study targeted 30 hotels with two top managers in every firm being interviewed. Data was majorly collected through questionnaires to offer a practical way of collecting data from respondents. It allowed the investigator to collect a large amount of information from many respondents. The questionnaires sought to find out whether the hotels surveyed had any mechanisms in place aimed at water conservation. For firms with such mechanisms, the questionnaire sought to identify such method and present advantages of having such measures to the business and the general community in which the business operates. The questionnaires also sought to find out whether the hotels surveyed had any mechanisms in place aimed at reducing energy consumptions and how these firms manage their waste. This section will establish whether there are any steps aimed at reducing solid waste and such steps will be identified.The questionnaires were also seeking to establish whether these firms bought their supplies in bulk in addition to establishing sourcing policies adopted by the firms. There after, the advantages of every policy would be discussed. Discussion A discussion on the best practice management has a basis on the literature review of the best management practice principles and two theories: situational and systems theory (Miles, 1975). This management theory believes in the idea that managers need to consider all aspects that surround a situation and act on those aspects that seem special in order to arrive at a decision. Leisure, business or academic issues are some of the things that makes a person be attracted to a place (IBISWorld Australia, 2008). For an area to continue being attractive, the people inhabiting the place must ensure that such attractive phenomena are sustained. This calls for the need to apply best practice management principles (Machira, 2011). With reference to system theory, a system is a collection of parts unified to accomplish an overall goal. Therefore if any part of a system is withdrawn, the system changes automatically (Miles, 1975). In other words, if those things attracting tourists are withdrawn, then the activities in that area also changes because a system has inputs and outputs. In the case of hotels, the resources surrounding the hotel must continue attracting the tourists. Taking it in the broader sense, the managers only need to apply best practice management principles. Best Principles Management Principles and Reasons for their Application When the term ‘best practice’ is mentioned in business, several people involved perceive it differently with mixed reactions. To some it may be the best direction a company needs to follow in order to remain competitive in the world market (Jafari, 2003, 198). The concept of best practice management is one that is seen as a way of achieving sustainable growth in a company. Tourism industry is one of the fields that have adopted best practice management because of its competitive nature. This has been so with international tourism hotels adopting effective environmental measures (Jafari, 2003, 198). Best practice management is recommended because it is cost effective in the hotel industry. The principle ensures optimization of water resources and hence leads to decreased water consumption. The tourists themselves use a lot of water and much goes to wastage in the course of this. The use of best practice principle of water conservation reassures the industry that more profits will be made because water bills will reduce. This can also solve problems in Queensland which is known to be a dry area. The practice can make the hotels in this area to put measures for water conservation in the sense that the measures will ensure little water consumption such that the surrounding communities do not experience water shortages as a result of the hotel's activities. Apart from water conservation, the best practice management principles also ensures that ther is installation of energy efficient heating and cooling systems, to help in energy consumption efficiency. This is best achieved when the air handlers are maintained properly and preventive maintanance done for electrical appliances. Moreover, hotels embracing this kind of management are required to purchase renewable energy and ensure that hotels are fitted with high efficiency condensing boilers, high efficiency chillers and low flow showerheads. In addition, installation of ventilation systems controls that are demand based, installation of DDC controls and dry bulb economizers on air handling units is a requirement to allow reduction of energy consumption. For lighting purposes, fluorescent bulbs are required to be installed. This results in reduced energy consumption and hence a decrease in power costs. The practice is also significant in reducing solid waste material in the hotel. The development of hotel must always go hand in hand with sanitation measures. An argument emerges to register support for this policy that there is currently rapid hotel industry development that is not in line with development of sanitation and waste disposal infrastructure. This implies that more waste materials are normally produced to anextent that the available infrstructure is overwhelmed. Because wastes are always produced more than can be imagined, best practice management ensures that it becomes instrumental in putting strategies that help in reducing wastes at the point where they are produced. An example is discarding materials that are repurposed. The practice