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Five Year Career Development - Research Paper Example

This essay analyzes that the career goals that have been thought out by the person are quite high goals and also quite relevant to what had been thought out by her. Career goals that have been defined by her are all related to what she has studied and what she is studying…
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Five Year Career Development
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Five Year Career Development 1. Career goals and objectives The career goals that have been thought out by the person are quite high goals and also quite relevant to what had been thought out by her. Career goals that have been defined by her are all related to what she has studied and what she is studying. She plans to see herself as the manager of the business unit. With her 15years experience and her multi-tasking capabilities her main objective is to gain enough understanding and knowledge so as to be able to get the position of the business manager. 2. Possible promotional opportunities for career growth. Once she gains the knowledge and becomes equipped with the desired degree and knowledge then she will have no issues moving up the ladder. She can easily gain the required educational and technical certifications so that she is able to move up the ladder. 3. Methods for career management The best way for career management is to be aware of the job skills requirements of the next step in the career and then acquire the required degrees and certifications. She can also keep a constant look out on the job openings and have her resume deposited with them so that she knows when any vacancy comes up. 4.An inventory of current skills, abilities, training, and education She is a punctual, dedicated and hardworking person. She also has the quality of multi-tasking and can easily handle multiple things at once. She is a very capable person and does not shy away from hard work. She has been working for past 15 years with such dedication for the same department and this point out the fact about her loyalty and her determination. She is also a person who seeks out better opportunities and that’s why she is availing the opportunity to earn her masters and progress up the ladder (Forsyth, 2002). 4. Job satisfaction attributes. The best way to observe whether the individual is happy about his/her job is to see the amount of dedication that the person has. If the person is dedicated and brings in newer ideas to work then he is satisfied his job. If an employee is satisfied with his job he will put in his best efforts and be honest with his own work. An unhappy employee will always complain and spread a negative word of mouth and this will have a bad impact on the company itself. All employees look forward to have a work life balance in their lives and this is one major promoter of job satisfaction in the employees. If the company offers flexible timings to their workers, the workers will be happy and they will remain satisfied and would also prefer to work for the organization. 5. Identification of three action steps to reaching stated career goals and objectives. The three actions steps are: Acquire the degree of masters in business. Gain the necessary training required for the job. And be able to convince the seniors that she is actually worth taking the job and has all the necessary skills and talent that are required to take the post. 6. Identification of potential barriers to reaching stated career goals. It is very necessary for her to realize that the possible barriers that she might face in the form of her own personality and her family background and family members. It is not out of an ordinary thing to have personal barriers, sometimes barriers are inherent and unobvious of them a person tries to take decisions and make use of the knowledge that he has gained. The major barriers that the person is never aware of are the mental barriers. These barriers stops the person from making any kind of decisions and also makes them act in ways that limit or restrict their movements from one tier of the organization to the other. If a person is aware of the biases that he might possibly have then it will help them make them proper decisions without any issues and biases. 8. An analysis of the affect of career training programs. Training programs if done after conducting through analysis and all the requirements have to be identified and then looked after. It is very important that the organization conducts training evaluation on regular basis so as to understand the reasons that have hampered the training from becoming successful. Through TNA a company is able to gain an insight into what actually the company requires. It is necessary that people involved in the research should be knowledgeable enough to gain a better insight into what actually is required by the company and be able to get the required training for the target areas. Training is quite a big investment that any organization makes and therefore they always look forward to evaluation as a very important part of the organization. It is necessary that the organization collects a regular feedback from the employees who have been parted with the training. Evaluations are done so that the company knows where the trainees stand and be able to analyze the impact of the training on the employees.The most used model by the organizations to evaluate the training that has been imparted is the Kirkpatrick model, this helps in getting a better idea about what actually has been the effect of the training. The evaluation of the training that is being done by the Kirkpatrick model is calculated at four levels. (Greenhaus, 1987). The best way to identify whether or not the training has been effective is to observe its transference during work. The knowledge that she will gain from the degree she will be able to know whether or not the work that she has learned is of value or not when she comes back for working. References: Forsyth, P. (2002). Career management. Oxford, U.K: Capstone Pub. Greenhaus, J. H. (1987). Career management. Chicago: Dryden Press. Right Management Consultants.(1988). Career management. Philadelphia: Right Management Consultants. Read More

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