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Welcome Letter to New Employees - Essay Example

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"Welcome Letter to New Employees" paper contains a letter in which the author gives information about Mind Technologies Inc., an IT related company created in 1999, deals in different types of software applications and hardware products. The IT industry is one of the giant industries in the world.  …
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Welcome Letter to New Employees
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Welcome Letter To New Employees March 05, Dear employees: I would like to welcome all of you to Mind technologies Inc. I am pleased that you have accepted our company’s job offer and have agreed to start working for us. I believe that your selection will be very beneficial for the success of our company. This letter, which I am writing to you, will be very informative for you, as you will get to know our company’s distinct culture in detail. First, I would like to give you some information about the company. Mind Technologies Inc., an IT related company created in 1999, deals in different types of software applications and hardware products. IT industry is one of the giant industries of the world (Justa, 2009). Our company not only develops efficient software applications but also provide valuable consultancy to other IT firms and multinational companies in solving their IT related issues. Mind Technologies is a dynamic information technology company that uses state of the art communication and information technologies in order to develop a variety of products related to the areas of interactive media, cell phone software, and business software applications. Our company has been successful in building a good reputation for quality and reliability. Mind technologies Inc. is the name of quality, inspiration, and innovative ideas that make it one of the world’s most reliable software companies. Our employees work on innovative ideas in order to provide something new to the customers. They thoroughly study every aspect of every new software or business application in order to insure authenticity and genuineness of the applications. We have been building software applications for the last 12 years servicing many valuable clients all over the world. Our team of professionals produces high quality software and hardware products with a high level of reliability and speed. Our company believes in providing consistency and quality to the customers in order to make them come back for more. Our committed and passionate team of professionals faces no difficulty working on heavy projects such as WAN-enabled scheduling and computer management systems. Jobs in information technology require some level of higher education (Salaam, 2011). Our existing employees are all computer science graduates having diverse experience in developing software products for a large number of companies. We have also developed web applications for some companies, which have automated the key business process of those companies. Our software developers possess sufficient experience in a wide range of database tools and programming languages such as VB.NET, ASP.NET, C-Sharp, C++, Java, PHP, 4D, and Microsoft SQL Server. We not only develop software products based on our own innovative ideas and concepts but also develop the applications on the requests of our customers. Our developers accurately focus the requirements of the customers while developing their requested software applications. Mind Technologies Inc. has three offices located in different states of the United States of America. Main office of the company is located in Washington D.C. whereas other two sub offices are located in New York and Chicago. Each office consists of almost 20 to 25 employees. For every office, there is a manager, who looks after all activities related to the office. Apart from the office manager, every department has also its own manager who has the responsibility to report all activities related to the department to the office manager. The office manager holds the responsibility to contact top management of the company. “A corporate structure is essentially the layout of the various departments, divisions, and job positions that interact to conduct the business of the company” (Tatum, 2010). There is a partnership mode of business in the company shared by three persons. Mind Technologies Inc. is not like traditional IT companies rather it holds a distinct structure that makes it attractive to the employees of the company. In traditional IT firms, there is hardly any existence of different departments for different purposes and all works such as software development, software testing, and software analysis are performed in one lab. However, in our company there is different department for every field of work. For example, the department for software development is different from the department of software analysis and there are separate labs for every other department. Having informed you about the company’s business and its basic structure, let me now tell you about the company’s corporate philosophy, goals, and culture. As far as company’s corporate philosophy is concerned, it is clear from the company’s mission statement that the company believes in quality and, for that, it strives to provide excellent quality products to the customers. Mind Technologies, Inc. embeds quality features in all of its products whether they are business applications or software and hardware products. The philosophy of the company is that innovation and quality are the keys to success in the current marketplace and every company should strive to incorporate these two characteristics in all business processes in order to gain a good position in the market. Now I would like to tell you about the goals of the company. The mains goals of our company include becoming top IT Company of the United States, providing the customers with high quality products, earning high revenues, and achieving a dominant position in the market. Our company wants to be the best software company having a large number of customers all over the world. I believe that our company has the potential to achieve our goals in the near future. We have employed highly talented computer science graduates who are fully dedicated to their job responsibilities and we firmly believe that their skills and abilities can make us achieve our goals in a very short span of time. The culture of our company is a very attractive one for the employees. The hiring practices, management style, and the company environment make the employees progress satisfied with the company. Employee engagement and behavior modification channels help a company create a desired culture (Munslow, 2010). Our company strongly believes in creating harmony among the employees. There is no form of discrimination anywhere in the company. The employees feel independent in the company’s environment and feel very comfortable with the management style and environment of the company. Culture of a company has great influence on the overall productivity and performance of employees. It not only makes the employees feel comfortable with the workplace environment but also increases employees’ productivity and efficiency. It is due to the influence of culture on a company’s success that almost every successful company puts great emphasis on making its culture welcoming for the employees. Mind Technologies Inc. is one of those companies, which give extreme importance to its culture and business ethics. The culture of our company is according to the standards of any successful company. We can observe our company’s culture truly in every aspect of business whether it is communication between the employees or any deal taking place between the company and its clients. In our company, communication between employees and upper management takes place through emails, which is a good way of communication. Email communications cut down response time delays and makes the concerned authorities get their required responses in a quick manner. In case of business deals, communication between clients and the company takes place in a friendly atmosphere, which makes both parties feel comfortable with the deal. Therefore, I would say that the culture in our company is at the heights of its spirits. Now, I would like to tell you the way you can implement the corporate philosophy, goals, and culture within a company. Philosophy of a company is the most important thing, which new employees need to know in order to succeed. In case of our company, the philosophy is that innovation and quality are the keys to success in the current environment and every company needs to incorporate these characteristics in all business processes in order to attain a good position in the market. New employees can learn a lot from the behavior of other employees and the environment in order to understand the company’s culture and corporate philosophy. If goals of a company are to become the top company of the country, to provide the customers with high quality products, and to achieve a dominant position in the market, the employees should make every effort to achieve those goals. In case of company’s culture, new employees should adopt the company’s culture as soon as possible in order to avoid all sorts of inconveniencies. Now, I would like to compare the culture of Mind Technologies Inc. with the culture of 1995 Auto Sales Inc. Auto Sales Inc. is an automobile company which incorporates true sense of culture in the company. All business processes of the company reveal the culture of the company. Mind Technologies, Inc. is not different from Auto Sales Inc. in case of company’s culture. Our company also incorporates highly influencing culture, which makes its employees feel comfortable with the company’s workplace environment. So, this was all about Mind Technologies Inc. I would like to welcome all of you again to our company. If you have more questions regarding the company or its culture and philosophy, do not hesitate to call me at ____ or drop me an email at _____.  Sincerely, Please write your name here.  References Justa, T. (2009). Software Technology Jobs in IT Industry. Retrieved from Munslow, D. (2010). Company Culture Driven by Internal Communications. Retrieved from Salaam, L. (2011). What Is Information Technology?. Retrieved from Tatum, M. (2010). What is Corporate Structure?. 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