is also instrumental at implementing strategies that help in reducing wastes at the point where they are recycled (Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 1992). Without such measures, the enormous solid and liquid wastes produced by hotels may end up in the surrounding environment due to inadequate handling and management. As a consequence of disposing wastes in the environment, the image of the hotel is harmed and hence receives reduced number of clients. Best practice management also ensures that supplies are bought in bulk and hence cutting back on supply costs in the operations of the hotel. Moreover, best practice management in hotels requires that such hotels utilize the services of other businesses in their area (Machira, 2011). Such moves often results in savings in terms of transportation and other costs related to goods and services. Best practice management also ensures that supplies are bought in bulk and hence reducing supply costs in the operations of the hotel. Therefore such hotels are required to make use of other businesses in the area in order to realize savings in terms of transportation and other costs related to goods and services. The principle also requires that the hotel industry be involved in sustainable sourcing for policies on purchasing their supplies. When the policies are implemented, the perfomance of the supply chain is improved. This makes even the services being provided to be of quality. Such hotels also have to make sure that the give support to animals, plants and the surrounding environment (Edgell, 2006). this makes sure that the tourist destination improves its image and also increase its attractiveness. This should extend to taking part in the development projects in the area surrounding the hotels. The hotels can do this best by hiring local people and allowing their employees to attend sustainability training sessions. The impacts will include decreased staff turnover, improved job quality and an additional respect from the society. When the best practice management is implemented, the hotel's safety and health of staff and clients is positively affected (Gough, 2008). The practice itself allows hotels to implement adequate hygiene practices that promote good health. Moreover, reduction of food wastes helps in reducing operational costs as well as sick days among employees and hence insurance claims. Best practice management requires that the hotels sign the code of conduct against sexual exploitation of adolescents and children and also participating in international and regional campaigns against sexual exploitation. Best practice management in the hotel industry entails activities that increase environmental awareness through supporting of environmental awareness activities that later lead to hotels achieving desirability and attractiveness of tourist destination. Environment is an important asset to the tourism sector and therefore the conservation and protection of environmental resources is essential toward attaining the tourist outputs. Applied Best Practice Mnagement Principles in Queensland Queensland is recognised for ecotourism because of the way it draws both domestic and international tourists. The attraction is as a result of the unique and diverse natural attractions together with wide range of products like hotels. Since the launch of a plan in 1997, Queensland ecotourism has had great achievements because of ‘best practice’ and also cooperation from other stakeholders (Queensland Government, 2002). The ‘best practice’ management plan was seen fit for the state especially in planning, development, management and marketing, hence evidence that tourists’ hotel industry have employed best practice management in their operations. Queensland as noted before has a very unique natural sense that is recognised worldwide especially with existence of five of Australia’s 14 World Heritage areas. Their significance is seen in the way they facilitate attraction of tourists because of the natural visual images in its domestic and international marketing campaigns (Queensland Government, 2002). These natural assets have helped in establishing the long-term sustainability in the competitive marketing campaign. The authorities concerned with tourism in Queensland realised the quick benefits that ecotourism could bring to the state, communities and tourism industry, the government of Queensland and therefore took an approach to protect the natural attractions while also allowing tourists to reach and enjoy the authentic unique natural settings. The authorities also adopted the 'triple-bottom-line’ principle of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD). Due to this, the promotion of best practice has been the core in the management and planning for most tourists’ hotels in Queensland (Government of Queensland, 2002, 06). Therefore the implementation of this plan and employment of best practice management principle has brought a lot of benefits. The management practice has opened more doors to consumer and industry ecotourism research. This has been followed by support for the industry and government take-up of the Nature and Ecotourism Accreditation Program (Government of Queensland, 2002). The hotels in Queensland have also published self-help guidelines to help the industry, community and the government to encourage and implement best practice operations for sustainable development. Thus the practice has enabled the hotel industry to be more effective, efficient and equitable in the