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Role of Team Building Exercises - Essay Example

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The paper "Role of Team Building Exercises" argues that team-building exercises help to improve productivity in organizations, to learn how to communicate effectively, which is translated to the workplace. Effective communication would result in great working relationships and effective teamwork…
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Role of Team Building Exercises
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Team building exercises help in the development of trust among employees. Trust and effectiveness will help eliminate baseless arguments in the workplace. Instead, employees will focus on helping each grow as professionals. The overall team productivity is bound to increase.

The other factors that might result in profitability after corporate retreats are motivation and familiarity. Employees get to know each other, which benefits the whole team. Employees feel motivated because the company cares for their well-being. Motivated employees mean increased output.

2. There are several ways to build effective and encourage teamwork. First, one can organize a meeting for all employees. The meeting can be done in the workplace. It will provide an opportunity to brainstorm on how to improve the company. It is a chance for employees to familiarize themselves with fellow employees. Alternatively, the company can simulate tasks that require teamwork and choose teams to participate. The winning team can receive credits in the form of gifts. The key is to emphasize the importance of teamwork. These alternatives can achieve the same objectives achieved by corporate retreat. In addition, they are much cheaper compared to the cost of corporate retreats.

3. The company can find the best place to fit employees that lack athletic ability. For example, employees who lack an athletic team can be part of the team involved in formulating strategies for how to win. In addition, the organization can organize exercises that do not demand too much athletic ability. Employees who perform poorly in athletic activities will feel left out. One is likely to feel discouraged and alien to the team. Team building will drive the poorly performing employee to avoid being with the team. It will separate the individual from the team. Therefore, the organizer must find a way to include the individual in other games.

4. Advancements in technology have made it possible for people to communicate and interact even if they are worlds apart. The company can create chat rooms for employees to brainstorm on issues affecting company operations. Moreover, the organization can opt to use computer games that require teamwork and strategy. The manager will then divide employees into two groups in different chat rooms. The teams can compete as a team. It is possible with strategy games that entail multi-players who form a team. They are then given a mission to complete. In the process, employees will learn much about each other. Above all, they will learn the importance of teamwork. It is also a chance for employees to define their roles within the team. Read More
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