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Application Essay Ever since I was young, I had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, options and power. Knowing my desires, I understood from the very beginning that I was born to play with numbers, their organization and their management. I held on to mathematics until my major program, because I wanted to perfect my analytical skills. I am now standing at a point in my life, where my education and work experience have crafted me as a candidate ready to pursue on my career in the field of management.
At this point, I consider the graduate program of Management at Adelphi University a necessary part of my life, as it will provide me an opportunity to sharpen my analytical skills and gain a broader understanding of management. Moreover, I will be allowed to learn and study with people from diverse backgrounds due to the location of the university in one of the most famous cities of the world.I have been the studious person always. I never joined clubs or societies, and never participated in sports.
Instead I spent all my time studying devotedly. I have reached a point in my life where I want to develop a meaningful social life and make a name for myself, and I believe Adelphi can help me groom myself in all successful ways possible. By providing me exposure to learning tools, networks and resources, the graduate program at Adelphi will ensure that my money, energy and time investments are well rewarded. What special considerations, if any, should the Admissions Committee be aware of in reviewing your application?
Do you believe that your college grades accurately reflect your academic capabilities? Why or why not?I believe that my academic credentials must be taken into account while the Admissions Committee reviews my application. Being a math major, the courses are so extensive, that it is natural that there is less time for sports or extra-curricular involvement. Answering whether the academic credentials accurately reflect the academic capabilities is quite easy for me, as I will answer with an affirmative.
Although I do believe that there should be no discrimination between a student who earns a 3.6 GPA and a student who earns 3.2 GPA. The reason is because academic credentials not only highlight the capability of a child at a subject, but also how the examiner evaluated the child. It is also possible that a child does great at one subject, and does terrible at another minor subject, but the bad grade at the latter takes down his overall percentile.In my high school, I did not pay so much attention to my studies, and cruised through the years with A’s and B’s.
In college, I tried to do the same, but the end results were far below my capabilities. Ever since then, I started to attack whatever course I got and learned everything I could during that time, and my grades instantly improved. So I can say that my academic credentials do stand for what I am today.
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