management of protected areas. The hotels have facilitated the involvement of the broad community in ecotourism planning and product development. It is good to note that The Queensland Ecotourism Plan 2003-2008 is a reflection of the current needs of hotel industry, government and community that are able to protect and strengthen Queensland’s competitive position in the national and ecotourism markets. The plan does this by integrating environmental, economic and social consideration in the natural areas in ways in which that enhances environmental protection and the commercial visibilty of ecotourism opeartions. The plan supports the Queensland government in its policies by providing opportunities for employment, and development of small scale and large scale businesses ensuring that skills are there in ecotourism and natural area management. Conclusion The step by most hotels in Queensland to adopt the best practice management principles was as a result of the way Queensland has been the world leader in tourism with the provision of high quality, diverse and exciting services in tourism. The tourism sector had also turned out to be the most beneficial because of the natural areas that are unique and attractive. Due to the increase in the number of visitors to the area, there was need for the tourists' hotel to implement best practice management principles in the management of its resources, so that the visitors can be more continually attracted. Factually, this is what has geared tourism in Queensland to this level since the year 1997 when a grand plan was launched to improve the sector. The approaches have entailed sustaining the environment and climate as well as the involvement of other stakeholders, government, the industry and the surrounding communities in decision making process. The hotels in Queensland have also published self-help guidelines to help the industry, community and the government to encourage and implement best practice operations for sustainable development. Thus the practice has enabled the hotel industry to be more effective, efficient and equitable in the management of protected areas. The hotels have facilitated the involvement of the broad community in ecotourism planning and product development. The Queensland Ecotourism Plan 2003-2008 has helped in integrating environmental, economic and social consideration in the natural areas in ways in which that enhances environmental protection and the commercial visibilty of ecotourism opeartions. The plan supports the Queensland government in its policies by providing opportunities for employment, and development of small scale and large scale businesses ensuring that skills are there in ecotourism and natural area management. Recommendations Best practice management has been known to make operations more efficient in a company like tourists' hotels with major strengths being an increase in environmental awareness, reduction of solid wastes, efficiency in energy use and the involvement of the local community in decision making process to help improve the image of a tourist destination. The management of the tourists' hotel in Queensland should continue more and more to implement the details of best practice management in order to benefit from its operations. Best practice management principles should involve strategies that would ensure the hotel industry attains cost effectiveness. The practice should also gear towards energy efficiency whereby the hotels have to install energy efficient heating and cooling systems and energy efficient lighting systems. This would be followed by a system to reduce solid waste production. To cut down on supply costs by buying in bulk, the hotel industry also needs to implement sustainable sourcing policies for purchasing their supplies. This is an area that tourists' hotel in Queenskand should stiill embark on seriously, in order to realise sustainable profits. The hotel industry also needs to support conservation of animals, plants and the surrounding environment as well as supporting local development in different sectors. Tourism hotels also need to increase its involvement with the local community in its operations. References: Adèr , H. J., Mellenbergh, G. J., and Hand, D. J. 2008. Advising on research methods: a consultant's companion. Huizen: Johannes van Kessel Publishing. Creswell, J.W. 2012. Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Eagles, Paul. (2002). Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas: Planning and Management. CABI Publishing series. Gough, B. 2008. Sustainable Tourism in SA and Regional Travel. London: Pearson. Hopkins, W.G. 2000. Quantitative Research Design. [Accessed on Nov 20, 2012]. IBISWorld Australia, 2008. Tourism in Australia. IBIS World. Kleiman, L. S. 2010. Management and Executive Development. Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business. Machira M. 2011. Best Management Practices of Organizations. London: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Miles, R. E. 1975. Theories of Management: Implications for Organization Behavior and Development [By] Raymond E. Miles. New York: Mcgraw-Hill. Queensland Government (2002). Queensland Ecotourism Plan 2003-2008; Queensland Ecotourism Plan.pdf Robson, C. 1993. Real-world research: A resource for social scientists and practitioner – researchers. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. Sharma, K.K. (2005). Tourism and development. Sarup & Sons . I Read More

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